iv n w M iu » ' ■WW WANTED: Home Baked Pies and Cakes Any woman in the area interested in furnishing us with hom baked pies and cakes, please get in touch with us. Please state particulars. Bov 111 Cascade Locks « h i » Ki \ m w m ■ n a u noun■ aor W E -A S K -U -IN N “ N A R IB O ” MMtaiF LKAF VI.Ill MS Ituil.l yo ur n d l i v l l o i u by t '.«unirle* S M T IO N S ¿ V tk.it'H IN a U g r h 'i u i h l a n il awl(t. n\M « h iu i n h i .» w w V BONNA VILLA EA G LE C R E E K Mlaa Marguerite Krf alai») of Mr» Frank Moran, haa returned " I don't <‘« r » »b tuil th.’ bla.'k to tako over Ih» poaitlon aa aaal. H l i t i M . but l t**d my teqth." H** tant In th» popular ta**rn » h l. h Mid \VIlium lb>ty over the rsdl» «h* hrld laal summer. Uh» will ov.«r th«> radio last week In hi» reside » l« h th» Moran • d N P * rtl* »earvh to ftnd th* Art Sh»rtff «■ailed to Port- wretch who got aw ay with hi* land Thuraday nl«hc II» haa not plat«. R oly, who I* a truck driver h»»n a»»n nor heard from »li**», for Orlno. M a loom and Hell. lo»l and aom» worrIffl aa to hla aafvtv hi* teeth and f l t i l h « when a thief got aw ay with hia suit»*** au n * bava t>»»u eipr*ee*«l \lh»rt f»n»»n » a a a Cortland ! day* aco For almo»t a week he haa II.c.| on »oup. coffee and chill, vial tor la at w»»k a» « a » Mr» Hal langer. who »p»nl th» » » » k - a n .lj and IM n> > d» hi* tM th l Mia Mona Boll Hill »pent th. with relstl«*» Mr. f l a n k Moran w»»k-»tnl at h»r Hill Or ant hom». n o to rad to ih » city Monday William Paul spent ih » «** h »n tertsltiln g many of h»r Honny »nd with hla family ln II.H..I Itlv Villa friond» during lha da\ Seven Iota w »r» a»»ld ln Honny j »r. VIIU durltiK th » pa»t a»v»n day | j h Johnson r»turn »d to h i. period by Erie Raquial Nam*a of I Kagl* Or»»k height* h »w e .a»« hut ! th» huyara w»r.< not announced j w»ak from Kaslern Oragon Mm Tom lMpp»ry'» »l*t»r and »«Had to Portland oa busln«** h»r hu»t»and. Mr and Mr» H»rt th» follow Inc day Harria, of Portland. w »r» visitor* la. k Cummings ha« w>ld hl.| at Bonnavua laat w»»k modern cabin on th» heights and Mr» Bud W Inalo» • » I r » halr»d Portland »H h ht» fam t» rrt» r *«■ run o ra r by a »p**» suffering g u tsl of honor at a «nrprlaa birth- from hla a»cld»nt. day party h»ld In h»r honor ftun* I.l»ul»nan t and Mr« William day at th* Matlock hom« In Iha Pout.on w »r» Portland vl.ttor. R|| „ddl, lon M.,B„ r Vil<* Sunday and Monday, th» latter at. . __ .. . .. . ... Ml»» FI..ran-a Bn« hanau. pretty u ndine h»r Ka»«»r„ Star m»««fn, ^ ^ ^ (fc# t ’oinplot«' tin » of .u p p l l » . for t h » .ta m p onl lector Save on Meats Young Bet’l, Round, lb................. Pork Loin, lb............................ Pork Steaks lb................................ Veal Stew, lb.............................. O IL L S 3 for 5c 40c a gal. .......... r H | ~ „ KRAUT Ifc ? P e rra s Ca,h Market R E M E M B E R : S IL V E R S E L L S FOR LESS Cascade Locks N O T IC E T O PUBLIC Mr. or Mrs. W illiam s will be al the BonnevifleMr- Cantile com pany’s store in Bonneville from 8:30a. m. to -I p. m. on the 7th, 8th and 9th of each month providing one of these d ays does not fall on $«n&», for the convenience of our customers who wish it pay their bills. P rm »n t at th* railroad e n g l n - l ! " ' » Community t*»««»r •« » » r ’a danc* front Bonn»vu* and •,onl,*l'r' * ° * J* a Honny VIIU Thumdav n.