' J M» NNK \ 111,1 forest WOOD $5 - - Per Cord PITCH KINDLING . o - ALYCE HARVEY’S WOOD YARD Phone 141 ' ('«*• m l« I a h k « BONNY VILLA TAVERN lltif mtie will of fttmnrx tlii BLITZ-WEINHARO AND ILVER SPRINGS BEER l >\M , H I U ,\ | | ',.K l lll. Mrs V ll. i ,|, Mr> Kr. All prutwrty owners In the Marshfield T uesda y I »In llrolllar, Mrs c . lirolllar, Mrs. f.itkevlew addition will meet f r|- | rushed to ser­ "alHiriie. Mr. v. Wlgreu, Mra. duy night ut C. J. Miller's resi­ morning to attend funeral vice* for .Mrs. llrolllar'» father, '» i k WiMidw.rd, Mrs. A Peter- dence for discussing street im­ Fred Elliot Mrs I'harle* Nnlaon. k|wi,i Nl1, 1 M.. 11 1n k < fii . i ru Hue provements In that district Ce­ Katie, pet toy fox terrier o f the W eekend ul frtsnd'* Inin,r in W noil ward Mr.. Charles Nelson. ment sidewalk* and curbs are tin- Andrews Meat market, who la nine Camas " ■» l-llllati Mu rt Insen und Mrs. hopes o f some o f the citizen*. years old. gave official notice that Ill'll. Woodward Mr and Mra W r E. B. Spangler's father, a re- spring was really here T uesday and family ii.it. ,| rela ilie. |„ A, '!> and Mrs A fJ. Itedmun | tired blacksmith from the east. Is afternoon, when, for the first tltna •»any Hatuniay an<| Muiiday -¡••lit Saturday In Hood Itlver .,n spending several months at hla In many montha. she expressed a Mr and Mr. A IVstal H(f| business son's home In the l.akevlew a d ­ Miss Myrte| lianlela, popularly dition. CHURCH SERVICES briefly will, Mr. Manda C„||R„ h,,"Wll «« Cinderella, niece Of Eric Mias Murgaret Lacey spent the le». k . talaphaaa operator. Hunduy Krb kson. has returned to the (U p- Community M E Church week-end In Portland. visiting Tlia Andrew Wbllman'a » e t. Ids ( lub after a iiiouth’s visit In Cascade Lock* with friends and playing her first • - n l . n d *i.l«.,r. laat week g . Aberdeen round of gulf o f the year. Rev Lewi* F. Smith. Pastor. W J I'arlaon, ,,f t h . |,ed and Eraok Tubamlt |B busily en- Morton H. Sweeney's added a li­ Sunday School ..........................l o a. m. w bile .l o r e aaat o f town ttuged in repairing the damage brary and Installed modern plumb­ Public W o rsh ip ... ....... ..... _...ll a. m. • arl Livingston. former |>M-k* 'lone hy hla car It see tits that ing features In their h om e back teaidem and hi. family. , r« Evening Service ...... .... ..... „...7:30 p.m. Mr. Tubaodt lost control m the o f the high school last week. feting *Hh the mump, . „ q Prayer meeting Thursday evening. bi-avy touring car while coming I'alhi-rtue Walker, high school ronflned l<> their Portland home. lawn the alley Tuesday b e s id e teacher, spent the week-end In 1 he oldeet aon ,,f VIr. Ham Hill Community Center - Chapel Klik Morris' store. Kunnlng wild Hood Klver. at friend's home. Who Waa seriously m |,r n r „ r Bonneville 'lie auto smashed Into Mrs Jeaale Mlaa Averlll Htewart. o f the grade la .1 weak with acarwt fa»rr and Scranton's house, knocking Rev. S. D. Trefren, Pastor. the school staff, was a Portland visi­ and u iea.ir., I. raportad lo be rs- corner boards and the down spoilt tor