TH E DAM CHRONICLE The Best In EIMERS FORCED TO FIND ] LARGER QUARTERS WITH EAGLE CREEK Hy Mr» Hugh W. Coppie. E A T 5 G A S SHLITZ ON TAP O I L MORAN’S Famoui for It» Good Food DEW DROP INN Club RreakUiti Regular Meni» Sunday Dinnrra A Quiet Refined Place OPENING VARIET Y STORE TAVERN At the rr»ult of a tremendous Kny Olivrr » 4 1 a buttine»» vi*i- increase in business. E im er» Elec­ lor in Portland Monday. tric anil Novelty store has found it nrtrssary to move into larger Mr and Mr». Hugh »(xnt Mon­ quarters and add a greater variety day at their homr in i'ortland. of stock. The new location, to whirh they will move this week, Mr. and Mr». Everett K (¿ovan is just west of the stage depot. have gone to («rand Coulee. The store will lie o(ien for busi­ ness as usual Monday and Tues­ Mr. and Mr» H. A. Thompson day. The grand opening is set for havr moved Irom Portland to live Wednesrlay. beginning on that at Eagle creek. Mr. Thompson i» date tickets will lie offered with rrn|iloyrd oli I hr dam. every purchase of one dollar or over. On Saturday, October 27, at Ih r hridKe «Inh met this week the new store at 7 p. m. there will mi Wednesday with Mr». James ¡lie a public drawing for the five I Faul lion. prizes to la- awarded. These prizes -o — will include an electric heater, au­ Mr and M n O. V. Thomisoii tomatic iron, electric toaster, elec-1 acre Mood Kivt-r visitor» Monday. trie coffee maker and a buss lamp. | Mr ami Mrs. Cummings I AMERICAN qxnt thr weekrml in Portland. BONNY VILLA Hal) mile west of Honnevtilel BLITZ-WINEHARD AND SILVER SPRINGS BEER * jt jt Bottled, Jug and Draught Beer Sandwiches that are dif­ ferent. Try our Special Hamburger ou Toated Bun. ‘Sit ami Sip by Our Op> n F in place“ LEGION TO SPONSOR MASK BALL BLUE RIBBON ON TAP U nder th e Fenton«! .M anap-im-nt o f Mr. and Mnt. K. B. Andenton. Mr and Mr». ( Hester Arthur, Mr and Mrs Donald Davi» and Itili Mead a rre gin -l> this week of il..- U II K.. >1 o— Mi- M iri«- Obier of Portland I qirtit Mouthy with her lather and : ipatldl.lther. Mr anti M r Em l Snider were Portland visitors Saiuniay. Mr anti Ml Ih-lliert liait" daughter, Mr. and Mi». II Ut-ini ami Mr. and Mr*. J. 'shot.p s|n-nt Sunday with Mr Mis s T. hi> ngt-r and M Ray anti Mrs. M fellers is qxnding the week, at New ber g at th e ho m e of Bonneville P o st N o . hB. Amer­ ican l-egion. is preparing to put on a Ilallowit-n nuM|Ucradr bail the, night of October 26 that will give the entire district something to think of beside the approaching! winter rain».. 1 I m - (» 1 st ex|K-cts to give tw o ; l»rizes: One ftir the- best tlress c o s-; Munir and one for the lx-»t deptes-j 1 sion costume. , The dance, to lx- held at the ] < raiginont hotel, wil lx- <>(>en t o ; the |iublic. Plans are under way 1 to use plenty of colored lights and decorations anti, weather jx-rmit-! j ting, the lights may lx extended ¡out of doors to create an atm os-| : (»here new to the community. her (»rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ainsi retry. i milts ran it I k . New K:ist A uto T ru ck S ervice betw een P ortland C ascade lax-ks, B onneville anti B ridal Veil. Portland Office Ninth Avenue and Irving Telephone BRoadway 0-141 L’«»cade Lock« Office On Main »treet in the red warehotibe building R. J. WUNER, Agent JMnu rar NifT QUALITY MEATS A I