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About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1934)
SCHOOL NEWS SltW TS {Parked h\ .1 .vMn.»u . H.»rr> Cram ! i\- • !c i .- K M .> vu- .1 the tm -kct Kail »««so n w ith a I '- 1 ». victory ov«*r Hill O titnilnham '« Si ort S ip .>f 11 >il River. Jim m ie Johnton p layed g*'»'d b all, can *l«n tljr o .it-Juuip ln * S. 1 ey, form er I’n l r r n l i ) of M ichigan pivot man. ThC w eek w ill i*e the ffrat high school «am .' .»f the aegaou. t'or- bett w ill be hero to lock horn* w ith the Locks They a re more n early the «am e al*e than other team s to be p layed th is year It w ill he one of the fastest «tames that w ill he p layed on the local fl.H«r Adm ission w ill be 10 and 2."« cent*, and a d o llar for a season tick et If you are \er eigh ty **»d accom panied by yonr gran d p ar ents you w ill '<■ adm itted to the game free. DEATH TAKES PAL. AVIATR1X FLIES ON H elen R ickey U ndaunted by P a rtn e r’s Crash. Flit* burg It. - iV ath rod* France« M arsalis down out >'f the *W‘ nil Helen Kl. key. her prett) •'»- psirtncr from McKee.;-ort. l*a., 1» continuing her aerial career uu- dauuted. It " a * Helen who won the O'n te.t ftfflln the Rational Women * air ro v* at Payton, Olil-N the daj Mrs. Mars-ill««, with w! a she had broken t ie women's endurance dy ing r w r J , em bed fri>;a a low alti tude ami was killed. Ami It wa* Helen whi«, llnui.U saddened bj the tragedy. >1« .v In the ulr coricge across I'eiin*) ivania to llivsevelt held. l,o! f Island, where funeral -«rvlee* were held for the famous i n 'l.itrlx . Not si) Ion • ago It w a* Helen and r ran ees—together In the Outdoor tilrl, the sturdy cabin plaue they | called home during their endurance 2,600 Hunting Murderer i r, t s c c u puller of Ibis > rin k with the iNmadln* mount le . w i . i ¡1 conus t getting ti.cir man a: I 1 >'• arrested a is in slayer, after ». '* Ilittol the neighborhood h to I he Unger 11 mi process. Vhr stiv IS «ve a •* • -erpr» «a s tti*stcrt«»us;y sUIn n I th# stila clue was a Ungerprini o® a window »dually the polk* eicry t ale Inh »Itant to sh«w up and h (Tr.ip Shoot and Target) wt « eru in ti wile within a rn.iîua ft »•» no-«w Alter cara il study Ih* ¡.»»llcv werr able to IdmMfy tha o r- reo • Ung pr.nts atid tb* sliver Conlon Ranch ONE MILE EAST OF CASCADE LOCKS" Immediately confessed. The hoys have o rdered some no» *»*eat sh irts T hey are blue w ith fo ld trim m in gs We a ’* > Artificial Respiration b a re fourteen new com bination Save* Cub* and Fawn* lock* for lb » lookers That finishes I 01« li Wenatchee. M v«h. — Artificial the sjH'rts for th is w eek. Hut the 'powder puff” team 1« no respiration, npj !'• I to y -ung ’-car more. The only fate which could ahd deer which fall lulu M an»’* S4MTAI. have separcted these two flying flume, ( b is ! L ike ( “bclau. rwvlvwi There is now in the hatching mates for long overtook the New about 73 per cent. •»«’ .* C ratsrt.a at C asc ad e high school a play that York woman as she was rounding a A. H Sehatler re;-<rt-: w ill sweep the people off th eir i pylon In her racing plane. Caught A i atrol crew along the c mu ret* r-. t and Jim '* | |0 the backwash of flro other plane« the eggs Tti* ch aracters In th is . . . . . . . . . and b»o cl ■*•• to the ground to rw . canal rracitaa ahoiit forty animats th r illin g eplsndeof ‘ The Recov cover, she t rashed and died alm-«*t a year. $ehalh-f said. VI «1 are ery of the R u rk «h lre Je w e ls " by fawns, with an occasional bear cwK Instantly. a more fam ous Holme* , and AN a l « »it Helen i* u is uu uo “Jinx" jitiA ix convert tu rn . c**»v Site's » The youngster* fall In «hen they it son ln p erso n .v—1 bv t ,n< going on in the flying game. Just as tempt to follow their mother* In a only r.