AM CHRONICLE CAHCAPK lA H KS, OUKdON, OCT< »IlKIl 1«, 1M4 IGINEERS TO ,‘USPEND WORK ON 3 TUNNELS C L O D F E L T E R B U YS M ORE P R O P ER T Y ; EN LA R G ES MERRILL WILL OPEN PAVILION I! K. Clod fell er, ton ol S. () iTndfeller, it prritanng to build n . . . on that purtmn ol hit lather » lot now occupied by tlir budding whkh houird the vegetable ttand. ~~— The « lodfrltrr« have |Hir< hatrd Hnge _ flo o r , IT.w Under R oof, Ihr proprrty, thu» going Ihrm U to Be Uaed f i r s t Tim e lull Inmtriir imi the tlrm . I h r on S a tu rd a y N ight old buUdlnit now no the loi it O (to b er 2 7 . bririK moved onto tlir lot adjoining "Jiin " Merrill's new dance pa- ihr |«‘"'1 *» largest I v a iv si . , , ( danCe floor between I'ortland ami I ' •*'r'., „ J \ l , K' T ' '“ * IV ndl««, will U .h r .,.» V m Magr >11 « r t linuiuai up |hf a , a , l4 |k„ „ n U n tl»e mude ol lite building and the ntght ol (Xloiter 27. ttuilding tables OjM-nmg night falls on Saturday aod plaai are under way to throw a dame that will attract pleasure seeker» (rom The Dalles, Hood River, Stevenson, I'ortland ami WITH BIG BALL O D D F E L L O W S SOON T O C O M M E N C E R E B U IL D IN G The Odd Fellows appear to be approaching a porition where they v s tt? r t X No. m CONTRACTORS START TUNNEL FOR RAILROAD would have I tern under way a m„n,h ago except lor the (act that Right o f W ay Cleared and Icn in Ruckle Hlldo to the larternal order hat experienced Crewa Busy on Viaduct Be Held P end ing more than itt share ol trouble in Bridge a t Dam and fu rth e r S tu d y . collecting itt insurance. Eagle Creek. A. W. Meyer has been in I’ort- R rk ' • * 1 'inurU imdcr lind lor several days endeavoring With the right of way for the *° get the insurance adjuster), ami mountain wrsi <>f ihr loll new line of the Union Pacific rail­ 'I w e » ly in I hr « ~ k f t for thr pur|**M> of draiit- ih it thr M u r would hr lirrpwrrd road tracks between 'Tanner and Kinkel Wide has lw*n halted Eagle creeks al cleared, Orin, Bed to start work within 10 day» on & Malcolm, contractors, are pre­ [tunm N I «I i distance of ncw building, paring to drive a 620-foot tunnel Irrt, and will I * halted in umJer a ledge of the mountain ex­ tunnel* shortly, tending down to the river, just e rtiRinrrr» havr filled In west of Lagle creek. any lar*e flow ol water and The Kuckenberg-W’ittman com­ ;<■ i •* i the r e s u l t* o f i ihr Vamkjuvrr. pany, Portland sub-contractors on rt dofw to «late lirforr advatu Covered with a hip roof whkh the Eagle creek bridge, has a crew further into the mountainside rise» 36 feet above the floor, the of 20 men at work excavating for |uvihon is ol «ulfkirnt size to I ifirul |il*r>* jirovulnl ihal ihr the pier and abutments (or the t >nr ol the concerns doing work «commodate several hundred pro­ rlt l«e driven into thr moult ! bridge and hope to complete the Kern &■ kibbe, sub-contractors ¡ ¡..i, w¡thin a f«-w «.wk« to ■ltd rock, but since m» «*> the dam i» the .smith & Rosen file It is tiring rt jui |»| jed with rest ha» Iren .(Mr to determine ta sk Towing mm|uny of ( awadr and (h n k rooms and will lie on the railroad work, will com- berkmcier & Sarmier, sub-coo- ri 4 i ! lia .itir-n ol the largir l í a l o At jicrsent it has in <>|era- lirated with a furnace mrm. n eap in g the mountainside tractors on the Tanner creek via- Fame of thr ftavilion has al- J,ls| wrsl " f formati"» under thr slide tlon a flrel of three I»..its and em­ ,o11 bridge within lluit a, lh<. fish haUhery, have an­ ready spread up ami down tlir rr , . ■ wfiether 4in ploys around seven net», other