PORTLAND PRICES Next Door to Cascade Food Store You n et q u a lity in m eats an d prom pt service w hen you ah o p in out market and what is more to th e [m int, you a re not paying primium prices. Uiir »hop ha* been establi hed for m any years. I he public lo n g ag o cam e t* » know th at our prices an* no h ig h er th an price- paid in Portland for th e nam e q u a lity of meats. O ur delivery service ex ten d s dow n the hijihwa) to Dodson. T h e d eliv ery c ar goes through the <1 ¡.strict every m orning. O rders placed the night before go out shortly a fte r 9 a. m. YOU CAN GET THE BEST AT ANDREWS, YOU KNOW*’ ■ «’ ** *• , * For tlie convenience of tlie eni-i ployes at the dam the National Commissary company is construct- i Mrs Imogrne Hutchin.-on. who! ing a new laundry depot, direct iy visiting her sister. Mrs. O. V. .11 r«»ss from the old commissary I hurn.ivm, nas tailed to her home on the reservation. I in San Francisco, Mr. Hutchinson A complete laundry and dry j having pneumonia. cleaning service is to be inaugu-1 —o — rated this week. One of the fea­ E. F Sohlst rom, who is with ture» of this service is a special 1 th«- txiieral Construction company ; bundle rate, the bundle to in- 1 ; is moving * i lot I ' which was |>rt- elude a complete change for tlie viously occupied by the Van Or- j i workmen each week. man family. The new Tricolour dry cleaning —-o - service is another feature. In this Mr .inti Mrs \\ If VanOrman service the article to be cleaned and ('hartes Hollingsworth left | msss through three distinct washes ¡Saturday for Orami Coulee. without being touched by hand. M| « I ■ 'I \\ .i r t Juhn Me - (»itvray and Franklin J.»r\ i- frani t J McDonald of the Nat Vancouver sfxni Wednesday eve- Commissary, Inc., flew to Seattle with Mi and Mr- Robert «od return la « Wednesday. McCiilvray ' Iom Creacy, of Pacific (o a st 'Steel company, has turned into a — 1 > — Mr anti Mrs. Oli Johnson anti anti Mrs. Ulf Johnson anil landscape gardnrr. Nice going. daughter of Veil wt-re week Ioni; lin|H- you can grow a bttard enti giltst» of Mr. anti Mrs. John s»*nu* tinu*. Ingerì und " h o said Columbia would not have a basketball team? Our hat is off to the guarii that Mr. anti Mrs. Ttlgar I*, Cosby draws the Sunday assignment at entertained Mr. anti Mrs II Jones the gate. Hi» is a tough job. Mr» Burton and J. Jones of Port* See the new walk ill fr..iit of the latiti at a Sunday night supper. Prescrpitions— Accurately Compounded by Registered Pharmacist at CASCADE DRUG CO, Phone C ascad e Locks 52 » i M FOREST WOOD $5 Cord $5.50 Cord Delivered in Bonneville $6 Cord Delivered in Warrendale TH E H AR VEY W OO D YAR D Rear Of Lakeview Market — o— Mr». J. ('. Johnson is s|xnding i few weeks in Portland with new grandson anti family. o Mr. anti Mrs. O. J. Berger of Portland were Sunday guests with the Jack i unimings family. Mr ami Mr». J. Kindred and I lenrv Donnei Ixrg of Portland sprnt the wrekenti at the Irvin Hall home. Miss Bertha Slater Smith, well I known Portland dancing teacher, I is spending the weekend with the Jack Russell's. She was only an optician's daughter, two glasses and she math- a spectate of herself. I A M E R IC A N L E G I O N HALLOWEEN MASQUERADE UNDER AUSPICES BONNEVILLE POST NO. 88 Bridge of the Gods Hotel Friday Night, Oct. 26 MEN $1.00 LADIES FREE