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About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1934)
n iK The Best In e a t PAM ( H H O S 'IC IK True “ W hile Man” Held to Be Genuine Albino EAGLE CREEK l‘y .Mr». Hugh w. (<ippk. s G A S SHL1TZ ON T A P O I L MORAN’S 1 Famous for Its Good Food DEW DROP INN Club Brcnkfnsla Krgular Meals Sunday Dinners A Quiet Refined Place I- J. Weber from Kru|ui»t’i M^nt Monday vl.|tj„g with Mr» W ||. Heed. Mr »rul Mr» KmII Parmrnttrr •Prnl Saturday in Portland. Mr. A l* i MrGilvray from Am r-'X. Washington, M i*. Jarw-t M M lvray and Mr» John MrGilvray fr..m Portland visited Monday with hr» parrnta, Mr an.| Mr». Hubert MrGilvray. Mr »ml Mra. M. K Young from l.a<ititn<h- ar* i | im »I. ii | t thr week '•I'b Mr nrul Mr*. W K Ckrprnttr Mr*. Vtiling )a Mr*, ('arp«-n<]ei''» •Utvr. M i« J |tay Shmn/, »ialor of Mr*. K l»*ingvr tiro week at (hr Ki**uier>r home. Mr aril! Mr*. Ku»»,-!! Ha ! from Port lami amt Mr*. |»«t* Smtth *roni lf.. w| iv*r were dinner yt» ruent » "o ,in.lay with Mr. and Mi I I.. Ilir r o r k blu e : r i b b o n o n t a p Under the Pewonal .Management of Mr. and Mr«. F. I* A miei on. CASCADE LOCKS l-KOCRKSS NO. 12 Igwt spring when work cm the dam was just getting into full «winjf, Eric Kncjuist had the foresight U> o|M*n up u piece o f land of which could he ocupied for homesitCH. He thought he knew what the public wanted and attempted to five it to the people. And ho , fro m a small be ginning, Fncpiifit’a Addition to Bonneville ha* ifrown into a very considerable community. WEST COAST POWER CO THE DALLES FREIGHT LINE New Fast Auto Truck Service between Portland Cascade 1 /ocks, Bonneville and Bridal Yreil. Portland Office— Ninth Avenue and Irving Telephone BRoadway 0441 Csscade Locks Office— On Main street in the red warehouse building R. J. W U N E R . Agent Delivery Service Through m e a n s o f the John hi I is fast ckatfe d e l i v e r y service we lire now in ;i sit ion to d e l i v e r meats to our customers I'ouKhout th e l o w e r Bonneville Dam area, mi Kaxle c r e e k t o Dodson. Mr. Kllis w i l l c a l l each day, except Sun- .vsand h o lid ays , f o r your orders. \\ e will predate it i f y o u w i l l save your orders rhim. Orders t e l e p h o n e d b e f o r e 7 p. m. in the enin«; w ill tto o u t t h e f o l l o w i n g m orning; orders t e l e p h o n e d in I k *f o r e 7 a.m. will out on the e a r l y m o r n i n g d e liv e ry. A N D R E WS II'. ISriili*«- ‘ lui. (hT rrlj Wi !nr«iJay with Mr T. ( i W nr lfi|f Mr. and Mr*. (,|. n K Browi-r | a rul *«rn Junior, »junt the week- • rul with Mr llruwrr a *t*t«-r, Mi*. M F. Neeley in Portland. Mr. an«| Mr». S K. Kissinger went to Portland Friday to attend the funeral o f Mr*. Kissinger's •uni, Mr». K. Jane Parker. Mr» Jack Cuinminy* and »on* •pent the week end in Portland Allen n i taken in for medical treatment. Mr and Mr». T. (J. Waring and daughter, Kathleen »pent the week end in Portland. Mr. and Mr*. Kdward L. Clark »pent Saturday in Portland. Mr. and Mr*. Henry Stromberg fmm Portland aprnt Mnnday with Mr. and Mrs. John Ingerlund. Mr». 1. A. Helangrr and Bobbte •pent thr week-end in Portland. TAVERN Hal] mile west of HonnevUle BLITZ-WINEHARD AND SILVER SPRINGS BEER “ Albinos,“ aaya a Cornell author- Ity, “ hare been known to occur among the black rare«, o n « type I* known In certain black fumlllea In Jamaica, » here black and white •potting cautea large blotrhea on the akin.’* j * j * j * Bottled, Jug and D raught Beer Ill- further note* that »ome tr ill* both In men and animal* are gov erned by s«-x. Where otie hi - t nor- n ully *how* a ci-rtaln trait and the oil r ■ it I* * iil! to t>e net- linked. fit- give* a- e it ipli * the h‘-nr<l in man. horns In male de< r, and more iirllllant pint — in err- t do bird* ?.''ic|| *•**, he *rr-,«, ran «I jriri itlj trr«-i- dt these traltn of ft .