mo s~\Kvi On« Al « ,rl nil|kl„ up *• aba g'»*« a lo n i V *0 fHi*nt 11• JfInM tini» I,I,K d a m c h r o n ic l e A » o m i t , motorie! « « , d rivi«* • Ion« I eouatry r„,d «h.., .l,.| to give the district tha appearance business today under ownership of a choice sub-division In a met and management of M McCredle ditti bina teleph.,«. B O N N E V ILLE ropolitan center. Th e lawn» will and D. H Dyck. They are located fo o U ' «ha • t r i l l a i « ^ |„ h„ r I s »gu*tr " " * appear when the weather become» In a building 4*1 x 46 which haa u t l ||„r.l '•'• •»'< n<>in|>i ti I on, they must think I warmer und the grass starts to Juat been completed hy F. R. Fen nn»«T Ut..*« • rar l«rf.,r« •• l ' ' ' »' '' “ « • 1" t’<iri»||„|i, McGllllrudy. brttrr grow ton and associates. The Bonneville post o f the A m 1« tha »porting world •■ The new owners have worked < | Mark. 7 « . y « » r Old manager erican l-eglon will bold a stag together fo r more than a year on ..rill.- I*I|| lui|M| (,|M Atblrtlra, wu» ¡party next Wednesday night, Jan the dam, doing general construc 'ii. k ,,.,t ,,f t(lH uoyarnmain ou • uary 23. fo r the purpose o f gain tion work fo r Newell Construction 'our of thr reservation U»t w »«k. ing new members The meeting, com pany. A. ‘ "ifipaul.'d by hla aoti. |{oy Mn' k set for French’s Kecreatlon re n te r Both men are expert mechanic« , of Portland. dir yrtrrun baseballer In Honnevllle, la open to all vet- and have had more than threw i wpa*nt more than three hour* tn- era 11 a. years of experience with the re ^ ». ••••Mu* th«- project. P. M HIM)», the barber, haa pairing o f automobiles Jack Klm- '• w Smith. ex-Harramento, 1 been confined to hla home In Port er, proprietor o f Klm er’ » Klectrlc ' allfornla. barbnr. ha> taken over land for the |>ast several daya with und Variety store In Caacode I-ocka Mi<- shop In Hr.'tn h i Recreation Ulricas. has been employed to do all the P O R T l A N D / o C H IC A G O ''••iit«T ai Bonneville. H. O. Horde», engineer In charge wiring f'*r the modern building. I I •• mo nr llnniiy W ill'»••'( Mini of the main design and hydraulic ,,ffl llarrla ami Bocork will studio*, has been named to a posi ON I N I M M O U l 1 ov•• from th»' government police tion with the federal power com 1 rra. ka to n** In Ihulaon thla mission. His new duties are <.x- w.-rk poctod to take him to Washington, " A Triumph in Tram Comfort " One Cent a W o rd Mr» It K Torpen m a Pori* It. C. A large Pontiac sedan, driven ¡ •ml Thursday, u* war. Mra All itaal tor*. lo rge roomy laolt, hy Mra, Herman Kline, o f Port FOR K EN T M 11» l(l*li-r Friday, wpholiUfad in mohair pluth. Cleon, \ itn < t i n « f o r t h e p u r p o s e of land .was badly damaged Monday olry bartht Barth light». Commodi- orgalilrlng a women's Kymnaal'im when It met a Ford truck, driven TW O -RO O M Furnished apartment. G. E. Miller, block south Cas 00 » d ia llin g room». Attentive par- 11 rt i m t l o i win !>.• hy F H Hltntnotia, head on Mrs. cade Food store. I'•’ Id to.Jay at the bomt- of Mr». Kline, in turning onto the dam tonol »arvica project view point. Just above the T W O F U R N IS H E D Cabins; lights Il''ttry Mn«on O t h e r P o r t l a n d R o t a f ao h ir » » Char I k Robertson. laarhar at Honnevllle a* hool, failed to give and water furnished; Tooth l ‘Mo» n. 0*|»M Chair Can. Ok- i ’ ha lit»*»n•*»III»- grade achool, ac any signal, state polllce officer» Rock Camp Grounds, Cascade “ " ' ■ w !•—a* •»"•*. Swla tavnraU. companied h) hla wife, flatted re- said Though the sedan waa travel- L o ck «. Valal. *•» bar »•«. 