Halurday. Sunday S ch o o l_____________ 10 a. m. covering a.llafai turlly 'ff and smashing the btimvwr, I I a. m. Mrs. Krwlti llrolllar, a ccom pan ­ Preaching_______________ Among I hoar front lha district headlights and fenders on the car. ied by her daughter, Nell Kay. Entertainment............................A p. m. • b o ailatnled the rallruad engln- " e r . d a m e T h u r.d .y nlghl .1 Multnomah Kalla, were Dr Kretl and l^.ule Folsom. Ira Owena and M. C Italbje < sored« !>« h a only newshawk's dream girt waa *ery »manly en tertalaed by Mr Paul Hlurgea. CHRONICLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY HKAI TV PAK LO U k H o T M - m LUCILLE BEAUTY SHOP BRIDGE OF THE GODS HOTEL CASCADE LOCKS Rooms b y «lay, week or month We serve regular meals Expert Watch Repairing Clean- Hospitable - Comfortable C A S C A D E LOCKS Mr and Mra Italph J . William», of the Weal l'oa»t Power company, apeni I he week end In Portland Mr and Mra O lio Olln o f Port­ land vlaltad with the fo r m e r » brother. I'harlea Olln. In Cascade leirka Halurday and Hunday Helen lloaelm- k enlertalaad the t'anap Tire Otrla at her home laat • w Phone S i t C ascade L o c k s , O regon k MIKE LONG LEW is DR. F. FOLSOM Dentistry T KIJ-:it* Suooositorie^ &ST20LBS.OFFAT N JUST 4 WEEKS MOORE’S GARAGE LOUIE FOLSOM Jeweler OPTOMRTR1HTH II4TIIM " J Thorp, caretaker o f the HILL'S H IIO W fit IIATHH j* j* ji loll bridge waa III laat week with S V each or .3 for 11.00 the flu. being rrplared by f»r; Kill. tied, Jug and Draught Next d «o r lo I tew Drop Inn ***••« Bradshaw and llert Hell Beer CAM ADI : liM-hH. OR B . Of Heaole r o ll e d at the William Keeler realdenre iitrf the Week­ end S»4«irkr« I list are d iffer It A Kill It HIlnilH I** and Mra Ira Owen, o f the Ml Tr> our MprrUI liant *‘a * «* d « (.timber company were karger an 1 »Baird llun. alle«J to Kpokane late Halurday COTTAGE BARBER SHOP tight by lb* death of a friend The Warnb k family mated In BONNY V ILLA “Si an t Sip by (> m r (>pm a Ihelr recently renovlaed home i : \ P L K T IIAIIU I TTIN'i. la I he (.akeeide addition Monday Ftre p in t " They had Iweu ll*ing temporarily la a raMn bark o f the » bool Mra Kred Anderaon and daugh. ler, Jnsb, and Mra Jeaale Moore FOR h i g h (T.AHH i m t l l E l t | were North Hannerltle >l»ltor* Hi It\ It'K SEE Halurday night 5e Mra Fr«d Anderaon and daugh tt H*tr « > j K,4*-»-r> t > ter. Jean, and Mra *’ l*»»tjr** h a i l » !»<•»*• M U h - all o f the I*ew drop Inn. were I’»*«*«» N r . » ......I, g o .. AT Hood litter visitor* Friday I F » I » * . . , .1 Monty (Say. well known Hock, M K ItltlL l.'H II \ It It Vit S H O P *■ m a i mualrlan who la not married, »uf Cascade I»ork» fere.i In a Hood lllter hoapltal with pneumonia laat week Mra Clara Nl*. popular wait- I M H T O llS l f TN n \ Il m i » ir rraa at the lu-w d ro p Inn. waa 111 Il L V tu aulfer * No laat week with the flu. spending a DU S. I I AK I HY K K & I l iT it I man or • » day In bed and alt other» In agony Jack tiaya "w ee k -en d e d " In man tieni *«• Physician* and Surgeons •*S«tln* (he pala a g » a y and Portland. P