T H E TAM CHRONICLE TH I Mon»» Golf B»1U Tli* us»'» to " blch honey t* I>ui nr* many m>J »nriou» but perh»|»a th* w«*»t unvnMl l* maMi'S s,>1' ball». The honey 1» P*a <•'**• 1“ * round stout rubt>er * ,ul l* , ‘>rcv'' In under tremendou* prvaaure. Around tbU the »»“at rul,N r 1» wound *ud It ha* the ordinary out «Ide. It I* Mid that honey t»elns non evaponthi* *»■> virtually unaf feeted by time or temi*erature slv* » • ball that stand* up under all cou dltlona. Book* CU*»»d •• Silk Jt.H'k lover* In England are i>ro testing »gainst « new rul.ns of the customs department that Imported books whose bindings are lined with silk or have bookmarks of silk rll> bon should be classed as silk, ant the silk duty charged. One biblio­ phile has publicly »ski'd If tomes bound In calf shall be quarantined and taxed aa herds. MOORE S GARAGE Ford ami Chevrolet Ignition Specialists Fender and Body Work First Class Painting Acetelyne Welding G at—^Oil— Water |i\M ( ’IIRONICI F dia Rrlwkah lodge No M.vs « bailor U nge of I »»•»«“" > > j „ w I»dulc’ l b>r a tegular * residing at the William It tha hllOW l»f Airs \rr.i l ange home She ami hrt si'Ut CASCADE LOCKS s,uague on Wednesday evening. Dorothy, who lias hern herr a n> i a m : ih u v i u . k | month. |dan to nuke their borne *«-pt«-nil .o- *dd l " " ‘ o — ol I lie I n k s Pete» son*. Mr ami Mr* P. J *«• H,rr n ideal* of Wyeth and « M ea n - o —* visttors m The I »allo Sunday. I oc ks. Mr. ami M»* Tricks*«» ami — o— — O— Walter Krkk**«», o«e ln»*r res« Mr. ami Mr*. Jones ami hai John Tiles, as everybody b k’lad Theilaile spent Mimlay in l he to note. Is Uu k at his old (»*** "» «lent* of t as»a«le Dwk*. have tr Dalles. i \ 11 * 1 ir iv' store allei a •< .•« .«I turned ami plan lo nuke the Jocks then jieinunent home. Gel your ■ illness. Mrs. J C. Woodward ami fam- —o — ily. Mrs. K. Wunlward ami l.ota \\ t ” Anderson, persirleot «»I n o t io n s Mr. and Alt' I J *»**•* ol Port Merrill were I’urtlaml sJvinier* land are visitors with Trank Jones ihe ( ‘entrai I umber «•«n|*any, ha» nl the Men’» ^ Thursday, Air Jones of Portland has |>ur starteli work on a n«rw lo«ir mnm h.i.isr 111 Kapnlv A :< w Hnghls Francis Baker and Robrrt Or- ! chased a lot here and plan* on 1 which he and 'Ir * \mlrrsot» ami gall were Saturday ivsitors in the building a residence. 1 daughter will «Mtufiy a* a h->mr o - Locks, — Oi. \ (virtv including Air and Mi* —o— Veteran* « • ( f>>i«,igti W ar* rn Floyd Savie ami Charles Fink C Morrison ami son Ja.k, Mr Wc have joyed «pule a |drav»nt «lame at son \isitevl limai River Monday .»ml Mr* Bert Ire ami «laughter RAIN CLOTHES Millie. 'Ir ami Mrs Rrutrrskiold tin- Bridge ol the (<•«!« Ilotrl last on business. W ednesday mghl I he lUnce »»« .end daughetr Ikmtu, Mr ami — 0 — •ml RUBBER Mr and Mrs S K. Ferra' and Mrs. George Mallory ami s..n givrn for the purju-ve of raiwng Mrs Arthur >und*trn were Port Junior Mr and M i' t evil Pia* lumi* ami was well allrndesl. for you ■■I 0IH kc-tt, Mr ami Mrs White of Bon land visitor^ Friday. in Villa Mr and Mrs Crvil Mai- — o - Air ami Air» llat"lst lake over the weekend. M>n J-hrt Marnih Tall* q * n f ( 4*c ade Loth —o — Sunday in • as* ailr l »«k* gitesi s George Allman has returned t<> Mr .