rw im . \ r * i \ . w, m * . T If K SCHOOL NEWS BONNEVILLE H> Florence G odhart re tu rn e d to Kathleen W aring grade after a we« k * ili ) m - four 111 O HM . 'Iliott** re tu rn in g to th e HCroiwl rinlr III in a fte r being ¡iiiH. nl « . .u»«* <»f n c a » b » arc Hudd) r ir- Lh.-r Hob liarptiotiT, D orothy Van |, ir**. Belly .1.» Silvers, Rhoda Slu*r- h tii un«l Jim liuruloff. kulh Linton, Anita lie lla rts and lorn* JonoH iM nxil av en ff* grades of 1’h an.I 2’s III pant Hi* weeks. inns.- jltuving perfect alle u d an M wcr. .Mel- 1 ,,t j f . n U i \ ih a n d ItirlninJ C arter. After much an tie! pa lion tin? fiflli began its m-vv MipplemeriLar} reader, " n n ; I*tiy*ical W orld,* b y I ’ollak. lln* fiftti gr.M** room hu.l ffJO p. r r e n t attendance Monday for Uie first PENN'S TAVERN ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF ITS 193 6 Season Sp<-rialising in I ItOI 1. s \ J I|<»Y CHHJiKN OK S O A K DINNERS 1 MILE EAST OF CASCADE LOCKS B O N N E V IL L E DAM C H It O N I C L E tim e in w .’rliH, Llvestock .-xposition building. son» and families. .Nie. and Mrs. Les­ N. \! Thursdiiv afternoon will find T h o m as Oirm-H w as stili HI thè lie W arin g .ml Mr. and Mrs. Torn I lln- g irls’ and I io > h * h ’filial I team s flrst of thè week and unabie lo re­ W arin g , a w.-.-k ago last W ednesday. l’»ihil> engaged in eniiihat for rail— turn to work. l>r.-iiia<-y against Corbett. T h is will Orlon (ioodw in and d a u g h te r, The elder W arin g s came mainly to h>* lln- opening gain*- for tin- season Mary, of Boise, Idalio, ami Alfred ». »• their n«-w g ra n d d a u g h ter, (»race Willi .1(1 lillinddl- U'.lfll. Cobi) of Po rtlan d visited Mr. ;in«J Helen, born late in F eb ru ary to the Mrs. .1. A. Lloy.J Monday. The \is it- Leslie W arings. Iti Ilo- I r I -1 < • igne softball scheduli' ors ¡ire m en.bers of tli<- Nortbvv.-sl-j In dal«* Bonneville in ¡«1 til«*, top of Itou.-s ami actif a r ts of mid Golum- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B row er sp en t erri B'bh- »chool. fin- list w ith tw o victories and no Ida Indians, um-arUied d u rin g ex- Bolli F.nibion is speiiding ibis lh.- w eekend in P o rtlan d w ith Mrs. d ’-f.-.d*. >iiL««-«r w ith placed in a cm .ret*- vault in Las- we.-k w ith fier p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. nr«. v|i-lor> ¡. il I on»: I ohh by to m o r­ cad«- eem tery. W»*»| of North Bomic- Jam es Fauhion. ori vacation fronij T r y a w a n t ad in t h e C h ro n ic le . row night. vlle, W ash , late in May, according (ira n t tiigh sehnol in Porli,»nd. K «ttil.-en W .rin g , d a u g tite r in Pr.rtland. of lraiiH|.orl . k w « t <:: TTi»- in term en t cerem onies a re .-x- iv11« J u n io r Morion, Olga rtaca- pecti-d to a tttr a c t hu n d red s or In­ (Jet y o u r fishing supplies— s p in ­ loff, L.-ota Parks, Gerald Ju h ie, Dale dians from all part» of the n o r th ­ ners, spoons, hooks, salm on eggs, l.'-wiH, Il .rolli J uhi«-. Marry Smith west. They will be conducted laic in etc., at May under supervision of S u p e rin ­ and Hi jhhi '11 Kelsey. tendent Boyd of W arm s p rin g s re»- S. \*-nth Ion*- Goodrich, M inor e rv atio n and SuperinU-ndent W h it­ Miller ami Jim m y Dow. lock of Alsivva reservation. T ribal —AND C . \ K \ G E — *;.-rtro«l<- Jo h n -o n of P o rtla n d w a s r i t u i l s will feature the lln- H.*tiooI gii.-nt of It.-tty Forealmrg Cascade Locks Phone 93 The r . f*. engineers d»<- an n o u n ced thin w.-.-k. Uia f. c o n tra ry to ru m o r. Indian r n- Kigfiih grader* n.-ith.-r a b se n t n o r rn .ins on Mem.dons.- island w m not lat*- w.-r.-; Waym- iJn-.-k.-tts, Nich- h<- taken V> Cascade cemetery and o I jih W illiam s. Mow m l M-g!*-r, Hobby Lloyd, Florence G u d h art. Amwinae ttiat tIi«* bu rial section of the island Ario»tr«.ng, J.«n»- Ha*kelt* ond Jack will not be subrm-rged w h en Bonne­ ville .i.aiii I?* rori V«*l,'t Mo»».. I • - \ id Noah. I hinds in the Columbia riv.-r for b u r ­ -ivtli H nrith.-r a b se n t n o r ial grounds, Bradford and Mema- O F HOOD R IV B R tardy w.-r*-: V.niw m W aggoner, I...i»• ■ being the favorite spots. W anda H awkins. Jim m y Dow. P in k y .” * tlm -e-niontlis’-old w hite NEVER \(* \IN, S \ 3 S TDM: ra b b it, is paying a \ i s i t to the sec­ Tom Dippery, t'. >. en gineers hos­ ond grub- room . pital a tte n d a n t. g.