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About The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1934)
THE HAM CHRONICLE HI! I » \ \ | ( HKoSU I » -w I LO U I E FO LS O M j, BONN A Jeweler IT we don’t have it, we m ill got it for you repair watches and ewelry. You will appre ciate our prompt service. V IL l.A Fy Amo Itinn't -n i| M i " M a rio n P u tn a m ol I*«»rt- |l land i ' v isiting lot a lew d .n> jjw itl) \ 11•»-* R ita I V n to n M i" I ’oil land and B Harlow. Iiom l,|.i,tsti>in tbegun wete Mindas visitois with Mr and Mrs < () ; Hubbard Mr and M i' V I'* Miller and Mi and Mrs liien I etnngton motored to I i»*utd.ile smulav t" \ i \i l with Mrs Millet ' aunt , Miss |, m I F> .1 who Will M»a» ,)jvn the levpe guest taiK'h at the tin n ie r Fs. *>t the * "luin ^ bu \ ilia i • at 40 In Glendale. II. R. Kibler is building t«*m new houses at the west end on his propertv at Bunny \ ue Mr and Mrs f rank Mays spent Saturday and Sunday in C ascad * L c c x s , O regon n M ia m i R A P ID S BARBER SHOP R alph M attley , Manager Dace Dinrmore, Attendant Ladies and C h ild r e n * H air C utting. Yon util appreciate our sani tary sendee. SHOES S H IN E D Stand is *.;>en all day. Best shine : town for 1CX: M . E. O A K E S G e n e r a l Contractor Free rri Plan and Estimât \ LJ C ascade L x k s , Oregon I SERVICE SHOE SHOP H aney Çarey, Prop. Repairing a t 1‘o rtia n d Prices 'A it It .’./ *n Machinery C ascaoi L ock s , O sk -> n r W . L . G R O V E . B a rb e r I At Shady Nouk Auto C a r o mile t»eit of Bonne'.iilc j birthday partv last week tor her brother Mr R II Smith I ho < present were M i. and Mrs R. S Smith and M r and Mrs ! rank ! I lavs fei. 8 F 7 John Kavanaugh, Prop p .1 IS". "» a! i a" Itali. , di>-'l • •to r i'i’ v. -n Iti-.itnrii rj*-u on 2ml »<«•*•« r>! -'<1 c^jinrt t!i* lmprot>-!n. i o' I u ( tu i a basi: i • r tri I, tti« Ifi¡t-».or*» — — Is.-r t i * it or not, * 'I s s a l i "fa' llo n Is htnglon o unir with ih«- ad- minUtr.vtU.n ot r^n«-r Tt-i«-« I V. tun*-» th» r >>tnli i. ,-f rotai,Ut- t - •• !ii> ealii-d I-*r < >nipUiota, but nano has b»»n ;*»•--■ nl»d. Kluln Mi- Anna fili», wl.o eeirbrmti-d h^r - m -I i binhiUr laat Jana at h«-r 'iai. .• m t!l*ln. la tl ad »Her having t>«^-n In a mina of tri» tini» for many i Kuhonc — Two hundr»d and fifty young ( tn [,i , . .arila from lh<- ta-o r. • f , tn at t:u- M-no ar-- now l«*-iu,< g..pi |U (),« , holding i«u« i-r<-rt«-d r»> Varnhlll count) tpor'an-f-n on tan-l will,in ttia gitili» r-- ■ -r i in ,Jco. . in» val ley. Hood Rlvar I V« ! o n t h i a f o n d il» III. m o at u n u a n . l •" * round »1 " • « » , . , . r **Sl •'?uWf , " • ‘ Vrullìi I I la |*.P a nu n d ao-l Ii t .. ,| , j CASCADE LOCKS P ro g rr** No. 5 The Central Lumber com pany i» com|M««wi :»f.»!*n*up i»f pii'yfrevsivf men. I*rntidrnt W.C Anib-r-'in han commenced work on a Rroup uf cottaRett. Hi.« lead will be followed by nther», who have faith in (*a*cade I«ockn. Wp cuo- uratulatc him and hi.» company. WEST COAST POWER CO F t m o t i i fo r I t * G o o d F o o d DEW DROP INN C lu b H rra k fa a U R e g u la r M e a l» S u n d a y D in n e r » A Q u ie t R e f in e d B l.U E R IB B O N f*la c e ON TAP I n*Î *r the Perdonai M anagement of .Mr. and M i> I B. A m le r a o n . CHAMBER OF COMMERCE C a tc a d e L o c k t , O r e g o n DANCE S A T U R D A Y , A U G U S T 18 * 'Un r unrler thr s u r* 1 h it it a community »le»igr.f«I t«. mite fuu<la with which to carry « hi uv * p riv . I i ll your frirmU, m ake up a J»arly uih ! jom ih<< Tha l.