T H B GEM CA F E where the dam worker can afford to eat, HOOD RIVER BONNEVILLE BONNY V I L L A \ - 7 Mr. and Mrs. John A. 1 uck»r returned Saturday after u weeks hunting trip near Burns. The trip was very successful. Fred Wirth this week c o m p li­ ed the shingling of his house. LAKESIDE HOTEL Bob and Louis Collins of Rose- CASCADE LOOKS burg spent the weekend visaing their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Collins. Louis Johnson is digging a ga­ rage under his home. Mrs. Louis Johnson is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles THE BEST BEDS IN Rauch in Canby. TOWN Mrs. G. C. Peterson has been in Seattle for some time taking care of Mr. Petersou s mother who has -î\ been ill. It is not known w hen she z^= will return. SEE “ MAC*' Mr. and Mrs. Wesley G. rurth — AT THE— and son of Portland visited Mr. ORKiiON-WASHIM. T< UN and Mrs. C. A. Lyuds Saturday. FOX FARM FOR Mr. -»nd Mrs. K. S. Bergstrom are this week redecorating the in­ THE OREGONIAN terior of their home. Mr. and Mrs Harold Bailey of Portland recently moved into the Schuller louse. G. N. Hesgard Mrs. C. A. Lynds has just rec­ Building Contractor ently been appointed the resident representative fo r Fashion ESTIMATES F RE ELY GIVEN Frocks. Cascade Locks, Ore Frank Thompson is daily mak­ ing new improvements on his new- home. He is now digging out a combination basement and ga­ — SF'K— rage. Mr. and Mrs. George Kae en­ FRANK JONES — in — tertained at dinner Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pugh. Mr. CASCADE LOCKS FOR and Mrs. Ervin Fessett and Mr. Insurance of all Kinds Jesse Benell. V; : In celebration of the birtmiays of D. R. Taylor and Mary Chan- dley. Mrs. D. R. Taylor enter­ tained at dinner Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Chandley. Andy Alden. Frank Thompson. Ira TOMMY LUKE Shortridge. Later on in the even­ 617 S. W. 6TH ing Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cook and A] BEacon 7215 Farmer dropped in. Mrs. W. Stoddard spent Tues­ day visiting Mrs. Lee Murray. Mrs. Oscar Eklund entertained G. A. COBB at dinner Thursday Mr. and Mrs. ATTORNEY AT L A W Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Chris­ Notary Public tenson and Mr. Fisher of Port­ land. Cascade Locks, Oregon On the 23rd of last month Shir­ ley Jean Schulenberg celebrated her eighth birthday. At the party given for her by her mother were THE NEWS-TELEGRAM Margie Eklund. Patsy Lynds. Representative for Cascade Juanita Hicks, Jacquilene Schul­ Locks may be reached at— enberg and Mrs. Oscar Eklund. Mr. stnd Mrs. Oscar Eklund THE CASCADE CO. were in Portland Saturday. CURT POTTS, prop. Board and Room $1,25 per day DRUG r Progress in the District Congratulations to the dam area in having— SUNNY BROOKS at Merrill's Columbia Gardens Sunday night. The first M.C.A, dance band to be in the area, WEST COAST POWER CO THE DALLES FREIGHT LINE Daily Freight between Portland, Bonneville, Cascade Locks. UTAH COAL, PRESTO-LOGS AND BRIQUETS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ICE Cascade Locks Phone: 131 R. J. WUNER, Agent l> A M rilltONIOL« Jackie lH>wu*. sou of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Downs, suffered minor burns on the fact* the first of the week when in playing with a call of Draluo he spilled It on hi» face The quick action of Sul Phill»«* In getting something to counter», t the substance sa'ed bis face from serious Injury. Mr. and Mrs Forest Jones en­ joyed dinner with Mr. and Mrs Andy Johnson at Warrendale Mouilay night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred WlrtU and children motored to .Marshheld over the weekend to visit Mr. Wirth’s pareuts. Mr. and Mrs W. L. Wirth. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schulen- berg visited Mrs. Schulenberg* parents iu Portland over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Grim at­ tended a reception In Corbet rec­ ently for a newly married couple. Mr. and Mrs. M S. Scanllng. PH TURKS ON DIS|»LA\ By invitation. Hal Babbitt of Bonny Villa Tavern, has this w«-< k on display at the Portland Art as­ sociation. two of his water volor sketches. One of them Is of a scene on Lake Union in Seattle which he did on a weekend trip there recently. The other one is of the main entrance to the dam reservation. Though hundreds ab­ sent In to be displayed at this showing only a comparative few are asked to put them on display. DODSON Announcem ent— Mrs. Claude Kimmel announces the R E O P of E the N I N G Columbia Hotel CAFE under the direction of MRS. MAE SILVA Formerly of Inn at the Bridge of the Gods Entirely Renovated and Redecorated DELICIOUS HOME COOKED MEALS ONE NIGHT ONLlI | > “|BROG ^ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Myer» mo­ tored into Portland Tuesday to visit relatives and shop. They re­ turned Wednesday afternoon. During me past week the M< - Cradys have been redecorating the interior of tnefr home. Mrs. John Karg entertained the Sewing club for the afternoon at her home Wednesday. Mrs. J. I>. Billingsley of On­ tario returned Wednesday after j a four-day visit with her daughter Mrs. C. F. Beattie. Miss Madie Manning of Steven­ son spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Tom Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Newman of Salem were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Correl. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kimbrough will be grieved to hear of the death of Mr. Kim­ brough’s father on October 27 in Tacoma. Mr. Kimbrough. Sr., died | after a very short illness Miss Felice Ford of Portland stent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sams. Last Thursday night Miss Betty | Correl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Correll entertained at a Hallowe’en party Ip honor m h» r playmates. Hallowe’en games were played and elder and dough.) nuts were enjoyed. Those attend­ ing were Virginia and Gladys Morris, Betty Palmer, Jimmy and Joan I^ash, Mary Iy>n Sams Lil­ lian and Carrol Bucher. Walter Van Meter, Ona Mae and Cllta Clair Catos. Mrs. Orlln Gunter returned recently after completing her work In Hood River. W. M. Sandercock this we«-k finished shingling his new home. Mrs. May Burdette mother of Mrs. W. H. Sandercock returned to Portland Thursday after a three day visit with her daughter and son. IVII'RF.D Ml V R F f’OVFRiVG Kelly Lape. 21. Hood River, and Martin Kunz, 30, Vancouver, Wash., are recovered from In­ juries suffered while working on the main spillway dam. They are In a Portland hospital. Lape foil from a high line cable and Kunz was struck by a line and thrown several feet. ................l i V ‘ l y w o o D fm IH \ mA UK NEW PALAIS ROYAL ORCHESffll APPEARING NOV,i 10ti| ARMISTICE Merrills Columbia Cardens CASCADE LOCKS, ORHX’.ON HIS FIRST TOUR A F T E R A Y EAR IN A FEATURING BETTY LORRAINE DIRECT FROM SIDNEY. AUSTRAL**» The First Music Corporation of A » pr,c* B Appear in the Dam Area pant!