— T H E DAM C H IO N IC L * THF DAM CHRONICLE — ------- — ▼ y y e f ww Meals 25c CASCADE LOCKS Always tastv anvi o'*'«i st the WE-ASK-U-INN A. A. A. A AAA. A- G race S coli tí .-I. /.. Zmtdtrdm* Proprietors Cascade Locks. Oregon i SA TU R D A Y NIGHT ( Excellent Music Congenial Crowd Admission: Men. 33c Ladies Free PLUMBING We handle all types of plumb­ ing. heating and sheet metal work. Office in The Dalles Freight Line Bldg. Phone 131. CASCADE PLUMBING and HEATING G eorge Spickermam, P rop. JOLLY PARTY Lou Zuiderduine and Mr Liv-' ingston spent the weekend in Port­ land. tniDaforöODsnom Springdale Orchestra THE LUCILLE BEAUTY SHOP Mrs. Lucille Henderson, Prop. Cheated temporarily at Mer­ rill’s Bar-B-Q. Phone for ap­ pointments. Ford and Chevrolet Ignition Specialists Fender and B *dy Work Fi-jt Ci.-.is Painting Acetelyne Welding Ga»—Oil—Water—Air Cascade Locks /tv Ahau Fern nut on . M.Æ. (Anti why not? f«»r our mill hat* w fathered over 50 winter* in this Gorge To Build Soundly and Well Mr. and Mrs. Tom Campbell were Hood River visitor* Tuesday IF Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ridenour of Newberg visited at the C. A. Brol­ liar home Saturday. — o— Mr and Mrs. W. S. Wilkins and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Curtis and | daughter Betty May of Hmid River visited Mr. and Mrs. Fran­ cis Reuterskiold Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. (»uy I-evens of Portland and Mrs. Wallis of Ore­ gon City visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brolliar Mon­ day. District Superintendent Yarns of the Methodist Church will hold a quarterly meeting at the church Sunday. M OORE’S GARAGE BON N EVILLE We’re Advising You Mr. and Mrs. Albinr Sumhten of Boardmen visitetl Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sundsten over the weekend. Mrs. Fred Lundy and daughter Viola and son Everett left Sunday j for Toledo. t) ,o,| Mrs J E. Ale under I he Holes ns nu) resole h e " I * " 1*4 nently. —O ■— i orgatnaaloMi „ •'ll' n* w ti n t inn etn|>lu> n ol all ^ o — tiuy W ...I, j ^ n r'd ie U r I ir» 0 « ,, a » r t n - u \f,„ Verm*n lleiwlerson an»l Set Jame« I’m her raped« lo lauiwh « - k » I ............ , Howard Harrison was.» business mother Mm. H. O Ferguson o i |4 |„Mi (en g bulli al \\ arrendale «hi» ctwdng .r r t ^ visitor in Hood Ki\rr Saturday. Hood Riser are «firmUa« a lew Friday. *' «* «miai Mrs. Jess Glancr let* Monday tiavs in Port lam! ami will return St hoot Smiti Mr. ami Mrs. D 1 Ro»!t, who (or Oregon City "here >hc will Krula» St mimi Ua|> ,,| o* —O— hast* I wen h» in« »« Bradford is- visit her mother M<>mlay with ).* « \ Swadle\. an old time rr»ident |4,*|, have tm»»rd to I'wtland wlm« l ’Un* I im the m —• — Mrs. Wm. Sauter and Mrs. hrrti .,t f a stade I.«*» k» ami member ol ______ A W \04 o( t ,»«» .»«If Hmner «t»e«l» at the \rt hie \n were di«t o»»n| JwiQwhm ij-L Bell o( H. hh I River s|>ent Friday lO O P S ,, | ,»ks. diet! at the 0»M Fellow» ,irrsu« home SumUy were Mr am! »»• r ln t n l Id i , inKr, ^ % : with Mrs. Frank Strader. 1 1 m l I'mald I«*. Mrs J l W indir of Portland and 1 week to home in l\»rtland Su inlay. Junior ll.«t.«i h.» rttw»7* Mrs. Jennie Madden who has Mr ami Mrs K A I oison ol »*h.