t h e dam ch ron icle TIIK DVM CHKOMCI K THE autum n DAM CHRONICLE Ihe davs grow shorter with the year. In Joseph * co.it the wood* u|*prar. t he maple, turning g»4d »*•»»• l«o»n. And oak. their leaves an- tufting down The morning winds more loldlv blow. Forerunners of approaching mo« A blessing, it you rralur Its chilly touch kills off the llirs. And from these summer rwlden |x*»t Dumb brute and man tan takr a test. Published Every Frida) at C a» cade Lisks, Oregon Ci MMivs Jk S u iti os. /V J. M. Cl'MMINS, . . M. A. S i m u » , . . • SU BSCRIPTIO N J >: ’ ' »Vf RVTES T iw Month», by malt bn Month», by mail- One Year, bv mail •- >0 1 ^ * 00 The flowers Jroop on withernl stalk», l‘he lawn encroaches on the walks. The garden, dead, among the weeds W ith brittle pods, bird roblnsl of seeds, \\ I. hopeful Cll H ifb -It the holn In vain ioc gophers, ntiir or moles. W hich in the earth, now burrowed deep, Have starlet! on their winter sleep, Among the grain and nuts they ve stored, Assured of winter room ami board. The Chronicle serves Eastern Multnomah county and Western H ihh J River county. It is dis tribute»! to all camps housing em - 1 ployes on the Bonneville Pam. F R 1 I>\\ 'I I II M B! R > M I he clothesline sags l«eneath the weight Of things we yet from childhood hate; Red flannel», woolens takr the |4air Of silks ami thing», rt' fringed with late Behind the house are many turds Of seasoned wood gainst winter slorrd. On cellar shelves, in neat rows stand. Food by thrifty housewives canned. The sound of ace rings in the wixxb, Man i» bus) Nature brood* HEAR EM ALL I & Politics are beginning to claim public attention, now that the dog' days have become only a memory and school is under way. First [political rally of the autumn cam­ paign will tie held Friday night in Cascade Locks »hen Jay H. Upton, republican candidate fo r: congress, »ill speak at the high school. from leaden skies there drift» the sound The Civic club is holding its ¡ hem! traveler, southward bound. monthly meeting Friday night and The nimnxl ia»t» »her* salmon run since it happens that both the Kid tlad. the hunter roam» with gun. rally and the meeting fall on the W I. ■ »ill. dr»pltr bright xarlrt suit, same evening, Mr. Upton »as in­ Contrive to oft each other shoot vited to speak before the club.' Park clouds, the skies now thickly drift, I he sun »een seldom through a rift. W. J . Carlson, secretary of tlic From summer dust the air i» clear Civic club and republican pre­ I or autumn days are here. cise committeeman, is in charge of the meeting. He said that Con­ \ obit A //vde. gressman Pierce, democratice c a n - ............... .... ■ --------- di.t .e for re-election, would also want to increase the numlx-r of be asked to speak before lite club. JUJ5rs and briiadcn lhr Klipe oi Armer.inn Caught After This will give all who desire to see Hiding for 15 Year* the new» service. and near the candidates an oppor- l*tanbu> »I'p K o i llatrh a l»ufl tunity to determine the choice of «-». ah \ (*n lirlng In Utanhal. t •* two men lor tin» important, CalÜornift Boy Gu’ras • t i«*«l Irsihwra for (tflaco ymra oil tee. Pound of Le^d Pellets Mr. Upton lives at Bend. If elected to congress he will repre­ sent all of the peopde living e a s t, of the Cascade mountains. A lawyer by profession, he has been a member of the state senate for a number of years. The first congressional district includes all of HmxJ River county. It meets the third district at the Multnomah county line. This throws the Bonneville dam area into two congressional districts— Eagle creek. Bonneville and War- rendale being in Multnomah county, are in the first district. Ci« Ang«*! **, — of •hot rutti*»] on th • it»*r <>f ti<* Kni-rg*n.-y !>■•«[,ìial at t'a«a !<-tta • lien |thy»lel*n* IS T M tla t"! th * frange Ulne»» o f nine year old poh. •rt Taylor. Jr ., of I ' j o l e a , who • a« hróucfct In from a nearby thw- itr r inffertnc from pain* In bla tomarh. Vn X rajr photugniph r*»*ol*«t • WlOri-r n f atipply It ah.iw*d he l*>y »till liad a h i ml ful o f pet '* : * In h!* stomach. h i * I r g «wat- lowed nearly a pound o f them, he ■ Id. a few hour* tiefor#. At the th.-ater. attend ants found II shot on the floor and at the erg-nry hosi.ital he roughed up t handful more. AT LAST Puring the past week The Find Women Detective» Chronicle has (seen busily engaged Are Failure in London in installing its own press, and laMidon.—A lter at* m •nth** trial, before the end of another week .ol.ien detect tv*a have l*.*n found »e hope to have completed a task i:wn<-i-«-**fiil In th * m *trop»!ltsn .