«t hi» first |e«*»on CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . . . . S 115,000,00 in driving his new Ford V-» last CASCADE LOCKS week. Driving d o w n h ill from >\ TOTAL RESOURCES........... 1,450,000,00 iiic ii -t n o n i, n e w s Cove «in*- m ornng. lo- noticed he w a s low on gas, flipped off tin- ignition illy \\ illiiini Morfjan) and found th a t Mr. Ford h a s fi,*.*d it Til.- fr.-sbrnan class edited the so Itiat th e stee rin g w heel locks \p ril 2 is»u** o f the (Casearie Locks w h e n Wo- ju ice is tu rn e d off. The c a r High School Keho. Staff w a s : editor. waver**d lo w a n l the st*-ep bank along ( J a y t o n Kyle; as»i*U nt e«litor. (J iff th e h ig h w ay , lo-carne stei-rable w h en Womlw a n i ; scandal editor, Jeanne th e ignition w as turned on again. O rvis; advertising m anager, Chet 5353485323483023535323894823484848235353 W o o d w ard , and sp o rts i-ditor, Pat Ryan. The p ap er w a s started Octo­ b er IT. tier* ami the last w e ek 's 12- WHO WILL BE page Issue w as the ninth. BRADFORD ISLE INDIAN REMAINS TO BE REBURIED Steelhead A re Running! T he Fishing Season Is On! MORGAN’S STANDARD SERVICE First National Bank E agle C reek Daily Ithira to M A T 14 •n Coach** A Tour- *»t Sl** Cara limit 6 m onth! M EAL PRICES S O LO W Breakfast . . . 25c Luncheon . . . 30« D in n e r .........35c S«rv»d >• coach** on Ik* Pacific limited and in Coach«* a*d Io*m l SI««p*c• on lh* Portland R« m . Pa«ter **r> k « and f'•• pillow* in Cooclka« oa train« b«low. 3 FAMOUS TRAINS Portland R o s e — Daily Pacific Limited— D aily 7 m C IT Y Stbeamltt o r PORTLAND SIX “SA ILIN G S“ MONTHLY From Portland 3 . 4 5 p .m . on 1, 6 . II, \ 6 . 71. 76. 39 34 hours to Chicago All space reserved LOW PRICED MEALS Fo r in fo r m a t io n t LOCAI UNION PACIFIC THIRTEEN PACIFIC \). SCHOLARSHIP AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS A nnouncem ent «if a Pacific u n iv e r­ sity s c h o l a r s h i p f«.r a local nigh school stm lent w a s containe«| In an Illu strated b ulletin p o ster received by the principal of Cascade Locks high school th is week. The sch o la r­ ship will be a w ard ed by the faculty of tin- high school on the b asis of academic attain m en t and o th e r q u a l­ ifications. P resen tatio n Is to he made d u rin g com m encem ent. Cours«-s at Pacific un iv ersity . F o r­ est Grove, have been reorganized r e ­ cen tly ¡«long flu- most advanc««d e d u ­ cational lines. Fields of c o n c e n tra ­ tion kn«>wn ns the h u m an ities, social sciences, n a tu ra l sciences ami art, and the h o n o rs co u rses give cmn- ph-t«* lib erty In the u p p e r division to the b e tte r stu d en ts. Pacific university lias m aintained a high sch o larsh ip stan d in g for m any years. It gave the first college d«-gree ever earned w e st of the Rockies to H arvey Scott, fam ous «-ditnr oi the P o rtla n d Oregonian, in lflli.1. I niver- slty ««f Oregon and Pacific u n iv ersity w ere the tw o in stitu tio n s in Oregon w ho w ere c h a rte r m m b ers of the N o rth w e st \ssociotlon «if Secondary and Higher S«-hools. Pacific’s credits w er accepted at full value by Colum­ bia am! Prin ceto n before 1'.n>0. “ If you a tte m p t to kiss me i m ay forget, th a t I’m a lady.” “ And slap m e ? ” “ No, let you.” ^ ; Th-' pinochle club no t last T h u rs- ; it Mrs. Uwrcaoe Belanger’s I j i hom e ami tionore«! Mrs. Marstiall i Russel] w ith a show«-r. Those pr- s - ! ; s G ertrude Jo h n so n of P o rtla n d is visiting Miss Betty F o rsb e rg this week d u rin g h e r sp rin g school vaca­ tion. Mr. and Mrs. Bay Jo h n so n and family of P o rtlan d and Miss Floe Miller of Minnesota visited Mr. and Mrs. T h o m as Cornell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Orino re tu rn e d ___ la st week from a w eek's visit to th eir Spokane, W ash., home, ’= = ‘ Jo h n Dora/.i of Missoula. Mont., is "= : - spending th is w eek w ith Mr. ami •— Mrs. Ralph Orino. EE Mr. ami Mrs. H arry Sm ith ami son. H orry, jr., spent the w eekend in = = P«»rtland w ith relatives. They at- tended the hoy scout circus S a tu rd ay E“ , n ig h t a t the Pacific In tern atio n al a l das I U E E N ? I AT THE Grand Finale 1 CASCADE LOCKS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE §j I EASTER BALL , APRIL 11 1 t/ataam THE BIGGEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR = MERRILL’S CO LU M BIA G A R D E N S CASCADE LOCKS /