«ht w»rv K r t f m i U * V * * T IIu Mt. Hood Stamp Company Mr and Mr. Hud Win »low Mr ot '- » - r n e d «» her t a g . » H. mm I K m or and Mm Roy Lusch. Mr and Mr. «>*•* Kran« B uilding. w,,rh C* Hla.-k. Mr and Mr* It Knapp and Hal Babbitt tjw rtn cr un S P IR IT L E S S P IR A T E S known.» Mr. and Mr* Kd Nrlaon «pent j DROP FINAL T ILT 18-13 L -tT F s T DKSIGN th » » » » k - e n d at their Shady sook cabin, th* flr»t tint* In many montha Showing a derided lack of In- Jant*a Tanner and Rolf Kn- « J* 1 qulst of th* Bonny Villa tavern. I latcka high Pirate* wound up thrtr j w er» pr*#»nt at • h Bartons party • « ‘►-dt.trVt * In and around Portland Satnrdav j J * » ‘* hl ^ •"« • " n)|rh, Parkdal*. I»-11 Th* d*f*at drop- F o r H u i . » ami Straws W ear Mlaa tir a r * Butler, .o It I. « I d >*-* th*' * •*'* *"*‘, p u ' ' tie with Parkdal*. and a pta< »IT Is v*ry good at naming twin* To and From Portland “ Your Home lw ’ | F t LL LINK OK Mm K Wad*. Portland. *p*nt i will no* *>» n*c*«*ary to s*» * M h **r*ral d ays last w*»k with the team goes to the dlatrtct tourney. I F R E E P IC K UP AN D D E L IV E R Y SERVICE F ulkerson's, newcomer* to th* to be h»ld nett month at Dtfur Parkdal* Jumped Into a l l lead Sh ad y Nook community. j Mr. and Mm. Kd Turrlsh »pent at th* quarter, Increased It to th« week-end In Veil. vUltlng with over thetr »piriti»*» rlvel» at half time and then cinched the game an old friend. Dr Clyde Walker with a lead of IS*? at the third Mrs J K Scbeufelle »pent Mon. DONNA MOHR _ . . . . , p»rt»d mark Jim Johnaon IH Office Clark’s Cold Storage Phone 2311 DRESS SHOP T , her moth r . l n ^1 11 - » r . m w.th f.ve polnta Portland, ta k ln * g nd ra r* of t '«aJ,‘r f*,,r‘' nt" ln ^Prtngdale while nlshed. In . a i r e C arlson's R. A W. ** * Store. Ca cade Lo. ks. „ Th“ w‘“*J>r ret-to geth er of the ■ »in ■ ■■■ i ■ ■ ■— Bonneviif* Pin« hi«- lub CABIN. « S - lV i. D. J . Ill'-h art. w a, hH„ U e d n . ^ l , y . . , h* bom» W illiam s place. 1 m ile east of of MrB 0 „ Jo h n , Mri( W;i!u.r Ix>cks. Venhor and Mm. Kd Wolfe were guest* of honor. W t\TK1> ---- ----------------------------------- - ------ —- Mrs. W. Venhor spent the week- OLD COINS Wanted. L uther El- |n Portland, being accompnnl- llff. Dealer In old coins. < as- |n F rid ay by Mr* McKIroy Mr. cade Locks. Ore,_____________ j and Mr*. Bud Winslow wer» also WANTED—WOMANwishlng t o ln the Htjr over the week-end to ta k e In «m all am ount of laun- Mr* C harles Black went fish- dry. P lease get In touch with Ing down the river Sunday, but the Chronicle. tf It was not a profitable hnslnesa W EST C O A ST POWER CO DRESSES Daily T ru c k Service LINGERIE Lester A uto Freight W ANT ADS PLUMBING SUPPLIES CASCAD E LO CKS LUM BER CO . Ira O wens, Manager «un» 'z S a f i ss :r..o,Br WOMAN TO DO Ironing a l her ever. It Is rumored In lionnevue own home for family. W ill that she will soon be approached d eliver and call. Phone 46 by the faaac W alton league, and Bonneville. that Is an honor. CASCADE LOCKS OREGON %