The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934, October 19, 1934, Image 5

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)L I.
ju ttin g *
E v rty
E ju u lo m
(hr ( M u i r la .k » Pubiic Vhooi*.
B ird B « u u n O pens
NO. 1
' «Tt' H coil h u m Hood R iver
Ih r jilm u n l » w m o|»nnl
plraiantly *ur-
la (krif i»w» tk o k f Ol DU
Monday in II ihm I River and Mull
ir lee lion of
furnM « (ircuUar badgi nomah «»untie* ami ijuitr a num-
ihr Hood
ol inlutnwUMMi when H I* tirr ol hunter* look to ihr field»
Kivrr library rr.uly lor circulation
( f j Mmtrnli »ho havr a in trafi h u| birds 1 1 » *raonn nuli
m ihr Knglixh clavm thin werk.
(y parlaci aw ****’ in *U*a (k tôlier II
Formal ilawm m grammar wrrr
«m , |o chuuar a l y j * ol
librarian» ;c|*|«oinird,
Il»r dtuk season ofirn» today
(oumi a book
ol grratiy krwrr gnulr than **al »ill remain <n»tj until Sunday
to reading.
««Niki r i j n l ol Mah »lu «•Khi.
night, ■ »lien
it do«r» until n n i
I-Ilrr »rveral of the favorite au-
* On thr o*1» " h****« *>°y* Friday, .SaitinUy ami Sumlay.
drtrM i h 1 » h i * J I * * * •*,r I !w la» (hi* yrar nukr» lor only ii*or» wrrr »dected ami exierpts
of llinr live» and work» were given
nfti rrai!«•»•> ol manaamr* ° l a 1 «rrkrtwl «h-mlng.
in claM.
•cntil» »alurr
I In« wrrk b.i» l«-rn one devoted
S t a t e A d v e r tis e * L o la
Ih ihr rtin,<,,,n '* ,hr iunmr*
(Miking up looxr thread* of
«(■ Kl (»agr-s. arr only ttwidm
T l r Male In a<tvert<ung ils ihrrr ilir *ic wrrk» ( mikm ! Magazine ar-
lo lirr huildii»* U» «*«®* **“ ■ loi» on IIw highway tn Homwvillr
U, yrl irM» |at»vr (hat n»M ol (of u l r Ih r loi» »fr im atril JuM lid n have field (irM place in the
u r irlhrf u|> on »*n r ol ihr wuih ol ihr Malr mod and wr.l attention ol Ihr c law » Since the
(ornmercul geography d au es arc
y'l qur-Jxim
ol I yrrll » Tavern, and lir rrarly »(inlying n km Irrn cornnirrce and in-
Kal*» (*<•£>-una vary ln lhr«r • «(•(».»Mr l i r »(>>1 wlx-tr ihr tin*
,roi m stmlenl», »Uh «Lim e u» road into ihr rrsrrsation innnnt» dii'iry, ihr lionnrville dam, union
»Irikrx ami world allair* are of
•41 os Ihr n»*4 | - 1 ni U> Io thr with ihr highway.
alrsl numirr. Ilmtury, allho
I >alr ol ihr wile has Irrn lurd
I hr senior i-.ngli»h claxxr» arc
a! uuilrtil» likr tu lalk a er*- (of Oclolirf 11 H r loi» will go
coni|4rlm g »u weeks projects on
n in»Mini ol ll. r « lrjr>'il>K in
I" llw highrM biddrr ll i- i. ihr thrnir, “ My lioliby Horse.”
«* lila an»-. II »unr »»Uri» ran rf4 „
, h4, |hp
Howard llain vin lia» collected
-¡a i out thru htUory with an
III I r Imught up by individuals vimr inlrrr«iing Indian legend»
qraJwg b .a y, »Uh «Tiu*t» ami wanting luiunna lot alums orat
chiul historic »(«>1» in the Col­
«tur lo aida« I ihr boy* ami itir dam
umbia (»urge.
„ r t ami on hexlni Irmlrr» to
Iz-Urrs wrrr wrillm last week
Ihr ryr id ihr gill*, ihr
First Ml wrrk gratin (tubllshed by lice hygiene i lavs to division*
¿Id» %u|T>ly id hiMory (rather* (hi* wrrk by Ihr high whuol ton
ol tlw I ’niverscty of Oregon ask­
juki Irai a path to ha» duo*.
tamed 26 gtailn ol l," Ihr high ing (or |M*riinrnl m atrrul. The
rM gtailr gi>m. II» |irnmlag* dax» hojm to secure *»mc while
( ,yauwit«« /«aIV.
tiring ‘>4 IUU I I m - girl» liififarri ihr rat* (or nuking c*|irrimrnts in
TV lw»*rM q»»l in ( a ladr ll»l with l ‘> gf-oiln lo »rvrn (or the die! and (mling.
xk* iviw <la> » i» Ihr high «thuol
i our
gitomi ire*, Dwvt
nuuuimi h irty altrtm .m Ihr Jo h n » « , <*ri aldine Konkin, Janr
St kit m i /Lv/v E led t.
m u in u-r In* lia»krttiall prat ■ (•rilnrl ami i • . . , |r.i< '« k, lirai!
