The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934, October 12, 1934, Image 7

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a Prem ium Milk •! No Extra Co«t"
Dairy Products
Daily service. Get our milk at any
grocery store or have it delivered
at your home.
HOY SIN N ER, l>nxrt
Community M E Church
Hv Aino lernngton
Krv U r l i F Smith, Pastor.
Sunday Siboul
io t m
Publb Worship
II «. m
Kvrnmg Servir»
7 to p m
-A A A
. A A,
Mr. and Mr# H. Hilton have
moved into one of the Steiner cab­
l‘fu)rr meeting I hurvl.ty rvrmng ins.
Community C enter - Chapel
Mr. and Mrs. ( has. Jahorra
t Bonnrvlll*.
»(rent the week end visiting with
Mr ami Mrs. Ia*e Jaborra at War-
K*v S I* Trvlrm , P u ta r,
Sunday School
.... 10 • m
iM rftain m rn t
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sharp and
Mr. anil Mrs. Allen Tilley of Port­
land are now residing in tw^ if f k#
Lively tenu.
Mr. and Mrs. William
thur Beecher have s|»er»
days the past week in Portland.
a ,
g p
Tubiti invilrd to alt irrv tcri
Mrs. R. E. Goodlin, a former
resident of Warrendale, is visiting
with Mrs. Jack Rowe
Mrs. Harold Withrow visited in
Mr and Mrs. Wm. Steiner sfient
an enjoyable week visiting at the
Newport and Agate beaches.
Mr. Lively will build about six
Mr and Mrs. Waugh who have more modern houses on his place
hern making their home in one oí at Warrendale. These houses will
the Steiner cabins have moved to have five and six rooms and will
tie ready before the cold weather
( oulee.
j sets in.
The A. R. Me Aden family who
Mr. and Mrs. W. Teubrch made
have lieen living on the Lively
trip to Portland Mon­
, estate have recently moved to
lionny Park.
o —
Mr. Ibiuglas B. Lively of Port­
Mr. J. Colby of the Fox farm
sjjent Sunday at the Gresham auto land is sending a few days on his
estate at Warrendale.
— r>—
M itm .il (<>r this h>>uor ran !«•
|iu tilu v il f«»r only yto. Thi» in-
i ¡mira Windows d<*>r», |»iy
Mr. and Mrs. W. Dunn enjoyed
Messrs. G. H. and E. J. Hatha­
way of Lyle, Washington, visited a business and pleasure trip to
last week with their sister and Portland Saturday.
brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Butterfield
\ in*
s|>ent the week end in Portland.
Mr and Mrs. I» Bergman left
Mr. Davidson and Mr. Johnson
last week for Coulee.
are now building houses <>n the
Mrs. Richard MacDonald vis­ Warren Packing company land at
ited with Mrs. Royal Morgan on Warrendale. Two other houses will
be started this week.
p i r r p ’------ *» t
f<>r » n lr flu f lim a li a m i « Inrun«-}
litt» htittir. with u m a r tr foun-
«Liti«»», (dumbing .»ml wiring, all
tr.n ! \ to n r i u p } , Cirai» o n ly |¿ & 0 .
Mrs ( amillo and .Mrs. Murphy
Mr anil Mrs. W. F. Bennett
visitors at the M. A. Butter­
-[>riit several days last week visit­
ing with friends ami relatives in field home Monday.
Ibi» itti lui Ir» sii labor cirai»
B an on C o m p s titio n
D a rin g tlii< Mid lie ag es. ib-lglum
had very s tric t law» to p re v e n t
w h at It c o n sid e re d t<> I»- u n fa ir cum-
¡•etltlon, w rite* I»a.ic H«*r»hkow!tx.
In Collier*» W eekly. In a l le a st on e
tow n, c ra fts m e n a n d v en d era o f
goods w ere not only fo rb id d e n to a d ­
v e rtise b a t th ey w e re not ev en a l­
low ed to s ta n d In th e ir d o o rw ay s
fo r fe a r they m ight blow th e ir n » œ a
or s n e e te In o rd e r to a tt r a c t th e at ­
te n tio n of pasaera-by.
In Beautiful
E a rly U s* o f D ie«
Die« w er* p ro b ab ly evolved from
xnucklebooea. It la a lm o st Im pos­
sible t* tr a c e c le a rly th e d evelop­
m ent of dice a s d is tin g u ish e d from
k u o ekleöooea. on a c c o u n t o f th e
i-oufnsion o f th e tw o g a m e s by s a ­
cien! w rite rs.
It la c e rta in , how -
avee. th a t both w e re p lay ed In tim e s
a n te c e d a n ; to th o e a o f w hich w e
r r itte n
U. S. Tidal She re U t
Over 200 choke homesites to choose from; close to grade and
high school; water; electricity; telephone; churches; hourly bus
service to dam. Restrictions for your protection. A real home town
to live in. Warrantry deed.
T h e to ta l len g th o f th e tid a l
sh o re lin e and to ta l a re a of cootl- ,
n s e ta l U n ited S ta te s. In eted tn g Is­
lands. Is Sl.wt-J s u t n t e mile«, o f
w hich 13.1 VJ rallee la In A lask a. I
T h e a r s e o f co r^ Jn e n ta l U n ited
S tate* la 3 .0 » .7S9 sq u a re m ile s ; (
tb s a r e s o f A laska. Including th e
A leu tian I s la n d s la .VW,*m sq u a re
m iles.
N a tu r s liia tio a ia C a n ad a
B ritis h s u b je c ts domicile«: in C an ­
uda «lo not need to ta k e *iut nut-
u ral'r.aflo n p a p e rs. U n d er th e p ro ­
v isio n s o f th e fra n c h is e law th e y
nmy vo te a f te r th e e x p ira tio n o f one
) e a r . U n d e r th e te rm s of th e im m i­
g ra tio n a c t n B ritis h su b je c t o r an
alien m ust live In <‘a n u d a (Ire y e a r
b efor* heiunnlng a cltlxen.
Disl. Supt. Thus. D. Yarnes
will ho hero Sunday. October 14,
t.i hold services. In the evening at
7:.(0 communion will he held and
.it the close of the service there
will he a quarterly conference.
• welcome. *
$5.00 down—$5.00 a month. These lots are up to 50x100
Some larger.
Cascadla Kebekah lodge No. 22
will meet at the home of Mrs.
Charles Hageblom Wednesday eve­
ning, October 17. at «S o'clock.
J. B. LABER, 821 Failing Bldg.. Portland. ATwater 6521
Tables for Ladies
Open All Night
J. A. MERRILL, Prop.
for AH Kinds
Rain Clothes
Our Stock
Is Compie
Men's S h o p
’'« scad e L ocks