Ar h »; m 1 11 >• H II N N F V I I. I. F R A M ».Mi'fcH i>. »> m Mr. O w r i « Price and her b o y » went »hopping in Portland Wednes­ day. Dodson Mr» linker and her niece, Mi». Maker of Portland, vial ted (B) Mr. Hw°W M< Hh»tk«> with Mr» C. C. McGowan lawt Kri- GUnn B ro«rr. M r. Virgil j day. The Maker» Mre ju»t returning v r .ml Mr» W H lrvrin» of ; from a trip to Hpokane, Wash H e le n '< « , * » vlaitrd Mr*. C A Hlrorn Mr and Mr» I.yle Correli drove to Portland last Hat unlay. „ Friday Mr and Mr» Joe Murher iktj\> to |gr .nd Mr. Jam-* Laah drove lo Moaier after peat-he. laat Wedru-a- |tnJ Saturday day. 1 « , ^ Murrt» I rum Fort Hill. Mr» Know « »later, l.urle Kalaton, v U itr d h ‘ * « u n ' » n d u n c ,< "- uid Mr. Thom»* Murrl» l«at ■layed with Mr and Mrs K L. Know the la»t part of the week Mr» Cora Kimbrough of Tacuma, Wash . stayed with Mr and Mr». Clyde Kimbrough» over the holiday. I r EFRESH Y O U R S E L F at Mr». Cora Kimbrough 1» Mr. Kim­ brough'» mother COMMUNITY C E N T E R Mr» W H Marlon wai In Port­ land shopping last Friday. MnUln affi l'»*»‘*l» *rrUce. Mr and Mrs R. E Kilnk and miliari« - - - H*rr«*UoO. ■mall »on visited the E K Kobnett» W V, B O N N E V IL L E G IF T S H O P on the He»er%atlon wmm 'M m m . First N a tio n a l Bank O F MOOD R I V E R CAPITAL AND S U R P L U S . TO t a i . R E S O U R C E S .......... wm>. 115,000.00 1,450,000.00 wmmm Free Pick Up & Delivery Service In Cascade Locks Daily Freight Service to and from Portland and Hood River. LESTER AUTO FREIGHT, INC c. J. W E L L S Local Representative at the TOOTH ROCK GARAGE Cascade l ock* Phone ‘393 Anderson F u n era l Home Howl River, Oregon Slate st. A M B IT ,ANCE SERVICE Phone 1391 full line of m ad era L E N IN E I-ord Byron, although he died at Hearty Laugh» Win Life Pa»» to Movie Theater Dedham, Mu»»,— 'I be worm turn» ami so do theuter tnannger». 1 or year. Herbert I.. Ohrenberg- er lias been Insulted, cautioned and ejected by theater mu miger* be­ cause h„ laughed too long and too loud at coined leu. Movie* be. mum . nightmare» o f fenr to him. Tip toeing theater manager* haunt­ ed hi* dream* Mut »till he could not control hi* laughter. Finally a manager, more of an opporl ii ii 1 h t than hi* colleague*, Changed the rocky tenor o f Ohren- berger’a life. It wa* during n particularly rlof- oip« comedy In a Itoston theater, (ihrenherger and a party o f friend* were in the audience. Ohrenberg- er’» well-developed *en*e o f hu­ mor win touched, lie howled Hrul laughed, *«iulrined In hi* sent and laughed Home more. The audience, nrnUHed by the comedy, w n* elated with Ohrcn- herger * laugh. Ill* *olo became a clioru* and the theater rocked with glee. Thl* time the manager naked to aee him Iri Id* office, Mulled nnd pre«ente.| the laugh leader with n life pa«« to the theater. prolific English poet» In hi» life ­ may be left al the LO C K* CLEANERS in time he composed 60,000 line» of pub- lisbed poetry. CASCADE LOCKS *---------- ---- ■=* Visit COBB’S D R E S S SHOP IIOOD KlYKIt. OREGON FO R REAL B A R G A IN S T H A T PLEASE ARE SURE TO Lingerie Sport Wear Gowns, Step-ins, Bloomers, Combinations, Slips. Chiffon and service weight Hose. W o o l Skirts, Sweaters— Slip •>ver and open. Also twin sets Scarfs, Berets. Infants ’ Dept. Hand emboidered