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About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1934)
vm nu. p \ m t'itKoN i11 f • Ilio ■¡filli gallon Mild il|oe* UO<i -le V • » ul g t t ‘ lil-lC' U l* . i ahlp THE DAM CHRONICLE ‘ U*it lu I f ta r f to f n treni h th nia v • a r r y lu g » a l e r on r» III »Hoi 11*>®, Ubly «lut» |! «dr i' lova- Published every I iul.iy in the in \ tit! the g elli'f >1 » ill u% no ex of | trrcM of the B onnevillr P a m 1 tton He pi lit be etth- •r fi*h b y the I »am I'ublishm i; com|un\ fl*W 1 FOR PROMPT FIRST CLASS WORK TRY MIKE LONG . Mark \ Shkkb, . • I at lohn H. 1'ra'is. Bufini o MERRILL'S an d Hu- u c " t ' i t i i e BARBER SHOP Take Advantage of the holiday prices on perman ents. Any $3.50 wave for $2.50. With extra finter wave if called for within I two werks. BONNE-LEE BEAUTY SHOP Located across from Bonny- ville Tavern. Shoe Repairing Shoi - repaired while you are in. I’ortland. Leave them when you arrive. They will lx* ready when you leave. G undy’s Sh^e Repair Shoo 10.t> 12 N l SANDY Special! CHICKEN DINNER SU N D A Y LAKSiDE HOTEL Cascade Locks. Ore. lull PLUWBiNG li n e of S u p p li e s c a l l at Central Lumber Co. CA R R O T ^ E P S & SPICKE RMAN Cascade Lock» Meals 25c Always tasty and good at the WE-ASK-U-INN Grace Scott Si A. L. 7.uul> rdmn Proprietors Cascade Locks, Oregon DANCE FOR FINE PR IN TIN G . . . D A M CHRONICLE BIG M USICAL REVUE \ 1» Kilt 1*01 It l Tho «Uti» diHM ••fu«*** To It>iIs- l Mils to In 1*11 p M l-b e n In , (h in ts Ha » » in t e r s to perform I mler a ru llìi* of th e » ta n Hr binda in com mission the r e s t a u r a n t , am l i \ K 1*1 HI t HIM W t W | Bonneville. Oregon. M e ili a n u .d |..,r. of O reg»u a r e prohibited 1'etvirtment in l arcad e L o c k s ,, from uain* the word •«-.» sl*ns in front of «belr pia- c of THURSDAY, NOVE MBER 22. 8:00 P. M business, presum ably f» 1 n s i son that it mt*ht corrut t pub ||| >1 B St K 1 i l it »N R.\ IT > Beautiful Girls and a Beautiful Show lie m oral» . . . Its f a r r i e r Ktcept for Ibe fa ilu re of tb<’ * t •..«tulues from Mrs r M-Oowan # Ntudlo in Has .commission to practice ,»in sistei! . , One month, b y carrier any AIM I.TH— it-V IV II 1 .li»U A ~ lfc where in d istrict - 0 cents , , the public m lah l be alarm eli d over IPs m orals am i go ban* Its ! T h ree m onths 50 cents head In shame, but since ...n s ls AS — w— I— — tenry has been * h a n it» « »d there B y M ail ap p ears to be no *> mm I fe * » »n ior Three months (h. p. bib to be alarm ed p ick in g UP the .tall» n« w.|»a Six month-- : ( >ne y e a r (k1'' pera the r - a .le r Omis the s tale of Or,-C»n C.lvertstn* It. p rivate brami »1 whiskey alni worse s iili u n dersellin g 'b e d istiller t.|J> r u t » \ «.TIKI. I .lt I > W ashington has heat down II Bury Inn the republican arty prices by pra. tlaing -n ! to- itrantl »Ul .irt) >f former tl» '* ijnor ha* become a favorite p a a t im e , sense in buytn* Oregon's liquor high pc I rea with m a r v people itn e the h ilr commission s t l s - k s ; rat*ng democratic U n dtll'le lu by ad v er tisin g It* own stuff *t * j c . s pint .la y s aco It ms m redlble that the l e g i s Only six short y e a r s a « » Calvin la tu r e authorised the r.*m m l«»l"»| i Coolidge w as th e t.vr h aired ‘-»> to turn to newspwpwr o dvartlslng I of th e A m erican people and hi*, In an effort to s tim u la te desire phlloaophy of g .v e r n m e n i of the for hard liquor» The people ro ied ; rich, by the rl*h. for the rl h * n for ligh t wines snd beer, and *r a e n e r a ily accepted cep trd hard liquor h e-su se th e v ! T h e rt p tb llriD party Is net felt them to be a n e . e s , arv evil • ! .t.u.l It ¡s [VHueiewl of It! T# li*- s b it tt is n-*l, or sho ild not tse. in j * th an the p roverbial r a t am i w irl be keeping with publl> ¡HillrJ for tbe hack into Hiwer in time, whether «tate to urge w h l.k e y U|»>n tb « j iv« tike It .-r nut ♦»Ubile, If. Indeed It should per ' mil w hiskey to be advertised Six ;hor' ■■ .ir .u, > people * • : pa:f> H’tytiH f hail h? ind th at it hue! oultv »*t| IH W/ l i ) l t i . l \ (■: \ M» t n l t i . I T nd« itou** f r«-v t-r useful rated and iîuro « ' ‘in f bacii A negro Th**n -.