«ml Mrs <» (Min of Portlawl, Mr and Airs W W |.avion this city alter rather a length) Mr ami Mrs Clarke of Dmgvww visit in Portland with his folks. ami Mr and Mrs I is let Sprague —o— were guests at a dinner given at SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY Mrs. Frank Jones left l huts- Air» Charles t Mm s home Sumlay ,1 lb * r ip r f i r m T O M V I O K S j day morning for a two weeks va­ Mrs George Haggblum enter ’ • la r g e firm b r a (U L E T T U C E II cation on the coast. tamed T u rala) with a dinnrr in i R E E N P E P P E R S , p e r lb honor of T.ric Haggblum * r»4th ELER\ H A R I S, bom b 1 Charles R o w n is now an cm- birthday. I ploye of the forest service ami is ■ O'— P»R EEN B E A N S * 3 lb . j i stationed at Alt. Delume. It seems that the swimming W A T E R M E L O N S , lb . P jm«>| at Stevenson is a {«quiUr And many other bargain*. Trade at home ut Kermith Smith is a recent new­ with the young folks Thiwc seen get a money back guarantee comer to the Dicks. At present he at the |*»>l List Friday wrte Ger­ is employed on the 'W arco by aldine Rankin. Lewu Collins, Capt. Rosen back. Helen Christensen Mu key 'stark \rvyilr Kimh. “ Handsome Mor- l l j i r v P r a m a n d / m e f>//, I'r<>pi /r a n k l" ,s et. H Mike Long of Portland is the risoti. IXirothy lange, Rine Alili new barlier at Jim Merrill's. ( \nd sap amt Faye !><>uvi!le. does he know his hair?) He re- ¡places Harold Patten of Hood i River. MEN M e n ’s ShoM - Air Cascade Lock* THE LUCILLE BEAUTY SHOP Mrs. Lucille llcmlcrson, Prof. Located temporarily at Mer­ rills Bar-B-Q. Phone for a|>- pointments. lilt m mill AND VtMt CHECKERBOARD ROOMS A clean, comfortable homelike place to live. CASCADE FOOD STORE. Inc home in Klamath Falls Sunday, Our beds are equipped with I after qwmling the cummer with double deck coil springs and the Central Lumlier company He good mattresses. will enter high *cho«>l at the Falls Rales by Week or Month 1 as a senior. Above Checkerboard Inn Cascade Locks, Ore. DAILY SERVICE CASCADE LOCKS See Our Agents Merrill’* Bar-B-Q X IT PAYS TO PAY CASH UNUSUAL VALUES FOR SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. C. Heppner of |H ikh I River. Mr. an«l Mr*. L«-wi' ami Mr. and Mrs. T e lle r of Port­ land were guest* at the Haggblum home Tuesday. William Thesis. Mr. ami Mr*. Charles Lange and Mi** Eleanor Lang«-, all of Linnton, spent the week«-ml as guests of M i" Lang»’*| father, William I-«ngr. and Iwr sister. Miss Dorothy, in Cascade j Dicks. THRIFTY WASH J g pound*........^ g c Flat Work Ironed Wearing Apparel Damp SUITS Cleaned and Pre**ed— 75c SAM DAVIS Calls EVERGREEN LAUNDRY VANCOUVER, WASH. Mrs. R. J. W uner, wife of our local agent for The Dalle* Freight l.ine, was div harged from a Port- I land hospital this week and i* resting for a time with her son in Portland. She cjient five week* in i the hospital, but is gaining health to an extent that she hof«*s to vain atkeup her home in this city. Mr. ami Mrs. C. Clarke and son Richard of Dingvit*w were guests of Mrs. Sfirague over the weekend. Their daughter Wilma returned home with them after having spent some time visiting th e : Sprague girls. TUES. DEL MONTE SALE Ilic World* Eimrtt fruit* and Vegetable* BIG MONEY SAVING DAYS ID-se Pears are vitamin |«otnte«l. Dogi 2 / j *ite tans 3 Can* 63c DEL MONTE TUNA A r«-.«l h - u delicacy. White Meat »ut 3 Ca,‘* DEL MONTE cream style CORN No. 2 Cnr.s « , ( — - - - « « I »»» ” S - al Ik lk i 5« --- • ------------------- - H im I LucioiD Fruit BOSK PEARS, for canning Apple Box 6? DEL MONTE COFFEE * jt M \-i :* fl.iv- r t. -..up Ik CARROTS, 3 bunches LETTUCE 3 head. CUCUMBERS, 2 for PEPPERS, .tuff them, lb Surpri . tin family with thi dish. CATSUP Del Monte, 14-oz. 2 bottles 3 GREEN CORN, dozen DEL MONTE PEARS Specials Mrs. F. C. Anderson, of Ihe Dew Dr«tp Inn. was a visitor in Vancouver, Wash., last Monday .combining business with a visit with friend'. MONDAY Pound t*n* Uc Old .M ill di*! BULK VINEGAR Pure Cid*r- G“11^ CHEESEFul1 Cream-2 p°und# 25e i 29 ° We arc sole distributor* in this territory for MANNING’S Coff« I R Y II SOME IIME. Pound, 29c I U JJl i M di. r«<