CHURCH SERVICES , P re m iu m Milk at No Extra Cost” ADK 'A’ PASTEURIZED Dairy Product» Daily service. Get our milk at any grocery »tore or have it delivered at your home. NDES CREAMERY. Inc. KOY SIN N ER, P enrt Community M E Church • »«»ile U«H r Sai ab, Fui nr. ^ uii .U i iK.«.| ■ PubUt W inhip WARRENDALE 10 • m 11 ■ in Mrs. K K (icMailin is employed f w n in * V m . , 7 10 p » for a short time at Coopey Falls. I Fuyer meeting IhurMlay evening. ■ 0 ,am m Mr. ami Mrs. H. !.. Clifton Community Center Chapel •|>ent the wrekeml in town visiting lloniwvillr with relatives. Krv S I) ‘7 SIGN ANYTHING" fly Aino Ferrington ‘DOC’S’ DAM SIGN WORKS # • ♦ Trvfrrn, F u l » r SuiuUy School Firwhinf I nlrrlammrnl ... io a. m l l a m » p m Fubbt Im M to all vrvMri Mr. ami Mrs. E. Marcello en-1 joyed a trjn around Ml. Hood j loop with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hut- j ner. Mr. ami Mrs. W. E. Aue en ! joyed a trip to Portland over the weekend. ALL KINDS OF PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES Mr. and Mrs. Matt Lovegren of Portland recently moved into] e purthiwd I«*» only J'X). This In- chide* wind'*ws. door». plywood l it interior lini»h ami chimt*ey II m house, with tom rrte luUII' ciati n plumbing ami wiring, all rr i> I occupy, costs only $2 SO |i > nu iode» all tala*» c»»t* Mr. and Mrs. Royal left Wednesday for Coulee where Mr. Morgan will liave the |a»ition of master welder. Mr and Mrs. W. F. Bennett vitited with relatives at Oswego Sunday. W. Trubech of and ' Mr t.riffin ol B<>nnrvillr matlc a trip Tuesday ove r’he Bridge of the (lotis ami down the Washing­ ton highway to Ellsworth cannery, .md then across the Vancouver bud -e and back to Warrendale. —o — Mr. and Mrs. M \ Butterfield (\is tetl with Mr. and Mrs. Chap­ pie at latke Oswego Sunday. Mr anti Mrs. Wm. Trubech and Emil (.ulli of Bonneville made a business ami pleasure trip to Port­ land Monday. In Beautiful CASCADE LOCKS •ervice to dam. Restriction» for your protection. A real home town to live in. W arrantry deed. Table* for Ladies Open All Night MERRILL’S BARBEQUE J. A. M ERRILL, Prop. WEINHARD S and ALT H E ID E L B E R G on TAP MEALS and LUNCHES ---------------- - -, NEW BEACON THEATER Mr and Mrs. Wm. Steiner have Stevenson, Wash. iMith lieen suffering with severe j colds the |»ast week. Continuous Shoie Every Sunday from 3:15 /’. SI. « Miss Stevens, who is teaching in the Bonneville school, is now ( building a house directly above Remember—A refund of 5 cent» on each admission from Oregon lier other houses in Warrendale. people when accom|*anied by a toll The Warren Packing company has purchase«! the old Warrendale bridge ticket. Make up a party and visit the show. school house and renting it for a residence. Friday, Saturday, Oct. 19-20— Richard Barthelmess in “ Midnight Over 200 choice homeaitea to choo*e from; clo*e to grade and high school ; w ater; electricity; telephone; churche»; hourly bu* Cascade Locks WOOD FOR SALE Sun., Mon., Tuts.. Oct. 21-22-25 Ronald (Adman and Loretta Young in “Bulldog Drummond Strikes B ack“ Special $5.00 down— $5.00 a month. These lot* are up to 50x100 Some larger. 16’ $5.00 Cord 12’ $5.50 Cord See BIL L K E E L E R A T REAL ESTATE OFFICE, Or W. E. BATES IRA OWEN ., MANAGER CASCADE LUMBER CO. WOOD YARD J B. LA BER. 821 Failing Bldg., Portland. ATwater 6524 Cascade Locks Alibi” A fast, rapid-fire action picture which is Barthelnu-ss' best. Episode Three of "The Vanishing Shad ok '" .And a Mickey Mouse Cartoon Don’t Miss This Picture Wednesday. 1'hursday, Oct. 24-25 Madge Evans and Robert Young in “Death on the Diamond” Brand new and good. Also Willy Whopper Cartoon “Why did you jump out of the way of that auto? You have the law on your side.” “I think of only one law in such cases, the law of self-preservation.