1 in i >\ m r i i R o N i n .K CHURCH S E R V IC E S Community M E Church I » U l l f I.IM In Hiv I» » |< y Iw 4> s‘ I Sont h. Pastor. 1 0 , n, l*ul»ttc Wor' ' » m , r 7 10 p m |l’(4>rf M ir tin e W n ln rw U y Community C en ter « Kvrn in g. Chapel S 11 I rrlfrn, I'astnr •....I 10 •. m l*rr«< time H a m Voti!»» I'rojjlr»' M retina A Select School for Young M m and Boy» I I* u M h i m it n l to all irrv u e t. Hy Ainu Frrrington m fconoeviUr Kr\ BONNEVILLE 7 p. m I*. K, Knot returned f r o m I ( tHilee lu*t fnday evening. BONE DRY L1MBW00D Mr* (jenrge Afkinvm left this ' week fur S|«>k.me where she will 1 make her home. While It Lasts $5 Captain John J. Torkelson re- turnet] from his vat at ion last Thursday. A CORD Mr. Harris had a* his guests Sum lay his wife anil mother from Portland. This is a Hardwood and includes Maple and Dog- wood and some Fir. The supply is limited. the invitational dinner dance j held hy the Columbia Construe tion ComfMtny in celebration of the completion of their new mess hall was heM last Monday evening, j rather than last Thursday evening. THE HARVEY WOOD YARD The regular Thursday night en­ tertainments held at the Commun­ ity Center have lieen changed to | I riday nights so that the school Rear Of Lakeview Market thildrcn may enjoy them also. 1 his Friday a local talent program ; will lie given. N la lrtu l 1*4 (h o tn>UM* «.w» I«- ¡»uMh.iwd !•*» «>nly ?Uwv any hits gone to Nan Francisco where he will un­ dergo an operation. II * I ? b 1 h i* Ifiu ir , with m n it r t r font) d.it»«>n, plum bing and wiring, all t r ji ly iii im i upy, in ti« only y.’ .vj L j /« I hi* iih ludr-% »11 lal»>f t i i * i * OWN BONNY VILLA The hatchery crew enjoyed an outdoor supfier last Thursday eve­ ning in the park. Those present were Mr. anti Mrs. Frnest Ander- I son. Virgil Anderson, Jesse Rales, I Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Harris, Carl Cook. Mr. ami Mrs. Archie An­ derson, anti Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson. M r s . Jp s « « Rales who under­ went an alteration recently was able o leave the hospital Monday. She will stay in Portland for a while Itefore coming home to Ron- neville. THI S In Beautiful EDGEWCCD PARE CASCADE LOCKS Over 200 choice hom nilei to choose from; do*e to grade and high »chool; w ater; electricity; telephone; churche«; hourly bu* service to dam. Restrictions for your protection. A real home town to live in. W arrantry deed. Mrs. K. J. Collins, Depot agent at Bonneville, is now on her vaca­ tion. She is being relieved by Mr. W. W. Smith. Samuel C. Lancaster has been confined to his home in Portland j for the just ten days on account I ttf illness. He expects to return i to Bonneville sometime this week. Mr. anti Mrs. G. C. Wood mo­ tored to Portland Sunday where t h e y purchased new. modern; equipment for a two-chair barber | shop. Mr. W ink ! expects to open ; a new shop at T yrells Tavern j within a very short time. Mr Hyndman. ex-mail pilot and now mechanic for the Atkinson Company, anti his father recently; flew to San Francisco. H. R. Skinner, Frank Linnton, I.eo Miller and Harold Richen. all of the U. S. engineers at the dam, traveled down to Portland over the week end to meet a team from the C. S. Engineers office in the Pit- tock blink at bridge. They won 2 match points. It was the second time that the four players from Bonneville have defeated the Port­ land team. $5.00 down— $5.00 a month. These lots arc up to 50x100 Some larger. See BILL K EELER AT REAL ESTATE OFFICE, Or IRA OWENS, MANAGER CASCADE LUMBER CO. J. B. LA BER, 821 Failing Bldg.. Portland. AT water 652» Larry Sherman is closing his restaurant anti garage on the high­ way preparatory to seeking a new location. The ground on which his building stands is said to have been leased to a syndicate which wil open a large store and recre­ ational renter. The plans are said to include a hotel. One-half Mile West of Bonneville ICE CREAM—CANDY CIGARETTES BLITZ, WINEHARD and HOP GOLD Beer on Draught and Bottled Beer j * j * j * LUNCHES Sit and Sip by Our Opel Fireplace” DRESSMAKING and SEWING . . O N EW F A L L H OUSE D R E S S E S — $1.00 and $1.95 MRS. JE S SIE MOHR Opposite Cascade Food Store in Cascade Locks Mrs. Mona Burt Harrison will open her Piano Studio for beginners and advanced piano students Sept. 1. Ad­ vanced pupil Harry Van Dyke, Portland, and Louis Artan, Un­ iversity of Oregon. For particulars see Mrs. Maude Brolliar. Watch for Opening of Bonneville Barber Shop at Tyrell’s Tavern