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About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1936)
THE BONNEVILLE DA Delivered by Mail Weeks T hon ff ht -r e a t fít M tis f« *« -*“ * “ ,n 'A,«oodu (î î 1 _ 11iih»b«»rt» N» !4 th Rock nel R eaches Feet CHRONICLE IIOOII HI \ I It i G R O U P W il l. STUDY ART. A RUCRE A T ION A committee to stud) re< n ational | advantages of the Cascade Me ks | and lhsinevllle dam area will 1 » ap- I |>omted soon hy Ira Owen, president I westward at on aver- j o f the Cascade b * ks chamber of I commerce, the rbnniln r members t of tight f«*‘ v r wt,rk" the Ortno-Blrkemricr-Hare- I decided at Tuesdnv's noon meeting lpaj)v had aunk the *a*t The committee will considei oppor tbr WO foot Tooth Hock tunities offered for hunting fisninr. j tunnel past the f«wi*l < ainping. hiking, s ig h t-w ing boat- vrr* and were xlIII in | ing. and other pastime* that will ftk attract tourists and residents to the nft ■ formation week eight arrtca of blasts are* Chamber members also dis< usned off. with a total drift o f 52 the week previous aevrn ! a celebration of the completion of hlaal* nett«) 13 feet, mean- the water works when the city fire M-foot drill holes are bring men hold their hall at Merrill's pa 1 vilion in October Jimmy ltoesi> has t used oufh the formation haa been named chairman of the dance | awvrwhat from that rn- i committee by the firemen ■t the start. It Is still a clean grade of brokrn use as the bare for the new of highway from the riajrln fififer station went to a point BoWlevlII-- sehool Isr errw Is shoving the tun- from the west end at a much ■peed making only abotif t day The west shaft 1* Eleven protection men have been feet long to dale, and the ordered o ff duty from their head bring followed a» clossiy aa quarters at the Columbia Gorge with timbering because of ranger station Rnnger Hoy W ee man formation of the rock said yesterday The men have been « have turn preparing on special duty since July 1, but bins, as the O It S company last week-end's rains ended the most (H concrete poured at the crucial period It la possible . o im u, before w * * W eather s*-’ e o f the men may go bark on duty ikisii are no* ¡»<, concerned should the weather turn dry for an the cast end where the rock eat ended period. Is not apt to give way. This season has been one ot the bar* struck no ground water ' least destructive fire seasons in hit engineer» do not care to years, the station report* only 11 may lie ahead In the way ! fires having been discovered in the sad dangerouh formations. ¡a re a , compared with 41 laat year. Protection Men Recalled By Ranger C.C.C. workmen at the station are constructing a new 40 by M) ware house, where trucks as well as tools anil equipment will be ston'd W ork men arc also busy on the stone re l Martin, the boy whose trom- taining wall back of the office, P educated to quack like n which Joins the concrete retaining [W. bring hia screwy (wind of wall back o f the warehouse ’krt'ant» to Hyland's pavilion The full concrete basement tinder 1 Bonneville Thursday, Sep- the office has been completed, and 21 for a one-night stand. the concrete basement under the Ihc season's iwnsntlon bunkhouae is nearly complete * orchestral innovations. ® A outfit which puts ■If number* galore Th ey're H O N N M II.I K M IIOOI. ~~ ,lx *’cek» at the Nata- With Mrs B F Carter of Warren- | bpokane. and are on their dale the only returning officer, the *« California They also school Parent-Teacher ** kcElroy's m Portland Bonneville association met Wednesday at the tbii y*ar school gymnasium and appointed a nominating committee to choose nominees for the other positions, VD' RKCONI i i t i o n KD hl«d 8tales engineers' boat which w ill be voted upon at the next had the ex|M-rlenre o f meeting Mrs. Carter Is vie« presi r ,k'' power house sev* dent. Children in the third and fourth **0' la drydoeked at ®****<h“ the engineers' oar- grades have two brand new indoor P where it ia undergoing baseballs and a new bat to use dur having a new streamline ing n*ceaa, and all rooms have been built. provided with new clocks except one «*ntri.