THE PAM CHRONICLE THK DAM CHROM» I » C M Smith and I rank Katay t*yh *f>rtii Sunday In ISutUnd The Dalles Alberta Can­ ning Peaches N ow In B) m .* Hugi u 1 ■ir1*' k. A. a. A. A. A. A. A. A A A A A . \ large. |urtlv rotted »m»K in Iront ol W H K...I » : 3 1 -2c Pound THE DALLES TOMATOES, pound 5c LEMONS, per dozen 30c THE DALLES CANTELOUPES Every One Guaranteed— 54s— Each 36»—2 for ,5< 27»—3 for 25c DICKENSON YONT BEANS. 2 lb. 15c WATERMELONS, per pound P 2 ‘ ,c mt Mill 111 n M M lull Harry Beam and Jrssr Ott, P ra ft. EAGLE CRfctK Frank Hnrurr, Managrr AIDRfVS MEAT HAHT QUALITY MEATS AT PORTLAND PRICES Next Door to Cascade Food Store Open to Noon on Sunday» TUESDAYS—THURSDAYS— SATURDAYS Sirloins, pound ........... Beef Pot Roast, pound ... Boiling Meat, Leg of Mutton, pound Round Steak, pound ............................ 18c 12c 8c 17c 18c CHICKENS Fry"*and H*“ ,b- 22 c Butter— Eggs—Cottage Cheese. All Kinds of Lunch Meats “YOU CAN GET THE BEST AT ANDREWS, YOU KNOW” - o — ■ Mr and Mr» Kolwrt M t<¿»1 vary sfirnt Saturday and Sunday .it their home in Ant buy, \N a»h Mi and Mia R ■ ItnWlph luvr »» guc*t* thi* »erk Mr* Rudolph * sister, Mr* J l-»w*on .nul miu II *«*t» Iront Oak lirtitrv. ■ O'1"" F red (Viler* ami Mr* M t «*1 Irr* atul i hildrrn »rnt tu Hattie tiruund, W ash, to viol a *i»trr They enjoyed lltr trip over thr Kvrrgrrm highway ami rrturnrd Monday through Portland o .. I rnr*t Mehrkrn* ha* hi* broth r r i n l a » . J. I' Johnson Iront Portland »ith hint tht» «rrk. -■-o-— Wr arr soon to havr riet Unity rhejtowrr mmjuny ha* Iwrn bu»> , the j».i*l wrek putting in |*»Ir* ami stringing »irr lh»*«r having thrtr 1 hou*«-* wirnl »ill l»r ablr tu havr I light» Tuesday rvrning. - O - - Mr*. I. I Itrllangrr tuok hrr small v>n Hobby. l«» thr « 1*« t• »r in Portland Saturday. Hr had thr cast removed (runt ht» leg and i« now grtting along nurly. Mr» K K Rudolph »firn! a wrrk at thr hontr ol hrr |tarrttt*. Mr and Mr*. J. M \ Cuchnui ~ -o-- • Mr and Mr» I. \V Minor and Mr*. Harrt* »firnt Thursday with ihr M < Viler* (annly Sumlay gur*t* at thr homr of U K Carftrndrr wrrr Mr*. Faina I- airman from I hr Dalle* ami AI Huff from l>ufur. —o— IT PAYS TO PAY CASH SPECIALS for SATURDAY - MONDAY ONLY B U Y AND I brou«k ihr fieri Advi t o lu m n e v r r y w e*!,,, Chronicle. ^ o u r m r»!*!, r e m h all (k* '»» dir Boni D a m Are*. Mr ami Mr. I util 1‘anitm tlci » rrr Portland visitor* Friday lltr t oltimbi t I oit'tfu» t»*n com jvtnv (trought up it» llr»t dredge Wednesday |trrj«arat«»ry t<» l| 1 Excellent Musio- Splendid Beautiful Grounds Over River Quiet Refined F.l —o-— Thr K H < <»*by family havr movrd into thrtr nrw h»»ntr Mr■ ( 1 vdr Hubbard » u a j visitor with Mr« Rulirrt McCtl j vrry Thursday. Mr ami Mr» ( 'burner Hah» ol I’urtlaml and thru (rtrml. Mr» W Srtrll (rum luwa, wrrr guest» at thr hontr u( Mr ami Mr* John Ingrrlund Sunday. Inc. —-O— Mr* l ari WiUffl ami »Mt, Ja ik . *l«-nt Monday In I’ottlaml Mr* ( j | Wagnrr rrlurnr«l with thru» altrt *j «ending a » rrk in Nan »otivrr Shr «- *| »«*» * * to Icavr »«»it lor Itrr Itoittr in llrtint*l»«t lient tul out ll wa* Iratrd that « ,irong wind miithl lall *t on * " ' H' one % hmiv It* rrntoval »»• *t only improve* Mr Reed * yard *0**1 (lower ganlcn l»ut ha* i<»vrM Mr Krrd » « ham r (.»r ht» morning Mr ami Mi* Hugh I’mg »prnt exerx >*r in converting it into In«' tltr wrrkritd in Portland wood o - O—• Cascade Food Store, > o- - Mi« I util Parrnrntirr *|»rni a wrrk in Hood Kivrr with hrr utoiltrr. Mt* I aura t Up|‘ SHOP AND SATURDAY ,nd MONDAY FULL CREAM CHEESES FRESH IIG NEWTONS M. J. II AI.ADDIN ( JOHN WIRRICK’S RED & WHITE STI Miss (»lady« Olivrr »|irnl thr wrrkrml in Portland, rrturning Sumlay rvrning •—■O—— 2 Q c TOMATOES2'--Solid pack-Each 1 ASPARAGUS D"' N o. B 1 .r*n d 17 c C a n s .......... ' LETTUCE k*1** cr^sP heads. 8 for | qc CARROTS 3 bunches ioc VEL VET TISSUE* ■"* 18 C BEANS i ut Xo- - ('«ins JQC 3 0 AP *or laun,|ry- 10 ban fo r .................. j q c We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Mi*» Horrncr l^trkl from Port­ land » S»en«bng a m»»nth with hrr mot hrr, Mrs. W If VanOmund V % —o— Mr and Mrs. I. S< hn-ppmg ami *JQ K rpn fr»»nt PorllatMl *f>rnt SaRM ay night ami Sunday at thr John ingrrlund hontr. W . h. ( ar|»rndrr i* rnyiying a visit with hi* fat hrr from Proria, IH. Hr arrived from thr ra*t Sun­ day and i* going to nukr his hontr in i hr Dallr*. —■ 0 1 ■■ Mr and M n s I k . . » . r sj«-nt Saturday and Sumlay in Portland. "HV— Mis* Dai*y Smith and Mrs. I. l - H'ccock sfsent WrrlnrvLty in the Rose City. TABLES H >k I.ADII > Open All Night MERRILL! BARBEQUI J A M K R R I I L, PR(»P. iVt COFFEE ^ur suPreme Brand >n Mr and Mr* H. () Hrrgin a» comftany during thr wrrk r. and Mr*. If () Youngblood, r ami Mr*. Jrs« I>rm|»*ry ami r ami Mr*. ( harlir Davis. MEALS *"d LUNCH WEINHARDS AND ALT HEIDELBERG ON TAP