t h e (’bruni«*!«* l>« l»\t r« i| \ (l\ Iloiitt* in I >P*tru t \\Y«k l»> C arrier 20c M o n th : i » So Note» From A Reporter’* ( H K r ii « \ h r k s h \ i . r ' \si \iu i ix Ks ENGINEERS TO LET U. P. TRACK JOB IN SPRING Note B o o k The Chronicle reach*.-. all h'.in* » between Herman creek and Dodaon and if»e* into all bur.kh»u*es at the limn. M it wide: y read new »pa per in the H<>nnevii!e Dam area. HON \ FVII.LK P h on e 21 1 HON N V V ILL A \VKliNKsHAY. DKC. Hit; Chronicle is pit-paiing to tell the story of the ’ I)il' 1 '"ea with pen and cam*ra in the issue of ui'i.iry 1. rhe edition is bcinc prepared with a view to 1 ii-.nfitin; the public with progress heine made upon the lJf i' ’ ud witfi opportunities in the district for in- «estments and homes. ! - edition will be of a character which will prompt vou ar d your friends to mail it to relatives and friends in !'er '-cttions of Uiermn and in other states. Howover, 1 in',are your extra copies it will be necessary to tell us in advance about the number you can use. Alditional papers will b- run off the press on this occasion, hot j I there will not be enough to go around unless provisions - <• made to meet the requirements of our readers. Telephone by calling Cascade Locks 211 and order’ you' e»tr a cop:es early .They will be sold at five cents j .orniti« monih each. Klral major »-.ntrart ut* »III be a a a rd ed ihla « h e n Ih» t*. H eoylnrer» »III I open hld# o » p*<»rr boiler |t|f. bine» .• » l l r t an r«tliiia, rd II -'io- oon The «oyernm enl U : reparin* lo Inaiali f a n maio unii» and na» h »u »» unii fMhrr ronira. l» lo be aaarded d u rln « ih » « i b i r f and »prin« are > ' A t y e o i d e m a n d 'd «he hoe! al. ih 9 1.Con -no alti he adVertlard f a t j b they apuli m e f*»r l-r«»; ably tn Marrh iriwa « ' ! Kleid Maio tran»f.>rmers and pofilon tetra«*' OAKFS SUBMITS MEN IN CAMP 2 LOWEST BID ON ARE ILL AFTER NEW BUILDING HEAVY D I N N E R 1 1 1934 SEATTLE FIRM LOW BIDDER ON 2 JOBS AT DAM New Year’s Edition Re lite .e I lo n of Ihe l'nloti I'», |f|. ira. ha bel a . < n Katlr rfeek and i a*1 a.|e lei. ka a» Ut | m - alarle»] in awldeat» " f ,h * H»Mne»|ll* «latti Acrll. ar. - * • «la tto « •lana fn rllmh )u»l ea*l of thè i «<« a* Ike »'ib alblled d o w n lb Iatern friendly fa«hl*>n It » a « T he rontrart f»r Ihe t’ nlon l*a* r tf, day • day »ha« a III • »•> *U«o*Uj *111» day* •« »«»«»* r i i » re|ora*l< n la only one „1 a „ Ike ea»« « l a d »»Ul b o a t e. u in l.e-e flf mntrarla, ln>nlrln« , , ,*» ft»«* I* • • i.tilyaal ih r rtp - ndllure ..f | ll .m i o <>oo « t o o t h « I" inlad the • !«» » o f • hi. h Ihe fr.le-ral «oyernmenl wtthln ihe n ei! ala „ yield famou# n ew «; *p««r wl|| taf l S4lil a h " a t o l e LIlHe H"y m on ih t fWM y » allende»! a dinner. a * kl»ak .»»Id January day it a«kl«by t*!»lta«o friend Itlpe 'jnakarrle* • Uh e r a * » • ■ X |( i i|M«»rl Mf Kleid e>e»t aid r y o and puahed It i » l t A t r Mr Kleid. d«*n I you eai y jlV o l» ' *»hr,l u-.r Inal in D A M CHRONICLE CACI e i* B O N N EV ILLE Low bid for con stru ction o f the admlnlxtratlon building and the • Ivlc auditorium on the Honuevlll« dam rem-rvatlon wan Miibinltt'-d ny A. H. Han««*il. It wuia loarued when propoiutla were opened la-,t Friday In i'ortland. and unleaa the unex- -••• I« .) o c c u r « he will l>>- k Iv* ii the C< otrart fo r puttlu« up the two hulldlliK* ManHen hid l-'T.