i t o N N K U M » n » M « u n o N U ’t . r OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAUNTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected tor Our Readers BONNY V ILLA TAVERN Ha!> mile vest of Bonneville BUTZ-W EINHARD AND SILVER SPRINGS BEER jt j » j * Bottled, Juc And Draught Beer Sandw ich«« that arc differ* ent. T ry our Special Ham* burger on T o u t e d Bun. “ Sit and Sip by Our Open Fireplace” Val#— Tha Pom ona graugs at H arper. Malheur county, haa son « , on record aa opposing any changs ! tu the O regon law that would per mit tha county court to coiupro- mtsa a delinquent tax. T he D alles — A landmark of \ The Dalles is being partially torn dow n to sa te taxes. In esrly days tha building waa kouwn as ! the E uropean house, where was i set one o f tha best tables In Ore- I «o n . Astoria — Clatsop county will ! not be put to much espouse this year tor tha burial o f county poor. One undertaker has bid 1 mill for each burial, and another offe rs to perform tha serrtre free of charge. M arshfield — Six new lookout tow ers, 70 miles o f forest rosds and over SO miles of trails snd telephone lines h ate been built In C oos county under the supervision o f tha Coon County Eire 1‘atrol association. . O FOREST WOOD - $5 - Per Cord PITCH / KINDLING ALYCE HARVEY’S WOOD YARD Phone 141 Caacade L ock s k CHILD’S LAXATIVE SHOULD BE U Q U ID (At A any doctor) Foe Tour own comfort, and for tow children’s safetu and future wenara, you should read this: The bowels cannot be helped to regularity by any laxative that can’t be regulated os to done. That it why doctors use liquid laxatives. A liquid laxative can always be taken in the right amount. You can gradually reduce the dose. Reduced m m m is the secret of real and toft relief from constipation. The right liquid laxative dose gives the right amount of help. When repeated, instead of more each time. you take leu . Until bowels are mov- ing regularly and thoroughly without any help at all. , The Ho ld i';.ative generally used is Dr. C . veil’s Syrup Pepsin. It contains : ■*;; 'a and ea-eara, natural laxatives tunl form no habit — even in children, ».* action is gentle, but 6ure. It will clear up a condition of biliousness or sliur'vihness without upset. Every drugg. t has it. | 2 )Ji.6aMoe&'i SYRUP PEPSIN Makes’J m ■Ss Sr eiail or st éraa Wwfcs. Tsssksg»«. N i Salem — llcd d a Swart, county engineer o f Marlon com ity the past 23 years, has resigned aa a result o f a change In tha person nel o f the county court. I'blUp EUher. cou nty bridge builder, ha* also resigned. H alfw ay — It la reported at • H alfway that a Chicago firm haa | purchased tha Oregon Short Line | railroad track from R obinette to j H om estead at auction and will ' salvage It this year. Tha line waa abandoned by tha railroad co m pany tom e lima ago. A storia— An ordinance licene- j lng all barber shops and barbers, ; and containing provisions barring their operation in places con n ect ed with the dispensing o f bear, haa bean subm itted to tha Astoria city cou n cil by tha master jo u r neyman barbers o f the city. R edm ond— Donald T elefsr. SI. died Thursday In St. Charlea hos pital from Injuries resulting from a fall o f approxim ately 90 feet dow n the shaft of tha Oregon K ing mine at Aahwood. He waa em ployed at tha m ine In under ground w ork. He waa an expert i miner. T he Dalles— Convinced that a ' grave In ju stice will he done to Eastern O regon If tolls are rem or- [ da from the Oregon Coast high way brldgea. T he Dalles Chamber o f C om m erce haa aligned Itself with Bend and other citlee In op position to a bill pending In the legislature. MIM t ut« »tl.onO.OtiO D M Eugene More than 3* rtOO.OPO feel at governm ent timber ««• con« art ad into lumber bv II'* W estern l.uml-er com psny el W rstflr In I ' l l , according to " report o f tbs forest settles on the actlvttls# o f this com pany, which ! , on# o f the few In tha country operating HU' per cent In it .Mona! f .reit timber. T he tosi paid the govern mani wa * • d I . *> >> v*. In tha I H years that the company hasj been oj-er.ttlug It has cut 31 6. 000 000 faet and paid tb s government j |«45 000. |*riw|«vfor l i m b HI* b lire M ed ford Thera Is no drp r» »low here, accordio : t<* Jwd son. The going was trry lough for J i t it«' b id n o won ay. So he went prospecting TV first week brought him lu>-k lie reported at a bank hers and sold f 4,000 worth o f gold quarts b’ out o r five weeks later he lugged a hag o f gold Into the same bank It was worth 113.000. Illtsnn haa his claim staked out and rvC Iste red It Is not far from Med ford He stumble*! onto the taio which brought him fortune. GROUP OF HOMES BEING BUILT IN LAKEVIEW SITE P allin g into line with the C ham ber o f C om m erce’s plana to cle a n up and beautify Cascade lawk*, the Caacade Lum ber com pany, la w recking the old bu ildin gs on Its property In the laikevlew a d d i tion- Installing sanitary plum bing and m oving hom es to Im prove the landscape T he m ove, first »tgn o f the an nual spring housectranlng. on ly on a larger scale, has attracted the a t tention o f many ou ts'd ers and Lucks residents la the past week fiv e Iota were sold In the d istrict, which already boasts six m odern horns*. O ne oth sr, C. M M ltrhsll. Is m oving his house from the path o f the planned roadw ay, and at the sam e time, com p letely renovtalng 1«. T he o ld R obert L iggett rm i- dence has been com pletely rem od eled by W M K eeler and Will be occu pied by Mr and Mrs J W a r » . Irk and tw o d au ghters The iJ g - getts have m oved to H ood Hlver • here Mrs L iggett Is confln.