T H E DAM CH RO N ICLE THE d a m c h r o n ic l e THE DAM CHRONICLE FALL MORNINGS When morning frosts the m ellow s, And the fur is on the stock. When the cider * in the cellar. Ami the kraut is in the crock, And the lard is in the larder Mark A. Shields, . . E J it * From the hog in sections hanging, John H. Travis, h u sm fss M an iifrr And the breezes bring the echoes O f back yard doors a banging; S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S When the snow upon the mountain* By Carrier Come a crrrping down the valley*, Onr month, bv carrier any­ And ash cans full are cluttering where in d is tric t........... 20 cents The wind swept morning alleys. Three months ...... 50 cents Where pussy cat is prowling, By Mail Early morning breakfast seeking. Three months ...........- ..... 50 cents With an eye on bandit tomcat. Si \ Hungry, ‘round a corner sneaking, One year When the rooster midst his hatrm Reveille impulses check. Editorial and Business O ffice in Snuggles dre|>cr in the leathers Bonneville, Oregon. Mechanical With a wing around his neck. Department in Cascade Locks, The early bird can have the worm For all he seen« to care, OCTOBER 12. N '4 W hen he sniffs the morning zrphvn \nd the frost that crinq« the air. W A TER D IS T R IC T S When the last late leaves are falling No richer soil is found in <>re- <>n the roof, to dog the gutters. pin than the soil between the toll And the sun comes dimly slanting t)ti the sirejirrs through the shutter*. bridge and Wyeth. Families want And l ’awr crawls from the covers— to live on small acreage and culti­ Which is far from his desires— vate this soil, for they realize that .And mumbles in the kitchen. from it they can find health, hap­ Vs he nukes the morning fires. piness and an abundance of food. The rooster later follows Absence of water on lands ly­ The last hen from the roust; The cow is lowing by the turn, ing between the mountains and the river has caused the bulk of the Inqutient to lie juiced. land to remain idle for three And Maw is getting breakfast. quarters of a century. Building of And Paw is out of doors; the dam has stimulated interest in You can hear him out there whistling the land, has created a market for .As he ikies the morning chores. it. .And this interest will bring The shades of night are dying about the development of the In the corners of the room; poultry and fruit industries, which The scent of bacon frying will make Cascade Locks a thriv­ In the air, is sweet perfume. ing community alter the dam is Ami Maw yells, "H ey ! You lazy ones, completed. (.¿el up and soak your head! Cost of putting water on the Must hunger ami necessity land is prohibitive when under­ Remove you from that bed?” taken by a single individual, but W hen there s ice of early morning, it becomes a comparatively simple The horse trough thin upon. task when undertaken by a group And the stock is breathing smoky, of property owners. .As the sun. dull, greets the dawn, The Oregon state law permits Ami it ain t no time lor loaling of the creation of water districts. When the snow is on the mounts, Money to defray cost of laying Old Winter's in the offing pipe lines is procured from taxa­ And every moment counts. tion. The taxes are liitht ami offer - Noble F. Hyde. a practical method of carrying ________________________ ________ water to the land From week t o 1 ~ n ___ . week The Chronicle will explain _____ , , the law in an effort to familiarize £ [ • ? a r ' r!*, ‘ Published every Friday in the in­ terest of ihr Bonneville Dam Arra bv Ihr Dam Publishing company. ,1» public with it. other rural The Key to Fax Réduction . . . is Fax Education Vote For G E O . M . KNOX For County Atsetior O p e n A n d Ready F o r Business Under New Management EXPERT MECHANICS NEW EQUIPMENT Power Wrecker Any Type of Automotive Service Electric and Acetylene Welding SERVICE CECIL MALLORY GARAGE GEORGE BlJUDSDEli dt.^ t»tu tu u i .»lot- mation on resources of the com­ communities are taking advantage munity. of the law to their benefit, and it But too many people have lieen can be utilized in the valley to busy with personal affairs to in­ the benctit of everyone. terest themselves in civic affairs. •And the town, like Topsy, is be­ A F IG H T IN G S P I R I T ing allowed to ' jes' grow." From the east comes reports Once a week is not too often for that large users of electrical energy- the Chamber of Commerce to meet are beginning to interest them­ Much is to be done. An hour a selves in the rates at which the week is not too much time to federal government will dispose demand from every resident of the of Bonneville dam power. r t community who has the progress With the passing of time these , , / . , h i i and development of the district at inquiries will become more and L ___ ^ . , .. . heart. Growth of a town is deter- more numei >us. Scouts well lie , , . . " , u . sent out to investigate proposed 1 7! ' ' ■ l u 1,1 1 f |>eopl»- •fferent they sites for the location of industries! industries, I the must not feel surprised or hurt and some morning the community rill awaken to learn that a na- when cwrnmuni,y tionally known manufacturer has a ^0%et in ustry. selecteil a location for an indus- ^ ( hronicle should like to see trial plant. *^e weekly noonday luncheon, re- The plant may locate in Cascade should like to see every Locks. Or it may go to some other property owner and every busi- town on the river. That is going r,f ss man cl,-'se UP shop and give to depend upon the people of Cas- *‘‘s or t*nM: * couple of cade Locks. The town has an hours to the upbuilding of the dis­ abundance of land for industries, trict, and to treking an industrial ample water, cheap power. It is pant for Cascade Locks. ideally situated, with water, rail and highway transportation. And Tourist: “ What * the charge for when the dam is completed it will this battery?" possess hundreds of cottages and Foreign Mechanic: "One and a houses which can be rented to em­ half volts, sir.” ployes of an industrial plant Tourist: “ How much is that in Wishing for lightning to bit us. American money?" is pleasant, but urtles* we run up ____ the lightning rod there is danger Mary, aren t you getting that the prize may fall to another big to play with boy»i?” town No. mother, the bigger I The Chronicle feels that the the better I Like ’em ." EXTRA SPECIAL ON LAUNDRY T O T H E W O R K M E N ON T H E B O N N E V IL L E DAM New low laundry price« to tho«e leaving lau ndry a t our new laundry building, opposite com m iaaary building in obi Atkinson camp. SPECIAL BUNDLE 55 CENTS A com plete weekly change for w orkm en in clu d in g mem^ro# the fiewing on of buttons. NATIONAL C0MMM1SSARY COMPANY DRY CLEANING LAUNWtf