TH E MITEE* W A N T ADS H O N N R V IL L K D A M P l l K O N I O I, K EAGLE CREEK GUESTS j EXCHANGE OF PLOTS FROM MANY STATES ASKED BY ANDERSON M U ST, s e n k e for assistalice III fighting the sawdust pile fire here tw o w e e « » i«o win |o- forwarded to Sehnitier ........ . " r " '» in,nu-, . A W o lf of I'ortland, own.-rn of the * Continued from Pag*' Gnc WU» probable he ^ ' Continmd from Page One i C lassified A d ve rtis in g rates are and thè Districi <»f Columbi»; »1 five.j I UK several weeks ago, was pro-, old mill »ile. couiicilnii-n «aid In Ul'l a tinlf pipe mp, one cent per word w ith a m ini­ \rizona, Kentucky. Pennsylvania.) tested illllllO»ll*t,,l> aft' 1 H* olop j presenting their lull llie forester» highway, ami pure , * mum ch arge or 15 cents, pay­ and Fiali; four, Connecticut, an gave »neh di alii Hear tim tu,u s,- ■p,, f able strictly in advance. Ads New Mexico : Un..., Texas, Virginl i,| timi Mond o trahi h> »• N IP »g ird, j issistaliee Kiev Would Include a lull ! **" k "'»»• the rcatrwj: m ay be le ft at Y e G ift Shoppe ¡M inila and Singapore; two. Florida. | contractor, who s.ud Ito figure w u s, for C.C.C lalmr. which amounted to »he engineer on the pUn. in Bonny V illa. B on n eville G ift Maryland. Nevada. Nurth Carolina.. | vo and a half I mes the state 11- J , ,nse, and would pr< vent him from s»| In tills Instand'. Shop on the dam reservation. Wi'st Virginia. Maska. lndand. and doing an» plumbing In the cltv 1 Councilman Merrill said In- Would M o rga n ’s service station or The j England : one api'Hv, Vlabama. Temi i There w .» ''iron« «e»!,** Colludimeli -aid they had been re make arrangement» for placing of C h ron icle o ffic e in Cascade esse»*, Wv timing. Canal Zone. \ ■ *r - 1 I Iu" ,n* ‘ h’ ' vx»r for hiMilindU'ks extending into the Co quested to p Is? the ordinance, which Locks. way. Germany. Seotland. Spalli, Rus­ » " " t h e m stale» a» ron-,„ero, is model I aiti r that of Hood River f Illudila from the beuch near the old sia, South America, Sonili Vfri'M and 1 une», and giving t»** „ FOR SALK \ second orditi Ilici Was adopted llllli site. XX fiere sXxIlllUllUg lc »»o | | s • duna. whatever in Hi,-ir gov ' provided hv tin- II' mm I River count) empowering tile colludi ill declare a HOl'SK THAILER, 7 h> l i feet, four sVVIlll c o m m it t e e Will be «riveli Hu- nuisance all) c* -s|iool, ham or pri' » ! wheels, stove, other furniture M,nv person» 1 "inplaio which offends the Sellses nr endan­ last week o f tills lllollttl Merrill »liti MAN’S CONFESSION built in. $50. A. E. Schmidt, 3i(lu gers public welfare, the nuisance |o Karl Ros-ol'.o'k o w n e r o f Hie bul gc nul artists '-c.iiise they 1 K Street, Vancouver. Wash, atip SOLVES SECRET OF In- abated within 2k hours following moored near the beach, had con­ draw II straight line." s e n t'd to Use o f Hie »Re matter of fart is jf, extremely OLD “ BABY MIXUP” notification by the marshal. WOOl» COOKING RANGE, medium John Martins- n. who prole»!»-»! In ••lilt feat even for « tmiDe,) u \ lull for vM 52 from the forest size, complete w ith coils, pipe and fili warm ing oven. $11. R. L. Myers, Warrendale. a7 CK'NT A WORD Sensational Hospital Case of I 12 Years A go Is at Last TR A ILE R Mfc/MviS, largest stock in Cleared Up. city. Buy now w hile stock is com­ plete. Hornby Motor Co.. 5-53 N.E. Union. Tel. W A 0553. m ltf LOTS FOR SALE OR LEASE in oeau- tifu l Bonny Park. Cottages for rent. Inquire Garage , Dodson. Phone I4F14. m ltf M1SCKLLA N F O IS P L A I N S E W IN G and all kinds of M ending done reasonably. Em ­ b roid erin g and C rochetin g. In ­ q u ire tw o houses west of U rim ’s store. Bonny V illa. FOR RENT F U R N IS H E D houses. Reasonable. See A ndy Lane, Cascade Locks. CABINS, furnished or unfurnished, ligtits and water included. See J. H. Fulgham. next to Bowen & Ennes Red A W hite store, Cascade Locks. al7tf NICE CLEAN apartments and cabins. W ell furnished. Block south of Safeway store. G. E. Miller. Cas­ cade Locks. a7 FOR RENT MODERN two-room collage, fu r ­ nished. Inquire Vivian Brown, at Lakeside hotel. a ll FURNSIIED* APARTMENTS. Strictly modern. P m n ’s Tavern. ;»7 FOR SALE STANDARD SEWING MACHINE, in good condition. *5 rash. Maytag washing machine, *-¿5 cash. Mrs. Janies Stevens, Cascade Locks, a li The total value o f farm produce raised al the Oregon state hospital to Salem fiel ween October I. 1932 and May 1, Í935 was *198.1174. Keep Your Car Clean with Whisk brooms Chamois Sponges NEW STATIONERY A M ) G IFT SETS CASCADE DRUG CO. CASCADE LOCKS Detroit, Mich.