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About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1934)
r. r-v T u r n « i# r u » A V * ^ r n r h \ m ciiKPM* 11 I \ i;l M H I I K FOREST WOOD $ 5 C o rd $5.50 Cord Delivered in Bonneville $6 Cord Delivered in Warrendale T H E '4 f A R V E Y WOOD YARD Roar Of Lakeview M arket BONNA VILLA V total of ».411 IS IHIM I \ H I '» " * Hey Buddy! vu llors 1 iegi»teie«l *'ll ibe F ag te creek f"* eat camp ground* t hi * season than Fv Vino Fcrringtoo ! in »033 This increase in trav el waa eaua- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi e,| hy the many \l*it»»rs who cam e to in»peel the Bonneville Dam ami H» \mo Ferrtagtoa to F a g le t reek Mr. and Mr». A. J Moore and a fte r » so la druv* to have their picnic lunch »on. Ku»»ell. »pent Saturday night m onth* Following record by and Sunday in Portland •howa the trwrea»ed use of the Don't Forg«t AMERICAN LEGION ARMISTICE DANCE •I tha Mr». C. H. Anderson and »mall i*m|>g*oun«l*. »on. of Portland, are the gu*»t* for a week of Mr. and Hi» T. L Jone» 1034 j 3.243 4,!*30 May 10.» 72 p .t«o Mr. and Mr*. A P Davia of i Ju n e IS,4M t t . K 'i lilendale, are the |<roud p a re n t, of Ju ly !*.» 1T H.t»& a ten-pound baby boy bom !a»t August 3.HOO 4.01 & Septem ber Thursday night. 2,11(1» Vi 1 tVto!>cr Mr*. lK*l!a lin to n . of Portland, i l » I h a . been v isitin g with her »on and 1 I« » ,P» P ,| N daughter-in-law , Mr. ami Mr», On account *-f t he many WAllUf« ’ b la n k Linton, for ;au y»a»t w>oh.^ i r— 1 that a ie expecte»! to visit the IK*” Mr. and Mr*. O W Prklutul 1 nautile Dam and pu*nir at sa have were hr (rc-*.:» < w marl t hut "v ek ic k k e k . ten large rw k Craigm ont Hotel FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9 M E N SOc L A D IE S FRfr Sp ringdale Orchestra ts m m o( Mr. ai m I A i ^ H . i a i J i '» of Cto- adì’ I. »V f, • *LW'd« a eto th* « Verni >u Of th e v«V i'g- r M IL L WOOD Mr. n r * M m . ■tv ri C Mren are n >w 11 mg in th n r a» i» DR. F. F O L S O M I < i c k $, f*. L tn P» past tw< Dentist C a sc a d e Mr O r eg o n RAPIDS BARBER SHOP Manager Dave Dimnu're, Attendant Our Motto Courtesy, Samlatum and R a lph M a ttley , ______ Eft* O ne y ____________ Rugar Myers, »on of Mr an*l Mi*. Ashley Myers, who »»< in jured recently when an automobile struck him a . he was walking a!« ng the rvAd at Tanner Creek, i* n*>» able to be back at school. lie 1», however, »till under doctor's care. Bonny Villa COTTAGE BARBER SHOP F ir s t Class Service H air Cat, 3 5 c SERVICE SHOE SHOP Harvey Carey, Prop. Repairing at Portland Prices With Modem Machinery Mrs. J . E . S h earer »pent S a tu r day night and Sunday in town visiting with her fath er, who ha* been ill in an Oregon City hospital. Mr». Lyle Ewing visited with her mother in Portland for several days last week. Mr. Rolf Enquist of the B«nny ; Villa Tavern, »pent Saturday night and Sunday visiting at his home in i Springdale. Hal and Rolf o f the Bonny Villa Tavern are now the owners of a new Ford roadster. C ascade L o c k s , O reg o n Tied Knots, Clues That O ften Help Solve Crimea W . L. GRO VE, Barber At Shady Nook Auto Camp mile west of Bonneville Fir it Clan Work Hair Cuts, 35c DONNA MOHR Dress Shop K nitted Dresse« and S carfs for Fall T rad e. BRIDGE OF THE GODS HOTEL Rooms by day, week or month We serve regular meals Clean- Hospitable - Comfortable l C ascade L o c k s , O rego n TOOTH ROCK GARAGE Auto Electrician Bat ry Service Repair V Tel. ’ F7 John Kav fleneral >ugh, Prop Send the Chronicle to friends. the C V r u t . >11 >n th* rutes of e fo slou of »treats* kti >«ru to h ate tx-*a f r; I after tl. - fv. vwtl n f fie glacial shoot Thrt present V -»»«'» river It such a »tre«tu. tl. K. till- :<ert of the Culled s u t i s g e o ta fk a l »•ir>*y f.¿ur*»l fr>>n> the rate at which the F a lls of Niagara h a te re ceded slow their >l:sv>>ieey by while men that the gU ter d is a ;v « « re l only !.•••► -f *>!