The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934, October 26, 1934, Image 1

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1 x ' ' hl 11 " KH ORI GON OCTOBER 36.1934
skkal - s iia v
m . mkm k
— —
nn, «f c«»« nrte ^or * *,r
tion of th.- now power I
at (h«1 »Inni if'»l uwl«r j
ilhi» *,-ek when the G«*n-
*on»t rue tl«n company
# j y She* com pany.1
r f i n put tuuf material
€n hulc which ha* lx-«-n
t.d in the channel of
ini dough.
t rxcitintf moment of
ur cam«- when the men
on » pump, which
the con* rete through
■irne The method •
I u, the Intent wrinkle
KrrtP work. 1* new to
»rifle northwest, *ml l#
im r over Intent impmv-
thoil» used nt Boulder
N<>, :w
h o i . i . o w k k n
Mystical Night of wonder and fright;
The breeze burns a direful tune.
A» lowered cloud*, like grave-yard shrouds
tin scudding across the moon.
\\ here a \\ itch will ride, on a broom astride,
In fluttering dull black clo(th)ea.
The chin la-neath her snuggled teeth
Curving toward iter nose.
The Cascade Dock* — Bon­
Rising on 17 arched piers,
neville Arie o f the Fraternal the Tanner creek viaduct
Order of Kagles became a re­ which carry the double traik
tioblins and G«*>k» with Ghosts and Sjssiks
ality Thursday night at a of the Union Pacific railroad
Arrive with the evening breeze,
mei-ting of memlx-rs and can­ on the new roadbed which is
To i ha»e the Owl*, with haunting howls,
didates at Merrill’s pavilion. Ix-ing built by the government
Through the naked limbs of the tn-en.
The proposed club has been promises to be one of the
Eyes glinting gn-en In the shadows seen
talked of for several months, handsomest structures o f its
Of angry roal-hlack rats.
and working toward this jx»int kind in the Pacific northwest.
A* they grimly flit to yowl and spit
J. A. Morrill, and Charles
Berkmeir & Sarmier, sub­
At the shadowy swooping Mats.
Wells have ls-en spending sev­ contractors, now have two
eral weeks in the dam vicinity steam shovels engaged in ex­
The Spirits walk, ami mark with chalk,
meeting with the candidates. cavating for the piers. They
Warnings fr«»m those "passes]-on” .
Three times last spring, class­ are sinking the excavations
As they gamlxil and frolic in ways dialiolic
es were conducted through to an av»-rage depth o f 20 ft.,
From shivery du«k to Dawn.
the rites by members of the where they strike a solid
Ami tin- rat tat tat tat, on the window, that
Portland lodge, and well over foundation.
Is made by a ghostly hand—
150 were initiaed then. Thurs­
The viaduct will be 865 feet
Hot, glaring eyes on the, sill will rise.
day night over ID» were add­ in length, and of concrete
And • niis«- ones hair to stand.
ed to the roll, and with trans­ throughout. The piers at the
fers from other lodges, the base are going to be 36 feet
\ \ il o t l x
w I S » W ill d r i f t in th e m ist
contractor* have com-
local arie probobly numbers long ami 23 feet rise, and
Of till- »hudd< i . m at Odami gloom
tuui brought into uw
over BOO at the present time, when finished will rise 50
At d • I itnm v fu«: « ill ri*«- in t l e Ixig.
Thursday’s nights meeting feet above the level o f the
rud tram, which carile»
T o uni nt.-r si ii * | m - n assume
i, .,( concrete high in
wa call<*d to order by D. 1). ground at the creek
Emm nit o f th< g ra \ e to m i «Ix-have,
ir from the mixer on
Male, state president, who pre-
Plans for the viaduct were
Bogg les com«
• ni<;d a’ the meeting The rit- prepared by government en­
rtni t«!nii(l to the eXC*
t hiI* 1 It th* S p irits delight
uul work was carned on by gineers In designing it they
fling* "on the bum".
In nit tin
the officers of the Stevenson combined beauty with utility.
ui th.
liu | an* «1lone, in» m <lu«k to sun,
The viaduct, huilt on a
The th
Nomination of officers for curve, will have its west ap­
th .
k* an * with o
the lodge, to lie elected at th proach at the base of the- hill,
•t t
'W 111 the hav mow
ut tlv
meeting of Nov. 1, resulted in just Ixdow state highway. The
lit la1 ■>
teili 0 I r fn i>nt y iin ! fence
the following: J. P. W. P.. grade lea«ling to this approach
r>n thi ti
<1 46 mu!«- fo r th «• flig h t. in sch«x»l
Jam«- Merrill, Sr.. W. P.. Kl- is being built with a steam
h<- Jnit) It t*i’ s fl t to I m - tied
nu-r Erickson, M E. Trimble; shovel. The present railroad
•witch engine »buttle*
And ir i ‘r* >r u ,ow »1Ueths f. <r the G hosts (o r
W. V I*., Dr. F’red Folsom: grade is in the form o f an
•n<i forth «cr<»»* the via-
chaplain. M. A. Butterfield, “S” , or double curve. With
which »pan* tin’ »lough.
Ami vow* he will hang their hide
Is*«» Ellis.
W. C., W illiam ; completion of the new grade,
Ing >*r of «anil, gra-.e!
Brink, W. K. Romans. Frank the double curve will lie elim­
cement from the railroad
In the morning late vou may find your gate
Young, C. C. Olmstead: sec­ inated.
