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About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1934)
HONS'KVH. i . k n A y ( bonna --- — v il l a « « a a a a a a a a a j Alfr. ii Hhiruian Cayo, ih» proud r of • 12 dny old m n , Noi l I LADIES FREE Men 4 0 c SATURDAY, JAN. 19 MERRILL’S PAVILION MOREY GRAFF'S Orchestra ascade Locks, Oregon Daniel, U building n n«-w hiiui» at Honnjr Villa. Mr« Kdllh I,««, ow ner of Hi« llonnlr !<*•, beauty ahop, suffered a badly mangled hand Monday,! wh< n accidentally caught l| In ■ washing mnhlne roller Hhe wa« treated ui the National hoapllal on •be reservation IColph Kn<|iila| and llal llahblt, proprietor« o f (ha Honor Villa tav. • rn. have «Inrlad ron*lrurtIon of living quarters on lha weal «Ida of lha hulldlnK II 1« uUo planned *o hulld an addition to *th» Inn In «pnlnK Mr. and Mra. (¡»o rg e Llnnton entertained Mr. and Air» Harman Polk aria and aon. Alfrad. o f Port land. Hunday. Mr and Mra. T L. Jon»« and rhlldran were Portland vlaltora ovar lh „ »a rk -a n d . V Kurd, proprlator of lha Khudy Nook «arv|ra «lallon. la l,u«lly » 11 - Kaged In graveling lh» roadway* In lh» rabln« back o f lh » alallon. Mr and Mra A I, (Jolt » » r e h'aiia to lh » lntt»r'a hroth»r and • If». Mr and Mra. Knnl« Hoff. ■up»rlnt»nd»nt o f Hood lllv»r •rhnola, at th»lr hom » Hunday. Mr« Edward N»l«on. who haa •■••I. hi wtin ih» f|a in rnrttoBi 1 fc Fast Friendly Service Olympia Beer on Tap TYRRELL’S TAVERN Oypnalte tho Hale« In Bonneville “ ARCHIE" COOK " « “ «a haa r»turn»d to h»r homa In tha Hhady Nook community Mr« <J If Ferrlngton la recov- »Ing rapidly from a nanroua h»«kdown lt»«ld»nta of Honny Villa will petition lh » «la l» highway d»part- m»nt In lha naar fuure to wldan ha highway enough for a bn« atop, and alao for a foot path from Moffat( creek to Bonneville. Mia* Orar» llullar. o f the Hon- nla I a * * ' beauty «hop. la vlaltlng with her paranta In Mayvllla for M»o week« Mra A J Moore la aerloualy III with pneumonia. Mr and Mr» H L. ConnMt have resumed raeldance In the Hhady Nook community aflar an absence o f all month» Connetj la a car penter on the dam. Seoul Wilton, who live« and at tend« high achool In Hood River, • pant the week-end with hi« par ent« at their home In Honny Villa. Mra Thoma» Hraund and her Iwo «on« narrowly »»cap»d Injury laat week whan a rock, thrown more than Son feat hy a hla«t aet off along lh » n»w railroad rlght- of way. mlracoualy tm»»»d between lh»m aa they atom! on lh » porch of th»lr hom» and »m a»h»d a w in d ow G e o r g e Sleekier mov»d from a cabin In llonny Villa to th» G en eral-Shea bunkhoua» Friday. The Finest .H T U U N K I H G. A. COBB ATTORNKY AT M W Cascade l/o< k». Oregon LAKESIDE HOTEL HOARD AND ROOM RATES REASONABLE r.o Main Ht. ra acad a Locka H \ Itltl 'lt S l l o p i , JKWKLERM COTTAGE BARBER SHOP LOUIE FOLSOM BONNY V IL L A Jeweler (EXPERT H A J I U I T T I N G Nice Selection of 17 Jeweled Elgin Watches. K i m H it.ft