DAM CHRONICLE •on < VSt A lii; |,t m kS, OP1 (.O N , | KlllA V, SEP I EM|(|.K 7, Pi 14 mi i RTLAND fir m LOW BIDDER ON RAILROAD WORK MJ, of K< moving Union P a c»f,c Ti »cks »1 Bon up vtll< to Be B l tried lin n n 'd lk U 'ly grU* 4 i«*n of i»*r Union Pu* ifu u>*k» 1»“»» •* I “’" ' 1 * lr |*-|.i« Bonneville •lam to a «• 1 1 ' •• ' ,,rrW * ,U l,r >1 >l*'> l>> • *'»«» y . in. ■ | . . . ||>.! n the Wulk W4» Mil» „nr,i |»> s.iMi «»fin*», Ralph It*ll lf>j ( | M abolm . three Portland «timt»** Dw> l* « t “Ml « w rit hr« biddr’ V and wrfr Wfnidrv* |*1 .« IItr « »lunate |.« r |u lr « l * am . « ' r > ’ I hr In ! In»* I wen forwarded to •thingt n 1«* a|qwoval Work »m*.i I* ii.nmirmnl until the aitra. i i* hiimally |u**r«l u|a>n thr i lor I of engineer» \ ijn ;. to h n u » thr * 0 0 Work- ti in !«• rtnpbiyt*d on th r pr«» *t «ill hr I mii M at thr turn in the utl )u*l al»«\e llir q»»t w h rrr t lir building thr new . «iim ill« *» hi«.l, <>n tlir *tatr **h*ay I h»» tamp >» t" Iw built n thr «..! i i. lot* \ \ ■ «k of frlliu»- jfrr* and tu n in g *iut u ix irf I h u «)» 1 UiiMini; * lirrt» w ill lar *t.i11r«I thin i hr nr it trw «lay* IUI Up- fty, l r ’ r » m i thr fi*h Hatchery |x| thr • 1» 1» an«l tl»r ttthr« klMI !• • tie t »«.I-... It«-11 .V .1 1 4 * 4 <• ' '■' I | . . f« air thr liatk* and lim it a via* t, «.« $*(>4 tH j to f r U a a lr thr *»k» anil make thr fill at the* )!ihrr> Vimy rtigincrC* ha*l «** nulnt that thr « o fk Would co*t j«r than > I .UJO.tJOO, in* lotting 4 I, n t $ l,IS 7 ,S 94 « it h th r v ia - ■t tithrf hid» »ubmitlrd were; Putin K a k rr, K lam ath I all», K thfdulr I * »»0/ H 1 21 , *» tirdulc , $.1W,r..' 7S Winston Brother* Mnfun> t.| M m nr.t|ioli*, W A. ih lrl company of Kan Franc l»co I llrnr> J k i / r r co ni|ian y of t al ■' •* hrdllle I . |94 4.»T.’ . i u l , t ,u> I ikiltmn t..m|iany, Portland, for 'M u le I <‘> 7 . 1 , 770 , »«h rtlu lr 2 , It tw nrrol to n * lru ctio n !.m;Mny ar,<| J | Shra c«»mpany, i.rtlan.| . hnltilr I. $*>V1,P>S <>0, hniuir j % 9 M J 9 Q SO; 8 . 8. V illm company, A d rian , t h r . M uir t i § 3 4 2 , at bsdttlt 2 i i « rooks A ( . . . lot tlaml, * hrd u lr I, $ 1 ,011ft, 4 7 S, M u ir.’ 4 i,07o,000; Utah (on* ruction i .nijiany of Ogdon and °Wt»on htuii|*rn louitutiv of *•« Idaho Mhr.hllr I. > 1,7 79,• *1, ** hrdulr 7. $1,774,726. Pirc T h re a te n s Tow n •\ gr.i * fin-, lirlirvrd to havr <*•1 by i liildrm playing with B,,hrs. thrratrnrd thr town Pri y *fttl i.uisrd c oiiMilrr.ililr r*- trmrut (lir nn (imri (he firr ■•ttrcl ju>i .i|«ivp thr nrw cottage H'H by Mf and Mts I ..m t amp 'll. Up thr lull a block back of |»nto(fiir building. It was r v tiguishc tl h\ bin krl brigade*» I h f any a-riou» daniala* resulted. WEST COAST POWER BUSINESS GROWING NUMBER 21 heavier transformer* in ii cornfuny and the J . 1 this week. It conforms with the \\lien tl»r) finish t)»r ioin|».iny I Shea company, who was in- ( hangr in shifts at the dam. Since cupied and it Imame necessary to fuifir» to I** able t<» kre-p up with • anti) killed by a flying rock last nuking the change tlie numlier of install additions seats. Should the enrollment continue to mount one all dem.itxl« tiring made upill it I nday at the dam. passenger* carried has steadily in­ or two grades in the grammar Prw district» in tlir northwest ,»rr S< urloc k w.«s sitting at one rn«l creased. s< hool will have to Iw moved over growing lastrr than thr terntory >f the iar|irntrr shop on liradford The bus is lireaiming increasing­ trtbutary to tlw dam and r\rr> island at the rnutii hour eating Ins ly [mpular and many women to the high school building, Su- new family moving in want* rlrc ! lunch when a rock a b-it in cliam-1 are now riding it to and from the I* rintendent Vernon (a. Hender­ son said yesterday. Irkity, etrr truck him, tearing off lialf markets and stores. Registration in the high school Ins head Hr cbecl instantly. lias increased one-third, climbing I lierr weir several blasts set off from 25 students to 33 students, ilnuit tlie same time at the clam. with more to enter yithin the next It is not definitely known, and week or two. Heaviest increase may never hr known, which blast was rcfxirted in the second year a win. h contractor on the srveral c lass. This registration will be fur­ pr< i*!s at the darn is resjmnsible ther increased, for 11 students for tlir acculrnt. who have announced their inten- Scurlock lus I»eeii nuking his lion of attending high school have liom«- at W’arrmcUlr. Hr hod lieen G roup of Bom t-» B rin g Built married only al»iut three months Public Asked to Contribute to not put in their apfwarance. Purchase of Hose and Indications are that the high on L ot» Throw n on