The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939, January 09, 1934, Image 1

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    .(brunici« IViivrrrU t h e
L„t Homi* I«
NVk I"
« *i»rri«r
Oc Month
» <*WKKk
I KU 41
o n n e v i l l e
d a m
T» ic Chronic!*- reach«.-* all
li ’ii"-
tween Herman creek
unii I»< h 1»(. o ami r .<■» into all
H"tikh *
at th- l>i;n. M it
» i-Wv
rifv-pn -er in the
Bonneville l)iim area.
P h o n e 211
" M(l(i M IA I I
« in i \|i|
H O N N K V'
Federal Loans Available
I assh ahn HOME
llulldlng cun11nuea to Inrroaao
all along the highway, and there
haa bee„ n.. let down In North
ItoSgetrlHe Thla la due, |n a great
m.aaure, |„ tho fait (hat many of
the men ernplo)rd on the darn el-
!*■ * t to have Julia for the |)r|| year
or two youra and wlah to have
theif famine, near them K«w of
then, «re In position to build, hut
dealre to rent
• a a
Whether property which la hullt
for rental purp«.ae» during con-
at fuel Ion of I he dam will be
mand after the dam la completed
thm tplrl( o f
W1: d NKS'I)AY. JA N
b u s in e s s m e n
|oea In bloom and I r u n l n i ibal
bo« It* ulna
to |>uah
it to for(**«■' r»llr**e«l i»f»P- bulbo
! ‘ “ k*
»H H b>**u«h the m<>lat earth, have rom
lltiaineaa n r in a In Cascade Lock»
I h r m ir l lM
U«*" •“ ■t •Mru**a««a » H «
be nak*d to contribute one
Itullrtlng la more active than b «
|*IU*1 I** »*•’ «round r«*ni
dollar a month each toward ligh t­
|„.H .*
• r - <■ I I ' ‘U*
ing the town. It was decided
: ». »
f «I»' rliiU H largely due to the feeling U<‘ •
Thuraday at a meeting of the
Hood Rl**r. ruled In an current that building al|| go f.,r
ward throughout the lionnerllle
* kaadf'l 4«««> 1 h u r a«l a y
«'hamher o f Commerce,
Platon waa written after l*am a re « with the return of clear
The number of llghta to be In-
Wlle>n had heard U » | • * «
atalled depend, upon a conference
[itrloa t*r*>*i«ht by I hi ber to
, _
» ' « h «He Weal ( oaat Power com-
Iroana for hulldlug purp...ea
! title to th« W A S « » * h « h n
ini I«»« wea( of tha
tele- h a » r been made In the district by the people « h o ln*eat their money ’’any Jack Kl,nt' r - chairman of the
on main street
It la ,h e Farterai Mousing Administra- In th«- district If lha public make» lighting committee, told the Cham-
4 . Igl^est be.auae It affect« '»•*•« *“ »« <>« «He Portland . . « c e up It. mind that It I. going lo oh- her that he believed the town
4!Ma Of a aumber o f other H o w e ver
a l o . . «« la «a.» Indu.trle, which will provd. <hould h. , „ .
, nd
ch oen hom e. W hich
— Y
» W ? 'dia. . h e the
......... will e„.
memher. agreed with him. The
! . . p r .e r t r pur.haacd
rom In« fu nd. . n M. !•'•* - r
Thto ham*
rath., than decrea... |n po*..r company. In a pr«|N.*.l laid
1 J''rr ln ,,1 U
(r |U Victory With m< rt > ai.d
“ * **
h f
4u" u* ' hr '
,ar " T h
,h . prop. ,y bough, up within r e
cent rn.rt.tha ha. been purch.aed
on c o n t r a e Thrae c o n t r a e .
being paid off and the purchaser,
are now In a p.-ltl„n to go to the
government and a.k for loan.
Within the dlalrlcl are many
akaka bought the house In-
la Ih* aulì about three
|a< after he came to Csarede
| ta become principal In the
arbool He left Cascade f a m l l l e . who own their property
la*t fall to take « er buoi Many of th* propertlee could be
gars 0 »»*'>n W h o « t a k e r remodeled
possession of the prop- house« could be mad* over Into
taMhahn resille,I and the apartment, for tbe »rromodat Ion
o f men employed on the dam The
I act t. ■ n foil..erd
1 termi of the ground !•*•- Chronicle could have rented S’*
sperimenta last week
and we
I o - 4 • ! ,4 ' • • IIl.ifl l'a
a m«nlh rent Naaahahn know of no vacanctee in town at
Ike defense that no effort I «hr pfeeent time The demand I»
» I« c o l l e c t the rent after \ g r ò » Ing stronger
aa spring ap­
iros*! sold the property j prnnrhea and should be met
es* Ik# coltri ruled that the
I bad been broken through PI ANS APPROVED FOR
W ork will be started thla week
on the new building Which la be
M i o 'I I I I Ml K U n » II
i] by owners o f the corn-
at week unwlls
nee the
f**r the hand-
tree In the Village
e l i d i r « . Si % 40 and oi»e
Island to W a lter !
hrlgbth. will stand nett
! »lory
e e « a t erected un j
the Knotetet! theatre
j dr>or
n ol I dgar K a i s e r ’
r he building have been
| I’ lam
ibta Construction tppr*ttet| in Washington I) C . and
as a gift from hltn . nothing. If »s p e a r , »lands In the
I'l l \ ........