crew busy excavating for the Ihe Warm, largest ol the (Irei highway and promises to bring thousands of tons c«f rock ta piers to carry the tracks onto the I tunnel« to gtralrt «lepri». is I er ha I ss thr lastest tug on ,j,r large crowds to Cascade Dicks lor km from the excavation for the reservation, and expect to com- Ini hule« are still bring sunk j rivet. Powered with a Supmoi thr dames this winter. Merrill f lower house and lovks, ami this menee to pouring concrete within (he unfair in ir tr th ol in­ lull diesel motor, it fus leen used Papóse» to install a 7-piece or­ will lie used by the contractors in a short time, mate*» ihal f a y give the en ín lowing piling lor < m » c of the « Hestra. employ a master ol cere- facing the mountainside in an e f - ; A concrete mixer is being J /*■ mom«-» ami put on dames that will fort to hold back Ruckle slide. erected on the reservation near this T» a due to the «• berrai» >ut* I tempMary railroad »pun Betty, another of tie fleet, ha» %urP“ » anything to which thr Kipraping is to lie carried on lie huge rock dump pile. Concrete for > d r<* k lHit nothing of 11*» Sfinite r i’ -r has leen revealed i leen used m moving turgr» jm| public in surrounding towns has tween thr toll bridge and Eagle the Tanner creek and Eagle creek ___ One ol the turn rls _____ has _____ leen , dfrrigr» m the mam < tunnel Both ,,rrn accustomed. Choice of the creek. Much of the rock for the jobs will be mixed there. Tanner si to a j» mt under thr ruad****’ Betty ami the IK*«» havr I mcii ,,f'hr»tra for the ofening night project wil lie taken from the tun-¡creek piers will require bSOO lesti» to the Harvey Fox I ,ft »*»»»ng {«ling (or trestle-» bas not leen announced, hut it nel which is to lie driven lieneath square yards of concrete, an the tem|a>rary' railroad work be one of the liest in I ortland. rooth K< m k. jost west ol Eagle I he contract held by Orin. Bell rm ■ i D a k s , but >»nfy Ihe Hum, wliah belongs to Originally as an ojen-air creek Other rock will be obtained A Malcolm ends at Eagle creek, I» » of water is 11 - -w “ lla n k " Rosmlws-k, lias rnently la v ,bon.^ the floor has not been from the bluff on which the Sam- Their contract must lie finished by out -f it Nor is mmh water injured by the ra'n* 1 be floor is ^ ^ I^ncaster cabin stand s late spring. When the second sec- ung out of the other tunnels leen overhauled and two new mo j tion, from Eagle creek to the toll Iocs msiaited One of these rm>tur» <>f hrmhak and will have to lie overlooking the reservation. Ileok-gist» ding to the ofiinxm •»•I H 1 1 l" ! « H W . bul a,t" ,hr Preliminary work is being push- bridge, will be let has not been ta age» i vast the mountain and the other m a \ an Bieurk 6 J rd by the Contractors, and the ^ [ r x u n ^ i. but probably not be- il lorwv • » I'd tie river and Iletter condition than when laid Union Pacific is putting in a ‘‘»re the first of the year, if then. Il I ikrd the drainagr ami (Mrv rnl last summer The new roadbed, tunnel, via­ trestle at the liKks to expedite The remainder ol the fleet is thr water Inan reaching the Merrill has not determiner! as duct and bridge will be of suffi­ work of getting rock off the res­ up for the winter These D ais . . , ... , . , , This they say, causes thr tied ... T . , . . yet whether he will hold dances cient width to carry a double ervation. . . . . , ► ita ' « t like a l»>wl "I will also lie (Haied in aitive »er- oftener than once a week, but he track, but only one track will be vice with the mi* nig >f warm By (troposes to use the pavilion every laid by the