Dresses. Robes, Gowns, Blankets. Baby Buntings, Sweaters. Hoods, etc. A score of gift novelties. Wash Dresses Guaranteed fast colors— the newest print and styles. La­ dies’ sizes to 52— children's 1 to 14— largest assortment in Hood River. New Silk Dresses Mr» C. A Robertson's uncle, Ern- ••*t Maker, »pent u few day» with the HoberUon* last week. !Houses New Neckwear Silk and cottom— smart tai­ lored styles for fall. Sizes 34 to 46. The smartest collection we have ever shown. Mr and Mr* A K DeTemple and Mr and Mr*. George Weber were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Price last Sunday. Mr and Mr*. L. o. Locke were Portland shoppers Friday. Mrs Ted Johnson'» mother and »i*ter. Mrs Iela Mathew» and Miss Jean Mathew» visited with the John­ son* over the holiday. The Thompson children who were visiting with Mr and Mrs Magill have returned home. Mr and Mrs Edward Frank of I .a Grande, Or . were dinner guests of Mr and Mra. C. A. Strom on Labor day. Mr and Mrs Rex Bauer drove to Portland last Saturday. Mr and Mrs Dick CorreTl drove to Portland last Friday where they en­ joyed a game of golf. Mr and Mrs M. M McCrady drove to Cle Elum. Wash., last Thursday, where they attended Mr. McCrady’* brother's wedding. BUI McCrady married Miss Jeanette Drees last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Bradburn vis­ ited with Mr and Mrs. C. A. Strom on Monday. Mr and Mrs George Beilin mo­ tored to Portland last Saturday. Mrs James la sh 's mother. Mrs. Krauth from Han.met, Idaho, visited with the Lash's the first part of last week. Mr and Mrs. Harold McShatko drove to Portland for Labor day. Mrs. M M McCradv's father and mother. Mr and Mrs. B M Price of Portland spent the holiday with the McCrady». Mr and Mrs. E. S. Bar- num also visited them Monday. Mrs. Rarnum is Mrs. McCrady s sister. Dodson resilient.» all seem to be wondering if Ernest Weiss had a good time nt the beach. K N IT T IN G DEPA I N S T R U C T I O N S F R O M 2 P. M . to 6 P. M . See the N e w Fall Yarns and Style Books M any other articles are offered at lowest cash prices. W e are better prepared to serve you in our— N E W ENLARGED DEPARTM ENT Miss Thelma Neeland formerly of the Bon-Ton Shop announces to her friends and customers that she has purchased M IL D R E D S B E A U T Y S H O P Located at Barton’s Barber Shop 113 Third St.— Hood River, Ore. Opening Specials $5.00 P E R M A N E N T for $ 3.50 Oil permanent, including shampoo, either hair-cut, French curls and or waves— all for— E N T E R OUR Big Buck Contest . . . High quality sweet and dry wines. Ask for our recipe booklet CASCADE LOCKS TH E OREGONIAN Street and afternoon types— sizes 14 to 52 for dinners . . . parties . . . Celebrations M ERR/LL'S TAVERN Otilen for the age of 37, was one o f the most w in e s a - ------------------ - -A on Thursday. Mr and Mr*. Klink are from Portland Mr and Mrs K L. Snow druve to Maryhill, Wash . over I-abor Day. They planned to go through the Hill caatle while there . $ .. C H R O N I C a m m u n it io n T IR E S — B A T T E R IE S AND ACCESSORIES L. R. FREYGANG Thelma’s Beauty Shop 113 Third Street Hood River Phone 2871 Aulhorl/ctl Dealer WESTERN \l HI Si PI’ LY COMPANY :trd anti Cascade Phone 3733 $ 2.50 °coo Res. 2581 Appointments Evening by Request