-'tOO. Draji«. •Vyrnan A Vo**. P ortlan d , were only I'J-'.n ahov.- him. for they hid 1 1 7 , ' j t l , while the Hoffman Conatrurtlon com pany a u bm lt'e d a hid o f 1 - 8 . 9 9 0 . The fle o rg e W aale com pany. I'ortland. and the ( i e o r « e H Hock- l«-r com;,any, tw o c o n tra cto r« » h o hare been doin g the bulk o f the building on the p r o je c t . were high u» th - bid* w.-nt, to the nuprlae o f people In t h - diatrlct, w h o had figured that one o f the two firm» would obtain the con tract. The Waale p»mp!o bid $ 1 7 , ' 3 8 ; the Hurltler com p an y bid $7 4,5‘*i. Both of ’ h.-ae •- ntrat-tor* appar- old and played safe. Oher hid* *nbmltt**d a c r e ’ V a in -k e y * K ;.llan ier. $ 1 1 . 7 - 0 ; R obertson. Hay & W allace, $16. 1*71 M k Oak I'ortlai-l, who did Mounting romplulnla over th» •nalder- .1» hulldl"« around ('.*» ’I'.allty o f the food «e rre d at the The governm ent engineer* had ta-ie I-. i , last «prin« and a.itn- National Comtnln-ary c o m p a n y '« . * • 'lh**ted that the tw o hu.lding* m«*r, .ubmllt.-d the |..a hid t.n the amp No. 2 culm inated In u howl " " " I d t $40.328.64 Chief In- ai » ahi.'h th«- o d d K.-llowa Thursday nlsbt, folow tng a heavy ler* * ' afucit the estimate com p lied arc ¡>r<- .«ring to < .*<4 on the m-at o f turkey and trlm m ln ’a on 'k*' en gin eer« 1» the fact that .It* , ' tl - lr ■ Id hall He r.ff.-r- d to Ihankaglvlng day 1 *« »lnn>*t every Invtunce coi.tra c- The boy* In the cam p d a n c e d , ' ° ' rtt have bargained to d o the put up th. ,'ilhlln»; for $4.473. work at - smaller figure than the Cascade 1 an i groaned. Claren - Carrot f ra • r r -m l !,ollder. w.,» | Hyu.-iitry.” aald I)r Stanley E. , g overnm ent has anticipated when L orka con Well«, briefly. I calling fo r bids on Job». .1 $4 >*31 -rotili Ini II. Ii<**;>< tialblllty fo r the attack T he fou n d a tion fo r th«* ndmln- A t-tnl of ix bld» wer«- »uhmll- ¡ i* ’ l.f upon the dreaaing It wag |s«r!«tl ■ h- ildlng la In and ev e rr- d Kl», of ilicm came front Port* hat th - fellow s railed uuni num ihlng is In t udlneg* fo r the g.i er- tul . o u t r a , r» t.ak«-» waa $ J 7 (f" «i.-r than the high*-at hid r *. !und they ttu-k llh.-rwl helpings, to structure, which will he o f brick. I heir sorrow. Oysters that went I t i - , M'orl men arc now pou rln e the u . d by th - lodge I to the dressing are believe»] to con crete f i r the basement o f the K»tir p -rila n d hid* wr.-re c ,used the trouble. r'- le a -d l t o r lu m . W h en they have 'Hum N- • *t». A i I '*> ; \V ar.l f. 1 * W orkm en I- *>d In «a m p No. 2 flnMied tr.e Job will be turned » Davis. Mllbran.lt $3431 Dunbar. h- >• been running to the I'. S over to the c o n 'r s c t o r « . T his build- 96231 Knott. Bog engineers for s»>m. ,v.,ek». This ia inr will h. o f fra m e ccnatrnr-tlon. $-940 Both h ulldlncs « r e locate»] near The bld» w r e opened and tab the old Atkln*-on r a m ; , long f a m - ! ulat.