««loner for » pf»H T ought to for* an*! r EXPERT MEC HANICS Sl> le , of Î i -rnment -haiage having a th «» NEW EQUIPMENT F ortunate- .i p olitical p.iri tins, w as ask m -n and of imen How d- BATTERY CHARGING an d th.* t i d e , i f tbe *ew, rise f a ll W hen mai «ey l . |>|entlf'll Headquarters for School Books, Magazines, Candy, Fountain TecTs D rug Store BRING US YO U R CARS Electric and Acetylene Wrldinf Any I ypr of Automotive Serve r Power Wrecker hearing f I « • fuM upon #»vil «I i ‘ we I h i lik Ml» oth. r f« law and «!**• C h rist * «is tin. I him I** to ptr -.e ,jit Pre-dden: R Wh »1 d- trim "I *r about 't cannot • » i d ; < k n J A(JH 1 ' , t v % |i<* h** *n rr-ae :u»b|e to . « : - e f tb it he «I. sit • frillhi frfjf bo'llY H||# T]f 0*1®*II ^ be d riv en from pow-T Hi* p o lities ur** la r s - ' i at: ••xT'-rlmei'1 In gov r< m a in s i t t ' . - ' un til 2 oVI»- k m ern m en t, T h ey a r e a n ^ v .lty , and t h - m orning w bat .-bxSI t do f*»r ' when the publi- t i r e , of them It h e r’ " DOCTOR "Go hotn- e .r lle r " ' w ill tu rn back to the reputili an ( p a r t y , a » It lias so often done In \l > M I M -H O V I I I l l l ' f t * I the ' R.t. It S' the w ay of man T vr» Negr-a-. who had ti t .-1 n A , « tw i : \ r H T t t» <«. i( o ther for five year* dt* ->i Harry Train. Salem newspaper r.-,l each had t *- n : i u r r - -I d urin g man and rampateli m anager for thl* ti me "W hat kind* « ' - m u -tid y»u : General C ls irlis H Martin, is puthorily f«>r the statement that all get Mi*-’ *" ii.«-«l !ta»tus "She's an ang'd. ftasl'is. d al's I the governor-e!e.‘t propose, to tabli- h a bl-p»ri!*an government what she Is " " !lo y, you sho is It»- kr Mine's T h o u * a nds of democrat* throughout th- «tate suspected a* »fill livin g." it.istu* m-ittered s»r m” ch and voted f -r Z!min--rman m w fo lly The general, a lifelong . pubis-an find* It difficult lo wean himself Hlolen Sw eet* Not So Hot aw ay from hs old tlllcum», and The rector had invited the vil there is danger that he will be lage boy* to th# rectory for a ruled by them. Govern- r Martin of w »sh ln g- strawberry tea. After they had ton, ha* been conducting a bi finished he, seeking to point the partisan government for t » o y«ar* moral, said: "Now, boys, wasn't and the result I. unpopular with that nicer than breaking into my both parties Governor Martin owe. it to the garden a i d helping yourselves*" "Oh. yes," chorused the boys. p e c ;!» of Oregon to establish a "And why was it n icer?" he a sk straigh t demo, rati- government at Salem He should accept the re ed a chubby-faced boy. sponsibility of allowing the d em o -: "Because, sir,” w si the reply, crata to rule Creating of bl-, “ we shouldn't have had any sugar partisan government has the re-j and cream with them.” suit of breaking down party or- Debt t ut •10.000. In Yen». tiugenw—» county's wars. rant Indehtednre* has h«»n reduc- ! »d from I K * . » 1 5 42 to l i t * . » 9 ; , . - 27 In the past y«*»r. according t-> th» »emi-annuai statement of County Treasurer Grace S-hliUa. Th* treasurer ha* 1122.«92 i t cash on hand, but some of thl* Is allotted to uth*r funds and majr not ha used to rwtlra warrants. SERVICE GARAGE CECIL MALLORY UTAH COAL PREST-O-LOGS WE CAN GIVE PROMPT DELIVERY Telephone C ascad e L o ch i 111 THE DALLES FREIGHT LINE Headquarters for the Men at the Dam RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER SODA FOUNTAIN AND BAR FRIDAY NIGHT November 23 AUSPICES AMERICAN LEGION CRAIGJV 80 NT HOTEL Free Turkey Door Prize GEORGE BLAIDSDELL FILLING STATION CARD TABLES lilg Gold Khlpf-rd. B aker— A gold brick weighing M H ounces Wi * shipped to th« mint through t. » First National | bank h -r » last weak. Thu gold represented tbe cleanup of a slg- <l.iy run of ti e Good r gold mine*, operating In the Mormon basin district. At 120 an o um a the brick wag valued at I2&35. A 72 ounce brick was brought to the bank from tho I'loneor dredge on Clark'a creek this week. r y r r e l l ’s T a v e r n ‘ARCHIL’ ( OOK, Manager Opposite the Kate in Bonneville J » W» ■ **W