BRISBANE this w eek f l * C ..U I l»*H iM o n gai«-*1! “ 1* ^ ,,M*r n K ull|rr W U k O r m i T h , A lo n i. A l»a«»lut« Z e r o « l , sapr®»»« *••«*» uph«»l«l# Ih * i.l *a <1 r>»uyr««a In tb air I®* la la tlv a and «*• «etili««» ■ p 1 1 w n » .itla w la g k <> i <| ut n><»o#y In il.« I nii<-l lu ia tili.« "g o I il rim i* . »“ tu p riv a ta c i » , trarlo . T h e ftupivw® r u lir l'l ilm -n iu u la a ll (ha Uti.ra Im portant a ti il * 1 a l I f ) II»«. b » rana* « « « r r A m e rican l i m n that t»o d i a l i } - Idkai OrUk»## r »al •»> 1 ■ !«* lattar #f tha r o n a tliu iln ti •••nlil la H ni-1» «»I C h te f J u « llc « » or liU a «*-"iai® a. Tla n g |riiu < c u r i O r d ii.« ) Ib f of Ih# sup®,-highway b®iw®®n |»or,|14lld «liti C u r a t a I r » ha Thai « «horiar. mora direct . „ d w|d®, plh<»ta rolled around the rfm and dropped out. or their forward*, with easy chance« to «Ink a score, ahot »H illy In their eirlte- ment. The tilt wa« the first In the memory of hoop fo llo w ­ er« where one o f the team« has failed to «core a field goal over the regulation dis­ tance lireitaing of the Columbia rivet i from Vancouver lo Itonnevlllr to a depth of So feel H u brought i a step nearer last «»»1» when coin-' tnerctal and rlvlr organlxaltona. and aaao< lallona appeared before | a*cf) Jiolnl of t l « a Ih « la» a board of army engineers at Tbr| of «ntu«k by Mr Ilitio » a ftallea to protest further delay o f) IIMal ira a rt lo h a » « b ra ii a a Job w hich must be done sooner I f disgustine par foro»« uro. or taler If tonal r art Ian of (he dam v»m#tT» bautta * » f » I h h iiu I la to be of practical value to Up (tael rh aln a In I m r , por- river rttlea anil town« , (bai D ir i ln !|h t b llo llifi.'ifib Major fh a r l e « T Williams, pre­ 1« .»» atra:-« Tì»a a f ila l><-a»la siding at the bearing, estimated la full iln a t . co l off bolh r»»at of dredging a channel for In alt m ln u ir* T h a «o iuo fl aew-gotng ' inaeta at IS.0O0 000, h -t« « n-«i oni of <1—-ra in tl»a anid the yearly upkeep would run ( Jqat M u r » «Itwti. « K b Aoutl- around l l ’-o ooo Ilia eatimai-« for ih« ba«il«m an a work Wry# baaed on a channel J0-feet tu m r t of tha k llttn f» p raiM deep and width of a city block fo t.(.« o r» of Ilio l « o « u i.irtu Shipper « t»ld I he army engin­ « a ltr i) lo bar deatb « n i . e e r « lhal sa«l»tfa In freight would JOHNSON AND GRAHAM rhai.osi l«bltt»l bar. a b o « ln f total l l . o o o o ni a year, permit Uft of f* .kn « ) i.» • REMATCHED FOR BOUT wheat growers «»| the Parlflr : "Tboy •••< a g o n i # » » » . , ■ • io Calling to get a decision In their northwest to compete » It h f a n « - k m », «bota « e nsuatty b a< » lo dlan wheat grower« In world mar­ first matrh. when Irate fan« stag­ lo Iba «•-affolli,“ ket«, save H SI a ton In freight ed a riot after both wr«oli< ra and rale« on gaeolln*. permit frutt •he referee «.»•••« h e l)le ««. Wildcat I n ha »a rvatl a i» -n i - t ir a l i b grow er« of Yakima »alley to «hip .tiihii»-'n Canada*» middleweight In ib « n o ti f i v a l o atb ural. apptea down the river at a saving grappling champion, and T *d C.ra- b h a prò» r» Ib a l II r a n lil be o f |l Jo I ton. aa*e apple grower« hata. the bone-twlstlng cowboy Al j I I I | » i « I v o a»« d u U -u iii« » ! of |food ltl*er valley |1 SO a ton from Cascade I-o W«. will meet In faalh, ro n vlrlo il of "forti» m ur- on ’ i O. ooh ton« of fruit the main event of Cromoter Jan»e« V Aa ri ri» A tua ro.iilro N a lh l'atv tonight. It C AlHn director of th« port Merrill'» Pavilion card «a tri) * 1 -.I - l o al tool ha fall Thursday. mnnnlaalon of StOckton. CalH «hart» atah I la r r l o l oul. A The previous mat h wa» a touch told ihe army engineer« that oc«*n ¡»ff.ilr all th»* wav. with each hol.l-j pilaonor batl ln j# c t n l plagi)« going freighter« of 1.000 toll« mg one fall when Johnson w a i at-' Inlo bla b ltraL Attiaram lf a could be run up the rlrer lo Th® by the spectators. Aft. r llla nn.M otor« trrro hla s lrp - I mile« for 11 k l « « In eonimat three minute« of milling Johnson bar ahi] hla »barine. T « i» oltiar With the | | M " |I CO#'» to run n ws» eooarted from th.