: ball
I M \ -
I l .l »
I for organising a team and
r*. ad.
e t a base i.all
|l ba dim used nt a mes*t
rd for the llrld ge o f the
I '•
la open to the public and
Inlrreated in aeelng a
|l#l* o r g a n i c e l i I n t h e rotu­
la Invili ,|
b< pt •-t. nl
h "
’ he meeting ‘I*
1 ' . Mill I * -
lthe me, ing in eli-ci nifi 1 rw
I ■ i
I l.e s.
i.,at •
j way at Ha early completion
Need for the building became a
ncNeaalty after the poatolfice waa
davanceti front a fourth r!a«a to A
third rlaaa ofllco Crider rule, and
regiltatlona third claaa ulfirea must
] not be In a room with any type of
Residents o f the llonnevllle
I*Afti « r m will b«* * l f * i i »n t»i»|x»r-
( uni t y t*> I h < c otti«* ar q ua l o i ^d wiih
r « r h olh«*r a| • r*f«l
!• i« r ( w. to b«' h«*ld Friday nlichl,
January >•*. at the Inn of Ihe
Hrldge of the «Silit» tn I '»»cade
t ... k. II* der auspices of the fas-
• ad. Lo, k. " » m e n ' s club
The ladles arc endeavoring t «
'nrd ta
.1 last summer
In the
who desire may dance
■rvatlnn at
coo ran r f the evening IH ladle*
at four* I to he loo j w ill «er.' free sandwlche* and cof
is fe I that liuto* d i a ' " I
be In k'll to find I
Andrews. Mrs May
Mr« It
rh rnn tie enrlnaed ^
- viva and Mr* C hurlen HaffgWofm
r»r sum« *»th«r niat»r*| n e mei-ibura o f 'he committee In
I » « r e I ..If, lia . ,1 1 . I ,
. bari.* * f Ih «ITalr
'lll h*
iv .i l l n h l e lo t
th 1*1
B»e by members o f the
's. I!f34
A merry war has broken out
o ' e r the privilege of selling hard
ll'iuors for the state In Cascade
Ijorka. Oscar Hyde, proprietor o f
the Celt's store, confident that he
la to be made the liquor control
connulsalon'a agent In the district,
haa a crew o f carpenters rushing
work on a new building, nevt door
to Merrill's Barbeque, which be
hopes to occupy by January 14
H yd e’s good friend. O. J. Runte«
Inspector for the district east of
Portland, haa recommended him
fo r the Job. Since news o f the rec­
’ ‘ lu-
' * ~ n , l " w *• M o m the chamber J e m than 10 ommendation became known, bus­
........ hp*' » ' • " - y
proper.le, d. y, W '
to furn,„ h
iness men have commenced to talk
unt.l they can h- aure of . r e . „ „ . M, hu for ( t 0 , lnonth>
.ble return and the aafety „ f thHr
Klmer read a p r o p o l i , ad- o f filing a petition, protesting the
rhoa. who have dr„ „ . . d to lh „
p , , « ^ r „ mp. ny. appointment.
bull, to date are .attailed la evi- r „ d, r
pUn wh|Phc h„ , uh.
'T H ck” Morris, proprietor of the
divert „ „
h#|)d And , h. y | -| tM lh„ ,llthu wou|d mtUa<j , hp Cascade Food store, and Hyde’a
, , r , he o n e who will be aeeklng fl||| length o f the business dla- cloatwl neighbor, has been agent
fo r the commission since last May.
c o minile tr((-t
building llut the loan, are not
|iu,|neaa firma. almoat without Juat why the commission wants
They a re available to egceptlon. have « p r e s s e d a will- to (a h* the agency away from him
property owners and the publie inK„»aa to contribute to a street » " d K1* * *« to Hyde haa not been
should take advantage of them
lighting fund and If fa not be­ made clear.
Mrs Murrl« visited the commis­
lieved hat any difficulty will be
sion's Portland office Monday and
protested the change. Meantime,
underwritten by the committee.
Wmi-r proi*o«ed hat «he llghta carpenter«
DUE TO MILD WINTER be turned .Iff at 1 a m bat * ham- « » “ y • * nail« on the new building.
