sk »TKMBg| HISTOR Cross Stitch Sam pler 1he 1A ST OF THE c o m (N m e ' ! CVINIMti comi in me no*niH<i / COLONEL CODY ros Cody once undertook to supply ihs work ingm en on the K ansas Pacific Railway with buffalo m e a l and to well did he suc ceed that he becam e known a s Builalo BILL In 1878 Cody w as with the U. S. Cavalry that went to avenge the death of Gen. Custer. He encountered Yallow Hand, the C heyenne Indian Chief. In a hand to- h and contest fought with knives, and slew him I In 1883 Cody organised the "Wild W est Show,** a spectacular performance of difficult riding and shooting leats. w hich becam e popular and later toured Europe. He lies buried In a tomb theft w as blasted from solid rock on Lookout Moun tain. about twenty miles trom Denver. Colorado. COMt without it betray«.. ntcoa self' Pattern 1187 co m es to you with a transfer pattern of a sam p ler 12 l 4 by IS l-4 inches; color s u g gestions; m aterial requirem en ts; illustrations of nil stitch es used Send IS cen ts in sta m p s or coins (coins preferred) for this pattern to The Sew ing C ircle N eed lecru fl Dept.. 82 Eighth A ve., N ew York. W I L L I A M TBED EE1C MUCH t COMt roust f.ry: at first it dJcJ use up scrap« of cotton or silk floss, and « d esign that works up in no time, for the background is plain. Wouldn't it go beautifully in u young girl's room? P erch an ce that Young M iss w ill w ant to do this eusy cross stitch d esign her G B ÏA T SC O U T S Bora In Scott County. Io w a Wil liam F. Cody, at 14. iolnod tha "Pony Express." that group of darin g ridar« who. b ra rln g In- i^imia a&d b e n d iti a n d living on iha constant *dg« oi death, car ried the mail« horn Missouri lo n "‘ **»* which l*., P<H r„.y nm,t conciò ' Hut NINO A I’m uu u hoof e/ iimv&K'i'j whrre character, he«kh r IJ ta ^ l of r t c well w,vr‘r« b i l tf >'<*«• to d ^ FHIMARY- ïinŒNTAn H u m SCHOOL NONeiCTg NOSMIUTAM Write plainly pattern num ber your nam e and address. Pattern 1187 A • r*.l.iad to S'tnfov«. Cag mj m« laaittn >nd “ ' iMll1,--, • OuUoof io* /artMr --i f Do Y o u r P r o m i s e s No m atter what the Season— a You becom e a person of prom sam pler's always fun to do, e s p e cially when it offers as colorful ise, not by prom ising m any a picture, as quaint a verse, as things, but by accom p lish in g what this. You'll find it a grand way to you prom ise. F A. K,>t>rt, ll- ‘-u rn 1^ MOKTEZCMA MOCSTAOi |n • Orosset a D unlap.— WNU Service. Jsde Experts Watch for Missing Treasures to Reappear CHINA. BUFFALO politician, long deceased, turned up in Washington at the McKinley inaugural ball garbed in more kinds of diamonds than had ever before been seen in the District of Columbia at a gov ernmental function. A changing its luster. Old jade hav ing already undergone this trans formation and completely recovered is more sought after. Today those Chinese who sold liberally during the depression are offering all sorts of prices to get the jade back. From Canton. Peiping and even Burma, the dealers are watching for these rare pieces to come again into the stream of traffic. Jade street, Peiping, trading almost ex clusively in the jewel from which it takes its name, is haunted by eagle-eyed Chinese lying in wait for the green stone to return. Mr. Pei, of No. 14, A. makes a pre-break fast journey to the opposite side of the city where the jade wholesalers open up at seven each morning and close at ten. He is expecting to see missing treasures reappear for sale. day - A nd T il Jsde Passion Spreads. ard at a Following the Boxer upheaval, which suddenly released a great deal of beautiful jade formerly the property of the Chinese aristocrats and noblemen, a passion for Jade spread throughout the world; prin- cipally among people who had the price, but no savvy as to quality. Much of the best Jade extant fell Into unworthy hands, to be bandied about in a market economically dis- and ^em lo-Sa thlng ttld enin*: d menlhe iade O. a*e' 1 . ® eye 1 ordered. f ___ ’t. a ... , swrrcHTO 1 P ostum / * |l 1 f \\ \ d r " ii s S T /'S I WANTED SOME ATNlCB ABOUT VOU! ONCE HE GOT NERVOUS AHO jr r r w v , JU9T AS / YOU ARE NOW/ AND / HE IOST CONTROL / . OF HIS LIONS I J YCAH, fc/THEAT CX/TAUVE- VVWCM PKDVti 1 T h ATU û KÇ WONT BAT HAM I i ' AN (MAI TRAINER i r t h e D octor 1 r WHO DRESSED W THAT** HIS TORN ARM ! A LOT SAID HE HAD & , . COFFEE - NERVES . DUNK'. -MADE HIM QUIT COFFEE AND 1 — h F T no A \MD9H / / _ ^ r / y Dowager*« Snuff Bottle. Pei remembers the snuff bottle “My friend,” said a critic, .cast once owned by the dowager em ing dubious eyes on the Buffaloni- press, that sold for $20,000, and the en, “you are a bit over jeweled to massive Jade ring bought for $13.