-avy winds ®f lam ws. k in ||, kh ) i(|y,.r Vll||..y, ! wlillo tti^jr |,rot«-«-i..d npidos from •tin a-aid, took a lieaiy toll of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Beck of ,l worth, cu «i <>«'•* Tha «*••• u i . t » «• i- «II.d In *11 » «irenta , R'-nda vall--y from fiuti In 1 s 71. j land. FJscar Johnson and family of Portland spent Sunday at the home of M r and Mrs. David Johnson in Weecove. o n u l l • II* • ' • i o * ,,w • i OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAUNTEHEST Mrs Walter Hill r»f Ronm | \ ilia and Mrs John blandish of F.agle Creek ease a farewell I luncheon at the Craigmort hotel j last week for Mrs () J Johnv hi . MEN S HAND : who left Sunday for her home in LAUNDRY the south Bridge and whist were Mrs. Pearl Pitman, Chiner 1 playeJ high honors going to Mrs I ’ Modern Prices—Prompt Servici 1 I) E. Root »ind Mrs. K E. Mor- i Kan. Mrs. Johnson received many | C ascade L o c k s , O regon I small gifts. Mrs J Walters of Moffitt Creek is enjoying a ten-day visit BRIDGE OF THE GODS" from her mother Mrs Pickerel! H O T E L Mr ami Mrs Andrew Duncan • ; Rooms by flay, week or month. j and family of Portland have H e serve regular meals Titan — Hospitable— Comfortabl moved into one of the Kibler apartments at Bonny Vue ) C ascade L ocks , O regon Mr. and Mrs. A. I G riffith. sp-i,t the w eek end with th« i .- daughter, Mrs Burt Paul of Port- TOOTH ROCK GARAGE Battery Sen-ice and ( > neraj Re|>air Work and Baby l«rrv I ee Beedle Mr and Airs Nrtbur ! alk and ' l l " Harriet Koppang a llo t \ arKou- ver Washington Dunng the day thes enjoved a picnic at the ii'h hatchery and later In-Id a swim ming parts hi the beach below Lambs Inn I he friends of Mrs I rank Webber will b- glad io h-ar that she has returned I khiic frinii the Imapilal She is feeling just line and hopes to be up and around again s***o I he sewing club met last week a; the home of Mrs » lyde Fer guson. Several ladies lrom tbi, district attended Mr. jnd Mi> H R Poulson entertained Mr. anJ Mrs |) I R<iot Monday evening with a game of bridge. Mrs. Everett lim a n lu> re- j turned from Iter trip to Vattlc anJ Port Angeles Nils O J Johnson and : Bobby, who have spent the sum- ; mer with Mr and Mrs V 8r!e? P csut .2 c Hp-pp-ningj Hill, left ‘Sunday lor .¡er home in ol the Weok Col.cctcd lor San Diego. Our Readers I hose present at the luncheon given by M r- H R RnuDm lad M-M nns I Tr 1c W. |*.n- Saturday were Mis. Charles ton ' ! r . f » i »*• n s 1 r ^ D M Marvin Mrs ni t) lo ih - » - m -'ii » for (.. Ferguson and daughter Bar t!u> r« w V- \f .f; i . . . i «» bara. .Mrs. Walter H ill. Mr>. () II will 1' i * d 4tl; .’Ilr : £ I «’**• J. J> hns<»n and son Bobby and 0( property . ; Mrs Frank Hay s Albany —- * r t 9 » . ? '* i iv T < .1 fc i I vm J in laltle Patsy Svhoufflev lu ii- i u r i. Of I been ill for several days, but i> I.!’ i t : Iv lil tl f v IT IT m i f f , i w very much improved n I r t f III rt. 2 v ! ic Mr>. R Knapp has t.