i i o w K u i i H n \ 'i c H i w x i m : S’MATTER POP By C. M. PAYNE AM A Z E A M BY I N UTE 8CIENTIFACTS ARNOLD WNU Service. Along the Concrete SUCH IS LIFE ♦ SO YOU WERE n Sim otv sa\asx--- AMD \VUAT Dio MY urtlE so M UCARM'V B y C h t r l n S u e h ree O *» o / BUZ-Z-Z-Z NONE SUCH “So you played a ame with Mr. Bee. Well, I warned you." "Yeah, I got stung plenty.” Fanny— I wnnt a man In a million Clara— I wunt a million and a man. T H E R E W A S A R EA SON “ All very well for you to preach economy,” said Brown’s wife, "but I notice whenever I cut down ex penses that you smoke better clours and spend more for golf clubs and things.” "Well, confound It, what do you suppose I want you to economize for?” Brown demanded. — Boston Transcript. Getting Up in World “How are your four sons getting on?” “ The youngest Is still at college, the next Is apprentice In a bank, the third Is a bank cashier and the eldest Is already in America.”— Zu­ rich Schwelzer Illustrlerte. Skeptic Math. Professor— Now, Mr. Zilch- guard, If I lay three eggs here and five eggs there, how many will I have? Mr. Zilchguard (skeptically) — I don’t believe you can do It, air.