-d by th. f.tiHdlng ••ommltte« oi « for the g roan in g tables, where the present entrance to the reser- No action w h s t a k e n and no defin­ m n ate to their fill and grinned »athin and will be locn'.ed within a short distance o f the new ratl- ite understanding * » « reached aa! heerfully afterwards. Acroa* the road frt'm the csrop road station, clone to the highway. to t h - nett step hut the committee . . to . . art . tnts thi. a new com m un ity - center. The hopes to he ready w. . r . k '* the . sn reject 1 1 1 o f the ' ....... . running $11 9 to * l|"b-«e«r ..-«liti« an eailma«.-d I I ', oho robabty v ili be atlv»^* | k ' of Ih» l . - a h l ' l d e » • n « I l ¡ ' ' » 4 .n Ai rii ’ Mi \\ «■ t " . . • Ab*MI« T‘.n © '« l.afrrl» of re* k (litri', ; < T s - f 5 Me e n-eni for ih» maln aplt!'*:i| d in i. Bar «»>»*• • ' S u i He ru m t .■»« r a t i n e an eaiimaied |! T«o,00". ■ kki f hla l y y i » h • o l i i ba a.lyrrllaed In Aprii hi i || r . M I \k o l t K «M All IH I I 1« J*fV « r. a M -. n A fra CI ir - e| I- i f i h e n i . nf !*•< I aro he v a » IH and d o a b f ‘ . - l u m b l a ri»«*» I h r » i u « h ( h e « >r«e, 1 1 kart In hi* k » m » hyrk In Imia Bla nyala lan n i i n ) hlin d lo b«- ad«yrM»--d In na* *e» And he d id r o m o Mi fra n i’. * f heallh Ite ra m e Itelo» Ion -I the I 'n l o l j'arlflr •Uh Ih r Itile li f Ine o f rnler trark* he! •» Ca* ade rsllfond rapid * «-allmated coat nf 11.700* [t»a da«* i n iha* roani he feti !« atatrd to he adv.r n I h - de*«« e x ca v a tio n for Ihe l o s e r ap !>■ ‘ t '• • • ' I * Ila I r f a* | proa, h canal to Ihe »hi*' lock <-* > , - f » j r ' ! l ! a . Ir a » J ' a f p r - . * i tlmated to . <»*t $13't,0on. Is ached bhalli » , f. r h.!a wlfr and i -lied for May |. »h a i ra m e k1-*n* l.ork «ate*, talnter valv«*a and •■Itlny kepi rnatllna More floating monrlh* hook*, eatlmal-d •ar» aork hna ♦»»*«•» ih n * a n tn coat $1*0.000. prc»!-*l>lv ««111 In* •ay of tale i l « la n » « » r idi** advertlaed In M ir M.»* m i i i i w f r i ar# c o m l n « from th# cam ps L U O L in u u r\ u u l o 1» t slt»d S iile , «overntnent a ll) Creat gate* and gantry rrsn e. **f ha»" in look afiey hlm. for on h ig h w a y for the splllan v dsm snd draft t»k look afiey htmaetf Ile la tube« gantry rrane* and Intake *>*«4 a|ih n a tu re *» t a o «roat* W o rk m e n em ployed on tunnel gate» for the p o a e r h "«»e. to roat »dual hssts Their ngur.-« were 1 tettiti.-« ¡ilMeftry antl Inlit» I f him s H o l t T A H K . M T T K No. 1. now- being driven Into the ,»n eatlmal* <1 1 1 ................ probably | fot a frame building, iwm stories l>evelnpntent o f a business dls- m ountainside by U. S. engineers, a III be advertised for hid» In M*V In height. ______ trlrt In Bonnnvtll« • ranted a w*'r'' cuii.-d oft t h - Job when a H’ .ahot.Vf» ran now buy o f- _ v to i t d c m r n dei aad f o r room« T t A t t e m m i Hots.- Vallay O w p a n U n truck *» laie» from ihely da iry m a n L I B R A R Y l o U r L'V t U iin„ „pi.- to meet the demand, went In the ditch a mile west o f HM«d they Bfe ta k ln « milk T D r F R I T R A I P U B L I C «nd us n n suit the m a jority o f Cascade Locks and spilled 2.'too ** '!* Brande* f'r e o m e r y T he LJ fellows who have co m e Into the gallons o f gasoline d ow n the htll- *• malfar» lo a haalr con clu ! com m unity tn en ter business are side. ■* «t* noi «Ivin« o r a n t e Julre. After much »Kiting and wishing deeping on cot* Juat a nvwhere The heavy tri-ek was wreck.