mi hwt ( uKnvrn.K nr, CASCADE LOCKS 21 Uartlv 39c All Different F R ID A Y TH R U MONDAY BROOMS (4 sew) MATCHES 33c 6 boxes 25c LUX (small pkjf.) 09c EGGS (U. S. Standards) doz. 32c KEKNS C A TS U P (12-oz.) 12c KKISI’ Y C R AC K E R S 2-lbs. 29c STALEYS GLOSS STARCH 09. TOMATOES (2 H puree) 12c CIGARETTE carton $1.25 pktf. 25c SAUER K R A U T (2 * cans) 11c PUM PKIN (2^ cans) 10c KICK ( fancy head) 4-lbs. 23c COFFEE (Manning's, fr. Kr'nd) lb20e VEGETABLE DBP* t RT BENT 8 bunches 0§c CARROTS CABBAGE ( l a w heads) 03c CELERY (lar>ce crisp stalks) 01c SWEET SPUDS 4-lbs. 25c CRANBERRIES 2-lbs. 33c POTATOES 25-lb. ba^s, U. S. No. 1 13c H e r w M f Ilk* r i g h t l o lim it <|oanlilkra Follow the Crowd and I line »pirita. \ml Wlial » ling ! l.uelllr Hi ral^rnon ha* -Ml *he letters in the alphabet are movr.l b*-r beauty «hop front Mer- mtalried in thi* »enlenre: Pack I tilr» barber »b-|i to her horn*, in iny bag w,th five dozen liquor > d« I ark, where «hr hue fined up ig Mayfield IK y .) Me«»enger, »Mmrttv* <|uart*r*. She ha» ml- v|*"* fr "t>d. that th.< change will «•nol.h- her to ifIV*. the ladle* of thr i Old English Sheep Dog <h»trict splendid service at )><-tt«r First Recorded in 1771 p rim . The picture-,.pm, affectionate Old *he«’p dog’» handsome I tir 26 |iii|o]n ill th*f Seventh ami l.iiglUh •■•Ifhth grail* took a straw ballot »buggy Coni completely bidet hi» I urwlay afternoon. The democratic entire form, even Ida eye* that l>*er candidate* war* popular favorites, out from behind the be*aa hair, • mrmiK ¿ i out of thr 26. Dunn to*ned freely us he ambles along with hi* bear like shuffle, observe* *ot taro votaa, Zimmerman none. a writer In the Loa Angeles Time» Kal|ih S'risen drove down to h»a III* lilndijuartera, most excessive in hum«’ in Albany for the week-end. profusion of hi» coat, are rounded Mi»» Myrtle Daniel» accompanied like tic>»e of tlie benr. The fore him. remaining over in Albany for and hind lege of each aide, moving a brief visit with her relative» be. forward simultaneously affects the fore taking up her new dutle* at curious rolling gait, peculiar to the French’» coffee »hop in Bonneville. breed. However, when there U buaineee Marvin Maraielle and family • pent the week end with hia aunt. elsewhere and he starts off In Its Mr». Joe Hurt, of the lakeside performance, he develop* almost In hotel. Mr and Mr«. Mamielic have credible ajared. Moving almost ef been making their home in forth*», he cover* ground at a jars Monroe, W u h , but are now living quit* unsu»pect*d of a do* eo com pactly built . . . the long hair in 1‘urtland. about hla face flying to the wind t'layt/m Kyle, 13, *on of Mr. and and jmrUng. to reveal a pair of Mr». J 1). Kyle, ia r«jcovenng from bright, tntelUgent and friendly eye« the effects of a gunshot In hi» foot, that be*j*«ik his honest coun suffered early in the week when hr' tenance. They vary according to accidently »hot himaelf while en the color of the dog , . . very dark gaged in target practise with a 22 being preferred. Nevertheless, In cahhre rifle. the blue d*<*s |*-arl. china or wall ej i t are typical Mr. am) Mr» Edward P<>larhi-ek With all his beauty, affection and entertained at a dinner party at Merrill'» Saturday mghl in honor the acquisition of ahow-rlug man- <>f Mr, Polacbrck's «litter and nera, he U Just a* sagacious, when hrother m law, Mr. ami Mr* la - preiuH-0 Into the service as a working vern Anderson, of The Dalle». dog, a« were hi* progenitors for cen First recorded In a Gu<-«!