h o n e s : 4 1*1 ----«LU I officer Clarence llrown. county tfc. u en la l tllalreaa tbat are Medical Building by pila« One a l a l ia bui deputy sheriff, la relegated to soft M o o l i Hl\ ER. OREGON' food and hot drlnka thla week. « a v a HI PPOHITOKIK*. tha* «•lf • few canta «III qulckly • offering from aevera aore throat. DKNTIHTS neglected cuoriual*»|y prove Ibal Ih " He baa not. howeter. "•I «in be stoppati pala and bla duties despite the twinful a f­ banlahed. lf Ibear sootb- fliction Arthur Johnson, of Portland, Kit» forti li * healla* rartal doa’t do aa * e aay. Ilunn«- apeni l b . week-end here, visiting tira* mure «III ( I t a you your friends 1 tarli. Mr and Mra fr a n k Strader and aon Darvl. spent the week-end In CASCADE LOCKS. OREGON lllngen Washington, visiting Mr AVA RECTAL and Mrs William Hauler. DKENH SHOPS Mlaa Ihirnthy Googrlcb. of Hood /> = ( A d * » Itlver, visited Mr, and Mra. C K. Carna Saturday evening. DONNA MOHR Elvln Erickson o f Portland, Dress Shop spent Sunday visiting hla parenla. D r e s s m a k i n g Mr and Mrs K. Erickson, o f the Itaplda club CASCADE I.OCKS Mra Charles Nelaon motored to Waahoogal Sunday lo see her OARAGES S! I.oiila, Mo , lady wrote daughter. Marie Mr. ami Mr. Ernest Hall and '»ilr I i yra. o ld and weighed lh* until taking o n e b o l *»f son. o f Hrldal Veil, visited Sunday Rfu» h«n Halts Juat 4 waek* at the h">ne o f Mr and Mrs f r a n k I now weigh I ¡»0 Iba. I alao llall. Henry Nelaon and Hnrlnnd in»ri> energy and fu rth e rm o re ®rt#r had a hungry m o m e n t ." Clod feller spent the week-end In Ford and Chevrolet Ignition f01 *•" ahould lake o n e half Corvallis Specialists Mra. Cora Owens and I-e*ter i n f ' l l o f Kruarhen Kalla In of hot water e re ry m orn- Jacobson, o f Camaa. were guests First Class Fainting fore break f n mi a quarter o f Mrs Charles Nelson Saturday Acetelvne Welding Jar laala 4 w<th & Main Cascade Lock* CRAIC.MONT HOTEL H O A R D A N D IK HIM ltea»i>nnble R itte« I» Mile K«»l o f t'n ecadr l»o*'k>i G A ItA td H SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - - Una- Oil call at Central Lumber Co. CARROTHERS & SPICKERMAN Caacaue Locks REHTACItANTH HOME COOK ED MEALS D EW DROP I NN Cascade Locks R E A SO N A B L Y P R IC E D T ir e « an d T u b** E yp ert A a to lle p w lr R adiator Service flattery Service T . A « M W , M echanic . K. K A V K N A l’ GH, M anager Tooth rock Garage EATS— 15c and up A T THE WE-ASK-U-1NN Cascade Locks, Oregon P h o n e H-F -7 ( a « '* ili- la w k « O re HOSPITA US Hl t ’KM AHTER M A T E R N IT Y HOME Most M od em Equipment I M Motsoalto Ave. HOOD R IV E R EMERGENCY HOSPITAL DR. J. L HARRIS 4 I I .A TOC R E I .I, T A V E R N Private Dancing Partie« by Appointment E X C E L L E N T DINNERS H. Rulli«. Prop. l*hone Cortwt I OS SHOE R E P A IR IN G SERVICE SHOE SHOP Harvey Carey, Prop. Repairing at Portland Prices With Modem Machinery C ascade L o c k s , O regon WOOD S A » KRH F. B. W ELLER R. N. KNIERIEM & BUTLER Phone 203 Stevenson. Washington PHONE I 4 0 « C O R B E T T I I Inch wood— 71V Cord 1(1 Inch w ood — IIOc Corti ill