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About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1934)
♦ ««. nS TWF n *M i'H R n w trir THK p\M CMKOMt » V_ ------ --------- 1 bonn a v il l a /ty Vino Fminf«' « W IR R IC K ’S RED & WHITE STORE Mr »»«I M r. HUtaUjr « : . . h i « - r o ..u tU iu »««J C A S C A D E LO C K S l>"to »-r« »»k «*»“ 19 c WHiTE KING SOAP. G .ululated 2 BARS MISSION BELL HAND SOAP s . ORANGES, 26 160 FLOUR. SPUDS. S N GRAPEFRUIT. Arizon ........ 25c ttur« lu Puftlnnd^ . 99c 1 m. m ! $1.10 - 6 for 23c __________ .. --------- 1 i A New Stock Just Arrived Stoves Bed Springs "Fables Mattresses Dressers D. C. FRA N CIS Hardware and Furniture ( 'ascaile Lock.' WIDOW IN FICHT Mr and M • l««r..ia J4U ».r FOR PORTION OF «ntt baby ol »•ortW.i«! « - ” * * ^ M A I L ’S MILLIONS end g w <• « .d u r a d a y •» horn» of Mr and M r. ‘ | H Ut k. M r, T a u n *r t. *«»«■ • » , r r ui **I ill!«» I r t t h Q u a n t , " N ow M r* Hlach O P cn n iln w a , So«-W* L u irib w r Mr and M r. W w PoulaoU t* K in g ’ « W o n llh . tur»<d F rld «» f ' m * »4, ation trip * ■ ■ U (* *>au>. Seattle and '* e N.-w Y *rh l*ro -tea* tuiw, pet M i. Ilold rld ge ’«a. t t, M'irray. “ t * o l im e IrUb tju w u ‘ M couver 1** ifinlt f « la (tglttlng - •• a daughter of »1-1 Krtn hnowa au weil — «F— Mr «u d M i- f A llrnnd«’ « > t » l u .|o — r r lier abare ln lhe • !•«-nt th« w cakw nd in Portland catate f t.«r '••• I btt»tvan.l, IJ .*b vlatUng ■ Ith Mr llrandm W tb- Itacktwy Smith, «rai.laon amt heir er. M r. Part Hraude* of t diarie» II llacklwy Murl»l.'*n -■"*< F*** lumber hl.»g a o l m ullí» I ilUmailfw Mr and M n M uni« Moll I fu tin Inc of M u *hc*o. Mich dinner gu>-*t. at t’>.. IMMM >f Mi Smith dlw*l re»-wt»tly In Juoewtt. . j Ml i W n f M ‘ 1 > Alaaka. In a loait.g Ut tile with lb « »ning 1 drug habit from which all *hw — 4 ► — AltM K atb»rin « Sitnm on. and 1 acaltb at M . <s h m - I r>"iM not h»r brother K »un»th himm.>n« of •ate hlm II a « If* . Pe««J Murewy. Seattle . * r r * -* k «ltd g u «a l. »* a »•artl’ ug au.-rwna )wa»* ago aa thr horn« o f Mr and M r. K»rn«wl Utw o f lb « lb taco girla. Who l f t » l Meadow a M l». Sir. mona l* *•« » , hard I” war« him from fhw trail ployed in a m edical laboratory in tnfluetww .f narc-dicw. U»«w b »r« m thr Medical Art building In H*wt a che«,, botai, earn tog Iba hwfw tie tie. cwaalt'.ra of Ufw aa a perform «» In a CWA .b o w . M lu Oladya K W t.on who b a . Herd) year« ago they wefw mar> brrn ».«-ndlng w « « r a l day« a« •h*' t*hriat«n»«n. toll Saturday night r ie l lie fe re n ÌUm % mt t j —«•-arane, tfwgte tor hrr hom r m P u*«n« Papar« Tait TaW. I>tr;tlrr gurwta at thr hunt» of tWtf a ¡ j ;--«♦—•«»» Sto In lunnau. Mr and M r. I. S huler Tu««d»v where l l . h . aa ah* called him. rtirnlng * « r « Mr and Mr» l> t dcug'Wa»fa>I and lltfalty Fcaaell •tarici »u t two y e a r, ago for di- —O— Mr Nil«» -S hulrr of M«-db>id T o r c e -f i thè tato, pari o f IL Pi f rat » aa diaci »«ed bjr Al a pent thr flr»t tw o d.»yt Of th l. week n a ilin g with hi* oruthef Mr tor. c f J*ur; í» X. tt'llrt««». Itofty a law ;cr. M rw b« left fo» M»>he L Schuler Q g n t • !