JIJA V ■r. KT KM H M t 3*. HUM T II I Bedridden Three Years, ||f»|ulllM,< Kansas Lady Still Smiles Hood Tavern II O N N I \ I L I . I » M l I II II O M (; L E LLE VE N » > ■< \I>E !.<)( l o ( . H A D L *,< H OtM , • By Robert Morgan) Cayo have left the fourth and third grades respectively, their parent* having moved to Portland. II er<- mi lk children «-nrolled in Azalea and W ilbur Madman have t)i<- first grade .-fit.-i»*d the fourth and third grades. They are living on the Lockw ood Th<- first g lid e Is having a health' place, and form erly attended school contest m which the pupils are very at Jackson Prairie, near Chehalis, Intel.st.il I'.-d, James and i'auline h a .e reeeived a health star every »lay. RrPMMPr Height*, Kan T o her hci|*l-, elved about boat building They are uiak* mon* thun l.iaat greeting rani* from itig a thorough study by carrying all over the i:n i(«••) State« ami i;«i- i ut an inteie.ting project. rofie, T in t, are 2*. enrolled In the *ec- In the arrivent Mina ltn>' h ni-ik wjia fractured In tw o piace* rimi ' nil grade j„ f Biu-lirr. Hwin-r The Hth grade clast is studying dislocateli in a third Surgeon» Kngland A lim .M. IN'TITI TION X fear timt un np«-i itimi ma.\ co»t lier life, l'Ut R.iullne smiles ami apphkciatks y »»r it » an va : PATRONAGE MON N KVII.I.K » ( IIOOI. “ I'm having u l*»r o f fun Just g„. Ing on from dny to «].-is y«-* j \ „ ------------ I A RAW AND « I H club work has been added to[ read about Miss Ann Rocker o f MILK I'ufTnlo, who*.* * h is tie#*j| . ,|||4 .1 the activity p.-riis] o f the Bonneville ho(ie|e«s und who has asked d o c­ grad*- "i r.ool under direction o f Mis* Merritt tors to end her *tiff«-rlng. Hoyt 4-H d u b ha* selected “ Camp i i “ I sympathize with her. hut I as their project. O fficer* believe she should tr\ and go on Cookery elected are Billy Fargher, presi­ living. T h ere Is a 1 wu>> hope. There dent Charles Hraund. vice-pdrsi- muy he a bright
  • for her." d«-nt . Richard Carter, secretary. Meeting* are held every Thursday « I * from 2 C. to 3:30 R M W ash. Hetty Lou C 5.s.,ow vi i us again in the fourth g-ad. . She nt to schoiil a while at C -sca d e Locks. Th e picture sht/W this week was “ T ripoli” and was much enjoyed. The first and second grades were invited. Hollywood Dairy GRADE PASTEURIZED ¿ l LeRoy 's Heanty \ Shop : (PERMANENT W A V E S ; S I.95 u p for Spanish Architecture ____ Orders for The OREGONIAN LOt h* ! 1.1 \ M Its in i* CVÑIAIH. LOCKS REFRESH Y O U R S E L F at COMMUNITY C E N T E R Fountain and luneti »ervice. Billiard* - - . Itecreatlon. Roller Towel Mitra«« C h icago It tai .Mi average of tw o und .in • ■ (■ n .*» of auto­ ma M.- roller f i to th e hand and f o f the pim*) persons who vl.lt Mm Merchandise Mart, huge v. ,o|i- lio 'c it y under one roof' I : **» ■ • The P A R I S F A I R SPECIAL RAYON ms PUMPS and S L IP P E R S Broken lots, regular SI &» val- "• Clearance Price SI..TH SPECIAL CHILDREN S S L I P ­ PERS and O X F O R O S all sires Clearance price, ______ th>- psu , BOYS O X F O R D S H OSh t i ir Ladles Kn«**’ high and full length. New hall shade .’ -V ANKLETS for Children and Ml*»* * h riire* 4*^ to to Hood assortment of Id color*............... P U R E SILK H OSE L A D IE S Y ou ’ ll be surprised value*. The pair at your MEN s M E A V Y Lined size. tl.4ri k n it „ c OAT J A C K E T S Plain tJld belted back A moat •Wiafactory work jacket, 36 1 1 _____________ m ■PUPPS • s o x ** Girls Hnd Young Men. ^ »turdy ones that will you the lH»st of wear I An f m SPECIAL LADIES' H O S E ? nnfl to tt°n, nn«l R ayon Wool I lose. A good look- receive awards with the Bon­ neville Scouts. If you are interested in seeing some of the accom plisn- ments o f the boys lx- sure to com e. Miss Cecile Schreyer from P ort­ land was at Bonneville school in the interest o f the Christmas seal cam ­ paign last week. Mrs. Catherine W ebster, Multno- 1 mah county school nurse, w as here Wednesday. Priscilla Blanchard and Shirley L A D IE S P U R E SILK H OSE Both service weight and chif- *4 * • fun FMII fashioned . i r .lOe Th o pair T W O T H R E A D H OSE la d le s ’ Pure Crepe Silk. Full M.;a fashioned The pair in and try your hand — you might bow l your w a y into # som e fa t p r i z e s . i t # ; Bonny Villa Tavern I * Hal R olf Jimmy v»vvwvvwvvvvvvwvvvvvvwvvvvvv»vvvvwvvwvvvw vvvvvwvvwvvw h J “ The T a s te is th e T e s t’' "3l Çr’ «I Ifcr t Hl I L I vL SPECIAL New Suit Line 5 «* <► <► :: <> V I S I T OUR I INEN DEPARTM ENT W ALKER Th e largest ami most complete In the city. * 2nd Moor. Save your Duplicate Sales Slips for Sept. [SCOTCH WHISKY I i 1 $25 to $55 guarantee* every suit a p oifect fit or money refunded-. AMERICAN BLENDED AMERICAN BLENDED Suits and C oats Shaker knit, coat style. Values to $4 W. Clearance price II.M OUR IN F A N T S W E A R DEPARTM ENT •.un* nt MEN'S ANI) LA D IES' IN D IV ID U A LLY T A IL O R E D Price for W orthwhile Gifts 2nd Floor i SEE O tm N EW F A L L LINES M EN S SW EATERS You may have bought on the lucky day. J these Ha Not all »4^., l)ut a rwu fmr. W® If we have fletrann- Price "Handwork A Beginning Course i in Sewinj hat been selected fo ri the girl.- 4-H club. O fficer* elected are S.uly McMullen, president; o lg a B ainloff. vice-president, and Edith Shinn, secretary. Meetings will be h. d Moi day s from 2:15 to 3 30 R M. W etliiro, Teva« This city plana S I to “de Am ericanize • Itself and Iny J em phasis on the spunls.’i Influence, S architecturally. S % ’ M erchant* ind l;inf palms will he lar cia - s period Tuesday. The co u itc plantet! to add to the Spanish at­ wdl include puppet construction, manipulation and staging. m osphere. I O X FOR I e le p h o n e \ r r a n g e m e n t s it |> to date? Texas Town Spurns U. S. î ' VftVe A' l a d ie s Are your - ÍÜB Aorosn from Post O ffice Cascade Locks Phone 2t2 JtÊm r P in t 95c P in t $1.05 F if t h $1.45 F if t h $1.60 • 10' on Laundry, cash and carry. K.V ch lining and pressing Men » Suit . r Top t oot, cash and carry. Locks Cleaners Laundry DTCH W HISKY A Bit o f Old Scotland at a Price You Can Pay