THR DAM CHRONICLE n i K IHM (UKONK 1 F Mi»* H M Howard ol (»rant* I"» 'c'«alm «mi Mi, M, «w| Mr» I reti Worth hml W anda Hawkins. I «.is Meyer« ami ol l.u*eiir Mr» k | | «»their sue*!» Mimla>. Murray »lette l hri|" lûm es were the dl Collins, Mr. and Mr*. Noon ami vrt«i«>n ul the allrrmsui with the *»ll s*«il her« fa, , foil..wing winning fwisr* Wamla • ret» I Hlm '\u»k) h Mr. I’rtcrsori. Hawkins, Marjorie Sevens ami ite«! S(4ftr| y ami M m I ram r» 1 into« Mr ami Mr*, Glynn Howard t.lea Ilei '-.y I nuile a trip l«» Portland Sunday Mr» liuti Hawkm* had a» gural» ami \fwharl h ,,,^ ami brought Mr Howard» «»»ter, Mt ami Mr*. Ih»« Wkkiaer. bon na VISIT THK BONNE LEE BEA U TY SHOP v il l a ftv Aino Frrrington (or all kinds oi beauty work, lhurt an*! Helene Curtis Permanent Waves 5» SO Oil of SamHewood S5.00 Hatr Cutting and Tinting Our S peewit v. EXPERT FIXGER » AVISO Located across from Bonny- Mr. anti Mrs J . " x|^nt the wrehrml in Saxloti Mr. and Mrs. Sam Waddle ol Portland were Sunday gurUs at the lìeorge Linton h«>n>r. vttle Tavern. Mr. and Mrs. 1 L. J»no were weekend visitor» in Portland ami Molalla. LOUIE FOLSOM Mr ami Mrs. O V W hite s*"« the weekend in Portland. Jeweler ■ o— Mrs. 1 V White and mother have lieen \i»iting in Portl.iml lor several days. If we dont have it, we will get it for yon. We repair watches and jewelry. You will appre­ ciate our prompt service. The Charles >hmn ami Walter Hill families left Saturday be Coulee. C ascade, Locks, Oregon DR. Mr. and Mrs C. W While irate an informal dinner iurte at their ; home in Portland Sundae in hot»>r of the. second wedding anniversary of Mr. anti Mr- l I» Dipjwrey F. F O L S O M o-- Mi<* Ttemhlis.n of Glad". >ne - visiting for a week with Mrs. () H. Johns. Dentist C ascadi L ooks , O regon Mr. and Mr« K E Baldwin recently moved here from lK>«l«on I anti art* occupying their trailor I house in the Entpu-i A*fditi*m. RAPIDS BARBER SHOP Mies \irra >antlwick and M i" Ethel Martin of Corliett visited over the Wi-ekend with Mrs I rank ! Linton. ■O 1 — R alph M errutY, Manager Dave Di’’ mirre, .Attendant Our Motto Courtesy, Sani' otutn anil b ' im ene y The T. F. J m*t family spent Sunday in Portland. W. Grove, luriier at business trip to the coast. Bonny Villa COTTAGE BARBER SHOP F irs t Class S. rvice Mr. and Mrs Ire in K Casey* have* recently moved to Shade Nook. H air Cut, 3 5 c Mr. and Mrs. I.. W Nicho!-, recently married. are making tlteir home in Bonny Villa SERVICE SHOE SHOP Mrs. (.ene Bell is making an extended visit with Miss Rita Iienton. H an ey Carey, Prop. Repairing at Portland Prices With Modern Machinery C ascade L o c k s , O regon V , * ft i# ft ft r**, Mr. ami Mrs. Eddy Miller had as guests Sunday from I »alias. Mr and Mrs. Jim McClure, grand- parenls of Mrs. Miller s, also Tom Stout and Mr. ami Mrs Pleasant. At Shady Nook Auto Camp mile west of Bonneville Mrs. Ora Conk and ««.n, Russell. Mr “hank and son. R iami, ami Mis* Maxine were guests at the A J. Moore home Sunday. t :rst C'ait Work Hair Cute, 35 c J. W. Saxton ami O. W. Eck- luml have had flaino installed in W . L. G R O V E , B a rb e r NO RESTRICTIONS Shady Nook, In * :,ist r «turned front a Knitted Dresses and Scarfs for Lall Trade. or $100 Cash IN HYDE PARK Mrs. Kayo < i Gresham was a visitor last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs J t ■*'< arer O h ! guests last week were Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Woodard, Mrs. Merle Pauline and Lloyd fhigh of Cor- I !>ett. Sunday guest» at the G H Fe-- rington home wrrr Mr. ami Mrs HOTEL , la-sler Maxson of f'ortland. Mr. R<«oms by day, week or month md Mr» V if Jamieson ami Mr. We serse regular meals and Mrs. E En^uist <»f Spring- Clean■ Hospitable - Comfortable I dale. W e h a v e o p e n e d th is s u b d i v is io n in an effo to provid e the a v e r a g e p e r s o n a n o p p o r^un^ to h a v e a h o m e a t t h e l e a s t possible BRIDGE OF THE GODS ( A«< MW Lot ks. < hateo* TOOTH ROCK GARAGE r Auto Electrician Battery Service and («eneral Repair Work Tel. 8F7 John Kavanaugh, Prop Send the Chronicle to friends. . Mr L**e who ha« been »pend Slug some time in Idaho, is now Hiving in Bonny Villa. Mrs. Ia*r operate» the Bonny I,ee Beauty Parlor. I $3 Month 36 Payments And The Lot is Yours i f r*eT DONNA M O H R Dress Shop $3 Down ft ft ft VX t* arc plating no restriction tin building. * t K h»rni*h|0! jjj own spring water at M .no per month. We arc making ih« P*' as easy as possible Ibis addition named in honor of Oscar Hyde ,f - ..i | SEE US FOR LUMBER AND BUILDING MATEW^I CENTRAL LUMBER CO. Mr. arid Mrs. Claude O’Dell and Wyman Layman of Portland visited Sunday afternoon with 4