RONNKVIliliK DAM C H R O M rL R POSTOFFICE TO BE SNAP! CRUNCH! TWEET! ADVANCED TO 3D CLASS WINS EPPING’S PRIZES MRS. E. B. HILL GIVEN $72,500 FOR PROPERTY L et’s T a k e A d van tage Fo u l authorities, „ ' . I f " , the Crunching. crackling sound* A Jury In the United State« Bonneville dam art*«,__have de- emanating from Carl K pplngs district court at Portland Friday Clari'(t that till* ponioffirt In ('ait It*,por- 1 ™ . . " » » T i m « continued dull until » „ . ‘ a ? ' ? ? Ra t i o n . The tract „ r l a l u .i l , con- who guessos most correctly the .. which is pulp and paper and ra y -,ta ln e d 40 acres, but the late Sam taalty to step into a wel| paylng ■nm boi o f btoevltg pllod in the Blarted work on Bonneville dam. on - H,n * ave away three acres on the Jr»b In «‘ vent the p ostofflre 1s glv- store’s windows go valuable The dam will be com pleted Coat of assem bling data would highway. These three acres are •n a hlghcr ratlag, are snlfflng prizes, the nature o f which are within two years. Meantime the be com paratively sm all. The e f- em braced In the business dis- the air and wrIUng thelr con ­ secret until the award. gres mun. town may obtain an Industry f” rt/ ? e ? ded w° uld not be wa8t* trict’ on lh * h ^ h w a y . which will utilize low -cost elec- ^ ,ead er*h,p *■ required to In the first cou rt action Mrs. N'n Indication haa b»i'n glven Hill obtained an award o f $75,- the govcrnaii-nt propos»** to «eek t n « i . « » . Am. . . . i n u m .y ? “ * " T J "*"*" in motion. Outside capital can be 000. The governm ent objected Iarg< r quarters fo r the p ostofflre 0 7 T O A • nrYCI I s jC Y T n0t pro, ur,‘ an Industry. Greatest interested, but not seriously un­ and asked for a new trial. The ¿«3 I U *r, U L F cL L l i t A I opportunity for an Industry cen- fn th e « vent a change la raade In til facts bearing upon acreage. last trial occupied a week or the ttmastrs. . . . . m T a u 'J - 7 M „ . l ‘„ 7 ”n lu 'h o m é A ^ m 7 7 oV n T yb m “ .‘ f “ **' • "** “ bd btber •ub^ > ‘ « « «> “ « ' » >>™e and le ft the altua- Try a want ad ‘ e the Chronicle. ! m u H u u i.n "to . »' tim ber, bulb o f ° “ “ “ 'k a" ago. “ ° " abOUt Wb' r' " * at * Lave Johnson o f the Ix>cks hit *!h,ch mUBt com ‘, out tro u g h the first home run of the season. the Columbia river. Probably 20 D r»D T i . . . n o . . . Ilr> Ray Smith, substitute pitcher, cent of this tim ber is hem- C a _ l _ 0 > A /*$ivn$«A a PORTLAND BALL CLUB A C tlV ltlC S P A T C U C D t /I C lT C I n r knocked out four hi*s in i a v n lock, and hemlock has little value. H“ |y <• ' » r e b o m l-j . .? * " ? * “ “ Caacade ixicka l.i Jim Johnson and Ray Smith 11 _ . . . . . . ... . n a t c A o» i o o . ----- f r\ cz will have a personal interest in took over lhe hurling berth In the Half miU urst of Bonneville baa« ball p«n- •lghth and s lo th i nnlnas, r-amn-t- „ „ m o„ lh , „ m lH a r . l " ■ « v a .e e . , b . chair lve|y. Kearns was catcher » lum bering recognize an | oppor- o f Junior past w orthy president, - . e ® a T 9’. . OD'! For Mosler, Carroll pitched tunlty to build here. And other now held by J. A. M errill. ^ 1 1 «n,>aH Portland t h r e e innings, with Fusum taking w ere: W orthy men realire that the district N om inations <1 aa- over. Morteson and H olm es were Richards possesses all o f the advantages President. Leonard T h lelk e; o - ' ^ 31! h” T . introduced receiving the ball. oun necessary to the pulp and paper w°rth y vice president, John B. s y s unc e. The Lock* town team will play Industry. M oe; chaplain, E. A. Brink, C. C. “ P op ” W uner. Odell on the governm ent reser­ JL s s This Is R ich ard’s first year of Building o f Umatilla dam and O lm sted; secretary, V G. Hender- vation grounds at Cascade I» c k s professional ball playing. He other project on the upper river s° n : treasurer. Geo- E. T hom as; Sunday. chose Portland out o f the six con- Bottled, Jug and Draught would create a m arket for lum - " • O . Jack Callander; O. V., H er- a him in o rd er to her. A mill In Cascade Locks mann H elvogt; I. G., H. R. T’ n1- __ work under Buddy Rogers. H A H U JI N(’ KRT AT C'HURi'H would enjoy a deidded advantage kpr. Frank Banks, Arik (.ala “ Give Portland three m ore Rev. Mr. Smith, pastor or the |n production costs and tran»por- trustee. Joe Bucher, Carl first class pitchers and y o u ’ll see Methodist Com m unity church, an- tatlon charges. Epping, John Ingerlund, A. H. ftandw khcs that