BRISBANE] T H E 9 THIS WEEK. Alali»»*« t o t *4 A r t • » « n i * with K „ M 4 i «».*• o f th# t * » «Ir» « e t !* « 0t rMIL flr«t. I»..« lo «>»k# r**ro *bt#ky at • ir t i* l*cf f t K t l tfettt » i 4i0roor»g* se» hwotlrf^ofi s*c..nd. Ib, torti of A l«1«*»'»* » f not a» U«»* aaffrrlßf •• » * n of Nrw V o lt |lirkr'',^ri *"til<1 ttn4 A 't N w a I* b*j ritma'* fot thHr b#«lfb NO HON M.\ 11,1,1. PETITIONS ASK RETENTION OF TEACHERS’ JOBS fari» *»d Atnrflrin 4 fr «»in iltm „ jj mot an Ihat »ho muti Oow drww* Ut a fa»Mon ■’/•'»•'•Hi»* ih » «unir.#» aod con** ut lb* hutosn fo r * To Ityrw r t i 'i t i • bai th# «a t llr r « of tfc* hum**» f‘*d» or» Uh# • wslh through tb# str*#ts of Miami orar publie of prlrat* bsthtog b*wch*« Twa wUI a * strolling to thrlt boita*. •• fr** from rat# or self- twaarloownw* aa lilt»# bird*. b «# of tadlM a m * tall a C m ) thin, a tt-aW fify «bori and fat. »I«h lit- trait; o^thlng am from tb# waist up ttat could O'* b# r#t>tar«4 by two k^lf encoaat ah*Ua faa*#f»««d to tb# rtMt wttb a string around th# bark of tb# awrfc. and bwlarwr th# waist a •lip of auit**» kt t/ h w li arn lo be distili*##«) t,y th* H«.r| RjV#r '«juf>I f •< b'*»l biaril haa tx**>o lo circulation thu «n -k Tb# report ( » « » P M * **•>*t* t f »m a o to rm* ro»unty will uk<- prior to tb# •'bu oi » l o U « i , to Jun# la ani. hc*«»»o but indication* sr# that notbtoff « ili U de/»» u n tll *ft#r I Ast ID K 1.4 M k* • i A« \l»i l / t * K h D l . V l l i D T • f . l . i i l a TW O TO M H<401. • lU tAU D * K A T * J I M * . I7 T H • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Two position* on tb* Hood lt|y*r county arbool board » t i l b* filled by r<-*l*t#red voters June 17. Cotuly Hch'Mil Superintendent Uib- win announr#d Monday. On# b#r from 'fa n - A. from tb* county lln* to Frsnkton will bw *J*rt*d tor *40* y#ar to fill tb# un#iplr#d t*rm of C T All*gr#. mov#d from th* district On# from th* county at larg# will i*e 'hotcti to r*plar# Luhr Jen- a#n. whoa# on#-yt«r t*rm *x- plr#a thla Jun* Nomination* may b# mad* b*for* J j o * 10 by petition t-*arlnir atirnatur*« o f 20 r#g- l#t#r#d r#ald*nt voter* • • • • • • • • tb* n*w a m n lr n qoaiily tor tb *lr p a i l l o t i T w o « o l i * « o a lare* d#l#»s- llo# o f («stenta * p p# s r * d tv#for* tb* roqntyr b o to ] and s*k*d tbat Hup#tlnt#nd*nt M#t.d#r*« 11 *- ml*»#d for c * js # Tb# tbf*# loral l.loyd A. M’agner. Pacific roast r*pr#s*ntat|v*s of tb* arbool manager for Jow*<>h Dixon Cru- board w#f# g a * * * t( at tb# m**t- A fter tuckng away a h#artjr lunch at th# K *; id« d o b Thur*- day noon, member* of th# cham­ ber of commerce l#an*d bark in T H T R S D A Y , M a y 23. 193S their chairs and listened to a committee report on sal# of Rose Festival button*. Ira Owen, who manage* J. B. i^abor'* lumber yard, was presiding over the meeting. With the com m ittee’* report. D D T D | f j W t Oft tfet wav A W. *\ • I\ • 1 a * c \ v f a who owns th# Independent W ater -------- company, arose to apeak. Th e Ham Orlno. Spokane, with a bid lhou!ht bad occurred to him that o f f 793.191, was low among con-’ th* chamber o f commerce should tractors seeking the jo^ of relo- ,,ni * * ‘d to thenuelva#. as they when bid* were opened In Port- paj" ^ d lh« measure unanimously land by U. S engineer*. I without question or debate. Other bidder* and then bid Mr i^b°T- to whose fatherly price* were Him* Hpkane cr>m- interest the chamber I* »aid to pany. Spokane. *H08.kli9; P a il J. ow ** iUt le^dershfcp In community Tyler. Orovllle. California. **35.