« were Mr. ami Mr». Joe Poa. turies past tialneaborougli painting In 1771. he, check, of The Dalle», Mr. and Mm. Charle» I’olacherk, of The l>nl!e»; and vnrlariU of the breed developed thmugtiout Kumpean coontrleo, are Bernard Polarhrek and Mia» Fran- known to have been employed since n » McGill, of Mo 'I River; Mr. and time Immemorial as herders and Mr» Ora Condrry, of Caacadr guardians of flocks and henfai. Lock»; Mr. and Mr«. Man* Zieng- ler, of Thr Dalle»; Mia* Millie John», of The Dalle»; Kay Cowdrey of Cascade lx>rk»; Mr. and Mm. Shirley Moore, of Cascade I«<cki»; and Mia» Betty Mamh, of The Dal le*. The dinner w u followed by -lancing at Merrill'» Pavilion. Merrills Pavilion (ijM a tii i.iu k t Saturday Nov. 10 I FREE DOOR PRIZES Admission 50c Ladies Free Hardware Ihtr lit»«* of llnnlwnr«' include* tit»" »r* k>’ "" Pwiiti war«-, »tov«<pi|ir. rlbows, rhiutney « - f''’" r " ‘ ’ "in fai t an)thing ordinarily needed amuipl th* l,a,n "btek those things which folk* nee«l in a hurry. I r> first R. E. A N D R E W S & Co. Th** Weat Coast Power company, is reported to be preparing to open i an office on the Oregon side of the river f**i the accomodation of it» customers. The company’s hu.«i- Hi -- hi- grown steadily during the past six weeks, ami its volume is i„ great, or greater, than on thej Wa.hington ide. E. A. (Doc) Salxman, Cascade I,...;, affable and popular sign painter. 1» in a Portland hospital, ('hat ley Wells took him down in a ear Wednesday. ’’ Doc'* has been ,11 for the past month. He v.»s| taken to a Hood River hospital Intel |Bst week, app*-ated to h«- getting | alright and was returned to his; ■ ..>in in the llridge of The Gods hotel, but e* in the week it lie he was going apporr rann so the Kag- I te n .1 h-> i - I hustle ' k nr lea i f hur tous e— . W.:0 i aller visited Stevenson, Wash. Continuous Show Every Sunday )rom 3:15 P. M. Renumber — A refund o f on each admission from people when accompanied bridge ticket. Make up and visit the show. 5 cents Oregon by a toll a parly F R I— SAT. Edward G. Robinson in “ A Man W ith Two Face8 » And C hapter Six of "The Vaninhing Shadow” — and an all-color Silly Symphony Cartoon S U N — MON— TU EH. S P E C I A L “ 77ie Count of Monte C risto” W ED— TH U RS. Chester Morris and Mae Clark in « ; 'LeCn Talk It Over’ UNDER O W N E R S H IP A N D M A N A G E M E N T OF EARL M cIN N IS Augti»t Prtemon i* walking «round proud a« n peacock the»e day*, following biith of a grand- on. The boy was bom on hi* rnndfulht* r’» birthday, and th at; inde the «:■cession a doubly h¡»ppy 1 ne. The youngsior is the *" n «>f j Mi and Mm. !.. E Peterson, Clat-j skanine. Mm. Peteiscm, the grand-; mother, huiried uo«n the river to i get ae.,iinint«Hi with th^ grandson. M years o. THEATRE COMMUNITY CENTER RECREATION HALL John Matoon ha* returne«! to 1 Oregon fr- m a year *tay in hi* j old home in Sweden. Me got back Wednesday, and i* the gue»t of Mr. .iml Mr». K. Grandstrom. J BO! w h N EW B E A C O N Watch for Opening of G A Cobh, attorney and notary public, ha> opened an office in the labrr building in Cascade Lock*. He came to the district fr-»m Bea verton. where he ha* practiced law for »everal yearn. The district ha* hail no lawyer, making it n e- 1 re«»ary for people de»iring »ervice* of a legal c«iun»ellor to run up to II ikn I River, or down to Portland. With Morey Graffs Orchestra n» in ( o - iole Lock* la»t and d< pite hi« advanced o hi excel lent health ami ^ 1 * Xmas Cards k L COMMUNITY CENTER BLDG. Cafe Fountain Billiards Cigar Store Magazines Beer HOLLYWOOD DAIRY JOSEPH A. BUCHER, Prop. Tw o deliveries daily— morning and evening. Fresh milk from hi own inspect«! herd of Guernseys, delivered from Dodson W yeth. Phone 14-F3, Bonneville, or leave word at meat -ket Cascade Locks. vliLK—CREAM—BUTTERMILK—BUTTER Our milk ia on »ale at all the stores