sr< ! - ( ’hroniflf D f l i v r r r t l \n> Horn«' in ! \Vt*t'k by < '»rriiT 20c M o n th THE BONNEVILLE DAM I CHRONICLE ItO N N M II.I.K DISTRICT T i l l ItXDAY KKI» Ml. ltKi.% T H E M O N S T E R THAT W ALKS L I K E A MAN CROSS ES T H E RIVER S A F E L Y PETITION SENT TO HOOD RIVER to «i< r l a i » Mi I (•►«»f th e ( h a i t t h e r o f l olii h«aK f the proposed i || i L tltrtol fio in the Multnomah L , line to W y r t h V alu ation I n i e t ' l n aio! l a t e » a l i l r h will ra t li. V !. ■ - * ¡lltll •er Knot t>rln«a in a rsport ' »a*»f e» [n Trancia. A te«»n 1‘earl Ml" llai t !. J U u C«r| It It. ter ah l .Id W Ke..- I r lllrh elt. A It k.> Herman Hetvogt |> |. »30rr w 1» Stark. John Tut 1.1 N Heat aft O K Mill. i C . • ahatfoit» |* I. Mrl.e.,,1 h» %»»•! t»a h. t imer Ir t e k * ¡ B O N N E V I L L E S C HOO L TO P R E S E N T G A L A PROGRAM COLUMBIA MOVES MONIGHAN ACROSS TO OREGON SHORE A variety protram, to ralrej fund? far t »ir 'lt«»ln s a plan» fori the Itofttierlll» grade aehuol. will | With the 431-ton Monlghan be |>rr»e«led b) I !le at dent* Fri­ day Tw o perfn-masrr« are slat* dragline aafely t ran>p»rt«-d to the ed. In the afternoon at <>ne and In Oregon aide of the river. Columbia t'onatrurtlon company la prepared the evening at r U k i AdtxlMlon prt.e# will lie trft l<> atari digging the huge trench ronia for Children and 2 f. rent» for for the baa« of the south unit of l i r t Rimer Chart»« o iln . dull* I'rlft. ( ‘ harte. > l|.|h- the main spillway dam, Moving the flt .V u o o monster •hlelda f a r ! K Kppln« C • < «"n lit eharge of the affair an­ The complete program, waa a tedious task for the crews Miner a :> H a t»«; Hr K nounced . Jallut J ( « r lx .R . Italph t ?rmt which i n " ' « iletall.'d Ittfor- who worked under the personal frank tl Jtnn c t the weight and sunk In the river, Cam» a et in worh late Tue» A ai rg. by t ’te advanc • 1 airl's the 42 foot “ »h o e » " b«*ing maneu­ ¡ftlMig thè luti» In thè atre» • h orjt vered gingerly onto the necemmry h* "1 thè Hnrn Club, al th 6« . foot runway. ' eft.l of town Ku. h time the Monlghan moved »ork « a a atarted after er forward Its 72-in< h atep« onto the ' “ *<1 niade a tarond «n ponderous barge*, the huge tlm* tbntotipf, etantlnailon o f th haturday, and liad rsporte ott. . ..f t! P. L. CROOKS E N G I N E '(•aioli TE RENEGES N PROMISE TO PROVE STREET LAM PM AN WINS MAIN EVENT ON MERRILL CARD 9 «hi »IH e 11 a* Il ■) lo thè l e i . r* twveiuent ami aa far h.i< '* ,r :!l f thè n e » Morti . ** The projnrt w » » ue< hefore |he « r « 4 e on Ih [kllhway .olili] lo* cetaliltalie . he pai •■nielli Inid In ih r anni **n*l ««reemnnt provldwd fo ni ilio Itole for n diafani **"• -"«> feet The Ulule Itigli ^ • r e r I» lieinR ««•tifMiri-d I» [*■’ " Ilo II fo r thn II I k II « ii jJraali.n'a fu||i|re In . nrry "il imlre I^mii,, m grafi rr«« of tlm r<. mini ■aiuti, re <" proteala W.<1ne*d»t> h r^h* •»» ItivnatiRntn nini Icari *•"* li"!* un» noi belng filici riillrety ** ('brunirle to frioni)». tier» crumbled visibly and steel girders creaked and shifted om- j Inously. especially when the drag. ( Hue's 30-foot base clumped down the weight of the monater. The work of towing the valu-, able "w o r k -h o m e " up the »wlft current was completed without a hitch An Inch and a half cable waa conmvted to the donkey en­ gine on Columbia's barge. “ The Queen of Sheba." and reeled up. j with the tugs Warco. o f Cascade, Locks, and Multnomah and Super-' lor. of Astoria, guiding. The dan­ gerous more took slightly more than an hour. The expense In running the maze of machinery la slight, how­ ever. for It costa only $8.7 5 an h<>ur to operate including the ser­ vice o f three men^-the operator, oiler and mechanic. Six quarts of oil and a similar amount of red lead solution lubricities the Mon­ lghan for a 2 4-hour period. A better Idea of the size can be gathered from the fact that the Moaighan's 12-yard bucket will fill the ordinary construction truck with one load, nnd thut Its crane will operate on a radius of 177» f«»et. T O O T H ROCK T U N N E L AT H A L F - W A Y POINT MYSTERIOUSLY BURNED Itay leimpntan. 