0>»ar H m Ignoa iatlona at Brownsville over the !•>* at least 2"i mile» an hour, no »•at* at eve*** (MHa* ON IKa t**f loo<) one was Injured. FO R S A L E week end w * <• 1« cm* Mrs. I „ W. Miller wa» hostess at Mr» I. W Miller made an en T R A I L E R House 8 x 1 3 ft. Nearly forced Irfi» *«. I’ortlamlFrlday with an Informal »upp*-r Sunday night. F o r l o w o n a - w o y f o r a t to C h i c a g o new. Double wall, built In fea Those attending were Mr and Mra. her daughter. Margaret, who 1» ture*. wired. A good buy fo r In T o u r l t t S l e e p e r * a n d D a l u a « C h a i r C a rt , A W l.axton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack • ‘ M i l l from a uiuatold. cash or terms 1802 Cascade A t « lOCAl AOINT Mr* (ton D, Orput, Mr». J. K Miles, Mr and Mrs. t rank Linton A ve Hood Klv.-h and Mr and Mrs Horace Skinner. If 1 ' rkw and Irs Stanley W ell» Hoy Hamaey, Portland, govern K I T C H E N STOVE, f o a l or wood, w e r e hunt. « B e » u[ a meeting of th« good condition, reasonable. Ful- ment engineer, was reported to be 1 in.nnerH|. \\ .man'» . luh Thur»- gham Cabins. Cascade Docks. resting easily yesterday at the Vet i day a( the C*oo>rn>tnIty renter. eran's hoapltal In Portland, fo l Mor. than 3 ' women parti* lirnted P A C K A R D S E D A N — Hood con lowing an accident one mile east lln th« card (amea. dition. good rubber, economical A social lunrheon with old col o f Waukeena Falla early Friday to run. Private owner. 1125. lege friends r a i l e d Mra. K M. I.e night. Blinded hy the lights o f an Chronicle office. aptvoarhln g car, Ramsey drove I’ era to Salem Thursday. tfueeti a raluahle Mexican over a cliff At 4 a. m.. Preston T H R E E Fine lots No rock», no P R O G R E S S NO 18 mud. Trees. No brush; has wat cbluahaua and the p « t of (he gov- Young, of Hood River, noticed the er rights. $7 3 each. Inquire the eminent reservation. waa knocked light» pointing up In the air and Oscar Hvde has stepped up in the world. When Kamaev Chronicle. down and killed last week by a hit- stopped to Investigate. was given emergency treatment and run drlrer near Tanner creek la merchant expands it means he is doing more bus- by Dr. Stanley K. W e lls for frac HOUSE fo r snie. $150. 14 x 20. t ie was owned hy (' V. llellarta. of Warm and dry. W in t e r ’s wood tures of the right leg and left Imess. We are glad to see this and want to congrat- t h e government police guard In. Ask fo r Frye at Sherman's Mr» Georg« E. Goodwin, of th « hand and a severe head lacera- Inn, 3 Vk miles west o f Bonneville. Iulate him upon his Riowth and upon his new home. t I n raaerratlon. wa» a Portland visitor 4 2t 1 Otto Luther. Bonneville electri |Vay success attend him. three day» la»t weak. Monday cian. was reported near death In M O D E R N 4 room cottage, with Tu. t.|«) and Saturday. garage, 4 months old. L. T. •» Walter Ch»*ney and Dan St. Vincent's hospital at Portland Toner. McLaughlin Park. Dod- ' Hall..«.-ii government guard» at yesterday He fell 38 feet from a ladder early Saturday night and 4 114 • Bonnet llle. are confined to the suffered possible fracture* of the h<>»’, Hal. following an attack of In pelrl* and left arm. *evee shock testinal flu. and head Injuries. Phil Henderaun and Sam Burk», of Oregon State college, were Via* llor» » ( the home of the latter'» I.1 K H K t u r n t D H E A R S K N O IN E E ItS T U . k ON DAM parent». Mr and Mr» I K. Hurka. The largest crowd that has on the reservation la»t week. Major l«>t)g 1» recuperating In turned out to date fo r any event Bonneville Dam area