«d Flag tea o f the Caacada l-*< ka- i * ik» rroaniery la h o t il ln « and fl.innovlll«* aerie »III close their snd waiting, resident* o f the lion- rBn g(,neeze In P om pletlon »h«* driver got too near the PXliectV(, r^. ed ge of the pavement and struck "«♦Ha« u frum «ho tru ck tn charter Thur.dav night at th<- reg ­ nrvllle Dam are* have a free pub- j nf , h ( l nHW hot#, **> and alore» T h e Julre la ular weekly meeting, to be held al Hr library. It I* housed In ! “ •' ||„ye the situation . " " oft shoulder o f d i n and gravel, frame school building which the, through a section o f the guard from o r a n t e « In ra il* Merrill-* pavilion district re entlj a andonad, was ^ .......... Is o f (k * m r truck I n r o a t *klpi»d north hr boal un J A Mm rill, alats »rganlr-r for MID-W . r m -til v opened Monday with I I I - « l-'KK b K I hAN A N t'KN » from under the tanker, rolled ■■ '''rifa rv i, amt m ade »»all* . a. . a __________ . - f t ___•• k * . . . i l l 1 . . t a n « * ! . . _____ t . 4. , , a , 'h e fraternal order, sahl yeaterday " J i m " Merrill I* stepping up h ls l „ rrosa the road and pi united Charh » .lone* Portland. In charge ' ,0 rubile in f he C o l o m b i » that more than «o t «plication* f" r ("reated nrimarllv for the pur-1 dances at hla new pavilion and fence. *' ll*lf Ir» Buy s in n er a h ' memherahlp have bean received ,lf providing th - men In the hereafter will hold th«-m on " e d - X he driver had to telephone to ' h“ B n lot r r il» k tätig ■•» since (he rhnrter aaa grant'd * w l,j, frro reading room* and to sday and Saturday nights First t ], p Dalles to get a w reck er o f im helftV« v i n retali al Ihe frw week* « g o Cla»«e« h«Ve been ,, ,, \ | open 1«* i lr.ld-week nlftht danci :\» t - t ufl|cl«nt l l n U l i i l t l f W T fc k tl h'rr atkr» ■ for , |,*hi a«k|| Ihe Initialed every » - « k. httt the On«« , ,1 t.tiMI. Hooka m a y be fak- Used fo r tonight, with music by tanker out o f the ditch. f'* for r .nota W h v dairy* Thurartav lil*hl promise* t«« he the ist aa they ar ort heatra fr >m T h e Doll * s , t " noi reeognlaed th è op* largest y d . for the Inlst'on fee* It Is Illegal, both In Oregon and !’ .*• n t r-, I library In Portland Wednesray n lch id s n co s were pop- for delivering Ihe or* will hr andvn'iced next week * l T hl. iry Is is op. open u tr from L o ck s thrnu tho.it the h - '„,,r iP'r-iry m I . to >» S 'u l a r In th- ------------------ ---------------- - 1 V arhlngton. to cut Christmas r ' ,,lr" and why ih e r it m a . ; jU jp p ,n e«r summer un.l early autumn, b u t j t r o e s wlthon* first securing re r- This I* Morrill*« !*"« w^ k rr-*a.r, |,nve noi i-ndcn v » r - d ither»- has been few o f them o f 1 mission o f the owner. L •’ •top the* market b e fo r e la It,r diatrlct. for the Stale presl- — pi m u - " _________ |,,ie. " J i m '' ropes to revive the d n i 1« csllln * him 'n to Port 1 snd 'e*r. earont that new Meat Pse C hronicle W ant Ads i Interest hv providing g ood music. * ** m’*ll"l oyer a in n« time to aaalat In orgonltlng nn aerl,* In Patronize our advertisers another *edl..n o f t h ' state * 'key an* a m - ted Wr n k trio r ia rene* f a r r o l h e r a i y- y ta ached ..... " « ' " EAGLES WILL CLOSE CHARTER THIS WEEK T!; from tio- 2,000 GALLONS OF GAS k f 'b LOST- TRUCK GOES , t ,Me ,h"lr ,n,*i,u 'N DITCH