[l U> N" 1 iVY DEMAND FOR HOMES IN ICASCADE LOCKS CHRONICLE CABCAPE LOCK! NEW W ATER SYSTEM IS A B O U T C O M P L E T E D OREGON, OCTO BER 12, 1934. EAGLES SIGN UP 300 APPLICANTS FOR NEW AERIE PACIFIC COAST S T E E L S U B L E T S DAM C O N T RA C T N U M BER 28 GOVERNMENT TO SPEND $50,000 ON BUILDINGS Work ol installing tiw water I he Pacific Coast Steel com- *y»lrit; whuh Ilie government it |«uny, ni San Francisco, which has huiliiiriK to take i are o( ihr 20 new tiir Contract lor the steel that will hiimr* now M arini mmpietion on lie used in construction ol the the reservation 1 » aimul luushed. foundation (or the (tower house Workmen luvr been busy all Employe! »1 D *m B e c k Stevenson Lodge W ill Have and the locks at the dam, has sub­ wrrk putting on ihr final tc.uehr* Administration Building of Vnu lor D o lin g «* **»«! C harge o f In itiatio n o f let plac ing of the steel to the Lar­ ami testing ihr line», and iarj«rn- Brie k Construction to sen .steel company, of Seattle. 8p *rtn ien l* »• C l*»* on Night ol ter» arr raising the lower whkh Stand Near Recrea­ Ihe Seattle lirm has erected an O ctober 1 8 . roll lu cre**® » will «upfiort the tank Out it to l*e tional Building office in the quarters occupied by installed »*• «h-ourol lor Jim Merrill» new pavilion the ernment is erecting on the reser- lawk* 1» heavier night ol rf 18, when an aerie ! vat ion at the dam. , than at an> lunr ilm r the which will imlude the entire lion- rfomrol lumtnem«! work on The administration building and net die I »am area, will I*- e»tab- l tUin the ecoml building to be put up lislwd by the *tate organisation. |( ^ • r • , t li \t I ! I< *11 C» III ■ lor an auditorium and recreational 1» 1 1 Hail, »tatr president of y»mHhc J 1 >hr* COO|»ny. center, will stand near the pro­ „ [».w working Wore than Ike Pacific Telephone (1 Trie- the Eagle», wm up Tuevlay from pos'd new railroad station >v*t be- a ttn , *ml with l hr Columbia gta|*h company ha* leaved quar- ('•inland ami held an inf<>rma! —— low the present gate. I*he admin- Ignition i<y> ‘ b* ter* in the budding now teeing inerting in thr dining room ol N’o definite arrangements have i-4 rat kin building is to be built of o M m in n anil «be govern- rrrtted by the National I "inmiv kriluc C o o k » tavern in Bonne* liern made a* to who is going to bru k and will Ik* of jiermanent « nlii" r •« odditMWul employ- »ary cnnqtany on thr hijrhway in , tillc. Tuesday night J. A. Morrill, dcupy the Community Center, character, while the recreational | llottne* die, a* c ording to .innuutt r> , *tair organiser for thr Iraternal Inc. There have lieen many aj>- center will be of frame construc- hK'anr m > [noiMiuiMcd (hat rnent by II 1 I i.»\rn;»«it, man' order. q*>ke to a group of men plication» lor th« (»rojierty but the tion. Umtlirt luvr despaired ol agrt |ui the trlrjih* nr company ' (mm the dam at the tavern. reprt enteil by l'aul C. I he two buildings are being put Ihr initiation of thr class and ■wnrr g x !»mr in the tbtkrkl. i lor this ant| surrounding trtntor* K n P rtland attorney are taking j up at ). I he gc»v- the installation ol thr aerie at thr nrtoin apiiinwnt* air tiring tleir time aliout selecting the ten- eminent 1 » putting in the founda- > (tavilioil promise» to I m * quite an i « i in «UHrirnl |oM» ol town, The quarter », to be u upird ents. lions, hut exjiects to call for tods i allair. Tier metnlx-r* taken into n,:m, t n oci* ic»tt4g*-» or al*>ut November I, < .Numerous rumor* have been on the sujier structures. 1 the order 1-»>t uninter when the >ij Ijxih in ( a * 4ilr 21x40 tectum on the gr- nd flour, Eagle* l»egan organising in the d;»- making the rounds this Lest week ij* the highway, m il but the above information was ob­ aiwl mil (aoville 1 lu nuiinrw olfitr, jtrict prior to thr lire are tiring |>i:! ihr Mjj^il) «••li' •fa ratini/ i<> ni and livinx quar- tran*frrrrd to the new aerie by the tained from King late yesterday laf *vh*>lt <•! liw »lr* trr» I he l.iMrr 1 » l< » Ralph B »tatr organization Thi* will have afternoon. "W e are taking our time about Markwarl, agrtuy managet and the re*ult ol enroilmg the majority r ChtuOM lr ha* rhdravufrd hit (amily, doling the deals for we wish to •I the bus.nr-a mrn in Cascade t all tac ant tot la g o , ami to oiler the community only the The lelcpbonr rom(uny will un I,.»k* ami Bonneville in the order. IfTi *ha! house-» ut apaMnwtit* • ilertake ihr mtrriot Itnishtng •>( Eaglr* from Stevenson will be best. King stated. 1 gitng (■> I* taianl with a view ilt ijoaMet* («rorgr Hui kirr. Port- m charge ol thr initiation, and in* ptMcn,’ the information on to tarnt (ontraetor. ha* thr contract duation* n<>w arr that a large With the opening of the new prot>ir who vt»il thr office In lor thi* wotk number ol witr* may be forced to school in Bonneville about Nov­ fctnh i ! 