- ring and torà arruao.l, « o r e «■ m ilit ili v M i r l from I’ortland to Seattle, th»- match declared a draw Tlie A « r llo f f a t t im i forti» « « r conili giving the river an advantage of l-out will l>e for the best two Ila rp to a M a , (tla ir llin lln f «Ila |1 SO a t«n savings on freight of three falla or a decision at the forma al»»»«« front c ltli-s and ralea end of two hours laaoritiira fr«»ni plana«. Information brought out at the In the terol-wlndup. Hay !.antp- hearing will be laid hefore the mnn. 16*>. Sacramento, who won lordott, in ll<»llat».t, a rtm tU l» hoard o f armv engineer« In Wash­ .he main even! of last week s c a ri. pr.iiluro») « ilo ffo a of c i t i «alff ington. 1» f . In a«tffs»rt of a re- will tangle with young Kalllo. of pproarb « lib it i otta llv»'tb»«l- 1 commendation mn'le hy Colonel T. Astoria. In a sU-round match The >h o f a »lofroo of altanltila «aro. j M Kohhlna. dl«tr»rt engineer In four-round opener pits Jimmy IH>- flf a u lir r lc r t f o magnet. In Cortland, who ha» urge»! that the IS », a former Cortland pus. nailon « U h llqtltd hellum . I channel In the river be deepened against Curley Oreen o f f'nrvnllls no« iba l»»«r«l irtn p crn l lira by the time the dam 1« completed, j kt»»»«n <»n enrth. aelflah Intareata for the benefit o f the en» tire elate. The Columbia highway la ao cluttered with huge trucks that the the tourist fe ta a feeling o f terror on the aharp turn« on the scenic route. A road la need­ ed Tourlat travel and business will suffer If It Is not built. It Is to be hoped the en- ttlre slate will get behind the plan. MAI K M i . l l III i U N R I n a n i p» »«al bla tl.-n tio of The aal e o f Wallack Alnuuk's sm l T I’ l ^ ' tha abaolule acro, «oul») l*e Alt boy» over the a g e or IS bus line to t . c | a “abaohtla toro" lo T o our opeclal operator number n fanrittf apnrt Ib a aloni, noar 1,1 (,|l >\ |M»\ m k l t l . ltt*. In ltonnevIHe, we extend our » lo l»e a m in ia tu ra aolar «>« Mo the s.i-ret Is out— The BonncvlH* American !-•*- • hanks glop pout will hold a ga l« basket Otto Leon Munchausen Hauser. parly Tu-sday *"i'>r Mietnarh o f Vienna, wh>*«e social and card 'ne«« baa lieen transplanting night at either the guest house or *le parent- last weak. ■, anmninci-a now a •’chemical Crises Will I n * *•»••" f ° r ,h,‘ ianc#" iimt make« tranaplnuf- bridge and pinochle games and f' uiin<»cea«nry. The cht'inl- also for tha heal basket at th- calleil progynon, j«»a«lhly a auction Hofreshincnta arc to be The house sommlltee In 'Pound of "progeny," la at nil- «erved char«»- o f l h . affair con.lsis of * tor men or woman. |,e« Surnmervilla. i hsrles Hd- larta. Itlchard Nance. P^l Clark and Heed Walworth (N'u.d ih« dirottici® to friands. Shop T h e The Chronicle Delivered to Any Home in District Each Week by Carrier 2 0 c M o n th T i l l KHlk.%1 I Kit. -¿H. Iw:t5 HIGHWAY COMMISSION SEEKS FUNDS FOR NEW ROAD INTO DAM AREA Business Men To D em and A ction O n S treet W o rk !>«t. rmlned to obtain early ac­ tion on r«construction of the state highway through town, a delega­ tion of business men from Cas­ cade I » c k s will visit Cortland to­ day for the appearing le-fore the state highway commission. The delegation Is the second that has gone before the commis­ sion within the past 30 days and asked for relief from a situation that Is fast becoming Intoleiaole, due to the state's failure to fu l­ fill Its contract. Highway engineer«, who have vlslt.