PLANS FOR BASEBALL TEAM GET UNDER WAY Mr and M i. Ja. k H ch u i.lo» « a a a a a a a a a » a f a a s « n 4| Mr and Mr* llrrnard ■'•'t'«' Mr and Mr* Arthur PeirH in Falling Its their q **»**• lo of Palla* « e r e Hunday gue*ta al whom It waa erroueoualy atal*d Iho A A lger properly ca»t of t«>» n the home of Ihe U P P*ck • ta*t week had m oved In the Tooth ........... I mi .lay ‘i* I for It b**««b*ll field. I ntel e»t.-d rev. Mr* M a t h e »* of Portland I* Hock cabina al the l^trha. »pent Mr* Moor* ,,r .« I I (dent* turned tholr queot In o ih e ^ .p e il.llu « •••»<■' .1 w e rk * *• U * the week-end In Portlan d yjr w a , re p o rt.,, b* ^ «J I direct Ion* 1**1 week, and received gueat of her dauahter Mr* Ted •m l M t* tleo rg e lle rre u have m m . tend hnaplts, „ J * * **| permlaalou to uae a number of et| lo the l a » k* alia. Johnaon. • n .A -r ..,o n >u9^ field*, moat of which h e »* proved Mr and Mra W illiam Roborf*. Mr and Mrs Itohert A llen en­ U p « „ , rr , h„ unsatisfactory. however. o f U Urande vlaltrd brtefly »It h tertained Portland frien d s al Ih elr P' * tr d to rr. , , . r •* • * ! Harney Conlon'a Herman t reehl the Harry Matbewaon'a tuturdar Mr and Mr* g (. , property, though aotn* d l»ieo ceI Kartier In the wrek Mr» M a th e «, Bonny V illa bom * Hltnday Mr and Mr* Tons P ip p er* en from town, aeema the mo*t likely j aon'a *»*ter. Mra Karl Miner, and tertallied the llud W lualu w ’ a Krl • - " • f * Mr place at rroaent J. R l-ab«-r o f - ) her huahaud and fam lly *pent the .lav night with n»v*| gam es and fered hla land near the bridge, bub Mr and Mr* H q u tefrewhmenta It wa* felt that t«»o much work (tay, ,hr • « «u n i#l .7 » !! Mr. and Mra. Kd !-»«*». » f The Mrs A H Htark o f Fu gen *. *1* would be uec*»*ary to build a d ia ­ Palle*. vUlted » t t h h l» hfs»ther. 1er o f Roy l.uach. ha* return**! to I ' ” * 1 ” V S j mond Alaska Junk company, of Jaitir* I a*h at the U tter • hom * her home In ih e *n ll*y Portland eenctloeed the u«e of Hh««|) N Mtfc b IL « ,* * . In Ronny f**rk W edne*d*v Mr and Mr* Pavtd Collina, who urda, and Hum,«, ground near the Prnlgm ont. but Mr* J i m - llucher of the Holt*, It « a t not aulteble. wood Ihilry. eniertatned her moth- tleneral-Shea Construction com­ rr. Mr* W el*. and her l » o »l** pany ha* offered the u*e o f a bull- lera. o f tlreaham. rtunday f « r dln» E P *C r: d o ter whenever dealred. the only condition* being that g »»o lln e and! ner. Mr and Mr* Harry M athe« ...o an operator he supplied Mid-, and Ihetr guevla. Mr and Mr» Columbia league officials h a»e ap , Curt Pott*, o f Portland » e r * Hat. priM rhnl playera aa to jo in in g , urday ntght dln n.r gu*w|a of th* their loop thU *«*a*on Thoae In the dlatrict who would Charte* M oor*’*. S ì be luteroated In form ing a team j Mr and Mr* Krtc Kr»ck*-n. of thl* year or who feel they have* the Rapida club, were Portland aultable ground nearby, are re- business* visitor* Tuesday queated to talk to Ihsve lhn»m ore Mr and Mr*. C J H ath )» left barber at the Horn Club. Ca*‘"ad**j suddenly for Heattl* Monday !«oeka. or lo leave their name* at where th* la tter'* mother la ser­ the Chronicle office. iously 111. — tbe hub et A it im i Owqon» ahcopo* and tn*atr ...what "ti r..,en to plant...score* of help. _1 hints . . . a complete Garden Send for it today. Select and vegetable ieedi from the ferry Srrd Ruck at a ntarbj Ilore FERRY-MORSE SEED CO. 497 Paul Ave., San Francisco Please send FREE your new, 193) 100-page Garden Guide. Heme ................................ Addren D a lly D e liv e ry »M X4I/« ....... .......................... T h e second grade room has a new pupil. Muriel Cheeketta. from Clackamaa. She la livin g at Kagle Creek, and haa a sister. June in the third grade. T h ere |* a new resident In the third and fourth grade room. He fa a toad and hla name Is Napol­ eon. Th e workmen, while d ig ­ g in g the foundation fo r the new auditorium found him hibernat­ ing three feet underground The children o f that room voted on j hla name. Th e total amount earned at the candy aale. which waa under the supervision of M l*« Steven*, was I V 1 0. Th e fifth and *l*th grade* are progressing In their collection of new Inform ation from each siaie Facta are obtained from Chamber* I o f Comm erce In large cltle* They | are a!no w orking on a »crmi*-book o f the B onneville Dam project Th e boy* and girls o f the »ey- enth and eighth grade will play basketball Friday with Corbett, Th e eight grade puplla are j w orkin g on a map o f the Cnited Htatea. Th ey are going to put on It all the g o v ’ t dam projects. W h y not subscribe fo r The Chronicle fo r a f rlend o r retaiive and let them know what Is going on at the dam? T o B o n n o v illo D a m D U tr lc t C fV A Let us kielivei to your L omc the choicest cuts of selected meats. KELP KfDKEYS P your kidney* function badly and |m h-.t# a Um«. • ng back, with attack* of d in . .«■•*. burning, scanty or too fr a ,neat u.-tnatlon. getting ep at a C-l. j aw oi 1 * 0 feet and ankle*, rb «* traila p. ’ as . . . use />oua'f #*ttie />oca‘* ar* **p«cu ily f >r b«w»ty m ctin '.n g kidney* Mil » of -¿•a are awd «very year. They j r*c. : >• a uatty • ct . .I t b « e r n c 'y M o rf ej I LAKESIDE MARKET Cascade Locks Phone 17 hOAii’i PILLS ; SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT For your convenience we have installed a tree delivery service Starting To-day within the Bonneville Dam area All Orders Taken for Groceries Meats and Vegetabl- s Delivered Sa* 8 Day as Ordered Watch for our weekly specials if you haven’t received one of our circu­ lars. Come in and get one. Every item a money saver. QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Fresh Meats Every Morning at Less Than City Prices THE BONNEVILLE MERCANTILE CO- ON THE HIGHWAY NEXT TO TELEPHONE OFFICE Checks Cashed. No ObliflW* Phone 39 Bonneville’s Pioneer Store