-q to j the hospital. T he quintet w ho hava purrbased property and plan to build Im m ediately are J. M MrChrlaty. It C Nelson- Frank A T obandt. M R Fergueaoo, a P ortlander w ork ing on the d a m . and B It H a n d -' ford , governm ent engineer, who has been living In tha Eulghatn cabins PARKER-SCHRAM BIO LOW ON NEW CONTRACT P arker Schram com pan y, of B aker— A 15400 gold brick was lo*- on tha held high by Toastm aster Blaine P ortlan d . H allock brought 200 persons up govern m en t con tra ct for gradin g right at tha annual Baker County the reservation s perm anent road Cham ber o f Com m erce banquet system , and leveling the ground last Tuesday night. The brick, around the new adm inistration not unusual here tb*-ae days, was bu ildin g and civ ic au ditorium rh«> m ade from gold taken by the firm bid » 6 1 ,MO. M onarch Gold Dredging company T he con tra ctors will excavate at P rairie City. It weighs 176.7 and haul the dirt from the point ounces. above the ship canal, and a re eg-1 1 B aker — Mr. and Mr». E. C. peeled to get their operation* u n T he 1 W ooten o f M axwell, N. M., en- der way within three weeks i route to T he Dalles, w ere not top soil will b*- used In dressing | bothered by hitch-hikers after the law ns around th e perm aurnt - leaving Durkee last Thusday, but governm ent residence» they arrived in Baker a short tim e later with an extra passen ger. T he passenger was an 8- PIERS ARE ALL IN ON pound boy, w ho la doing nicely TANNER CREEK VIADUCT with his m other In a Baker h os AM 17 o f the con crete piers pital. Mrs. W ooten la the moth* I have l»een ¡«Id fo r the 9 0 0 fo o t i er o f three children. ultra-m odern span »cro ss T anner creek , which will be com pleted Hog Contract* Arrtvo »om e lim e In May. at a co»t o f A lbany— Checks totaling f 11,- »2 5 0 .0 0 0 . It 1 » estim ated that 369 fo r distribution am ong Linn m ore than 10.400 yards o f c o n county hog grow ers have arrived crete atone will be used on the j from W ashington at the offlca o f railroad righ t-of-w ay. ond payment on hog contracts. T h e new roadbed w||| wind County A gent Floyd Mullen. This around the base o f the high cliff constitutes the lon g overdue sec- North P ow der — North P ow d betw een B onn eville and B ony VII-j e r’s lee harvest was a good on*. la. picking up the d ou b le track m outh of the Tha to u t stored was 10,800 tons, »pan near the la addition, 1500 tons was ship stream , crossing the fish hatchery grou n d » and running a lon g sid e the ped to H untington. ship c*ns1 snd **a lock s a b ov e the pow erhouse. BONNEVILLE DRUG STORE QUALITY MEK( HANDISB AT A SAVING Drug Specials Through Monday $1.00 Pepsodent Antiseptic ........................ 50c Pepsodent Toothpaste........................... ... 50c Bust Tooth P a s t e ..................................... 29c $1.00 Coty Face Powder ................................. $1.00 Fitch Dandruff Remover Shampoo ... 5 ^ $1,00 Hinds Honey & Almond Cream ........... 7 ^ $1.00 Jergens L o tio n ...................................... 40c Palmolive Shaving Cream ...................... 3 ^ 75c Vaseline Hair T o m e .................................. 5 ^ $1.25 Italian Balm and D ispenser...................& $1.00 Listerine ............................................. 59 * $1.25 Absorbme Jr............................................ 9 ^ $1.50 Citrocarhonate...................................ji.jg $1.00 Irom/ed Yeast Tablets .......................89c 35c Sloans Liniment ..................................... 29c Kotex or Modess ...................................2 for 35c $1.00 O valtm e................................................ 59 c 75c T a k a ra .................................................... ¡jfo 75c Vicks Vapo Rub ......................................S9c 50c Vicks Nose and Throat Drops ............... 39 c $1.00 Whites Cod Liver Oil Tablets, 100s ..79c 50c Yeast Foam Tablets — ..........................39c $1 00 Zomte 79c 89c SJ.00 Lysol Thrifty MmtraJ Oil. Qt............................. 49c Thrifty Antiseptic Solution, Ot.................. 39c Thrifty Cod Liver Oil. Pt..........................29c Thrifty Milk Magnesia, Pt. 23c Thrifty Milk Magnesia. Ot...................... 39c 11.00 Petrolagar ................ 87c $1.20 Lactogen ............................................. 98c $1.20 S. M. A ................................................... 98c $1.00 Squibb Liquid Petrolatum ................... 59c $1.00 Wampoles Preparation .......................89c $1 00 Norwich Cod Liver O i l .......................... 59c $1.00 Icy Hot Vacuum Bottle. Pt......................59c Kleenex ......................................... 2 for 35c $1.00 Nujol 79c $1.50 Alarm Clocks, guaranteed ................... 98c $1.50 Hot Water B o ttle .................................. 98c S I.25 Watches ............. 98c $1.00 Russian Mineral O i l .............................. 89c Rubbing Alcohol, p in t ...............................*9c 50c Pcbeco Tooth P a s te .................................. 84c 50c Listerine Tooth P a s t e ............................... 86 c 60c Fitch Shavinq Cream and Lotion ............23i| 60c Combination Italian Balm and Dreskin — 29* Woodburys Facial S o a p .................. 3 for 25c Colgates Toilet Soaps .................. 6 for 29c 60c Alka S e ltz e r............................................. *9c Williams Brushless shave A 5 Cooper Blades 39® $2.00 S. S. S. Tonic ................................... 3 1-69