’ .< r me mb* rs • c; reused themselves | where |fvd<- propose» to hou»*- ’ he
ftesplte the heavy rain« of the
aa desinili» of having ih*- lights w*'t emporium.
past few weeks the Columbia river
Refusal o f the state to permit
burn from dusk to dawn. Klmer
I* bel,
normal for thla scaaon o f
declared the 15 llghta could be hard liquor« to be gold at Bonne­
the ye«r. and t*n feet below the
obtained at a coat no greater than ville makes the liquor store In Cas­
level o f a year ago
originally asked fo r eight 10 0 - cade Lock** the only spot on th®
Oregon aide o f the river where
The Water rose to JO feel above « Bl( lamps
bonded bottled goods can be ’ ur-
sea level In llecember. hilt fell the
chaaed In the Bonneville dam area.
■ ar . ; srl f f o .. i n and now la
aboui stallonerv a« if* feel a year the tlv.*r to climb materially. An Thin r ommlBBlon'a ruling, laid
aro In January the river rose to Instance of rhi» waa reported n**nr- down In deference to the federal
promises ta m ik e
I ' feet
week* ago when I'll-I* government,
Practically all of ihe precipita­ creek »1« feet In a few hours. |,h<* ,,<5uor " ,ore » ePDC’r a f a ' nloP*
ill r* iiirn*d to normal within two a,‘ L «t bag be*-n eyed hungrily In
tion which ha» fallen this year to
dale haa come down In III*’ form " t .1 'hr.,- .lav* This creek 1 b not ,hp P « » ‘ * ma>' b" e^ed eT,*n mor*
!■"*■ 1 « n grea* deal o f wate; now hunrrllv In the future by lndlvld-
rain and run off vllhont rau«lng
________________________________uals who have observed that the
demand fo r whiskey often outrun*
(he demands fo r groceries.
C olu m bia T o R u sh W o r k
O n Cofferdam In E ffo rt T o
Com plete It B y M a rc h F irst PLANS GO AHEAD
Convinced *hat the wor«« of th** and 14 Inches wide. I* Interlock-
„ tll-
!ng. it I* being driven on the crlb-
wlnier rain* are over, the l olum ^
w||h ^
bla CeriBirmllon company I" l,r'
taring to sink all of «he irlba n**>
,n lh,‘ riir'
cr without further delay Ihe task
of driving steel sheeting which
rill he used as a fin ing on the
cofferdam has been started and I"
progreawlni satlsfaeiorlly and ac-
cording to »ch**dule
|, was not th** original plan of
Ither th«*
or th* I nit-
me contractors
*-d States engineers to fini h t »•'
cofferdam "util aflur th«
« a l c r In the spring, but the con-
T h « m*<k of pumping Ihe water
out of the cofferdam will not he
commenced until «he crest o f «h «
aprili« flood has |»a•**<!. or If •«
started no effort wl'l He made to
drain the an a until after the h l«o
The first shlpm* nt of Meri gh «»
If you hear of an accident, tel • ! " r Z e e - H ' h 'i : r . kn T ¿ V . l ! S «
»phon e the Chronicle
T ie d «-Inch mains and hydrants
can be purchased at a small cost
for use In a water system If the
community will go forward at
once with plans for organizing a
rural fire district, J. B. Lnber.
chairman o f the committee named
toTontart government officials and
obtain permission to tap the large
mains leading to the locks, told
Ihe Cascade Locks Chamber of
Commerce Thursdoy.
Government engineers are mak­
ing a map. showing the location of
the proposed connection with the
main. They have expressed the
opinion that no objections will be
raised to the town using water
from the main In event of fire.
Cost of Installing a reducer in
the government main will cost
$350, If w:vs pointed out by the
chairman of the committee, nnd a
th« trick o f cto«(ne the gnp against concrete manhole will have to he
. he current o f 'he river Is go in g, built before the highway Is graded
to call for strong nerves and a ^ Estimated costs of providing the
town with adequate fire protection
steady hand.
The ey .-Ine* i», working over the under the rural fire protection law
minim r,, cofferdam at Llnnton. together with estimated rev, mie
Ids,-o'.-red thi't crib No .'* could be ami the sources from " hleh m >nev
nlared with the least trouble In can he obtained, either In form of
(bo ,»-.Stream Wing, nnd so It Is he- a loan or from sale o f bonds, will
be compiled by the chamber
ing Held In reserve
current. The »heeling, purchased
^ j|,p east. Is being forced Into the
bed of the river to prevent water
g,^,,|nK through
igh and In t e r f e r in g
with work within the cofferdam
|h<> #|(|(tlf,
BI.p 4 r, to 50 f ee,
|n |pngtij and gland out o f the wa-
^,,,,1 nf t er being
forced Into plaee with a steam
principle inter.-si
Interest in In ine
the enner-
dnm B(1W rPntors about the placing
,,f , h(l u „ lint, op , h, e:,st. or up
wltlR T h |g gives promise of he-