-s H i. M ilU r and Cv J e n she ls certain Fronces woutj hâve Wap across. A !*- mtla current kins. done had she been the wtnner and •weep* them i w i i . atthixigb the Other m em bers of the cast are Helen tlie “¡oser” in that fateful water ll .oily 8 feel deep. P a r e Johnson, the co rp se; Ted Ihiyton a ir race The artificial respiration In mosl Johnson. L ady B u rk sh lre and S -erly and not untulndful of hrr case* rv-v'vr» the animals wi’ hla an .Tim K irby, the fiend. Don't m iss rriem l's sklll as a pilot, she aays: hour *o (bey are able to run eff It folks, its colossal "Of o u rs e It wlll not Interfère into the hill* again, h halter said ’ .1 .- w|th my flylng. It's !;ke a frtend It I* IpJ 1S--! I s T A T F M W W I P K N R»*U> belng kllle<l In an automobile. We ner a* to human (wrings. The report Is cu rren t th at the thlnk «nch an accident wtil never Hath [Mitlrnt. after bsrtlif pullrd from the water, 1» covered with a state h igh w ay com m ission pro hit us." b< avy blanket to prevent a chill and pose* to w iden the road from the placed so the water wit) drain from en tran ce to te reservatio n to the its lung*. school house in B onneville, hut Synthetic “Hangover*” official conflrm atlon is P ek in * . Offered in Experiment* As the sto re goes, the h ig h w ay London. — Many person* know Mongrel Pup Discover* departm ent w ill cut a slice off the that "ni-irnlng” after feeling. Mouth Body of Dead Playmate south hank and endeavor to ta k e j like blotting pai<er. A splitting aw ay the curve at the i«olnt w here head, and a large Jug of ¡ca water Portland. Ore.—The narking of th e new road lead in g down to the the only bright spot In a dismal Skipper, a mongrel pup. ended a proposed railro ad statio n P irn s o*. world. search for \N lr.«! >n Hi, !««--! aged about 209 w ards e ast of the gate Many console themselves that the three, whose body was found n thr cause was usually worth the effect. marginal waters of the Wlll atnel-r Few. however, would care to have river after a long search by p .tire IF fllO V TO PAN'CE and neighbor», poii.-e * >und ti r The A m erican I.egi..n Is p uttin g tbs effect without the cause. And science has now made that dog trotting nervously a ..nk th , on an o th er dan e at the C raigm ont river's edge where he had bar.c| hotel F rid ay n ight, when It w ill possible 1 provide some one w ith a T h an ks Just a small .Jose of histamine , tor hours in a vain a -v . ; t to brli..- givin g P a r dinn er by giving a acid phosphate and in twenty sec .M to hia playmaN- tu rk e y as a door prlxe, The legion onds you ha»e that metallic taste h as been dancing every eu o w eeks, In the mouth, an unnaturally flti«he<i and probablv w ill continue to e n face. And forty » -onda later all Wandering Boy I* Home te rtain twb .--a-month th r ighout to Stay After 27 Year* the w in ter*er. th ere is »..m e the makings of a No. 1 hangover Scientists are looking for per Hunbury. Pa. Mr* Mary « arter • ta lk of rh an g ln g the night of the week for the dances a fte r this F ri son« who will give themselves bead wandering tx.y ha« coni« home. ■ches In this way. day. Ra k in IS«7. flari firii fa rte r One man. with a real hangover, i left the fan , hearth In llarrlat.urg M E RRILL K RM TH - l i . \ wanted to know why science and sbi|,|ied a* a cab n txiy *M-g " J im " M errill has erected a couldn't And a sixty-second cure In hi* foriune Voj age* on th* high neon <den in front of hi* property. »tend of a sixty-second headache. w a* c.irri«-d aim to *U ( irts of in« c allin g atten tio n to h is dunce par- , ____________ . irnfM illon The sign stands n ear the Iteceni.». fa tte r and hi* me'her highw and an b< en by .ii Boa* Hoaxes Employee: were reunited f«»r the first Uma to who pas* over the r<-ad Th" crowd at the ran ee last S a t - ! Latter Tell* Police 27 yeur* wfi.