- otlii'f , but |f rnnvit develop fl ll-tj under n irm.-il r-,n dltlona. "Although men «Uè tv rnl-gryea cujor blind- « * i attiro often t!inn worn« r blind tur n will ntrver bond P t<> hi* w Il - only I1» Ma djig h ti r» nud throtigh them to grani kon* and gran Ida ugh- ter» If the »«iti of a color-blind man develop» col- r hllndneia.** the scientist point« out, “ v e ran tu* rea sonably *urr* that he got the trait, not from his father, who showed It, but from his mother, In whom the trait wa* hidden.“ Handnirhe* that are d iffe r ent. Try our Special Ham burger on Toa ted Hun. Sit awl Sip by Our Open Fir» piace” Meals 25c Alw ays t i-iy and grxwl at the VVE-ASK-U-INN Graie Scolt & . 1. /.. '/.uukrduin Proprietors Cascade Locks, Oregon "I S1G.X ASYTH1SG” Big Cam* “ Fiaed” Not long ago in Africa, many big- game hunters had their Ilona ■'fixed" for them. The flie r would kill an niitelo;«*, inject p<>la«n and place It In a g*<>0 o|>ot at daybreak. Uons feeding on the meat became partially paralysed. The hunter would then “accidentally" arrive uc the acene and quickly shoot them before hie unsuspecting friends real- iced that the heoete could neither fight nor run.—Collier's Weekly. ‘DOC'S’ DAM SIGN WORKS * » * f FREE E S T IM A T E S • • * Cascade Locks Chow’» Tongue Is Black and Its Hockt Straight As a rule lit* oriental rare» are not supposed to give much atten tion to the purity of their different breeds of dog«, but the preeuintdton 1» that (liow * must be an excep tion. »Inc* they rorae truer to tyi*e than m-*»t. says I/ondos Tall Wag- gvr*’ club Bulletin. That they dif fer In «(uallty, considered from a allow |H«lnt of t lew. I* obvious, hut one nr«dy meets a really had Chow. Their distinctive point» have ln-en ¡tfr—erv«--! f«*r a grent many year* • the »tralght h-iek». which few do,-* ha»e. the » «»A ling expression, | the black tongue, and *o on. tiiim-rt White the Helborne nat- j urall-t. recorded III 17iC that a friend of hi» brought a pair buck from Canton, »uch n* wen* fattened In their own country for eating. They were of n |ale yellow color, ¡ with bristling hnlr on the hack. ! They had upright ear* and heads o f a f«*vy type. The kind log« were j usually straight, and !l|*s and tongue ' w«-re hlne. We have enlnrg**«l the ! color scheme by admitting black« ami bln«« a* well a* the reds, hut the anllent |M>lnta were there more than 140 year» ago. The black tongue 1» * myetcry. Ilow did It come In the flr»t place wtu*n other animal« h«te red? I have not yet come acroae the u«lur«ll*t who onn enlighten me. , h, down „ r y x serve Featuring Choice Cuts of Steer Beef, Pork, Veal and Lamb. A ls o C o m p lete Lin e of Cooked and Smoked Saus age, Hams and Bacon. Fish and Sea Foods Lakeside Market Phone 17 Cascade Locks Daily Delivery to Bonneville-Area ot « ( A ll Kxcluaive eri t We serve anyone; alt Quality . ^ ALL KINDS OF PAINTING Mr». Kdgar Co» by returned L » « * ti— e f Navy Yard* homg Sunday fm m th* Good Sa maritan ho»pital. Sh* ii mnval- I ’ nlted State" navy yard» are lo e*mg from a recent operation. cated at Portsmouth. N. H .; Bos ton. Mass.; Brooklyn. N. T .; Phila F. J. Moran'» in te r from Spo delphia, Past Washington, D. C kane, 1» visiting here for a few (naval gun fa c to ry ); Norfolk, Vs.; verka. fharleetoo, H. C ; Mare Island. Mr and Mr*. Kdward F. Johnson C alif.; Bremerton, Wash., and Pearl | arr thr proud parent» o f a baby boy Harbor, T. 11. !>orn November 6th. M EAT M A RKET C JALITY M E A T S A T P O R T L A N D PRICES Next Door to Cascade Food Store BONNY VILLA Die only true "white men** ars slid no«, oil,era o f the white rsra rurr)f »mall aniount of tdnek pig ment which la found In the negro rare», and rome of th* yellow pig meiit of ih* oriental«. Altdno men !«• k pigment In the akin and In the hnlr and eye». The hnlr 1» pore white and the *yea »how tiny Ut ile blood iriu-la that make them look pink. • . Service