«•) )r»rw » 4 ,., ot.Vaf cellm ates are up to .V> W year«. Mr*. Thomas Braurul entertained several of the younger folk* of our community last Wednesday evening with a Halloween party. Thoae present were Bud and Jea n How ard. Dale McClellan, Etra May and Pari of R » u l . » r ' t Darlene June*, and Charles and The countries n>w k.*>?wn »• Robert Hraund. A lovely time » t i Oreat Britain. Belgium. Nether had by the children with Iota of lands, France. Austria Hungary Halloween favor* and after all the Swtt aerl-vtil. Laaemfmrg »an Ma fun a delicious lunch waa »ervrd. riña. U echim etetn. Albania. c»e<h.» A fter the children* party Mr*. Slovakia. Y ug-alatla. M tasco Italy. Hraund surprised Mr. and Mr*. F. Bulgaria. (J reeve Turkey, Syria Jon es with a lovely cake and lunch eon in honor of their wedding an niversary. M**tpotaaala. Paleadas. the boedertanla of northern Africa touching the Mediterranean a»4 »pain and Portugal e r r e 1 a r t e t e ! In the Roman empir« al the heigh' of Its power. W in ter our mills CENTRAL LUMBER CO. LUMBKtt & Q u ic k d e liv e ry A ll cash sales P h o n e 241 "G et a Premium Milk at No Eatra Co*t" GRADE 'A’ PASTEURIZED Dairy Products REAL POLICE PUPPIES for »ale cheap. $10 and $15 while they laat. C. A Phelps, Erickson's cabin* 3t 4-room BUILDIN CASCADE LOCKS, OREGON I "ft KALI SA L E on. slab w ood from one of One Cent A Word FOR is coining Call us for block and Wa nt A d s h>>u»» Daily service. Get our milk »1 **? grocery «tore or have it deii*«*^ at your home. Two M ysterious crim e* are full of bedroom», bath, tairgv lot. 2 S knot* for Investigator* seeking their m ile* from Dam. Rrw.*onable. In solution*, and it 1* km **, hut of a quire a t Chr mele o ffice different kind, that often aid tn clearing up these m ysteries. t-sjrf* Goo«t condi «daily If then? I* a "«trlng " to them. I F N I F OR SA L E tion; Mx l h 10-og «lurk >cr Crlm fnoloflaU have found that J.tme* at Bill William? place knot* In rope, cord or atrtng con D*-' ted w :h a crim e f?:rril«h «orb t valuable clew * to the Identity of FOR RUNT ; crlt.ilnals that such evid?-nc«- I* a* 1 ru nd olly preaerved a* fn g e rp rln u FOR SA LK - Trailer house; ha» P erson* In *uch occupation* a* t«-x | lights and w ater; furnuhrd tile worker«, sailors nnd bundle-1 I'-'* k west Bonny Villa 1 w-rappers, a* well a* those in other FOR i d ;*. ; ........... vocations, from force o f hnblt, tie j Inquire <,( f'a p t. O ta r ie . N el. n knot* of a particular kind. Not only can an expert tell an occupa FOR RENT De lux»- furm»hrd tional knot, hut he can ala?) tell apartment, with garage m something of the js-r»oti who tied in every rc»pe«t. »36 month It. He knows If the knot 1* right 1'enn’a Tavern. or left-handed, nnd he otudles It for additional kink« or tw!»t* often put GF.NTLK SH KTI.AND PONIES In hy force of hahlt by the person For »ale rheap Ballon, head of making the knot. In *ucb instance«, Fourth »treet, Cascade l/ek* a detective may build a r one Ins! v a cane against a suspect by merely ARMY T E N T , Id i 1» |.i(i Family asking him to lis a knot In a piece could live In it Write Horn* 10, of twine. Bog 6H3, Milwaukie, Oregon. Cattlemen and thoaa a 'n ja to a ie d to horses, for example, often use the T exas bow line; lumbermen and truckmen, the timber h itc h ; physi cian the surgeons k n o t; farm ers, the ' % ovwd’n knot, and seamen 11 * * 1 «*• tln c tlre kind* of knot .. i »m e worker ties a Still < e rt kind of knot which la I called the weaver’s knot. $ 3 .0 0 a Load Th« In* A.-* K MIHCF.I.LANKOI S AN TED Hoyt and girls to y>in dancing x h o o l for j wrt i in big show to br given in Novrm ber at high school au<lit<>riuni See M rs. Mi f A. w tn in the high schca*l auditorium Monderv .it 4 o clock. BRANDES CREAMERY, Inc. ROY SIN N ER , lh v .tr m » OlKTuth, ).J > |gtlii|r* I Ink . Ill Staikmrry P a ltin d it•- S l i i t i n g 1 'r> ,-»u» S < ''* « Tooth Plate ; Elec tric Toasters . EIMER ELECTRIC & VARIETY * — ü : :. . ■ ; S e t P e r k in g O K ? If Not Call 20| Complete Service Tung-sol tulx-’s Free checking Columbia Radio Service C A S C A D E LO CKS