- lightly flick in g the ash 1*4; Malcolm and Bell. Portland. frora hl* c,^a r- told member* that **35.554; Myers and Cioulter, Se- an incorporated Caarade I>ocks attle, $*37.3*7. chamber o f commerce would be a K*rn and Klbbe. Portland. legal person, able to hold prop- ‘. erty. able to a ffilia te with the na- 1*67.599; Guy F. Atkinson com- tlonal organization, and perhaps pany. Portland. $*77.651; Colum- . ___. . . . mnit important, important. to speak as a bta Construction Company. Bon­ ref ognixed voice o f the citizens neville. 1**7,296; Crick and Cun- o f Cascade Locks. Further evi­ i t dencing hi* fatherly interest to * *eorge Pollock. Sacramento. »a re the group time and work, California. $921.024; Gutnrie. Mr. I.abor reached In his coat McDougall * company and A. pocket to hand Dr. Fred Folsom. president, a set o f by-law*, which .... A u . Ï Ï S t he had obtained from the Port- Portland. $949,582; S. S. McGof- i#nd chamber, and the necessary iln ' Adr,an» Oregon. $1.690.900. application blanks addressed to Only one of the 13 bidder» was the corporation commissioner, on- over the government engineers' ly lacking the signatures of cham- eatlmate of $1.022.937. Orino, ber offlcera. No one seemed sur- * “ ‘* ' ‘* t«*d »•»*> Malcolm and prised at Mr. Labor s anticipation Bell In relocation of fthe Cnlon o f the chamber's need. If other member* o f the (ham - * “ c,flc ,r » clt» through Bonneville to Kagle creek and construction ber wondered why Mr. Meye« and o f th# Tanner creek viaduct, was Mr. Labor were ao anxious to In- 9229.746 lower than the estimate, corporate the organization, and Thework under the contract In- ar* »o bitterly opposed to in­ clude* the carving out o f a new corporatlng the town, they aadd line for the railroad from Kagle nothing, did not smile. The mo- creek east through the hill in an tion to incorporate was carried The secretary Immense cut. around Kuckel slide without protect. to the toll bridge at Cascade w** directed to mail the paper* Lock*. Several house* Lntlt last to the »® creu ry of state at Salem, ___ _________________ summer on Kagle creek heights will prohwbly have to be demol- jjhed to make way for the cut Work b exp^ ted to begin as ^ o ,, a, lhp slPp, 8up«.r*tructure Kagle creek railroad bridge Is ib put in place and the bore of Tooth rock tunnel Is cemented. SAM ORINO GETS JOB OF MOVING PENCIL COMPANY MEN INSPECT LOCKS SITES **• ... T*., h... .... ,,b,Wr LOCKS CHAMBER OF C O M M E R C E TO INCORPORATE «Z * ***.:* . .iV p i •d tbelr attitude toward retaining l»rg#-wt American — nell mannfic- ,v . I w t l l | . . . » M W H . C W 4 . I M I I » o « aa island In th# Peart rt«*v. ... . . . Inapectlng __7 r _ the dl*- „ __ — ■ ........ . — --------------- day apparm . ty la1 » f a n » « of a tT.:»#a# fiahlng »0 trlct for » possible alte for « mill IllJO* 9>T»* U H I I D H k ilt ,r,r! for » poMlbl* alte for « mill lag# dreaded and disliked a atwall SHtJ#t>#nt where ?4 lep er» lt«#d Air* Fr*d Anderson. b*4th J*g* lo » upPly th* company with wood a**rty A dl*t*#t<"h fr*#» llr M K Johnwn. M D , for- tere*t#d in th# Bonneville de- merly of Han Fr*nrlaco will open velopment and looked upon Caw- C#l»#r*l Daw#«, otiro Vlr# Pr##! *n office In t ** at# I, at Oaklan-l. Stock- rom- and human natnr* ar# detl ‘ *n and San leandro. < a llf . the •Pet; working for recovery and Ir V -»d tedng shipped to Jersey Mvy of this year. pn#tt|«ely not r llv for assembly of the pencil*, later than July, tb# nation wipj --------------------------------- of the know the <|epr*#«ton la o v e r- W eit I NNI II. HI'KING I It 4>»H I T H H a pl#sa«re I-« have mmefiod) I- \. >\\ l \ I ♦ » I ; W •t !»*»( »«y go even *h«»ogh they On* huad'ed telephone pole» hav# to »ay ll over and ove« With th* spillway dam at. hut . “ w er* moved Into t a»c*d# L»ck* p i t after yeor. ng waters ' V T V K I > <*vKlt w ith approximatey 5<>P tickets thla week by \V*at Coa*t Power .mla nuemMt vote* TA company. pr*i»aratnry to moving spring freshet I* in full swing and Nebr . was expected to arrive in »»u sew arm in g of Bouneville res- Its lln*-# for relocation of the to 1. in favor of ih# Tnwn*lleve. P# I n!te«| Ntntea to p*v twenty wav maintenance station. n*arl' ’ ** r,Vrr may r>* runn,n* a m il* Pacific T d * hone and ►«‘«nd feet, or mere. charge. G lgra y’s noted orchestra four tt.