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About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1934)
« DAM CHHONIH * ¡H I III I *■ 1>\M C IIK O N U ‘1 * M t It F t H » l THE DAM CHRONICLE SUBSCRIPT ION RATES B> Carrier O ik n x n th . I" » ¡ « » n> where in district Three month* By Mail Three months i»i\ months 20 cents SO cent* SO cent* >1 00 O n e y ear and Bus ik *» ('tuce in Bonneville. tVeijon. Meehan;».d l »rjviftment in fa c a d e l Publi>hed every Friday in the in terest oi tlK Bonneville Ibtm Vrea by the Warn I’ublishmn company Mark A. Shields. . . Editor John H. Travis, Busmen A/-’»o<er w I 'N C B I MM H RDBM I lt\. in th* city of rv .. *, l \ r l*ren hvi* for quit* » »P»'!b It should l«v a wonderful place to U»v. Bi.t laiely it'* ,iu»t been hall. N Headquarter* for the Men •ttke Da m 1 » f< ng to tell >ou ...» .to .» . I I »' V”'t w1 i » t f .• a » • 1 I'm willing and strong *«*•! thrr»'» P " 1 ’ \\ (thin a fvw lm*. of ^ lH( | . ».1 nt, Ml. K*- h ’ » . M R E S T A U R A N T AND LUNCH COUNTS SOD A F o r STAIN \ \ | > uAk ih» N K A. «1**1. The plan wa* real It a * **! But what are you going to i t it out. When you can't get men to a n Kmi ' t upright >*r lm-' They told in* I'd have to r*<i»trr And then ju*t » a it for a call But a lte r Id waited a year or two, I L und it »«« only a »tail. Thrr* were men who .am * in from t anada. N. a Zealand, E ngland au»l France. Kr»’m every sta te in the union. It seemed they all had • chance They all went to work at the Bonneville dam While I'm still holding th* sack. Men who c a n t even talk English But th ey're pulling down plenty of jack. Well. I Anally went back to the office. But the man at the deek w ai hard. He «aid. T lo find yourself a M>, Then come lock here for your card/* 1 hiked right out to the dam alU Just forty mile* or so. And Anally landed a labor job Through a boa* I happened to know Then all the world grew roay and bright Wher* It had seemed *o cold and *o hard. As I »tarted hitch-hiking to Portland, To get th at little whit# card It was then th at I had my aw akening When I talked to the man at the d**b He .aid, “ You can't ru .tle yourself a job. You must wait your turn, like the rest " So now I'm just fa .tin g anil waiting. While men go to work every day All they need t. a pull and a good line of hull Ar.<i a friend who »an sh»*» them the way I'm strong for president R< -sevrtt, I hope he'» in to stay. Put there'* -omething rott- n in Denmark In regard to the N K. A In an age to come »«me bright individual* will discover and reveal to the human race a method w here by man may eat his cake and have it, too. When th a t period dawns it is going to bo possible for men to en joy county governm ent, and yet be in the happy poaition of obtaining reduction in taxes. County govem ent does not con sum e all of the taxes, but it does ta k e a portion of them. Sm aller th e count), la rg e r the proportionate cost to the taxpayer*. Hood River county, created years ago in the horse and buggy days, is a drain upon p roperty owners, and must rem ain a drain so long as it is m aintained. HooJ River will deny th is, of course, for it is the m anly thing to do since the courthouse is a l ways a source of revenue, but it cannot deny th e charge successfully to the people w ho live beyond the tow n ' unit*. And neither will it e v e r 1i- able to successfully explain I 1 r: [ of a new court hou*e~—or •ourt house. »a*, back in the gay HO'«, w h ir a t ; ip to The Dal!« * was a h ard joir. ney. but today it can be And nrithc r boti accom pli hed in an hour and a haif. prorr.i-e th a t it may rest there a w«> !d with d S till, we hope wr are ne» i n<>r the veteran* will l* the H od Ri ver. Cascade Lock*, the up- long tim e. l>er ve ley can go to The Italie ,o in error. ! wo se for the m anner in wh irh the annivrr.A* observed. tra n sa c t b m ines* a t th e court In view >f h use at a m inor co*t. \K M IM l( K 1»A Y th is fact would it not be b e tte r that Trifling M ortgage Sixteen year* have passed *inc>- HooJ River county be abolished? ! the high command of the allied for- j “ I’m *orry," *aui the diner, who T he dls’ r'Ct from W yeth to Fagle jcci in Franca i - iu,-»l its famou.» or- I to g*t away w th It. “but I Creek n ght well be attached »o l«r, bringing the World war to a haven't any money to pay for that M u itr -ir.ah county; the balance of , c!t e. A nniversary of the d»i* meal.