| will i„. changed irom room In which the school's old clock o d , ^ ronfri(1 fn im th|. is located. Moving pictures were Wd “ • 'hotora will receive a shown for the lower grades 'I uesday. Mug-over. |, (|| ,.Xpt.cted Hetty Jo Silver haa returned to ■ »ill be recommissioned school from the state fair at Salem 1 SS MUSICIANS LLEl) A T HYLAND S Wo,hft' month. T^ m,i‘ ,,A s CONTEST ,ro,,», * » Of t’aacsde . with SOnnK an inter-patrol K IN IlK.Kti %RTEN OPEN:* Mrs. M M Harrell announces the opening o f kindergarten class»'« in the Bonneville auditorium Monday. PfOleet fr"* ,rtf* U> *h,‘ ¿ Z thP to the September 21. with classes scheduled from 9 15 to 11:30 each morning for Point. “ * * ,,n d ' * f ■ * « r' b'”lr>K awarded children from three to six venrs of The s T 1 W,,* r‘n» of the age Anyone wishing further Infor 1(0 ^ * P* tro1 w,,n two mution may reach Mrs Harrell at thp Beavers thio tho auditorium between 9 A M to U M. Monday to Friday inclusive. I \IIE MM k)*. Rankin Still In Doghouse With County <' I. Kankin. who for a month and a half ha* been attempting to win re««ignit ion as just ici - of the pi ' i l l ' «* in ( ’anead«* 1 L e k», remain» a ti.tin with«nul1 an iufflce ho far a» Hood Hiv#* r c■ounty officiala are con - • - , i . ..A IIONM M I.I.K REED BUILDS SW IN G BAND A T MERRILL S\ A real swing hand is the desire | of Bobby Reed, nimble footed and nimble witted orchestra leader and master of ceremonies at M errill's Columbia Gardens in Cascade Locks. With the addition o f two new pieces and a complete new library of music. Heed hopes to have his boy* "sw inging it" in hotter and hotter fashion as the season moves on. Already his orchestra is said by many to be out and away the best in the Columbia gorge, and getting b 't.-i every time they hit up a tune. Th . i -<i.iy night was recently added to the week's dancing calendar at .Me,rill's, b'-sides the Saturday night affair- with rash attraction and the Sunday night dances Merrill's is the only pavilion in the vicinity with regular midweek dances. Every Friday Three Months for 50c E K ID A Y , SE PT. 18, 193«. Second Series Of Pours Under Way First concrete pours have been made in sections 60, 50, 40 and 30, 6B, 5B and 4B, th<- fishw ay entrant-«', wing wall, cutoff wall, and the up stream trench o f block 5, and work men are now cleaning up and pre paring to pour abutment 1 and make second pours in the fishway en trance, wing wall, cu toff wall and blix-k 5A. The sections lettered " A " com prise the foundation blocks and con necting foundations for the piers themselves; " B " , the raised apion or baffle section, and " C " , the apron. A slide which threa’ened in section 30 did not occur until a fter the first p< ur had been made which was all the dam officials had betn afraid of. The slide was of small moment and quicklv cleaned up. The monighan is now engaged in taking out t h ; cribs for the ola cof- ierdam. The dragline w ill remove the roadway which leads down into .section 2C. and which the monighan used when it descended into and as cended from the cofferdam pit. It is expected that the north snore fishway will protect the ga n try crane trestle from slides along the bank. The trestle was not affected by the 1000-yard slide which otcurred a few weeks ago, but might be dam aged by similar slides in the future. R nkm i ■îat unlay fined M L Mor- jean <.f c RJ« ;o¡. I $15 on an {«MU It and blittery complaint lodged by A Geitner Hankin issued a warrant f >r Morgan s arrest which w s« nerved by Del Elllff, Bridge of the God.- employee and only deputy sheriff in the county whom Sheriff Ediek ha»l not instructed to serve n<> papers for Hankin. Morgan did not pay the fine, and say a he do< s not intend to do so, | as county officials have told him Hankin ha- no authority to near cases and assess fines. Hankin tendered his bond of office j and transmitted fines to Mrs. Jessie j Bishop Hood River county treasur er. but she returned them to him, I saying *h«* was instruted to do so by I Simplification of Cascade Locks' District Attorney John Baker, who j election law will be asked at the maintains James A. Stranahan o f November eh-ction when a charter H<«sl River is the only justice of amendment is offered to the voters, the peace in the county. In u recent letter Governor Charles Teums Wyera, city attorney, indi Martin told Rankin that if a justice cated at Monday night’s council of the peace district had not in fact meeting. been created by the Hood Kiver Heretofore the charter iiaa called county court, his appointment was for election o f three of the six coun null and void, since creation or re cil members each year, the election T H E T A RHO GROUP moval of such a district lies entirely to be held in December on the odd IN S TA LLED A T LOCKS within the court's discretion. veer and at the regular November year and at the regular November Ten Cascade Loks