<>u#and million dollars every Telegraph crew* ihl* week are Th * late spring weather con- c F Sunday, assistant keeper. from Portland Height* club will fear, ti,# (nini nt firing * Ji< fringing th#lr wire* Hnues to h < Id back the high " a - has resigned, effective June 15. P '*y *be latest number* for Per month to every man |vaat sixty flnl«hlng r* !*r Gravest concern over the t he replaced by Irvin Petite from dancers, fololw tng a short dedt- on th* north side cation program. Bridge w ill be W ork on th* hlghw*v under barkward s**as«in centers about { ’ niatilla government airport. 7'.-r# ar# miraci.-« of various th# volume of water which come ____________________ played In the two lounges, com- Contractor Frank K#rnan was 1». *v#u in healing leproay. H n-.trlng down th»* canyon after , , / fortable furnished with overstuff- U N k s td-rrs LI lilt A K Y can I n . „ |hf, hy pn»gr<#»slng l1#»* tb* high »* aool the ed leather davenports and chairs. ither becomes hot Mr*» J. W. Woodward was a*p- toward* town. Culverts snd ex­ a./jo-rf: itnral |Mi«er. It mu It* t|ous If the water begins to arrive In panted last week ^ ^ ■ it b r a r ia n in tensions w er* laid last week ky •< t* Ja.-iniho Hours, l'or- vol th< ir'iii engine«rs ,-harge o f the Oascade Ix>cks unit 1 H \ l I K K l It'S HADGK I « . » Nil throughout th# entire ‘*1 mil# «*f eh etnia t# in ilio d* Janeiro, the road to b# rebuilt The fill In w|l| find It neceswary to raise the o f the Ho.»d River county library. A “ Oregon chauffeur's license •rijuvi.eii * finger, and while aulTer- fn m i o f the school I* n.vorly < <*m- Cnlon Pacific tracks five feet for j ^ k * may be obtained from badge, apparently dropped from a a. ut# accblentnlly dlpiN-d pleted the r»»ri">se of protecting It after ^jrff Woodward free of charge at P*»*In g truck, was found last *e fltigi-r In a liquid vegetable ex- week on the Columbia river high­ -4 |jer home In the I^ock*. S. vt t.. I m * undertaken I» «h# )h, v «,|,| u o t k w «TU f«t l of * that he waa pre|tarlng. Tlila cut through the bank on the ea*t narth and rock to the top of the way between Pounevllle and Ca*- 11W * 1* obtained from a end o f the business district, ex- Upper cofferdam |»KH ('Y t iM U I H lT T MAKR1KS cad' Owner may reclaim In Bradford braxlllan plant, mixed with pected to -be begun next week eU>ugh. east of the powerhouse Percy Galchutt. worker on the »» *» »he o ffice of The Chronicle Chaltnuogra oil. according to Dr. Dirt from the excavations w ill be „ m! naT|gatlon lock*. powerhouse. Is a single man no Mt Cascade Locks. cenando Terra. dlrevAartf « :A# Ido used t o t flllln i-ln In front of t h e -------------- --------------- longer. In Vancouver, W ash., last ---------------------- ----—■— - .,‘‘J “üHro boapHal. bid already ravend)* l^>ck* Lum ber romi*«ny Wednesday, he and Mrs. Hasel Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barr o f ^ M rl. Glen Bevln* and L. Stacey of Portland were mar- California moved Into one o f the and lo ral*e t h ' * r» d° " ' ,,C Mrs W. W. W illiam * were visi- rive f« * » P o r t l a n d " o v e r the week-|rled The couple w ill make their W illiam s cabins east o f town last lnh!!ÜT trr,denta are valuabls. Tha ss flv * or six main — hu-ln#** dl*- * home in Portland. .week. p*' Unger ahowed the way to through the nvaui ------- ,.n(| ,n «»nportant m r* m e t. . wT*“Li r * ’*^ *• m,v POWER COMPANY STARTS SHIFTING POLES AT LOCKS «" DEDICATION OF AUDITORIUM TO BE GALA PARTY "I!