«.l alter ihrer « |t two months Mr. and Mrs. Frami» Reuter- Rrl»n. W a»h illnewa. returned to her home Monday. »kiold who formerly livnl at thr M I tannili who I» empltryed „ e s, Coast t , W . Power ------- , plant ....... - at .......... . . i« . . . ............... — ............. liW *•**»•*ru itk * J , ^ West Her Mr and Mrs. Joe Miller were man t reek arr m>w living in the 4t (hr telephone offne, *me, Vivian M m Uri» ■ MiVr^ Mrs. C. A Brolliar. the sexentrrnth. -a — ft"*** * Urne arm t% --O— Mi>mlay everun« at the lamie of lime Iasi win Irr It *v ^ Mrs. F.rwin Brolliar anti st»n Mr 4ml Mrv letter Sprague Mr ami Mr* Irigu«.*» «>n Brad rtvary l,e her to r.nok « V ""-: ä , ' ,r' L" ”1 S* ,Ur' ret med nd a party - a , M d ... 9m m evening wherr Mr Sjieague ha» honor i»f Ra> N"»th»ult ami ' I f I bir-1 («railr 'no ( in?*» *’ . * , U i been iindrr mr.h. .il attention bw I rrguom I U \tki(*wrft lw)H ptV ,l t i l Ma,llrv kilhtm»h»r*| ' . a , i in injury while w<'fkn« on the gov wntr«l 'I r I erv ,-e ' f . t riian I ’ rahrrkWA, \ m : 'tew itt -,WH t.,e wet ' ‘ul j (j f r t | k.r ( , . Mfr I . . k » w a tth w it h I » i aive r r v r a t c t l ■'» fo u rth t . f a t l r I H,m I lawk —* in Portiaml. the second on the month it ami Mr Nurtbcull received two Yvonne Kolm. K* ■ turd Toni, i ,l.t,l»tooe (tags Mr« I r f g u « « P lierta ''iwaret. < \arbs k-v«^ M i>s Margerat l..u\ was a wit I lean I low arti. Ridurti Simm ■wrvrtl rrfrrthment* Doctor ami Mr» I bttr brant. end visitor in Portland. 'largare« Joy 'lille», Hrtty Pa» I formerly of t"a»»jile Lock* ami -o— f Hood ' 'W residir»« it f i l l ind '!» m d '* Beattv of Portiaml le»g, lt*ei» J<*»rx, L « |j Mrs. Meri- Ev in» I ith l.ratle I s., .t»- rs'W Ka» charge of the I .»ue \\ » «Iw ard b r a couple of m d. viMtrtl Mr. ami Mr», A Si»th lo a tlr (lark vhrari man. hr | »s«tif» a g »«I ivat ufe» 1 Peterson sjju n Jjy weeks. grm that t>|alm serxur with a Billy Baldwin |.4lr I j - wm , }¿ti sh«nn. K tiw ll Krhryr, ly« Mrs. Jennie M.iddrn i» home »mile Mr. and Mr- I C. Harrison \ nth M ind Mr* 1 II from a wx-werki tay in Portland. .......... ................... < t th t»ra*le Da« 'wry Ly S i< « il I lidi» of 'l i Harrison and son Ruhard at din- and is again occupying her home. I ',,,w ' SraM^ ; l it Lloyd, \nnar i n ib * next door to the Bridge of th r'*” ' ‘,n ' r,: ,r> “» , ner Sunday. I -hth (ir « lr JiAn Tersi, God* botti " 1,h ,hr "u * r * ' ,k Jl » N-* K i«r t rt titani tortai « nouniwiry « omjsany | hr 1 Mr. and Mrs. L L Forrest of Hood River visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. h Caras Sunday DANCE Every Wednesday Night Mr aitd Mrs Clyde H 'W-yn ol IV» Moines. Iowa are visiting M» Horace Woodward, Miss Viola Hick«. Ruth Woodward and I-ouie i Herder of Portland visited at the j home of Mrs. H. S. Osborn Sun­ day. J. A. Swadley, former resident of Cascade Locks, died Sunday at the I. O. O. F. home in Portland. You Plan To Winter Wisely Perhaps you’ve never .seen a real gorge winter? Months of turbu­ lent rains, gusty winds, stinging froKts and riviing snow. Well, the upshot is that you’ll be mighty uncom fortable if your home, however small, is not sensibly built. This Means Dependable Lumber W t* know from experience that a few dollars wisely expended <»n sound lumber (and to be sure, where can you buy better Imber than o u r.), clever planning and a good carpenter can make a modest home a very comfortable one. BRIDAL VEIL TIMBER CO. r- C" BRIDAL V EIL, OREGON : r „ Sa,.e* KeI,rw*n tativ e will be glad to help you plan 150 Brid>' Veil Promp, Truck S e r r i» Room» for Rent— Fn private mod­ em home.. L. W. Reuterskiold. < 3 |