« lllio M n .i; MERRILL' S MIDDLEWEIGHT News Keview of Current P „ u n . , ,i x rT ils t h e World K e l i e f an S u p r e m e C o u r t O . K ’ h G o l d L a w « — P r e * i< le n t U r ^ e n C o n g r r « « t o E x t e n d WRESTLING • M IA By CAHCADK M m 'KM Two Hours or Best Two out ot Three Falls SE M I-W IN D U P Young KALLIO HATH AM U N TO AHTOItlA Six Rounds PRELIMINARY Jimmy DOLAN vs. Curly GREEN | i»H T t.A M » C im V A U .IM Four Rounds REFEREE. Keith Wesp THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 8:30 P. M. MERRILL'S PAVILION CASCADE LOCKS 50c Plus Tax— RIN G SID E— SI.CO Plus Tax Let Us Give You An Estimate on Materials il You Plan to Improve. Remodel, or Build Your Home ' '■■e caari * ----- U MBER & BUILDING MATERIAL FIRE WOOD FOR SALE Central Lumber Company Phone 241 Cascade Locks, Ore. g"M ruling, formar 1‘re.lilelit HrrIeTt Hoover demand- eil re eatahllalnnent of the gold M a ta rá in I k s t’ nlleil Minien ni the only way "to re alore conflilence In mir ctirrency." Thl« coiihl only he done — -w r- m by making ths dollar ■ InirneJIatelv “ con- " ' I vertible a! the pres- P ft! r,', •*’® ' enta of g..' I — the mmiera met li­ mi of »perle i«iy- ment " Herbert The only living Hoover e\ I’reahlent a n I 4 Ihm »neh nrflun would put more of the i2.nMy.tssi unemployed men hack to work thnn any other step. The t'nlteil Stale» »houli! take the lend In returning to the standard, he • aid. declaring that, "There I« no need to wait for foreign nation* et.ire « e re e.tvhllah the gold • titular! ned retore confidence In • >nr currency. Ttier would he hound ■n follow »..m e 'Ime, They are more nfrnld of »nr doing but thl* than ■tiev nrc o' anv \mcrlcan 'managed ■ urrency.' ” of wugi-» and hours was practical and neci-saury. Answering recent protests o f la­ bor, he snld: '"The rights o f em- ploy ce* fr.-.-ly to organize for the purpose of collective htirgnlnltig should he fully protected." He urged more strli-| applh-ntloii of nntl-trust law*, condemned mo nopolle* nnd private price fixing, opposed htndraui-i-s to fnlr cotupe tltlon, Hinl proposed further jwotec tlon of stnnll enterprise* against dlscrlinluutlon and oppression. Ills suggesthms, If adopted, would keep code violators from behind the bar». “ The wny to enforce law*, ciwlcs nnd regulations relating to Industrial practice* Is not to seek to put people In Jnll," he snld. Admitting »nine mlatakeo, the president » I t s well antlsned that the XRA had done n good Job con sidering Its short existence. “ Only cnrplng critic» and thoae w-lio m«ek political advantage nnd the right again to Indulge In unfair practice» nr exploitation of lahor or consumer* deliberately seek toqunr- re| over the oltrlous fact that a great code o f law, of order and of decent hrslneos cannot I»* created In a dm or n year," Mr. Roosevelt declared. All d' tails of the legislation were left to congress. While this Is In progrès«, tlie senate finance commit­ tee propose* to conduct the Nye- MrCsrmn Investigation of the XRA administration and codes. The Judiciary subcommittee reported no funds available, hut the Imjulry. which ha* the President's approval, will be attempted without money. * p IIItTY ONE Inmates »hot nnd 1 klllr I a guard In a *|iectartilar lirmh fr«m the nklntiomn state pris­ on at Granite the only male penal Institution admlnlrtered by a wom­ an warden. Thirteen »e r e enptured \ f >RE thnn list men were report I shortly afterward amt a mnn-hunt * ed killed or «on : ded In a *kir la on for the other*. The fugitives ml*h In the "demilitarized’* zone used two guns which had l»ecn which lie* between Mniiehukun nnd smuggled to them, forced a "trusty" China north of Tientsin. The clash turnkey to open up for them, cor­ was between the recently formed ralled 20 visitor* In the visitors' Pence Preservation corps nnd the room and. ualng them for a shield, l.wsnchow militia. The Peace Pres made their e*--npe. Her prison al­ ervatloo corps, which hn* the np ready the subject of Investigation provul of the Chinese government, Into It* nmral and mnnagerlul was receiving money nnd arms standards, the warden. Mrs. O. A. from the Japanese. It was alleged. | "Mother" IValter*, wn* ordered re- The tullltln I* sup|>orted hy lnont placed hy a mnn. Oov. E. \V. Mnr- • Chinese Interests. While the bat­ land declaring that a woman “ tn*t tle was raging. Wang Chlng-wet can't manage" a prison Hctlanfly. premier of the Chinese Nationalist she refused to clear out until com­ government, nnd Kokl Hlrota, Jsp pleted Investigations had vindicated nnese foreign minister, expressed themselves ns desirous of peace be her. tween the two nations. ealm lead er h it l e r re­ r u n o r ic h a r d H a u p t m a n n fused to exercise hi* preroga­ escaped the electric chair at tive of mercy and two Merlin so- rlety women were beheaded by the least temporarily when a writ of error filed by defense attorneys official executioner for divulging mill tnr> secret*. Another womnn nnd earned him a stay of execution a I'ollah nobleman were sentenced sentence which was to be carried to life Imprisonment at hnrd work. out nt Trenton. N. J.. March IS The execution of the two women The Bronx carpenter's life Is safe was carried ont at dawn with such at least until September or October »orrery that It wn* hour* before since a further appeal can he made their exact fate could be