— The mystery sur­ rounding u sensational “ baby mix- up” case of 12 years ago was be­ lieved solved by the confession of Alphonse Vlemminck that he threw the body of one of the babies in the Detroit river after it smothered to death. The baby given him through a nurse’s error was the infant son of William C. Greatrex and not the child o f Vleinminck's unmarried daughter, as he supposed. The babies were born ut ttie same time in a Detroit hospital. His latest story was the llrst time Vlemminck lias altered his asser­ tion o f 12 years ago tiiat he turned the baby given to him “ over to a couple from Philadelphia” for adop­ tion. Spent Savings in Search. Greatrex, grief stricken by the death of his wife at Hie birth o f the baby, spent his savings in a fruit­ less search for ids son in the belief Vlemminck actually had given the infant for adoption. Vlemminck, on elderly Belgian with a long police record, recently was sentenced to serve 12 to 15 years for taking indecent liberties with a four-year-old child. During the Investigations of the mixed baby case he admitted he was the father o f the baby born to his daughter. Greatrex confronted Vlemminck after his conviction and Implored the Belgian to tell the truth regard­ ing the fate of the Infant. Vlem­ minck stuck to his original story at that time and It was not until the new account, tiiat Greatrex lost hope that his child still was alive. Questioning of the prisoner was conducted through a Belgian deputy sheriff. According to Sheriff Henry Bebrendt, Vlemmlck told of going to the hospital and being handed the baby lie believed had been born to his unmarried daughter. The el­ derly Belgian declared the baby died as he was taking the infant away. Throws Babe Into River. “ I took the baby’s clothes ofT and wrapped him in my own coat" Sher­ iff Behrendt quoted Vlemminck as saying. “ I drove for blocks and blocks, afraid to go home. “ Finally I made up my mind to get rid o f it, but I didn’t know how. When I looked at the baby and found it was dead I threw my eoat, the baby and all, Into the river.’* It was not until two days later, when police took him to the hos­ pital, he said, that he learned the baby was not his daughter’s. Earlier Vlemminck had given a somewhat different version o f how he disposed o f the baby. He Haid then that he paid an unnamed man $25 to get rid o f the infant. Greatrex discovered the sub.-Mtu- tlon o f babies when he returned to the hospital from his w ife’s funeral and was handed an Infant wearing a tug with the name "Vlemminck" on it. He refused to accept the child and it was given to a chari­ table organization. Greatrex sued the hoypitul for $200,000, but lost the case. III EPPING’ S RED & WHITE STORE 111111111111111111111111111111,111 Specials fo r Friday, and Saturday, August 14 - IS Sugar 10 lbs., 54c Mason Jarsw - —qts.,73c Mason Jars1"" ~ “ pts,,63c Caps Doz., 19c Vinegar, pure cider 19c Soap Chips large pkg., 19c Pine CraOoln lrit kriH iiiiio <>r M as»,« Mrlng 2*» Hoir Eppings COFFEE l lb., 21c y tH tr ronlminer Irani Peanut Butter / — bulk — , lb 11c Cheese Ritz, 17c Macaroni, 4 lbs. 25c Butter, Sweet Jar Rubbers »:!,£ 3doz. 10c Cream, 29c Catsup .............. . ] 4 C IK-Iirlous I h r e s r W a t e r One pkg. B“'* Cake Flour and 2 oz. Red a W hite Vanilla — both for - • 39* French Dressing, 8 oz. b o t t le ................. l?c Salad Dressing, qt. - ..................33c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CANTALOUPE, 2 for 5c TOMATOES, box 37c ORANGES, 2 dozen 25c