are d iffe r ­ a real ball team .” was his pre­ Bounces the appearance o f the As yet no attempt has been Johnson. ent. Try oar Special Ham­ diction. Ihiff evangelistic party at the made by any organized group In Election will be this week, in- burger mm Toasted Ban. church In Cascade flocks, Tues- Cascade Locks to obtain data etallatlon next month. The aerie I>KUR F A J J /v KILLKI» day night, May 7. The party will hearing on volum e o f tim ber expects to be in its new location Frightened by dogs, a deer entertain with a sacred concert, available, or other Inform ation ' n the I. O. O. F. hall by next dashed over the 4 0-foot b lu ff be- MSit and Sif by Our Open There is no adm ission charge, but which men In the lum ber and raeetltik The M others’ Dav program will twe*n Tanner creek and Bonny a free-w ill offerin g will be taken, pulp industry are going to de- Fire fin er? rnand when"'they" put m oney Into be held May 12 a t ' 1 p.m. on the V ,,la Tuesday m orning, crashed a mill To The Chronicle It ap- Looks governm ent grounds, Carl ° n *be highway, was instantly Wend In your news Items. ______ ' _____________________________ i Epping. chairm an. announced. k,1,ed* A governm ent truck took Full cooperation of public schools the oarcass to Bonneville. and other organizations has been obtained to m ake the day a suc­ cess. C om plete list o f speakers will be available next week. The OREGONIAN Representa­ The social Friday night at the tive may be reached at the Bridge o f the Gods inn was one o f the best ever held by the loca l; R oosevelt Inn, Bonneville. lodge. An orchestra from P ort- land was em ployed fo r the (lane- _ Ing. w hile special num bers w erej given during the evening. Some o f the outstandig num bers w ere: Vocal solos by Miss Olmsted o f AT T O R N E Y A T L A W Bonneville, and Maury Harris o f Notary P ublic P ortlan d: accordion solo by John Ingerlund. Cascade L ocks, Oregon o f O ur Opportunities LOCKS BEATS M0SIER BONNY VILLA CATCHER VISITS LOCKS TAVERN l“ h"’1 '■ “i 1 Sonf,.*"* '**'»* *<»* BUTZ-WEINHARD AND SILVER SPRINGS BEER WALLACE KNAPP 1 An Invitation Is cordially extended to each and every person of the Dam Area to visit us at our GRAND OPENING G. A. COBB Saturday, May 4— 7:30-12 P. M agistrate: “ Have you seen the prisoner At the bar b e fo r e ? ” W itness: “ Yes— th at's w here I first met him .” lO O K THIWWIUH THIH MODERN SHOP AY1> HKK THK I P-TO -RATK FASHIONS FO R WO- MFN \NI> N O nC TH K FINK Q UALITY O F KVKRY «A R M K N T . IF YOU " I L L IJX>K AT »mV: PIUCKH ON T H IS FINK M K R l’ HANIHSK YOI W IL L BK FLKAHHI» TO NOTE THK RKASONAlUae OHAKOKH FOR SUCH ULTRA MODERN A P P A R K Ia Sore, Inflam ed n o n t F W I M , UK O V E R M W DR I SSLS FROM W H ICH TO H K L K tT AND NO TW O " I L L BK I L I K l / AH FIN K A H K LM TIO N AS MAY HE FOUND IN THK LARG EST METKOINH j ITAN CENTKRH— NHW MFIU HANIHMF W ILL BE A R R IV IN G REG U LARLY TO ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS O F ONLY T H E FINEST AND LATEST STYLES. SONALLY A T — AC Y O regon O P PO SITE TH E NEW PO STO FFIC E , . ‘ h i • Jta ’r*' ' , DROP i N N Cascade Locks REA SO N ABLY PRIC ED G o to Bonneville Drug Co., or any good druggist today ana get an original bottle o f M oone’s Em ­ erald OH. The very first application w ill Leaves Locks gi^»' you relief and a few short 5 :2 5 a.m. treatm ents will thorough ly co n ­ 7 :2 5 a.m. vince you that by sticking fa ith -! 1 1:2 5 a.m. fu lly to it fo r a short while your 1 :2 5 p.m. fo o t troubles will be a thing of 5 :2 5 p.m. the Past and best o f all. free 5 :4 5 p. m. from all offen sive odors. 8 :3 5 p.m. And one bottle we know will 1 1 :3 5 p.m. show you beyond all question that you have at last discovered , Ride (he Bus it’ s the way to keep you r feet in a drivin g you r car. normal healthy condition free insurance. P orky from all pain and soreness. BONNEVILLE CASCADE LOCKS BUS W K ( AN HAY NO M ORE NOW. R I T W E A R E l/OOKING F O R W A R D TO MEETING YOU P E R ­ Radies Ready-to-wear DEW Sw ollen Feet INSRUCTION EN ROLL IN T H E KNITTING INSTRUCTION CLASH AND R E C EIVE F REE \|l o ( t MAKING VOORHELF A IIEI V-St lT . IT’S T H E N K " A id . AMFRICAN FAIL A ( X » l - n .E T E STOCK O F BUFPIAKH H H t Y O l'R (XINVhTNIKNCE. Cascade Lock« HOME COOKED MEALS r Leaves Bonn« 6 :1 5 a.m 9 :0 0 a.m 1 2 :1 5 p.m 2 : 15p.m 4: 40 p.m 6 :1 5 p.m 7 :3 0 pm 9 :1 5 p.m 1 2:1 5 p.m Cheaper thar F ull coverag« Fancher, Mgr 1