- night. The best people don’t go 000 later cut into three pieces and quite so far with the icebergs at a disposed of to the wholesalers at $8,000 per fragment. presidential affair.” “Is that so?” retorted the bespan “Pure emerald stones are trans gled visitor, pulling a bediamond- lucent — not transparent — and ed suspender buckle from under his alive,” he said in describing them armpits, “it has been my experi to me; “unmistakably liquid green. ence that them as has ’em wears In a piece of jade every cloud, no 'em.” matter how delicately it may seem Now when it comes to the pos to blend with the translucent green, session and the wearing of jade, is a flaw. Out of a block of rough that is an entirely different matter; jade the cutter who rescues a piece not that there is a lack of it, but of pure green translucence is lucky because so few of us ever get hold indeed. The presence of deep and of a piece worth wearing. light green shades, streak* alter Not until the beginning of the nating in density from apple to pea present century did jade attract at green, puts the specimen in the sec tention among discriminating buy ond and third grade column. ers. Prior to that, comparatively “Pale jade, extremely beautiful few, and they Chinese and Indians, when artistically cut, is very attrac had any conception of where jade tive and suits certain complexion* would bring up in the jewel market admirably. It is lovely against of the world. The preferred jade young skins, but beside pure em came from northwest China or Chi erald jade it cannot compete. How to Select Jade. nese Turkistan, overland to Pei “In selecting jade look only for ping, where the best jade carvers in the world turn it into jewelry. From deep green translucent stones which Yunnan and surrounding provinces, appear to drip color that by some as well as from Burma, a great magic attraction is held in suspen deal of jade reaches Canton, the sion. Never be led astray by any finest quality coming into Peiping, , other tone, color, cloud effect or regarded as the central trading blending point for the green stone in all its fortunes variations. While there are over ^ade’ wh ninety tones, tints, shades and flat above al whites called mutton jade, the ver- . Brown dant stone governs the m arket 40 New iade has a way o SlP, I CAN STAND VSTAH Z BUT U/HV DID YOUC BAD TEMPER, } SOU HAVE 7 0 TELL B u t s o u r indigestion \ t h a t anim altrai # r AND IOSS OF SlFFP ALL ABOUT IT ? W ill WIRE- SOU MISS / WHAT BUSINESS 1$ . THAT TRAPEZE SOME fc IT OF HiS ? ^ F -AND NOM) • I SUPPOSE A 4 U on w o u l d n t B it e h im even if h e ß r r r r _ F ir s t / y r f tfs not B o n k / You DO DRINK TOO MUCH COFFEE, f ' -AND I'L L 9ETSOU'vE GOT COFFEE-NERVES! WHS DON'T YOU y TRY R # m u r rO in % r r i f i fm l rÆ L _ O f COURSE, children iibouU »any never drink coffee. And 1 tbe csf- 3 O D A Y S LATER SAW-THAT'S A WONDERFUL n e w lio n a c t h e ' s DEVELOPED K THERE • J g ro w n u p s , to o , find that WHY/THAT if withtbrt»' N fein in coffee disagree»' If you are bothered by Thesd*** -yt »le*P or Indigestion or c»n -1 foc30d*y*- soundly...tryP<*tuml-_ csfftin. I* * Postum contain* noc snd brsn. simply whole wheat ro u te d and slightly to** T ry Postum. You m*y n NOTHING COMPARED TO V OUR OWN NEW ACT I VOU CERTAIN lY ARE A CMPN&ED since V ou n SWITCHED To a g a v g y P o s tu m ' mam t i own nch, sstisfyi t ous, economical, and X of General Foods. md ,ou rom . _~lt Mi.ifinn. O rmiral e Fooni, Battle Cr**k. Mich. S e n d nM , w ith o u t obli# atio O , _8tst* ARTHUR ansila, s<l'lt»»*; U cn^1 «r<oir»r ^ J cl*>**■