4 plicc to litr. but dm JU ST RU MORS ember 1, the teaching staff will be the j w'( 10 day» hat Iwrn aide A new twiuhlaurd. eajuble ol wait up longer than utual for the- j ncreased to four members. lollrf little or cumlort to the handling twwe lite tele(*h< ne la*|return al lagganl hutlund* for it Considerable talk has been go­ *d> ttream ut viti tort. itlltie* now nerewtary in Bonne- promîtes to lie early in the mnrn- The new position has been as­ iuquine* whuh have tome lo tille, will Iw imcallnl in the new ing hefore the last ol the clast 1 » ing the rounds for the |>ast lew- signed to Mrs. Peggy O'Keefe of Oí ron ule. coupled with in- telephone quarter*. There will be run through the mill. Officers day» relative to a large openair Brownsville, who formerly taught une» whkh are known t« have *»> Interruption in tríe n m e »rrv will lie elected at the meeting ami market to be built in Cascade in the schools down there with rm odclrnwcl !.. butmrta firm» n r when tbr ch*ngr Ir.un thr prr»- the order oiled up to take full l^xks. Blue prints are reported to Principal C. A. Robertson, who is have been made and a deal is now head of the Bonneville school. zoughc.si town, lead» to the ion- *witchl*uril to ihe new 1 » charge of its own affair» In the alisrmre of a regular meet- ^ d to lie under way for property >he was employed by the school luibi>n that at leatl 100 home-* made. ►■ukl have been mated within thr I"he Bonneville tele(>hone es- mg place the order will ute the on Main street, but The Chroni- board at its regular meeting Moo- »•▼k had they been a v a liable ' change. lir»l mwtml in January liauhon. iTotnisf is held out that ,(* has not been able to confirm day night. “ this report, so passes the rumor T h f mmi|)R Monday night was • men un ihe dam. thst yen/, mm serve» 8S tele- club rooms will lie early as possible However it is (, Friday around 400 lots after ground for M. C. Wood. 54, foreman for much favorable c u u w n t that *ree* and clearing away umlrr ^(|) f(inM> ar„umj ,hf victim will streets has been excluded in the Pacific Coast Steel company, was I * legt.miia.re. deleon.nrd U> tnuth ,ee,»rat.^y to >1Urr„ thr„U|,h the tract ol «round- ^ 0T , hrows lhf {>ant, the result of a fall. He was rushed dr-.vr out lr.au Portland b e the Mtrthwr«t corner of Cascade! ^ ^ in with\hc. am t. Accord- Then there is the report that . „ ... . . . , the St. Vincer miaiion and every netghlk.r whKh he .* ..(ening up as a (|) Mf SjlIK f thf cuat ian , the federal government is about £ to t.he ,S V V ™ . 1* Portland by Dr. L. W. Jordan. „ ,n ,hc “ ••"«‘" ’‘U« «ubdivWon. w„r,h much without the («nts. readv to commence construction .................. rrprrv-ntrd. The subdivision, containing nine ,n,( ,,n ,hr other hand it's getting on I0Q house's to Ik- rented to men }f h * ' " l " 1” wfre rHU » * « « as aires i* iwtrt of the Mmidy tract coj < j run around without a employed on the dam. Like so iirst 1 0UK **■-' many other rumors which fill the Several nbs and h.s collar bone 1EW SCHOOL R E A D Y F O R hich wat ojtrtievl a* an addition The coat was size 58, coarse air these days, l he Chronicle has wrrf broken. It was believed for USE N O V E M B E R J i ï Z wc ive black, with |>eak lapels, been unable to obtain confirma- a time that he suffered from a Work continues tu («tigresa ra(>- a n d tt west of the md its return to the l . S. Engi- tion of the report, so again must concussion of the brain, statr highway, r'> «tough on the new Bonne neer s office at Bonneville will be pass it on to out readers for what 1 l>e accident occurred as V\ood |Mi«t«Hicr. ''He public school, which the fed suit-tblv rewarded and no ques- it is worth— if anything. was attempting to shift a timber Ihe lumlirr company blight • on one of the 75 foot head towers. cui government is errcting at 4 the trait fmm tl»e owner* in one • »t of 5 IVIX», luit It is going to __________ Representatives of an aluminum His peavy slip(ied and he fell 3bout block. It i» wiHileil and ha* never r another three wrrks, at least. "lore than 40 residents of Cas- manufacturer are re(Hirted to have *5 *Hen rolled for some dist- lieen imprtwfd lev» (iec>ple in . ' 1 M ' ,il Iding will be ready f ll ,. i^Kks registered to vote in been in the district the past week an<*. the district knew to whom it l'"r '«i *i|>.ini > li »I R',\er county during the looking over the field. This report The tower, located near the view- l'ut (akrn from the road Iwing longed three or four days Postmaster lias been tossed into the same slot ¡viint, is being built to support the Sime the property was opeiu-l '“'fi into the railroad camp just f rank Hall had the registration with the talk that is going the south end of the tramway f o r *>"inl the v he ml house is firing 14 lots have Iwen »<>ld ami n >s I>ooks open for this precinct. The rounds on reports of represents-1 pouring concrete into the forms U"i|nd mi the silkkil ground». rr|M>rted Hut a number of house» registration was divided about lives of other manufacturers who in the locks, fn«'ugh dirt will I«, used to bring .vili Ixt started by buyer» at once. evenly lietween Ihe democrats and are said to be casting about for Mr. Wood has been living at industrial sites. Coopey Falls. «rounds up to a level with the It it named in honor of President republicans. ,w»y a,,,l permit I. imi I m aping. Roosevelt's estate. Hyde Park PHONE COMPANY TO MOVE OFFICE IN BONNEVILLE f i J PAUL C. KING TO ANNOUCE TENENTSS00N BONNEVILLE TO HAVE STAFF OF FOUR TEACHERS * ^.v i I