** t're >nrty attach- 1 to Wasco coun “T hat's all right,** said the cash, j fait* on Sunday this year. In ty. .er. “ We'll w ri'e your name <>n • v;uch a-- arrangem « r.t is ir.evit- insisted th a t Monday be o';-- the wall and you can pay the nest able. The quicker it is accom- crve.l a i a holiday. Ru.tness o r tim e you come in.** P . 1 id , the quicker p ro p erty taxes ganization i nave protested the d«-- "H an't do th at. Everybody who will be reduced. linand. and not w ithout some ju s rOR.H I ft Will gWt* ll, “ Oh, no, they won’t. Yotrr over- j tice. PA SS 1 HE (,R W K L . PLF. \S E Pi perly peaking, A rm istice coat will be hanging over it.” -— Heavy autum n rains have c re a te! I>ay i* an <-cca»r>ii when the fel a fa st glowing m arket in Caica-ie lows who w a lio v d in the muck M phabrt Houp Locks for rubber boot*, and if they and the mud in France like to re “Johnnie,” said the teacher r e continue, and all indication* are joice in the recollection that Frit* that they will continue, automotive threw up the sp- on Novem'i-or provingly, “ yr.u mispelled m olt of the words in your composition," dealers should do a handsome busi | 11 and went home. Tho*e who "Y es'tit," explained Johnnie, ness in tire chains. ! were oversea* rem em ber the night Of course, th e situation could be th a t was given to celebrating the “ I'm going to I k - a dialact w riter " — Pathfinder overcome in a m easure through con end of the fighting. struction of sidew alks, but *ince In the Bonneville Dam area Arm- popular fancy run* to the contrary i i»tice Day will be observed on hun- th ere appears to be no choice, ex iay. And it is Atting and sensible cept to grin and wade in th e mud. j th at it should lie celebrated on that FOR PROMPT FIRST Absence of a m unicipal govern day. In the m orning the Am erican m ent relieves the p roperty owner* Legion will hold service* at the CLASS WORK TRY of the expense and necessity of i f'om m unity C enter; in the evening building sidewalks and graveling the V eterans of Foreign War* will MIKE LONG streets. Well, maybe th a t is some dance at M errill'* Pavilion. At the th in g to be thankful and pedes* m orning service honor will be paid at te ria n s should not complain. to the m emories of the fellow* who Hood River county exercises ju r went W est; and in the evening the MERRILL’S isdiction over the town, for in want i victors will live over again the of better governm ent f'a-eade I day* when m an and women danced BARBER SHOP Lock* must lean upon the county and shouted w ith joy. T hat i* the court. The county g arn ers the ! way the fellow* who did not return tqxes, polices the com m unity, feed* th e unfortunate, runs the school. The Chronicle has never believed MOORE’S GARAGE th a t the com m unity should lean on the county, but since it is the will Ford and Chevrolet Ignition of the m ajority there is no a lte rn a tive. And having leaned so heav Specialists ily upon the county court th ere a p pear- to b>- no good reason why the Fender and Body Work lea-: sr should not continue, a t least First Class Painting to th- ex ten t of «»king the court to do it* obvious duty and gravel Atetelyne Welding the street* out to the curb line. F ifth stre e t, from the sta te road Oil—Water—Air to top of th e hill, gives early of be- coming a bog. The task of p u t Cascade Locks tin g down grav el rest« with the Cascade Locks. Ore. county—and ju s t now th ere is Special! CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAY LAKESIDE HOTEL KILLING STATION C A R D I MILKS T y r r e ll’s Tavern 'ARCHIK’ COOK, Min««« Opposite the Rale in Bonneville U T A H COAL PREST-O-LOGS WE CAN G IV E PROMPT DELIVERY Ta la y Boeva C atearla L açât UH THE DALLES FREIGHT U B R IN G U S YOUR CARS EX PER T MECHANICS NEW EQUIPMENT Electric and Acetylene Wrldinj Any Type of Automotive Service Power Wrecker SERVICE GARAGE CECIL M ALLORY GEORGE BLAID ARMISTICE DAÏ DANCE Under Auspices Veterans of Foreign Wars MERRILL’S PAVILID SUNDAY NIGtf November 11 ADMISSION 50c LADIES ft