The high «chiMil »tudrnts held a
:r uji lo * n ik r k I »<• a llrf n| ihr »canilal »iwrt with a »(targhi meeting WednescUy, Octolicr 10,'
allrr »html M l*
Mot " I ’ tard, lia»mg lour roi h Faye and rim Ird nrw student body ol-
««an has bet iLam ing i L m n I •ou» dir, wnuit, came nrtl with I birrs. T I hist rln Ini were: Faye
Jr* T I A tu|m rW un I wo ihrrr oui ol » («.«wühle (our j «- i I »«iu\ ill«*, (ifrxidrnl. I Irlen ( ilaziri, I
nm.'i a wrrk Ihr boy* |*a « (k t (n i
l*«i» M nrill, »rmof, ami «nr (grxnlrnt; Ians Mrrrill, sec­
àMlall, onr rvrmng ihr lown l^-tiald Ma* I kougall, w»(»h«*m»fe. retary, Howard Harrison, treas­
<trn ha»r a 0 im u u u n i «la*», wrtr nr«l wilh l*n , ami Haflrll, urer, Peggy I‘racock, social chair­
il i*ow ihr mgmrr»» a ir to u»r Kan/irt Howard llarriMNi and bla man Harry Cramblrt, sergeant at
Ik»* onr mght lu* organizing (ilaxiri ig*r r u h
ir baikrlluil tram. All in ail,
( U n h ( o*w fxtmt ml " i
CkJpnt Punished.
gym is |u*l one tri »ex ol
Ihe linn Mudrnt council was
ni» ami li k*iks bkr (hr M O
I-a»l yrar» budogy flaw tr-
11 nmi lo | mi ( a few murr «Ley* ihn i lalxtatoiy work from ( lia» lield la»l Mnmlay (or the purfiose
wrrk lo lake 1 Afe ol a Itili«w t* I>avi», i » r |i«rvilmt ol llic ol drirmuning rrsfionsibility fo r ,
i «ich In use (he (lout.
l'nivrr*ity \jn»atalu» tocnpaay <d • ihr destroying of sc T hmi I property.
B rtylry. ( ablornia, wl*rn Iw vi» Mtrr i|urMinning sesrral students,
Urne lit Show.
lin i Sui»» Hrndrfwin l»rfr T u n the guilty party was determinedj
Ihjnt kagrt ihr I*. T . A lirnrlil iia> l ’arlHularly wa» Mr Ha\i» 1 and punishment was set at ostra-
um m (hr high scluul auditorium im pm srd by ihr wmk »m mounl- uism (rum school affairs until (he
new la y rsming, Ortobrr 2 J. 1 hr mg mammal skektinn, whnh hr j wimlow was paid lor.
y cIrainl on ihr prriorn un rr *.*nl wa» vnnr ol ihr Im i work l*r
SihtnU Play Delayed.
11 hr uvd by ihr organization had »rrn in high m I n » I» Mrtnlirr»
Hue to illness of Al Jenkins,
hrlji »uin*irt ihr hot lunch pro- juf (hr bioingy i lax» in I**•* * '*
wrrr J r a r Naxxhahn, I oulkn, (»lay rehearsals scheduled to start
l hi> week have been delayed Al
Inr* I'rrraa, Suw hloi, Evrrill
o|»erated on in a \ancouvrt
bwk M ukuim m , Us year» l ayr Ihiuvillr. Ilrlrn
hospital ami is re(>orlrd (o lie gel- !
or luskrilull (ilavrr, returned to /irr, Ian* Mrrrill. Howard
I ling along in »(»lendiil condition. t
'■ ■ d Mooilay allrr Iwing alnrnl Harriton. Ihik MacKinnon, Hai
rr«i wrrk\ ||r will Iw cpiilr an ry t lam birli, kaith hundy and
T he Bonneville Women's club
I to ihr llbir and (»old ijuiniri Jim Kirb»
met al the home of Mrs. Bauer ini
( a fa d e lawks last Thursday. The
itext Hireling will I n - held at the
home ol Mrs. Henry Mason in
\\ arrrmlale, and will l»r in Ihe
form of a Halloween party, the
dale licing (hlolier 25th.
* * * * * •*“
Veterans of Foreign Wars
DaniNiU* Pont No. .*IO.r»I will hold il* Annual
Nonurmtion and Klection of Offircra at the
TUESDAY, OCT. 23, AT 8:00 P. M.
f^iilv inc-mlxrrti w h o s o d u o s a r o p a id u p to d a te
» ill he e n t it le d t*> voU *.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n fro m
I^ain to Ijo c k it a n r l r e t u r n , le a v i n g C o m m u n it y
f e n te r l i o u a r a t 7 . 3 0 p . m .
m ec coffee or beer a sandwiches
"Did you grl a hair cut?”
“ No, I just had my cars moved
down a hall inch.'’
S p e cia l!
Cascade Locks. Ore.
It's thrifty to have a telephone.
It*» tiMTul-thrifty to be without one!
Let uk show yo u ju s t how little th e
cost w o u ld
b e o f th is in o n e y-sa viu g s e rv ic e in y o u r hom e.
Tm; P acific T kixfhone
T elegraph C ompany
W e A r e F e a t u r in g
Baby Beef Roasts
Fo r T h e S a tu rd a y T ra d e .
W e suggest you order early
Complete line of Fresh and Cured Meats
Milk Butter Cheese Eggs
Phone 17
$6.00 a Cord
Winter is coming on.
Call us for block and
slab wood from one of
our mills
Quick delivery
All cash sales
Phone 241