THE DAM CHRONICLE m e t h e dam By FAVE DOCV1U.E Mrs. XV C Vndersoa arrived in 1V> have purchased an au o Oacada Locks Sunday to join her trailer, «rhkh ih V * * * * * ,’ hin I uih I. »h « I' president ol the lim e up lo ( awa.le . mk*. l enirai Lumhri company Mr. and 11 11 Hair ad j Mrs. Xnderwm ami ihiklrrti arr ' Stale Prrudrnt of Eagle» at ll*r now occupying the new home ni'l dtrvnl a group Bridge of the liod* hotel I Ion» completed on ihr |*r»>|ierty inline F. \utrieth l>roughi hi> family di.itrh up the hill from the Catho day night The I agfe* are said t*r prrtttring to open dub n-um here from Salem ami thry m>w oc lie church property. —o— in the hotel When the M gr •»« cupy an apartment in ihr C. E. Walter Nelson, of lhr lakeside thr Bonneville «Um area <*r Broliar home. market, went down the Willamette j panned, member» m the valley Tuesday lo look over the; holding mrmhriditp in llwr Pori W allace Xnderson’s family from hop crop. Hr went out of l ax.u lc, |(*|j*r <»r rlsewherr nu> lian»- Portland are now occupying a new lawks like a flash. Wr don t prr (rr lo (hr local Kwlgr home on Rapids View Heights. — o — tend to know why. NO TICE H prisons who tu Mr. and Mrs. I.vnn Dingman. Julius Carlson has sold his |>ro(>- finger rings from me home will former cooks of ihr l>ew Drop Inn erty immediately back of the Dike return them, no mention will br have transferred their sen ices to side Market to P V lwitchell. a nude of names Mr*. Turn the Cooks Tavern in Bonneville. Portland contractor and builder, 1 Stubblefield. who proposes to remodel the house The Henderson home in Hyde and put in some cottages. The Park is ready for occupancy this property. 200 feet in depth, runs through from Sixth street to Sev­ WE RE PLEASED week. enth and fronts on lioth thorough - 1 fares. Carlson and hi> mother will TO PLEASE Ever ill Brolliar. last year’s grad move into the house immediately uate. is employed by the News south of the K E. Andrews & at Telegram as agent in the Bonne­ company store. He has owned this ville Dam district. house for several years. MERRILLS " ^ To tie sure that the water in the Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Matthew BARBER SHOP high school is pure, a sample has, son. who has l sl>>te of ihn l)|» in Ihr li>•nnr \illr Dam district iKir «Irlivr«) vtvitr ha* l>reu discontinued for ihr rriw a that wr could r*>t give our nuny cu»UNorrt ihr prier« they 4 rr 4 «c moaned Io in ihr city. Wr numUin onr j*««- I*» all, wuh nu credit I omt * ami delivery vervue tharge» adeln! in lhal (iriie. PRODUCTS NALLYS MAYONNAISE Pint* Quarts 120 / BOTTLE FREE BUS TICKETS will hr thrrrlully given to lh»-vr ¡«•<>;ilr who rule ihr bus ami buy a $2.00 |Hjfthav of p u r im . V» wr stale above, our jiriers ha.e all Lem cul a|>- pMUnutrly 8 jwr tent. YOUR CHOICE 3 Can* Your Choice, 3 Cans BU TTER Grade A Creamery-- A Saving for the Weekend C 1 COFFEE ' mi J e r r o r in ( i || m \ atuum ¡ The ('offer you k n r heard • mm h tl«Kil t <>r thi* *ak (*< |uuml New Large Package 55-Oz. With Premium p 7 1 POUND K I RN S P U R E TOMATO Del Monte Picnic A»p Del Monte Tip* Your Choice No. 2 3 Cans C I ornato Del Monte Juice Del Monte \ \ Tuna Fish Del Monte Sockeye SALMON Sli Cling Peaches Del Monte Tall No. 1 Tall Picnic Early PEARS Del Monte Garden I Solid Pac k Sugar Halves Tomatoes Peas CASCADE FOOD STORE, PEANUT BUTTER SOAP f u i ihr washing rsjen-rt in IS IIARs M>R CERTO I OR MAKING J H IIKS i CASCADE LOCKS CHRONIC! r _________