1*5. Sacramen­ to. won the main event of Pro-1 The P. L. Crooks Construction motet .lattice Merrill-» initial company suffered the temporary wri'*tltnt inrd. slag«-d Wednesday loss of one of Its locomotives em­ night In the 1.0« ha pavilion before ployed In hauling material In nnd B «mull rrowd. when F ir m er Slew- around Vorth Itonnevllle. when It art Id Inst week In connection to pummel Johnaon after ho wa* w ith the dnm work, when a Kern and Klithe damp ntr accidentally to-ai’d front the ring ill the "pencl- the heat match, spilled Its load while crossing ftie of the card. Jimmy Ihilati. I « * . bridge above tlu> sea locks A l­ Portland won over T »x Huger. | though the riwk wiped out the ad­ 1A5. ivtif fle. »he latter ml»»lng ft. joining walk, the damage w flying tu, hie In the fifth round. J quickly repaired. 'Ightiny yntalil«' the ring on hi* [ Send the Chronicle to friend«. bai k nnd hHnr nnahle to return, j BRISBANE THIS WEEK Mussolini Warlike Supreme Court Power A ll Happy There Learning How to Spend Muaaollnl has found th* opportu­ nity to show the world what It * means when modern “ KomsP »tarts moving. He has mobll- lied an a r m y with air plane* to su p p le tu ea t tanks and artil­ lery nxd th* K in p e r o r of Abyssinia. Hull* Selassie m u s t d i s c i p l i ne bl i unruly c h i e f s thai h a v e <>f- femled Mussolini by an attack <>n Africa It colon le*, or »«i much the worse for Ethiopian Selassie, who, believes that lie M the dlr«-i t deacemlnnt o f King Solo­ mon nnd th«- Queen of Sheba. klayl«' h« la hut he will encoun­ ter a proV.eni »1.Jt King Solomon-* wisdom could not solve for him when he meets Mussolini's air­ planes. • If wiste. Selassie will pay the In­ demnity that Mussolini demand*. As a practical business tuau. $1us- aollnl always u*ks a little southing cn«h. He got some from »«reec*. Also. Selassie must salute the Ital­ ian ling, which costs nothing. Mex­ ico would not do that One question may surprise you concerning Supreme court decisions aetting aside laws passed by the congress and signed by the Presi­ dent. on th* ground that congress, in iMisalng the law, bail exceeded it* constitutional authority. This la the question: Are those Supreme court decisions In themselves un­ constitutional? When the Supreme court, some­ times by a narrow margnln of tivs to four, declares a law unconstitu­ tional and void. Is It exceeding Its constitutional uurhoiity? Where In the Constitution of the Unite«) States do you find authority for the Supreme court power to overrule «-«ingress and the President tn the making of laws? This ab­ sence of authority is no accident. Those that wr«ite the Constitution, after long nrgui nr, disputing and many concession*, knew, presum­ ably. what they wanted the ("«insti­ tution to say. And they did not want It to give the Supreme court the power to veto laws, that It now assumes and exercises. In London, John Puckering Ifty- etght, apparently dead, was revived after five minutes. Meanwhile, he had gone to heaven. He saw ln- tereatlng things, came hack to tell of them Souls, evidently, travel more rapidly than light, which takes 900.000.000 yenrs to get out­ side of the universe as we know It, going 190^000 mile* a second. Mr. Plckprlng says heaven ts filled with a "happy crowd." There were no children. "All were dressed as on earth." No moths In heaven, of course; no depression, either. Progressing at a speed o f a l - ; Mayor UiHuardla. consulting with most eight feet a day through dice! President Koosevelt about loans for rock. Oriuo. Hell A-.Mulaom Is In j New York city Improvement*, again approximately 275 feet on th ": proves that we hnve at last learned railroad tunnel under Tooth Kock. to attend money. Something over A small water seepage slowed H.ltkMkiO.tstO would be the prelim­ up the work on the 31 by 3b loot inary total, for tunnels, highways, hide Inst week causing the con­ public schools, n 81*>0.000.000 hous­ tractors U> reiluce their worglnir ing program. SiVJ.OOO.OtX» to bring a crews while the tlinhi>ring wivs better water supply from the Dela­ placed In the bad spo'. Ordinarily ware. extension of Park avenue as 83 men arc employed on the Job. a broad highway above the tracks As nil material excavated must of the New York Central north to the Drnnx. elimination of alums and he taken out the e^st portal, with the slum character from the East the exception o f C.Ooo yards. I river shnivs. «bout the amount gathered in blasting the portal, the contrac­ tors expect to tunnel straight Mrs. Kathryn C.eer, owner of through from one side. It Is un­ Penn’s lavern. and Walter Peun derstood thai the 573-foot project wore business visitors In Portlaud tv 111 he finished about April 30. Friday.