girls were initi MISSISSIPPI ANS WILL election on the even. year. ated into Omega Theta Rho cJub No- APPEAR HERE AG AIN The new amendment w ill provide 24 at a ceremony Tuesday night in for four-year terms for council mem the I.O.O.F. hall attended by Mrs. The Mississippians, famous Negro bers, three to be elected at the reg u -! Estelle Weed, president o f the state quartet traveling in the interests of Inr biennial balloting. Simplicity and ! Rebekah assembly, and Mrs. Mc the Plney Woods school, I-oumiana. economy are the chief reasons f o r , Collum, secretary o f the state assem the amendment. W yers bly. will sing a return engagement in offering Bonneville Thursday, September 24. said. He feels that no opposition Those initiated were Helen Rosen- in the auditorium. An entirely new should or will be offered to the! back, Eileen Sprague, Arrne Ras pn -ram o f songs will be presented, amendment. mussen, Shirley Woodward. Jean City Recorder W. J. Carlson r e - 1 Hardy, Beth Manchester, Geraldine although spiritual and semi-popular ported water system reeipts for July Rankin, DeEtte Moore, Delma Span numbers will be sung. The quartet drew an audience o f and August were $332. The system gler, Jean Orvis. .' uni at their first appearance here, now ha« about 175 customers, of The Hood R iver Theta Rho club whom about 75 are served by n e w ; No. 4 did the initiatory work. Tw en and were enthusiastically received. pipe and the remainder by other sys ty delegates from Skamaiua R e tems taken over by the city. Of the bekah lodge in Stevenson also at ( L I B ELECTS remaining citizens in the city, Mbout tended. Tw enty-four girls from the The Bonneville Woman's com- 40 are served by the old government Hood R iver club came down fo r the munitv club will have a social meet line which operates the locks, and ceremony. ing Thursday. September 24, at 2 another 16 or so receive water from An enormous cake and ice cream p M in the auditorium. Crystal springs. were served afterwards. At their Inst meeting the women A petition, by' Della E. Smitn to Mrs. Earl Shank o f Hood R iver elected Mrs C. F. I-ewnllen presi move her restaurant business from was the installing officer, assist«'*! dent. Mrs Stanley Levack vice-pres the Dew drop inn to the former site by Mrs. M. L. Morgan. Mrs. k . J. ident, Mrs l-yle Hiekok secretary of the Eimer Electric store was Wuner, and Mrs. Lester Sprague. and Mrs Fox treasurer. Six new granted. At Theta Rho's first business board members were also chosen. Bill I-ange lodged a complaint with meeting, Beth Manchester was th«1 council against the water system elected president; G erry Rankin, contractor, whose men. he said, vice-president; DeEtte Moore, sec I l l NT P L A N N E D Seven members o f the Izaak W a l filled a drainage ditch in front of retary. and Helen Rosenback, treas ton league of Bonneville are plan his property with waste material, urer. Mrs. Sprague w ill be advisor, ning n big venison chase down the knocked down two fence posts and assisted by some Rebekah o f the south fork of the John Day river shoved dirt over onto his lawn. girls' choice. October I» Those who w ill partici Harry Kuckenberg. the contractor, pate are Bud Hawkins. Ed Turrish. who attended the meeting, said he j DEMO WOM EN M E ET Bonnie Whitsett. Bud Thompson, would have the damage repaired. Ten Democratic women leaders o f Roland Miller. Leo Miller and Ed The complaint had not come to his Hood R iver county met at the home attention prior to Monday night. Thompson. An ordinance liensing wood deal o f Mrs. C. E. Miller Thursday in ers at $25 per year and electricians Hood R iver to talk over campaign B i l l . ATTEN D C O NV EN TIO N and plumbers at $10 per year was plans. Mrs. C F. LewaJlen o f Cas K L McGee, superintendent oi the passed. Quarterly licenses in the cade Locks, district organizer, at United States engineers' garage in same categories are $7.50 and $3. tended the meeting. A luncheon meeting w ill be held Bonneville, will drive back to Atlan The original figure of $25 per year at 1 P.M. next Friday in Hood R«ver, tic City. N. J., for sessions of the for all three classifications brought National Safety council October 5 to immediate protest from the eleotri- j which any interested Demo* ratie {l McGee will represent the United dans and plumbers, who won a lo w - ! woman may attend. Speakers from Portland will be obtained foi the States engineering department at the meeting. (Continued on Page Sixteen meeting. Locks May Get Ballot Law Changed