» to the «toragr bln» and
On another fence in town.
retary, V. G. Henderson;
the tatand
And our ;ieigh!*>r laughs, when he |*»inta. the
treasurer. Perry Kitzmiller. FOLSOM CHOSEN HEAD
mg of concrete »tart* on
Ed Johnson: trustees. Gus
ipillway dam government
On our buggy are upside down.
be u»mg nearly loo c a r -;
But the laugh is turned when he later learned
i of material a day.
The wagon, for which he searcher.
Dr. Fred Folsom was chos­
Rand. Silver Perras. and Joe
Assembled complete, from wheel to the seat,
president of the Cascade
On top of the bam is perched.
son, Jack McLeod, and Rich-1Locks Chamber o f Commerce
ard Pratt: 0 . G., Shirley Monday at the annual elec­
Ah! The midnight thud, which stirred our blood, Moore. Alf Hugo Johnson, tion of officers to succeed A.
I. Cr»ok» A company,
Ami «»ur anger to thoroughly arouse.
con tract ora on relocation
John Ingerlund, and John W. Meyer, who declined to
Well, if# !>aek in place, on the same old l*ase.
stand for reelection,
ihe S I’ & S railroad track»
, Moe.
But it is'nt the same old house.
practically fintehed the
The noonday luncheon, held
When sske«l by vote of the
The Spirits are gone with the crack o’ dawn.
ruadtwd, hut are mark­
llcxlge to keep the local char­ at the Rapids club, was the
And a year will stretch between,
time now, waiting for the
ter open for two weeks more, first of the monthly meetings.
F. er again vve are host to the Spook anml Ghost
to nettle l.efore putting
President Hale extended the Those who failed to attend
Who visits us halloween.
tie» and rail» and hal-
time to to Novemlier 1. A missed one o f the best lunch­
composed o f J. A. eons of the year.
Noble F. Hyde.
contractor» worked
Erick Erickson was elected
Merrill. V. G. Henderson, and
i of the »ummrr and early
Elmer Erickson was appoint­ secretary over his protests to
umn taking material for BUTTERFIELD TO HEAD • Snow fell on the mountains ed to draw up by-laws.
succeed Vernon G. Henderson,
Sunday for the second time
grade from the pit when-
who took office when the
■piffwav dam will tie into VKTS OF FOREIGN WARS this season. The storm which
every Thursday night, and chamber was formed last
... „«I. II nf
Wnr brought
the jn snow
much e
Washington ahore. hut
Of \\ar
m ^
{he was
the present meetings will j>ej spring; and Ira Owens was
are now getting gravel rendale was chosen con^ marni-
than in Portland, held in Merrill’s pavilion, with elected vice-president to suc­
other material from Ham- er Of Damsite jx* . So M l ^ ^ ^ ^
f|W| am, all Eagles in the vicinity in­ ceed Doctor Folsom.
bland. further down the
Ight to*sue..... .
* t and telephone w i ^ _
idirationa are that, weath- Frank Hays, who refused to
H A T S O F F T O ‘J I M ’ M E R R IL L
[rondition» m-rmlttmg. the stand for reelect ion.
k of huilding the new rail-
Charles Wells, who »».* <!«•-
Orfino. Bell & Malcom, con­
Grand Opening of Merrill’s Pavilion Saturday night
d line on the Washington frated for commander by But­
tractors on the Union Pacific
gives promises of U*ing «|uite an alTair, for the indica­
~ of the river will lie com- terfield by a clone '•",i '•>
track removal job, have a
tions are that everybody who has ever been anybody, or
»‘<1 shortly after the first chosen senior vice-commander
of men and a steam
hopes to lx- anybody, is going to be there.
¡the year.
shovel at work constructing
and J A Merrill, owner of
"Jim" is bringing Ralph Mainwarlng’s 8-piece dance
the new road which will lead
Merrill’* Barlwcue in Cascade
hand out from Portland for the occasion, is hanging Jap-
•re» are lN-ing kept up 24 Iss ks, wn« chosen junior vlre
into the reservation from the
lanterns, giving favors for the ladies and in other
ir* « day in the 1*0 new commander.
state highway.
ways is preparing to make the opening a gala affair.
’’■o' which have lieen built
Other officers elected
The new pavilion has the largest floor between Port-
The road takes o ff the high­
the reservation. Reason I »an llalowell, chaplain'•
I- (I and Salt Lake without posts -and that is taking in
way nearly opposite the tele­
government engineers I,uscii, quartermaster : <>. m .
\ t . f territory. People ar- talking about th«* pavilion.
phone office and will pass un­
the planter in the houses Russell, officer of the «lav: ami, 1» is attracting attention out over the state.
der the railroad viaduct which
" thoroughly dry liefore Mark Shields. P«>*t adv.xate.
It took courage and perserverance on "Jim ’ Morrill’ s
is being constructed across
home» are occupied by
This meeting "a* held at, , ;,rt to build the pavilion. But he has given the Bonne-
creek. It will come
\illo Dam area a dance floor that is an asset to the com-
out down near the present
te Bridge ««f the G«xb hotel
The business session was rot
Community Center building,
munit v. He is deserving of support ami cooperation and
Ar hoys aililrtic assiH'intion |<»wed by a lunch.
, Th.' Chronicle hopes he gets it. An«l it hopes that the
After the grade on the road
i hasert a nua h needed mirror
community, and particularly the people of Cascade Locks
The post, organized lat*
has settled the government
'•wir drnaing room. Now the last spring, now has a meni-
turn out Saturday night and help make the house warm­
will hard surface it.
can f|uit thrir jealousy of the' liership of more than l
ing a huge success.
' I*"-"iv »hey had a mirror. J
/■' f