learned. to the court o f pardons If the court The two women went to their o f errors nnd appeals fnlls to up death with a calm courage that hold the writ. I.loyd C. Fisher and should be nn example for the Frederick A. Pope presented the strongest men. nn eye witness re- npivenl after n battle with Chief Ho porhM. Tin* aen»«tlnnnl publicity fense Counsel Kdwsrd J. Reilly, who awakened by the execution was ex- subsequently threatened thst either he or Fisher would have to with­ ported to Induce Hitler to com­ draw from the Hauptmann defense. mute the sentence* of two men spies The hearing will probably tnke sc h e d u le d to t>e beheaded In the place at the next session o f the same manner soon. court, which begins May 21. R ALSO O T K P H to curb the Inroad* of Japan«*»« land hold er» In the rich hemp growing provinces of l>arao are being taken by the Philip­ pine government. Strict implication of Insulur lawa governing land holding by aliéna will lie made, ac­ cording to Euloglo Rodriguez, secre­ tary of agrlcnliore, who schemes a w h o l e s a l e cancellation of subleases of public lamia, which he maintain* are Illegal. A recent survey. Ro­ drigues aaaerta show* the Japa­ nese control 120.000 seres In the province, and thni lenses to 04.372 acres are Illegally held. The unitoli il recovery net termi' haie» June 1« tilla )enr. **Atml<>n tuent »"U h l tie unthinkable." he ■aid. naming the net na "the blggeat factur In giving re employment to approtlnintely 4.<»»U**t people," Me anlil congruas mint maintain the fumlameiiiiil prlnrlplea of the art to evtnbllah ni lenii a minimum fair Irmte practice nini labor rela­ tion* alnmlnril. pleading that chlhl Inleir must etny out atnl that flxlng T in : Iteci» of the Supreme P IC K A R D Union liinre effective eufiircelnetrt o f Citile* unci the granting o f “ unque*tlotie<] power" tn (lie feilem ! guter innen t, Were itrgei] by the president In a melange In congre**. ADMISSION ----- W. N r* "I ' rt i » morn year« « f the MIA, A w lih c ia r li'' it mi of policies, CA N AD IA N « ’ M AM t* Ray vs. LAMPMAN I w o M o re Y earn . ED W A R D €?. Wildcat vs. Cowboy JOHNSON GRAHAM Over N rw MAIN EVENT ' B FISHWAYS ™ BE B U IL T DESPITE lo ss OF FUNDS 'j | President R oosevelt's action In 'titlin g $1,100,000 o ff the sum »1- locsted by the federal governm ent lot the (onstructlon o f the fish­ ways at Uonr.e'/llle dam w ill not In nny way effe-1 the completed work so far. Th e drastic cut w ill, how ever, mean that there w ill he no fish lifts on the W ashington shore o f the dam. and that one o f the gra v­ ity ways, which one has not yet been decided, w ill be narrowed to almost half If Its original dim en­ sions. W ork on the ways from Brad­ ford Island, through the pow er­ house and Into the ship canal Is better than half completed. The 17-foot passageway from the ship canal to the powerhouse, tdasted through solid rock 80 feet high. Is down to almost exact measure­ ments. With the 20-foot square fo r the fish elevators finished, contrac­ tors will start building forma this week, preparatory to pouring con­ crete the follow in g week. The 50-foot steel and concrete strip across the dow n-river side o f the powerhouse is well under construction, as Is the excavation fo r the w a ys'fro m the north end o f the powerhouse across Brad­ ford Island to the cofferdam . CONTRACT TO BE AWARDED SOON FOR DROP LOGS The Cnlted States engineers w ill open bids March 12 fo r the pur­ chase of 23 stop-log* and a sta­ tionary derrick with which to set them In place on the locks. It is estimated that the 804.000 pounds o f nickel steel and the 4 5.000 pounds o f structural steel in the logs, and derrick, w ill cost $160.- 000. Th e stop-logs are part o f the equipment needed fo r the sea locks They only are brought in­ to use In case o f em ergency acci­ dents. Each log is 80 feet long. 10 feet wide, four feet high. Ten w ill be needed fo r the east end o f the locks. 13 fo r th west end. The derrick can swing them Into place In 12 hours. W hen not In use they w ill ho stacked up beside the locks. Chief purpose of the logs centers about their use on those occasions when the governm ent wants to clean out the chamber In the locks. FINE DANCING PARTY HELD BY EN G IN EERS Hanclng In the spacious double ballroom o f Simmon's tavern at Multnomah Falls, the government railroad engineers staged their third consecutive successful in­ form al party Thursday night. Fu lly 100 couples had been en­ tertained before the music was brought to a close by a Portland orchestra at 1 o'clock. Th e suc­ cess o f the affair led to open dis­ cussion almost im m ediately on the desirability o f holding another party within the next month. Though few realised It. the hon­ or guests were Mr. and Mrs. Syl­ vester Johnson. “ Si", as he Is known, is a veteran pitcher fo r the ClncJunattl Reds In the National league, and w ill leave fo r train­ ing camp this week to start hls 13th season In the majors. A N D RE W JOHNSON H U R T Andrew E. Johnson, o f W arren , dale, General-Shea em ployee, suf­ fered serious internal Injuries and a broken pelvis Friday morning, when. In attem pting to catch a block tossed by another worker, he slipped from hls sash brace on pier 3 o f the powerhouse and fell 20 feet to a pile o f timbers be­ low. He was rushed to St. V in ­ cent's hospital In Portland. 1 i s* ♦