-d Cascade lavcks this week, declare the commission will award a contract |,t it« meeting on .March 2R for the street work. The bus­ iness m«-n want this Information confirmed. And more to the point they want the highway engineers to begin throwing dirt. Leslie M. Scott, chairman o f the commission, has visited the dis­ trict twice within the past 10 day*. He haa told friend» that he proi>oses to see that work promis­ ed for Cascade I^n-ks Is completed at an early date. The state made a fill In front o f the Horn club, on lower toiin Street, last week, but took the steam shovel away before the Job was half done They assigned 3 reasons for removing the shovel before completing the grade: 1. A new culvert must he built. 2. The »tate wants to do the Job by contract. 3 Concrete retaining walla must he built. Construction o f the super-hlway between the toll bridge In Cascade f-ocks and Troutdale will be un­ dertaken Immediately If the fed­ eral government w ill consent to a gift o f $4.200,000 from P W A fund*. It was agreed last week In a conference between Governor Martin and the State highway com mission. To Washington will go member« o f the highway commission, and probably Governor Martin, to ask that funds for the new road be made available at once. First unit constructed would be the section between Cascade L o ck« and Bonneville. Plana fo r this part o f the super-highway have been hatched, are on file. They provide for a four-lane road, only one lane of which would be built now; a maximum curvature of four percent; a tunnel under tooth rock, a tunnel or deep cut Juat east of Eagle c r e ik ; elimination of bad grades. The highway would parallel the railroad. From Bonneville to the base o f the grade west o f C row n point the new road would follow closely up­ on the route o f the present high­ way. except that It would be built north o f the rail iad track* along the river'« edge. Material fo r the grade would be obtained from the sand and gravel removed from the Columbia by Cntted States engin­ eers engaged In deepening the riv­ er channel to 30 feet. In asking for P W A fund« the state will point to the fact that construction o f Bonneville dam and development of the Bonneville dam area haa created a traffic problem which the people of Ore­ gon are unable to solve without help from the federal government. K A G L E N H K C K IV E « ’ H A R T E R The Cascade Lorks-Bonnevilti KAtil-KM TO l>AXOK Aelre o f Eagles have receive« Cascade Irocks-Bonnevllle Ea­ their new charter and will have I gles are advertising a dance at framed and hung in the lodg< Merrill's Pavilion for St. Patricks room at French’s. day. which means the dance will be held the night o f March 16. H K a t M W O P E N S S TO RE and that ta on a Saturday. Reve­ Th e rapidly-growing busine nues from the dance will be used district on the highway at Bo In buying uniforms fo r the new nevllle will add to Its toja l Satu drill team. day. when Herman’s Departme Ralfdi J- Williams, of the power store will be o w n e d to the publ company, t* driving a new car and by J. Eftland. o f Portland. Th e new building, one of smiling out at the world. It's a «mall chain owned by Hernia — well, it's a nice car. i w ill carry a full line o f men’s at women's furnishings, shoes ai notions. C h r o n ic le ’ s P a g e s F o r W e e k e n d S p e c ia ls , S a v e o n Y o u r D r u g s a n d G r o c e r ie s Hl'CM W IN E A S IL Y The Cascade Looks Buccaneers held to second place in the Mld- Columbla league by trouncing the Phlnney Realnfors Tuesday night at Hood River, 35-13. Harry Cramblet’s 16 points, seven of them In the final quarter, when the lon’ ks cinched the game, fea- ! lured