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About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1934)
» > » /» * » * /• 11 \ m I *n k o vi f t l’ IGGtA W li.i.l * I " y s SCHOOL NEWS B O N N E V ILLE II* \im> F m i m i '1« Roy Muck «n.i A U Muck. brwth cr* who hav,- not each Othci for fifteen year*, have been r»- «Bite«! hei'»' at the Pam where both are working. At the regular Thursday night free entertainment held at the Community Hall la-t week a /ane Grey picture of the «,-uth »ea* »a> enjoyed. The»e program» will be a weekly affair now. a.« the com munity hall is acain available after having been used as a school since September. Guy Wood i* now operating hi* barber shop in the new building east of Tyroll’s Tavern, and is busy again giving expert haircuts anti shaves to the men of the Pam area. Mr* K- C. Sculler is now making her home at the Tyrell Tavern, where Mr. Seidler is superintend ent of the illumination. ) r ic g tr w .ggiy. an.l drag «ture lo «•«“ Hu- following high school stu- ville Pam area, I* h . M - w » . , v this month’s honor toll having no tardies or absent ber 1 Tth. The store will i-vvupy spase in .u * i't th. in in the month ending thè communi!) senter bloch N»me \ I , ” ;.,.. Robert Pouville, i ’laia Frank. Jim Johnson. Harold of thè manags - ha. not been •*>*;»• Jvnkin*. I K m is Jamison. Ida Clla»- public. but w.ll pi.-Ubly will »*• , r. Noi va Jenkins. Noima llend- aiinounred eaity next week. The drug departmenl i» lo lev. Jean Anderson, Robert Miller, Ted Johnson, l.aurie Brink. Harrell under dlreclioii of a teguU r»«! kamler. Ivar Me.terlund. la’ ia phartua. ist. Merrill. Helen Glaner. IVmald MacDougall Per je r f The following pupil* m the grade Althotigh i-s-rjury la alt •*! exclu school have been neither abeent •leely Untiteli lo I » * -' uri*, ih# serti . fot UK ending pe/Jure haa n •! Ih# asme limila- November J Wallace A 1 mack. Oou*. ite# may a«.s. I do m>l »Uh Dttwaln Fugvr. J«-w Stark. Bever lo k>ecjur» uiyeaif ” w hlch la exa.l ly Morrow. Wilbur tuasier, Mar \j esauisalec.l lev "I <**• «i- I »lah lo garet Ann Stark. Shirley Snyder, tuake • Iter of m j m U ' Thla usa*» Hetty Cooper. Panna Reuierakeild. at thè vert U coiau**».—Literary Hai t>ai a Shields. Fredrvh Walker, MgteL Vrthur Warren. John Woodwwrd. l,re Allen Woodward. IVlmer MiHire. Eleanor Sprague. Edwin Sweeney Lucille Nichols. Melvin PLUMBING Collins. Pick Harrison. Robert Jen kins, Helen Roscnback. Jack Todd. Full line of Supplie» Howard Brelhar. Iaiwrence Coa- tante. Wayne Morrow. Eileen Sp rague. Betty Burt. Robt l uetanao, Cali 1C Jeanne Orvis, l*at Ryan, ('heater Central Lumber Co. Woodward, Kobt. lleleyn, \ iola i Jackie Ik>uville. Elmer Glaner. John Hill, CARROTHERS & Doruthv MacKinnon. IbrEtle M »vre Eldon Nielson. Paryl Strader, Har rison Wade, Kenneth Piper. Cascade Locks Several business men visited Bonneville Monday looking over the progress of the work. Clyde McKennett of Portland, represent ing the Clyde Machinery Co., who have placed several large piece* of machinery on the dam including a ten yard drag line for the Columbia Construction Co., Mr. Bell of the Malcolm. Morino. and Order in the C « i r t ! Bell Co., contractor*. Mr. Kibbey. A burglar’s wife was l-eing vig o f Kern and Kibbey, Mr. Pierce of the tjrojan Powder Co . who are orously cru** examined by th# furnishing powder for Malcolm. county attorney. “ Madam, you are the wife of thla Morino Jfc Bell, and a contractor from California, whose name was prisoner?" “ Ye*." not available. "You knew he was a burglar when you marries! him ?" *1 . - “ May I ask how you came to marry such an individual?" “ You may." snapped the wttneea. “ You see. I was getting old and Jeweler had to choose between a burglar and a lawyer." LOUIE FOLSOM REAPING GLASSES AND FRAMES USED AND NEW POCKET WATCHES WEDDING RINGS CASCADE LOCKS 1 A w sr i is a BUads D o t s y w d a f A coni mereiai survey of 3LO.Q0 American girls rerently cocipletag shows that third and fourth genera tion Americana are distinctly dark er than their fort-eera. Ti>e blood la <liaa;.[>eorti^.—Literary Mgeat. SPICKERMAN Ice Cream Sodas For T h e Ladies | 1 1,1 D A Y 8ATI RUAy Our new druR store opposite th* reservation Rate, and on the highwiy just cast of Tyrrell’s Tavern, is now open for business. We are prepared to fill your proscriptions, and we have* complete line of toilet articles, sun dries and patent medicines. Our soda fountain is in service, and we are carrying a lar*e line of magazines. A ll day Saturday we are RoinR to serve ice cream sodas free to the ladies. So come in. The treat's* us and no obliRations. Tell your friends. Ted’s Drug Store Grand Opening! FRENCH’S COFEEE SHOP AND Bonneville Barber Shop RECREATION Oppo-ite the lirM-rialiiin Gate ‘The Best Service in the Dam Country* CENTER W OOD & DAUGHERTY III y and Yern to you IN BONNEVILLE <)wned and <)perated Bv L. M. FRENCI1 FOR SALE OR LEASE Wednesday, Nov. 14 FREE BEER Desirable tra**t of business property in Cascade Locks. Level, clear. best locations in town. On*- of the Suitable for «ithi-r business or apartment house. Between H.OO and 9.00 p. rn. 130 x 200. RESTAURANT CARD ROOM \\ ill sell or lease all of it, or in parcels. MAGAZINES II IN Q U IR E A T THE CHRONICLE BILLIARDS —RAR RARHERSHOP - T in