•> k Into !b « pr«»lal.>«Mi o f M b . Hit« Itout* n Halted In Port the tU rhlry will. Which toft oOr land W ednesday night o f thla qaartrr f h :. ( n o n * In each o f week. th« .« t’ h children. Mach ami ht» two .¡etera Mr and M r. K A P rl.b y and petty a 1 tha man who waa lo fam ily are «pending a few day« ha her h u .'.m d mat on a aprtng thla wrek kt th*tr hom e in Port » , er.tcg to I ‘altfocn:*. where »he land waa ft,tying on tha «faga with Ina — O— Mr and Mr» Prank Tracy of CUlrw A few day» later they a r r e tu»r- Nampa. Idaho arrr« gowata >.f Mr and M r. I are and Ml»* H r»' « Hut ri»-« t * t to ll«w a tfh Mra Irr at the lloiiny !.*••• lirauty .Uop Smith. Ha V « m-.fher T After a If«1 • they m »w l fo flaaf' tl« a b e r« lir a Htnltb had another Mr and Mr* I»•.»» NVicklier at< I» :n* i >nc night Hack ram * In— trndrd a l.lrthday party Saturday drink. Ilc'ty (I, ’¡¿St. but later aha night at the h<>m" of Mr* Wl k- f 1 be ìlei laer’a m other M r. Joh n .on , in T* efj * H t • " .» .f outdoor Portland, in h " 0 or of h«r atater T «re «» and brother Kr«in The aciHity. Hack waa ke;d buay chop " ir k lie r ’a returned home itunday ping w d , hiking and ahoottng ganre »n an In Puget Mound evening Ha ga -. ed in weight and apprwrwd Mr and M r. A J* and I® be « new man. •on Kua.ett ap«nt tha wrek end They want on a ertila* ou a In Portland with Mr. Moure'a ala yacht with Mra. Hmlth. T h e « ah« ter. M r. Ora C ook returned to I*»» Angele« and llach Illa b rot bar In law Mr and Mr« Prank llaya .pent dtaapr-earrd found Mm—and f.mnd. »00 . that lha the week end In Portland Ir ¿ I,a’ : t bad I ««♦> i.-n atrong for Mian Helen V enohr o f Seattle |. him lo r«a:a|. Ils»k went hack lo bla w ife and flatting at the horn» o ff her b roth er and hi» wife. Mr and Mr» W f"»-. • ; « f ft. » rc).,l,e d Mra. ftrnllh II Venohr. In U « A:. .e'ra i * \ a ,i,| M r. f t ) t i e lU I'lM n l P tld n y | ,\n evening m u .lt » •• e n jo y e d I O— Mi and Mr« il Il b*errin atoli ñu« ih utiylug ‘ •«•ir »»«* h.une bulli oli Ih«’ rea« r » d “ I *•»■» 1 Kmi« l i I ti>111 ton Mr unti M r. j Hit' lile ut p. itU n d « r e livin g III il,, »m u.e fo rm erly n r r r u n N b» 1* , I lle K erflligton a M ow Post Office BOhNEVIUE Located in tht P¡Kgly WiggiJ STORE HOURS »11 HENRY FOILS; P ositi | < j j I Meni, 25c *nd W F.A SK U IN S t*'»u»c > j E| il & I L h h c ftu tm ( ‘a -, i le I « wV.», Oftyg O— .