»Hh DAM CHRONICLE The B est In EAGLE CREEK Hy Mm Hugh W. Coppie. •y e a t s G A S O var Frit son of Fast Mill I’lain, Wash., and Carl Johnson of Portland were Sunday guests at the John Ingrrlund home. Coulee dam the first of the week. Mm. J. C Johnson is sjiriiding ihr week in PortUnd. O I L Dr. ami Mrs. R. G, Gail and Mr. and Mrs. Arch Blampede of Vancouver were Sunday guests of Mr. «ml Mr». Harry Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wilson. srr »fM-mling * three wrrk» vsta- tion in California. Mrs R R. Rudolph it spending SHLTTZ ON TAP MORAN’S a few weeks in Portland before husband at Grand I VA iliu m M ortal), who was sev- Joining her rraJ months with Ed. L. H a rk , Coulee. han returned to his home in P o rt- lland. E w bsm for Its Good Food DEW DROP INN CM» Breakfast* M eals Dinners A Quiet Refined Place BLUE RIBBON ON TAP Under the I'm o n il Management of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Anderson. CASCADE LOCKS No 9 is getting a roof over his dance wffcat a pavilion it is going to be I! Well, "Jim” is entitled to we are glad to see him get tkem. rill be a real asset to the district on his foresight and attend him. WEST COAST POWER CO Mrs. E. P. ( os by ami daughter returned to their home here after Sunday guest* at thr homr of sfirnding a week in Portland with Mr amt Mrs J I) Bril wrrr Miss Mrs. R. E. Dye. R<»hrri4 Sanlsirn am) Kussrll K»s- tus of Portland Mm. M. Cellers, accompanied “”0 — by Mm. L. A. Belanger and Mrs. Mr ami Mrs I'rrry Deuel ami (¿forge Barker, visited in Hm*j thr latter's parent* from fo rt land River Tuesday. wrrr wrrkrml guest* at the Irvin llall home. Mm. C. M. Andrews and son s|ient Tuesday in Hood River. Mr ami Mm. Glen Krllrr ami daughter sjwnt Sunday in fort- Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Tip left lam! with fnmds. Wednesday morning for S|)okanc‘. Eagle «rrrk v » wrll rrjwrsrnl- Mrs. Lyle L. Hickok entertained ed at thr Amrr k an legion dam r the Tuesday bridge club this week. given at thr ( raigmont hotel last Refreshments were served preced* Kriklay rvrnrng ng the game. Mr» Kmrry I »rake «if fonlam l Mm. T. G. Warng attended the is *{irnding thr wrrk at the Fau- meeting of the Oregon State Col­ Iwon homr. lege Home Makers club, returning JOLLY PARTY Every Wednesday N ig h t • • a Springdale Orchestra PLUMBING We handle all types of plumb­ ing, heating and sheet metal work. Office in The Dalles Freight Line Bldg. Phone 131. CASCADE PLUMBING and HEATING George Spickermon, Prop. home Wednesday with her hus­ Charles Smith, brother of Mm. band from Portland. l.yle liukok, the week here. Mrs. L. A. Belanger enjoyed a Fal L . (la rk enjoyed a short visit Saturday with her sister, Mrs. visit with hu 1st her, H . L . (la rk , James Callaghan, and husband i am) Frail Carbon of Salem this and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ross. .Atm. M. Cellers and suns spent Mr and Mm. A. L. Bates and the weekend at Newberg with Mrs. daughter s(wnt Sumlay with Mr. Cellers mother. ami Mrs. S. FI. Kissinger. Mr. and Mm. Jack Standish and ' Mr ami Mrs. Everett Govan daughter left last week for Grand *tvnt Sumlay with fnrnds in I‘tort- Cotdee. Mrs. Clyde Ferguson, Barbara ami Betty ami Mrs. Everett Govan wet* Portland visitors Saturday. ONE ftCRE TRACTS OH HIGHWAY, BUS LINE, SCHOOL BUS, WATER GOOD son. $250 ON EASY TERMS Ups level, and is ideal for berries and chickens, opportunity to men employed on dam to lay TH E CHRONICLE Mr. and Mrs. A1 Main spent Sunday in Salem with Mr. Main’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. red Jordan from Bradford island were guests Mon­ day evening at the Everett Govan Albert Wessendanger, forest ranger at agle creel, left Tuesday for Portland to take charge of the forest service exhibit at Pacific In­ ternational Livestock show. The material for this exhibit was col­ lected by Weisendanger around his station. Fraternity brothers of Thomas G. Waring gave him a pleasant surprise Sunday, when they drove out from Portland with their (am­ ities, bringing a delicious dinner with them. They spent the day in talking over old times and naming the Waring home “ Unde Tom's Cabin." Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Markam, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Snider, Mr. and Mrs. Ieslie Pool, Oliver Anderson. Mrs. Ruth Mitchell and Mrs. Mary McLr«xL Albert and Donald Davis and families stopped in to see their ¡mother, Mrs. W. L. Reed, on their way home from Layman's Springs in the Blue mountains. They were on a hunting trip and brought hack four fine busks. Mrs. Reed went on to Portland with them. DANCE i in SATURDAY NIGHT (DM IIOTtl . * i A Excellent Music Congenial Crowd 1 Admission: Men, 35c Ladies Free- FR1 E DANCING EVERY NIGHT Good Music Here’s the brightest spot oo the Highway. You will enjoy the food we serve. ....Bohemian on Tap.... Cascade Locks. Ore. Meals 25c Always tasty and good at the WE-ASK-U-INN Grace Scott ti .4. L. Zuidcrdmn Rev. S. D. Trrfren has been | Proprietors confined to his bed for a few days Cascade Locks. Oregon with illness. I i