and Persons in the Current News THREE New Germicidal I Is Invented ror Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, now a refugee in London. 2—President Roosevelt shown Jackson Houston, son of Gen. Sam Houston, on visit to battlefield of San Jacinto, Tex- Galeazzo Ciano, newly appointed Italian minister of foreign affairs. Dr. Robert F. James, research physician of the Westinghouse Lamp company, who developed the new germicidal lamp, examin­ ing some of the shapes into which it may be made. Its radiations retard mold growth. ueror Chief G-Man Is Now Honorary LL.D s si Pietro Badoglio, who directed conquest of Ethiopia, is shown acknowledging salutes rers as he arrived in Rome. As a signal mark of honor the conquering marshal was accord- privilege of leaving the railroad station through the exit ordinarily reserved for royalty Aginia Celebrates Patrick Henry Bi-Centennial Chief G-Man J. Edgar Hoover (left), received an honorary de­ gree of doctor of laws at the one hundred and fifteenth commence­ ment exercises of Pennsylvania Military college at Chester, Pa. Right Rev. Francis M. Taitt, Protestant Episcopal bishop of Phila­ delphia, who is president of the board of trustees of Pennsylvania Military college, made the formal presentation of the degree. Manila Has the Largest Sun Dial 1 * Bather to map out a scene in “Liberty , ick a H ’ a£. Va *Centennial Pageant which will be presented July 15. of the birlh of Patrick Henry .1 ¡e nv as 8 boy, when with hounds and gun life IIanover fields and woods. In the pageant, luHo ir he 8reat Virginian will be dramatized at , |enry’s rise to immediate fame after his er uCa,fe known as the “ Parson’s Cause” when, ’ * boldly denied the right of King George III the colonial legislature. Here, in Manila, capital of the Philippine islands, is the largest sun dial in the world. It is located on Taft avenue near the university and is one of the picturesque sights oi the city that are shown to all visitors. When atmospheric conditions are right it records the time with complete accuracy.