— 0— PLUMBING I n il 11 n r o f Suppt« c a ll gf Cent ral I utrhef Co j j 1 CARROTHERS I SPICKERWAN < a x a i« Lark» —O— M aterial fo r this h o u -e can be purchaned fo r on ly ISO. This in clu d e« all m aterial, with ply w ood flnlah fo r the Interior. T his house h ou se co m p le te w lfh c o n cre te fo u n d a tio n , p lu m bing, read y to m o re nto fo r about , —O— 9280 . M ik e and Dave I f . r.III * Itortor to Merrill • Patito« I * *ce*to Irek» —O— OWN THIS HOME In Beautiful O— EDGEW00D PARK CASCADE LOCKS Restricted To Protect You From living in a shanty town district. Besides, it is much cheaper to build in a restricts district. Come in and ask about it. Many beautiful inexpensive homes being built now in this district. Close to grade and high school. Level rosd to drive in and no snow drifts to fteht. WARRANTY DEED $100 WARRANTY DEED ON VERY EASY TERMS NO GUESSING ABOUT WATER OR LIGHTS Over 200 choice homesites to choose from, for garden and flowers. Rich loam SEE BILL KEELER OR IRA OWEN AT CASCADE LOCKS LUMBER COMPANY OP J.B. LABER. 821 FAILING BLDG. PORTLAND. ATwater 6524 1 —O— Takaa Drug Cur*. Mr ar.d Mr. (¡e »rg e Kill« and S‘ «>n »fier. Ilacfc went to • want Mr and Mra Al fl rown are o c c u fleti» pying their n< w h om e, recently farlnm for « tiare.,tic cura, »fayed up nlgbfa nuraing him. Mil built In the Kh'iulat addtlon Ik* »train 1 »• too m ach Sha had Mr and Mr, Art Schneider o f J to ? »aa an operation. Then they Portland wer. gue»t» Saturday at * • fcf III r. lla< k . the horn« o f Mr. and Mr* If brother In taw. 8c hu ton berg " Mr according tha af fl.lavlt, fl»« Inf,1 a rag« and - a arc M a.ter R obert Rraund h a . le e ,, und Um« «truck he», Itofty decidr.l confined to h i. hom e f,,r a f,.« fo c ,[:.e to New Volk IO «lall lief deya b.-cau»e of a bad cold un- •• Ri , irla« Mn« Mlllnn, 1 f ah* bad hO flMMM) nnd lln 'k Mr and Mr. \ I, Hlntonl and domai,<1 j «b* aign a paper, «tyin g fam ily upeni the week end In fur li'« Portland tii.uej, 'Idler* wn» anuí lier fight and — O— Mb* Sunday ru. -r . at the hom e o f tl- n « f « .Igiiid th« |tnp*r. ■IM m I r. ,d If Tha ,.«-»t day »he got ftr and Mr, Ployd Itodda were k for M . . . i a|gn*d i.y Untar Mr nii.l M r. I. V firaw-a and tw.> • children o f N.-wberg Mr» (ir a r e . 01, I rolli- ad nnd Pullman ticket« la a »later o f Mra Dodda. to New Y<>rk, Hack prmnlaed to follow In three month» A fternoon r>i> 1« nt the hom e of That * aa In May. IP?*, Utile Mr». I I yd** If ib l.ird T .im b iy were more fl,nn a year after fhelr mar Mr» Ktev.-n, and M r, And- r.on of ring«, sii# never anw him ngnln. the n.h hat- hery, and Mr» Mud I-'IM . "Mie I.Itile frl.h «Jilean* 1 Hawkln« o f Hl.-ud il>- of a .tornite ero, team ed the |»ii|wr « I « ... ii o o 'M I y algned In S calile an‘l Mr' W and »III« n prop, rty aefflemerif. ran011 nr , rhlldren a pent the we«k and In : 11 »• •» any .,r K u ril'• r..r Portland. ftllK — -i 1 —- O— Ta»v Acanto# h< liday ; 'ices onpw c-Mt‘. ,,r> $3.50 »i'M • -it 2 * wave if called fof tWO W" 4 s. BONNE-LEE b e a u t y shot Locatevi »i tna* In* villr T«'tf* —O— (»— . Phone 231 W . H. Clark p o l l V« '« k l l l f f l j f I T » , I"* III) ,1 magi«- IA Mil O— IlKJtt I T U I XlT t o l l . loa. f) TODTH ROCK Mr. 11 da Mr. Prank Moon » e r e dinner g u e«,« a , hom # ,i( Mr Auto E1* c U k W M-tirry Scrvsr Kcjviir «of1 Pel. « F 7 A t*« K < tv 4 "^ ■. «I ►■•II through ( ‘h ro n lrl* j W ant Ada.