the In his ismn. I hr hxlgr .ipprars to months ago, are only large enough 33 pupils; seventh and eighth, or five n'».rr will le startrsl l»rf<.rr have taken enough money t«» put iw i\ something in tlie h«i|>e chest to accommodate an inch and a half Principal Autrieth, 25 pupils. the rrwl t»f tlir week Ihis sub* which it i* building uji against the h«ise. Several have lieen set up division, facing the river and lying Chamber Boasts Gavel. lirtwreti the highway and railroad day when it will lie in its quarters along Main street. Fire hose to President A. W. Mever is pre­ tracks, is o|ij«osdr the loothrock .»n the second floor of the new lie purchased will be of a size to mid Fellows building. The lodge fit them. siding over weekly Chamber of garage Captain Charles Nelson has is n«> t ¡»ermitted by charter to Commerce luncheons with a gavel On the wiuth siilr of the high­ hold closed x-ssions outside of its donated a cart which can lie used presented to him by Waucome way, east of tlir loothnak, the hall, but the* members are meeting t«i haul the hose. A gong and axes N K), K. of IV. H. hh I Lalier organization ¿»opening uj> a regularly at different home for a are yet to lie procured. These, to­ River. The lodge gave him the sec one 1 »ubllVlsion of IftO lots, gether with buckets and barrels gavel several weeks ago in the .streets are lieing of>ened through social hwur. of water which arc* to lie filled and course of a session which he a t­ it and the underbrush cut out to will give the volunteers s«imething tended. He in turn has presented An Attractive Home prrmit ;irc»st«tive purch.isrr* a Julius ( arlsoii is busy with the held in reserve for emergencies, it to the chamlier. The Knights of view of tlie property. William with which to w«irk in event of Pythias had a lodge in Cascade I uglrr, a car|«riitcr employed at brush these days ¡uinting up his fire. lawks for many years, but some the dam. wa* ll»e first purchavr home across tlie street from "B o b " Mr. Meyer told the chandler years ago consolidated with Hood \ndrrws’ store. And qw-aking of of a lot in this tract. He already that the chiief of the Hood River River. Mr. Myer, like a number of ha» a new lottage half cwni|»letcd. tidying up. the Carlson property ifre* department will come to Cas­ other members of the order, often is among the4 most attractive in The property runs luck a di»* cade Locks and help get the vol­ runs up to H«iod River for the town. Julius puts in a great deal tame of four b«»ks front tlic high­ : meetings. of time on his lawn and fruit trres. unteers organized. way. ( if late wi eks he has leased several1 Restrictions in Iakrvirw Villa qxit* on his homestead to people, In Now Quarters. Telephone Office Busy. are more |»ronounc'ed than in the „ ho di-*riri*«l to put up tenfs. Dr. F‘ H. Berger has moved One of the buHeM phe«4« in other trad . Purchaser* of propeny into his new quarters on Fifth town of evenings these days is the in thi fMihdivisiun are recpnrrd to A Wanderer Returns. telephone office. Mrs. Collins, the street which he will hereafter oc­ install *r|>lic tank» or cevsjwoU, Erick W. F.rickson. who lived in efficient and accommodating op­ cupy .is an office. Following the and must weal herlmard or sliiimle Cascade Locks for 3.1 years, has erator and manager, is kept con­ tin4 in July he ojwned a temporary their houses. returned after an absence of two j stantly at w«irk placing long dis­ office in the building occupied by Charles llrw itt, su|*erintendenf years in IVrtland to make his tant e calls from early morning un­ Dr. F'rcd F'ols«>m. the dentist, and for the (¿eorge W aale com|wny, home lierr again. He and his fam- til until late in the evening. Flvery- I.«»uie F'olspm, jeweler, opposite contractor» on the 70 new home* ,|y are .»«upying the Christenson one, it would seem, wishes to tele­ the Rapids club. His new office is Iwing built on the reservation at pi.ue, which has lieen «rmodeled. phone someone else in neighbor­ in a new cottage just completed by the dam for the government, i» Ilis son, J W. F.rickson, who is ing towns and cities. Quite a bit (1. N. Hesgard on F'ifth street, up creeling b*r himself a 5 room teaching in the Baker, Oregon, of the business comes from |ieople the street from the Lakeside Mar­ house in I akeview Villa. Others high sc It.»>1, hel|ied his parents who are driving along the highway ket. He will continue to visit Cas­ who are building in the subdivision move up from Portland and spent ( and stop to put in long distance cade I.«wks on Mondays, Wednes­ in. hide- I J Ikmcette, F. t a few days here M ore going on calls. days and Fridays. Spangler and K. H. keelet. to Baker. ' P