government. weather in the »{»ring. Saturday night. M the midweek The engineers have found Steel work for the Eagle creek crowds are of sufficient size he guider» n-,\r,| mth bit» wi»id bridge is not included in the pres­ JUST RUMORS will hold damrs on Wednesday d gravrl ai they progressed into OFFICIAL FROM ent contract, but will be let at a nights. mountainside, ami lr l »atland „ provide acoustics which , , of (he Aluminum ... roof . will iter that tunneling was under „ cover man. Three or four doctors river through a tunnel or an (oOHwny oI America wh,ch ,» wj|| (nakf |hf> music clear and In t'.r government have l>een in town within the past ' ’P4,0 cut bas not been determined, » / ,» n»«'tr i fervi i mi nmi i Wimm niv iaioi • ------, controlled by Andrew Mellon, lor V rwjueit hav Iwrn macie by the m n I' S. m rp t.ív «I Ir »,u i> . _ th rr. wrrks looking over Ihr field. I l>ut 31 an.v r a ,f inditaiion, are t r' • • • i» t.i it c t ha. loon in and M -d < a . Z, 7 »' unable to n « * * fb e 1» * « 3 ch a n « . i l l be nere^rry i utk on tw• i nx»rr tunnels If the Pork» for thr |iast week His sur|Misei| at the immensity of it. identity of the particular individ­ the highway at the point where it for the flikor a i >{ »ears to l»e much ual who has made up his mind to winds up the hill. ix . ranted work will l»e IMrsrmr in town ha» given rise , . larger than formerly now that it is The state highway commission l-irirtl r (all and tarried on to i rei»»ri that the huge eastern settle in the idurict. . . \ isitors from ,• ' en« lo-c«l. other town» and n$lroad company are still ^nmgh the winter,_______________ i ■•riBiration is larrying on an in . '. .ire strong in their praise of it and sparring over a joint right of way Then there is the report that ten».ve study of on ..r«um..e» in ;|rp hf, jng a(JxrrtÍM. it in p„r l. through Ruckel side. Numerous the defunct Checkerboard Inn is IUSINESS BLOCK AT DAM the district with a view to utilizing )am| ;in seeking locations for different in t i e election the meeting "Hr Men «itile ioni|ui»y: tlw veils in m !» of its pnalucls to the Thursday night when a large class lines of business in the district. promises t • lie well attended. o lie initiated into the order at No hot deals have been recorded burth by i bar. card room «tv . or«l Motor (om|Mny. »•'d hall •uvl the fifth, on the Cariami has declined to discus«« i « remoli) t«> I h - dire»tisi by visit- (j urjng the week, but three or four O F F IC E HOURS thr puqiose of hi» visits to Cas- ing Eagles from Stevenson are pending and may break any Our Bonneville office liKated on The initiation will be held in day now. tit end, liy the BonotvUle Colf«#jcxdx Liicksand^i^ ^ hrihtrning .................... the second floor of Tyrells Tav- im Merrill s new pavilion. The vern, is open every afternoon from \ 1 Funk upcrtnimdmt in h‘,|* ¡¡*ì :* his presence in building will >'<• entirely com- It only takes one small jack to 1 p. m. until 4 :3 0 . News items, ■targe of ihr work for t.eorge H. ,nl' i.»n Iw learned he , , ,tj but it h.i> 'I' ;■ '•••/ I co VtzililiU IUI * u»i - * t So .... - been enclosed lift up an automobile, but it takes subscriptions and ads may be left m ....... «nv. n ln cto on trk ... ....... „ *nv » - --- --------- ■ k . at this office. m < m E S iJP * f rrrw s,,u‘:hl an> S d £ bring mad« rm áy lo t m t ^ |0t V i a c k ' to teer»'« on r * ,he ^ ‘‘dttBt this week. {imperiy. ' by , he Fugles ■ ' ° Jack t0 kecp “ up- ipivtlon of D ra llin g « Byx TUG BOAT FIRM IS KEPT BUSY; EMPLOYS 7 MEN a RIP RAPING OF RUCKLE SLIDE TO BE STARTED . ! Ì not