,o. *KrT r it I<’ - IW<* children from Salt A rch ie A n d erson « end R odney Baird tend Corhett high 1« a Junior Bonneville *! t T ^ ■ l.ak<- vU ited the o v e r th<- w eek­ la «ta y tn * to a t­ n< hool w h .ig fie Archie Cook went buMtruv«« Monday. board Of au .«t4«r» met .*, for tin- purpose o f " J , th- com in * w in ter 11 ° v N E ' i II 11 K 1» A M C II K O N I C Truckers Seek Relief to Portland on A complaint court nuking to restrain John the TW O county B ake., T h e H urry F r a ile r * have returned from a «hurt va< ation. statute in rjueation is unconMitution- al ;»« it jx-rmlts public utility cor* M r« Eora Finley. T h e Ep w orth I «-ague at it« laal m eeting presented a gold league em ­ blem button to H oward Harrioon, who w ith E v e rlll B rolllar h a« left to attend Pai ifl< college at New - In-rg. O re funnelilie f t ■ **in hndi i . >>r Sued*), September 13 All j pH*. ejgbtn grade or o\er. I IBtefeated «hould lx- at the w U 1 I ' l l n.-xt Sunday SJOC of officer« By H*ye* Bonneville Super- min. vl*iten Hound’ I p I r l - «ch u tes riv er fm hin * hatchery. The com plainant« Hthtcd that they ' iniroon-.l th*t Buckley en M r and Mm Jim W arnirk m o­ intended to haul hard* o f iitcel ex- buckin* contest on « e v e n tored to the roundup Saturday. i •-.•ding the ntatutory length limit o f ^ , u thmwn I A. anil M r« C Honest e*l iuid •IS feet for single veh icle« o ver the d Mr* I* A Johnaun «»f M r and M r« I E Burk* nl*o mo highw ay* of thi* county, ano that h*d dinner with the Ernest toriwl to the roundup Saturday. they had b«-on informed tfiey would i surxUy. M r and Mm Norm an Mann u w lx- constrained by arrest or oth er­ rot >U * Portland visitor the hom e «how at Salem Saturday wise from mm ing their loads Wlfht and Sunday. T fie complaint a!*o dec! a rm the j Mr* Rsu White of M< ty'giti ifi* staying * i the U*,r dauyhtrr Mm H»«n- ion They went ti» the Pen- Miad-t.'p with the fe. C. I, Cascade L o c k » Res. 1172 ky R o * k » of T y rre ll'« tavern, tui daughter in Portland Koch left Saturday to con- ha course at the t'niverwty o f He will be a sophomore ifid Mr* 8. M Bam! and art N e w Mm trim HEALTH P h i lc o Color Dial tred SHOES! resses addition to their $495 fin e c o m fo r t and w e a rin g •fitas. Crepes. Prints. ' Fall Colors . . , N e w - ... A good assort- t o( sizes. Lovely Formats S 6.95 Satins and Crepes ^ and high colors in M to 20. New Fall Coats qualities, Trim Treds w ill ac­ tually save you money on hose. Their splendid fit at heel re­ moves the frictio n usually taring Apparel to suit j Foreign Tu nin g System N o w you can get Europe . . . South America . . . Asia . . . not as an occasional thrill, but as reliable, enjoy­ And by automatically tuning the Philco High-Efficiency Aerial, the built-in Sherbroc'd Philco Foreign T im in g System more than doubles ,, the foreign stations you can PHILCO fill) .1 get and enjoy! American re­ (illu itra te d ) ception is finer, too. Come in ^ 6 4 95 and select your new 1937 Philco — and keep in touch with the Swank com pleto — with Ph ilco high e ffic ie n c y a eria l — nothing else to buy. fy nee(l and to fit cv ‘ Purse. w orld! Am azing new values! 32 N e w P h ilco s S22 w Leonora Specialty Shop 00(1 River, Oregon For Philco offers you the sensational built-in Philco Foreign easily, quickly, accurately. $ 12.75 nt other N ew PHILCO 7im in g System that enables you to tune by name . . . stockings .-.Try a pair. toasts. te20. New 1937 able sources o f radio entertainment! responsible for holes in your 'ool-lmed and inter- • •. New colors and ti*e popular siies . . . used in the Philco F or eign tu ning System. Foreign »rations are spread farther dparr . . . named and lo­ cared on the dial, in color . . . enabling you to tune b> name —- easily, quickly. iicurately. ^ H00 w BARTOL MOTOR CO. The Chevrolet Garage Hood River, Ore.