the government hospital from an In the flocked to the Roosevelt theatre attack of Intestinal flu. Community Center Building Bonneville. O rg o n Mr» George K. Uoodwln enter Friday night to hear United States tained 3u women a( nn Informal engineers explain the design and tea honoring Mr» Edgar Kalaer construction of H* nncvllle dam. Capt. J: S (Jorllnskl presided at and Mr« Bedford of the Coumbia $ $ Construction company. Friday at the meeting and Introduced the speakers C. 1 Grimm gave the her home on the reservation. Pepsodent Antiseptic àombmatnn Hot Water I) M Marvin »pent two day» first talk. He was followed by Ben last week with hi» parents K H F Torpen. who explained the pow- j and Syringe PITCH K IN D L IN G 69c Marvin, at their home on the res erhouse plana. H. G. Gerties dis cussed the main dam: R. E. Mac-j ervation $1.39 l»r Staney K W ell» delivered » Kenxle, the locks; and Major Me-' ï Vrar Guarantee baby hoy (,. hi* a»»l»tant. T P Kennett. the railroad relocation • HFpery. Thuradny night In the The talks weds Illustrated with 50c Fmanuel hoapltal In Portland Th«' »tereopMcnn views, to the delight mother and »<>n are reported doing o f the crowd. Analgesic Balm Because o f Interest manifested well. It has been decided to give other $1 50 A large mule deer was found 29c talks on the dam hy engineers. dead near Tanner creek List week Hot Water Bottle last week by employee» of the Col- Phone 141 Ml MV r t HE Nl TO MADE HERE unibla Construction company. It Cascade Locks 98c Construction of a miniature had apparently been run over the .uito, designed nfter a Los Angeles cliff hy dog» or coyote«. Hoy Hanigey. an electrician at model, was announced near com Aspirin Tablets the dam. 1» In a Portland hoapltal pletion yesterday by Cecil Mallory, W H EN IN PO RTLAN D with a broken l< g and other Injur proprietor o f the Cascade L 'c k s 75c 29c ies n» the result of an accident. Service garage, who Is building ST AY AT TH E - ffarod » M l * driving Into I’ .rt the speedy machine for his child Vick’s Vapo Rub and Friday night Ills car went off ren. The ear. powered wPh a one- the road down near Multnomah cylinder washing machine motor, 50c Fall» He laid beside the wrecked will make a top speed of 4 0 miles 50c ur before discovered hy a truck per hour. The motor will run four driver, who took him to Honne- hours on a pint o f gasoline an! Pepsodent Tooth Paste Mallory ha’* vllle, where h»« was given first aid does not need oil bu||t the machine In hi» spare 50c hy Mr Stanley K Wells 31c James Williams has leased the time, and uses hls own welding Rubbing Alcohol 10th & S T A R K S T R E E T S room Immediately east of the lob outfit fo r work such ns cutting by In the new hotel In Bonneville down a model " T " Ford front axle 19c to a ten-inch spread. It 1» expec and Is preparing to Install a coffee Per W eek ted that the car well be completed shop. $5.00 $ 1 - 0 0 and up The government has completed within a week. Installation of street lights In the Mead’s Vistcrol NEW G ARAG E O P EN S Per Day 3 for 35c residential district of the reserva The Bonneville Dam area's new. and up tion. and now that sidewalks have $4.19 Kotex or M odess been laid and the streeta have est enrage, located at Bonny Park been graded only lawns are needed (Dodson to yo u ), will open for it .7 * M «n • IM P R O V E D • Tourist S le e p in g Cars from PORTLAND ROSE W ANT ADS j l J n io n p a c i f i c CASCADE LOCKS WEST COAST POWER CO Bonneville Drug 2.00 1.00 FOREST WOOD - $5 - Per Cord ALYCE HARVEY’S WOOD YARD 100 MORRIS HOTEL $3.50 b