CLASH HAItliKIt HEltVIt K HKK MIKE & DAVE AT MKHIHLL'M ItAlfIII It SHOP Caacad» l»< kn H K I I TV IMIU OIL S Ladh » and fJeiitl»naen'a Wrlat W a tch »« Parker P»n Hefa *I.W.Y and M'J.U.Y each C A S C A D E LO C KS M ITKII.VITY HOMES HI I K M A ST E R M A T E R N IT Y HOME Mott Modern Equipment 135 Motecello Ave. HOOD R IV E R LUCILLE BEAUTY SHOP C ASCADE LOCKS Phone 212 O P T O M E T R IS T S DR. E. M. SCHILLER OPTOMETIU HT DENTISTS DR. F. FOLSOM Dentist ■ Eyes Examined ■ Glasses Fitted ■ Broken Lenses Duplicated O F F IC E — Bonneville 01ft Shop On the Reservation o CASCADE LOCKS. OR E GON PLtM B IN G Dltl'HS SHOPS PLUMBING Full line o f Supplies DONNA MOHR Dress Shop d k e n h . m « k in g CASCA DE LOCKS GAKAGKH call at Central Lumber Co. CARROTHERS & SPICKERMAN Cascade Locks TOOTH ROCK GARAGE Battery and Electrical Service Auto Repairing and A ccessorie» Tel. SF7 John Kavanaugh, Prof It I ST H T IA N T S HOME C OOK ED MEALS DEW DROP I NN Cascade Locks BONNY PARK - - MEALS - - in the Dam Area €SS EAGLES MEETING THURSDAY NIGHT FRENCH’S COFFEE SHOP AND RECREATION CENTER ON THE HIGHWAY AT GATE IN BONNEVILLE A CHRONICLE DIRECTORY ---------- .------ Harry Mathewaon would Ilk» to call to the attention o f "C halk and W a ter" that he »till resides In Dodson. Mr and Mr* Jim lawh. Mr and Mr« Orlan Hunter and Mr«. Nonn Knch attended the dance at Mer rill's pavilion In t’ asonde Ix>ck* Saturday. W E Cure and family have moved from Warrendale to a la rg er home In North Bonneville Linemen o f the Weal Coast Power company Inatalled wire« In the upper street o f Dodaon laat week. Jim Leah. Jr., and the only «on of the Meyer*, who were confined t I bed la»( week wth an unknown fitment. ar<- reported to he a* my*. lerlou*ly well again Mr and Mr* Dnvld Dyck and «on. Dennis, have been confined to ’ their home lh*' pn»i week with the mump*, a* have Mrs. Correll attd her daughter, Connie. Mr* J<"‘ ltu«her o f the Holly wood dairy visited with her moth- er, Mr* Wei»* at the latter * home In Gresham thl* week Mr. and Mr*. Harry Mathewson were Cascade la'ck* visitor* Inst week le>o Ostrander, Dodson carpen ter. completed n business trip to Portland Monday. Mr and Mrs Orlan Hunter were the gnesta o f relatives In Hood River Iasi week. MOORE’S GARAGE Ford and Chevrolet Ignition Specialists First Class Painting Acetelynr Welding Fender and Body Work G as—Oil— Water— Air REASONABLY PRICED EATS— 15c and up AT THE WE-ASK-U-INN Cascade Locks, Oregon Cascade Locks SHOE REPAIRING R O T E I* SERVICE SHOE SHOP BRIDGE OF THE GODS HOTEL Rooms by day. week or month We serve regular mc.ik H an ey Carey, Prop. Repairing at Portland Prices With Modern Machinery C ascade L ocks , O regon Ciow li ospitatile - Comfortable C ascad e L o c k s , O regon CHECKERBOARD ROOMS By Day, W eek or Month H O M E L IK E A TM O S P H E R E Cascade Locks YOUR BUSINESS CARD in the BUSINESS DIRECTORY Offers an Inexoensive Method of Reaching Peonie You Want to Reach