•>!!> « fore*. of installing a linotype. This TV* w«r..*-n. h i»*v.*r nr* taking equipment will make it possible It «toll-ally. Pi» |*.,!l<«•-. " m i '« i>,. for us to set and print a complete- il<*w comm -titItss: T he average «• ,1111111 1« li, n i- t * paper imder the roof of our new to del*- . quaiter.», where vie are now at ■ntlre!) •ip;>" SlnriHivw, many w t « : m I n f r many favors shown us by in­ - gully amt nr** **'fi Iin*ll lug !,* viting pub’ic inspection at a grand I'lmlt the Rlwoltifi re»- •* Itr of training < .5 t ' ! * *!r 1 i . I opening. i he h printing depirment is in op.-r.t id practically every­ thing n -.-*sary to tlie well man- n , ■ i w -i |y newspaper office, ex­ cept an office cat, »ill luve Ixten :< n: r'i jy the mid-’le of October. V. ' ule ni-taiiaion of the last cv ji . . nt we hope it may i>: ."id . , ì’e Chronicle that it i > < r.e ,i the nicest small town (Hants in the state. The public has accorded the paper splendid support. In return we have endeavored to give the district the liest news{>aper that limited facilities would permit. With the increased facilities we Occupies New Home Think ng that aftar aurh a liana. Ill» »'•••<■"1 ( ¡ i m i n i K * would pew i*n t r* •>gnl: -n. ha taolur«*] m l into th * M r**!« and <-*»*4 |h* long ti.*roor *.1 T u rk 1«* p» lie* w *r* tw»t long ta pl<-klng him up on a mur-W rt arga. Hal badour.an had baa« with tha all.*«] fo r*** whan latan bal w at o e mptad a 'ta r th * armlatirac Will two cm -t«ir,l.,n* It la attagwd ««at ha kll 1 «-l l a a Turklah poll "man • h,-n lh*» r*nM>n«tratsd with tha ttio for atihojrtng a Turklah woman Woman’s Hair Caught in Gear; Her Life Saved l» *a « *r --wnwara twatily fl»a. from hrpaklbg ha» n**k In wtilrrit.g inai-hm*ry Mra Imwn wara atnopn] o * *r to phk up a hob bln that lim piad to tha fl.ior wh*n h*r hair b*> an,a m tanglad in a r * Tolflng ahaft. Mr*. Minóla J lUlay w l***I h*r (>y th * ahoulth*r woikar bald *,n to h*r f**t unlit th * power a n ahnt <*(T. F re e tube t.-aling A ll types re,>«irrd R4(J^ ins. tailed . C o m p lete lin e o f tubes « „ j H. R C Icnifelter, l'rUp S ta g e D epot Phone 20 ( as*«gle | ^ 1 milts l i i 11 he N e w F a s t A u t o T r u c k S e r v i c e b e tw e e n Dortlnnd ( '• s c a d e I a k 'R b , B o n n e v i l l e a n d B r id a l Veil. Lear# /*»mtUmd 10 00 A M. At. t » »P R 6 00 IV M l tiivt l é u é d e I j h Â$ » It A t * Jo r ii ^ MOI* M 10 00 I’ M P ortlan d O ffic e — N inth A venu e and l n ^ T e le p h o n e B K o s d w s ) 0441 C ascad e I a k I is O f f i c e O n M ain street ta th red w areh ou se building R. J . W U N E R . Agent Y ou C a n E a t, D rink And B e M erry at the RAPIDS CLUB / H it A / M i K V. V t o fi' lm REG U LA R M EA LS SH O RT O RD ERS You will rnsiv ,xir f.»■ ! 4ml our aervxr A sat pU tr li# thr Uiltra to rat H E M R IC H and S A L E M B E E R ON TAP Beds in O ur B u n k h o u ses ZSc a Day Sheets, hhowefTM, heat, liicht, « tc Q u ie t . . . C le a n . . . G o ar it ::: A N D A R EA L PARTY E V E R Y F R ID A Y NIGHT A M M U N I T I O N W e are carry in g an e x te n siv e slock of »beds t d can m eet your every d em an d . New stocks W r Firemen Rescue Robin; Woman Sets Broken Leg NX, \Vh*n Mra John A Holt working In h*r gard*n aaar „ rot,In *ntangled In a radio aer’ -it with It* l»-g l>rok*n. aha ttiriu*] in a r.ra alnrtn A tlrnuan, ualng a lndd*r, r*«< Iii»t tha IdriJ. Aldmt 1 .» til* nr*«iiiti Mra Moll dr*««"d th* wound and faatilonad a apllt. ]'o ) low'.f.g whl*h >lr llnbtn joined hit tuuta In th* tr**top , apparently In f : i * fa tll* a x rfj.t for a «ng to on. Charley Hewitt has finished hi» ruw home in I. >keview Villa to » |>>int where he anti his family re able to orcuiiy it while car- »e.ivrs complete the house. Sgver-.l houses in the sulxlivision Modem Enoch Ardcn» re rrariii'i completion and the Return With Families asc de Locks Water company are Un*luir*«t Mlawl t ' uhm fa li,1 4.-11 now laying mains into the proix-rty __________ * | iiid «l«».rg Vldor, r*tiiru ln g t» ttuHr It Paid to Ba Thin \\apt>!ug. Cono. Tti«re are timi-« Radio Service »1 TuplH g nf r*r tw.Mity y> «»a Iri Mlherts. w h ers tk « ]l W*r<- fak *n ■« |;rl«nr.*ra o f war. tirought wlfh when It la « 1 x 1 van lent to ti* -*Uiu »h«-m th *lr Mllierlaa w l»** and "tilt 0,1 At * w K “,f K|v,,n by worker* tren .. u __ . n i thus a*»td*«t th * Kn1 iirtd of (iu rrn v )‘l, ileliverr«l lrT,m «<> Wyeth I'hoce- 14 F t . Bonneville, or lea»# word market < av oir I ixks. MILK—CREAM—BUTTERMILK BUTTE* Our milk ii on solo at all the star»