-n he catne hnu«« p, tirdav night step -«ed to the music| lb>*t»n.—To Impress an employee | stay “for g«esL~ of “ Rob" Stolze's C alifo rn ian *.! who arrived at work late. Josep.« The o rch estra proved t.opular and Balkan, proprietor of an ujiholsterv Enlist* Cockroaches in ha* been algr-'d up for a return shot here, told him he had found en gagem en t S atu rd ay night. Ba«tle With Neighbor 920.1**1 In a divan undergoing re pa Ira. Rrldgejsirt. Coon. —Rested in het M O KK n i T T W l i S I l F I V f i RI I I .T If the asslarant had arrived on quarrel. Mr*, f. >n Zlc .-ka « .ti|*i 'T 'ck " M orris, hu'.p y-go -l’ic k v proprietor of the C :.« .id c Food time and found the money. Rnlkan e«l the aid Of rorkroarfu-« |o “gr' store. hs*s purchased the lum ber reportedly told him. the money even " S' e dumped an *pr..i,fui ,,n contained In the howl which was would have been divided between fh« neighbor« porch and wa* nr b u ilt for the Fourth of Ju ly cele the n. Joseph Kari hmi-r. ihe asst»f rested f.,r hreni b of ¡M-a< «.. b ration. dow n by the C ascacde ! ant. promptly notlflad p"'!»'*. who I»ck<i ber com pany. questioned Balkan. Balkan ex B rrbsr Trains Wolf Pu?, Lum ber r-mover» from !'■ ’ -vi piSliii-d it was in* ri-ij g story in Nebraska t liy . Neb. 11 ., > |^. Is being hnuled to a lot fust back tw,d l tt)e employee the v * ! m of bnrlM'f. bus g ilf.e<| n reputation as of th e C ascade Food stoi vhere „ an anltual trainer 11« ims «jM-nt 1 , 1 , Morris Is b uild in g two du '.ex ro t-, f*r,,rnP‘ l01^ « - * h e n Bred Karchmer sp ire lime trnlnP j two grnr wnlf tages for ren tal purpose* “ ; ups. T il« «,iir p ujsi |.e« any« are _ ---------------- Skipper Goe* Anglin*, •piick to learn and hii* mastered *ev IMIfiVF I V, M NVtiT MrtVH> P r ln o r . R , e L D . L L - . W ork of ctittln c over the tele- n »* B a c k r . a b b i t * •*r:il trick* * 'e f con*id«red •« nhon«- exchange in R nnnevlll« t o - Chllmark, Mas*.—ft remained for tremely uiiitsual. th e new qu arter* in the b uild in g ''ap t. Ih su n s Kllinm. r,« 1 « ng skip Ii ' It I * U INI | |[ p m t«|« -fi |, recen tly com pleted bv the Nation- per. to tiring In the strangr-st catch The oysli n from th« hill* pro al f'ommfs.slonarv com pany was of fli<....... . a hard w inter They ha«,, com pleted Monday. R R M ark- ||e sailed away to the fishing mise ,h, w art m an ager of the eTehnuee. <rw,lnda and returned Ph twenty th eir claim on the f.,| and M - M arkw srt. ch ief o n er, . p||M)|u ” anm als .,r>■ putlog on I, ivy , ,,*i or, have one of the n'cesf .a a -t. 'll!« r too of fur The though nay I«« noth - • i ud S. l g bll* th< evpre Ion of ., w l.h of the --KHc office pt*he exchaoee landed on a hl«-nk Island, caught for trapping m good when tin- Is convenient to the afreet and the Hie «cure of hares, and came back d' ' • *ti<i -OHIO Of them lone d'- *anrp hoo*hs are rend'tv 1° distribute them among his are not above picking up .,n t,on< -i penny with a trap line And, nnv accec«th|e to tli« public ft |s friends, how, «1 hope th y ar wr i ng ,>ud s e r tln e more than 10ft station*. | fh"y awak**n pjorn»* morning »♦» <U h with more going in every day. I „ ----------------------- eover they ||ye |n a banana belt. I s e Chronicle W ant Ads. I TURKEY SHOOT Saturday Sunday N O V E M B E R 24 and 25 Com e and W in a Turkey Starts 10 o’ Clock Sharp Both Da>i WATCH FOR GRAND OPENING OF NEW ROOSEVELT THEATER Community Center Bonneville Tentative Opening Thanksgiving Eve, Nov. 28