> 2**1 ‘ i m I - i , IT> f i* » % h ' \ - J j a c k - lAirtland where she will pen.l 1 rabbi s. several days. *1 I m T * , r »,- t --f th# Mrs. \ \ K P ou I mhi gave a 1 hlghw.i v fQfi fuii'iotl to r f • Fir : <’!ass I York Portland Prices Auto Electrician t h » i ttir - tU a a y C .ll * ,||, Tt»0 Uaaa In a* t.l.ti ara many and >a> , '•a* Mora **' • t a v » atti b» e-»rilM U» U l» f I« . Ii i . ltd - j ’J * )!ir ,,,. , s t II la e»|MWtad «hat tt«»w rt% 4 jM»rrtlilc l i t i I f . , ^ i Ilia fun I • Ut '*» «•••» •'* * : fccird hy Urn. or I •••««i»w»»twfw ra th ha«1 a is« fit' a »• ill I Ita! ai . r, dltluna. V aiate (»'!« Park Irwrl Hal«m V|r* li-ai ,» VV Joa»ph Mr« M ona I Mill m l ■ •»•ha Ctai««4 ». <M«< i f - t‘“ l t t * r t . tamed with a tv a* Hilkrrsl and •••" |tn«>h h s s . r a In I j .» * g M m ■ M l.allng agai iai a last Salurvlav I»•• the ItieiHls «*• kata ,1 i i ■ . fia >i*i« ; a * omuw I - i - i • " - M of rtialuma drimrin.. in«I | her small 'on ''.temei Hill I he land on tha t* Mnoibl« hl«hwa> for book« n bln«l •. j children present were Maigie u ». » *-» park T h . i r ar t aiik ->r hai» t■ — «. . , Maivin. I ms and I raiui' l tn- a t)..ln« r • I »«<• -real p«rh «ad II« bon ab -sil'l be a • . ) , « . ” 11 m Majgie Stevens ' ng'l Mi- a l l ■ * * l> i** ■ »« Is rnhancad by a I h . «Uh duly i b « i | '*•« M n Mickey .Moran Billy baauwful fs • The path a lti t^ t-hl'B 1-4 a |«u'< It. ! y I I- tn r ih» diraHit«»*» of t» <in l In r «If i ' i t Buell. Patricia utd W allace I .IV I, ¡,r , j ' 1 > *«v eg th» s . !.i . » «> d»paHi»»«t. ton Dale I etnngtnn and 'vatnuel • •id l ived • • brilla I k'llton > little nephew M.tdet Craig \rthur t haw is alw» spend ing a lew slavs with her Sundav guests ol Mr. and M i' liien Howard were Mi Howards brother. \ \ t Howard Mr and Nlr> \ | Brown Mi and M i' j E. H . B E R G E R . M . D . ( l Michaels and I Slattery. Mr and Mrs I \ I it'bv ami HOURS: tamilv spent the week end at Mondays 10 a. tn. to 5 p tn. * then home in Portland. Wnfcmdiy»—10 i m to 5 p rn. Mr. and M t ' I km H ickuer at* Fridays— 10 a in. to 5 p. m. ■ tended a double birthday dinner Hill lite afternoon was spent in I last Saturday for Mrs W uki/ers games with Nils» Mars \gnos Office temporarily locateti in ! cousin, l orn Silvers ol W arrvt*- l hunmg >»t Portland as superni- ' dale and her sister Mrs l Joint In Dr. Foison's l»ental Office. undent I lie children tnjoved a ■ Bean at the home of her mother 1 lovelv cinrus v.ike anJ two other I Mrs \ II Johnson in Portland birthdav cakes with pn/rs sher Mrs Bud Hawkins and chil bet ice cream and paper bat» dren are leaving to spend a week Guests at the henne of Mr and in Portland. Mrs I rne't Meadow» last Vili- DR. F. FO LS O M Mrs. \ \ L. I ¿off visited in ila' were Mis I t Suns M i" Portland several days last week 1 \ irginia Smts and R-hlncv ‘'inn D e n tis t Mr jnd .Mrs \\ Davis have all of Portland ' l i and Mrs .taken a vear’s lease on a house Hamid Beedle Ronald Bred le ! j C ascade, Locks, Oregon I ugt «a S««» i »«tt llwsla Vuar i» - ru> etty techs Uaa Anjou issar», in «ks mora e*. fmtwid or-hard» a* high as 40 par e«int. wi rs torn from ttm tr<-«w t» tha lower rallay. A D M IS S IO N : 5 0 C e n t. L a d ie t Fr«*