The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934, July 27, 1934, Image 6

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    I HI DAM <H K tiV U 1 »
T he first post»»» il» nip» for
Dam Site Post No. '051, Net*
era ns of Foreign Wars, have taken
the lead in creating entertain
went for the crowd that is ex
I'K'xtt'sl to visit the Bonneville dam
area on tin* occasion of President
Roosevelt's trip to the dam next
events of the week
»Im i I» new the republic of Her
Mtv* Jean >ltedier lell Monday
ninny wer» tli"w> of the lu>n*e >'f
Tit urn mul Taxi». » »‘»hi* fanilty lor M Helen» where »lie will xi»il
which hail operated a postal a.'« with het patents for a week,
-i O —
lew for nlm.wt :ioo y oar*. K arl) In
i “ th e S ixteenth
..... ‘‘ century th is P” »l
M i s I-ted Nnderv.n and d.iugh
I lie
ter. Jean, and Jane deilner sprttl
\ | n«la> in t begun t*lty.
—o —■
\.i,iim Blackwell of Portland i»
v isitin g wilh Kov Mane Pli»l|**
Mr and Mis Erickson and sun,
Waltrr of Port land, former rent
d u d s ol the lo s k s , w e ir Visiting
relatives and old friends h ere Iasi
mail matter,
o --
The T h a n and Taxla poet
F«m.Hl the i.n P - •!
M i s s Violet t'ram blett of I lie
Dalle» is xisitmg here th is week
,.f „ ,t ......
Tht. i;,.rtlM(n „
., w ith rela tiv e s.
:w .| by
I Taxla
^.-u.-riiiy *|«wk i | « » m a »t
M rs. Sam Woodward and Iwr
prior to th at tim e
T h era «■
daughter Stella were in Hood
many aytrem a of coinage in u
River Sunday xisitmg with Mrs
'»ri >u» «tat« » u«.ns the We lw ltd i daughter. M rs Mrrle
T hurn and T axla po»i unii It m u
necessary to group the »tate» In E v a n s, w ho is rrsoxrting front a
through t i e n n a n y Mini \ u * ii i to
Itn lr. but ilurlng n w ar In th e N'*lh
The president «ill In- at Hon ,.rl!UllU
r„n,.„ i„ t„ ,ii»us»x
neville Friday afternoon. follow - 1 After th is u .ir when ibe e^unt»
ins the ceremonies a t the dam the of T b u m an»l T axis again -*tt< >«»; i> t
v e te ra n s will put oil a dam e at t.> net lip the :m*ii"i«>ly. ■«■»ernl of
M e r r ills
pavilion in Cascade t!"' G erm an it •«*» which had
eanw hile oriranlseil i»>»tnl m iten i»
Locks. To l*resident Roosevelt has m
refused to rve>>gnl/e the era:. I
been dispatcher! an invitation to h ered itary |aw t mu »1er Till* was
honor the war veterans with
»•»»• his tll0 O„„inton
f nlTalra when
presence at the dance, even though •(^mp» were put In use to prepay
he does nothing more than stop in
and six a few won!'.
The’dance will begin in the af-
ternoon aim continue lar into the
night. Larry Sherman at Bonne-
xille and Jim
Merrill at tin
Locks have each contributed l>eer
for the occasion and the liquid
amber will lie dispensed free while
it lasts. S ' the veterans are confi-
dent that everyone is going to
have an enjoyable time.
Tickets for the dance have al­
ready been jmt on sale and im ita ­
tions are out to posts of the Vet­
erans of Foreign W ars at I he
Dalles. Hood River, Portland and
other towns to make up parties
and join in the fun.
Efforts are being made to bring
in a ferns wheel, a merry-go-round
and other concessions for the pur­
pose of furnishing entertainment
for the thousands of visitors who
will want to make a holiday of
their visit to the dam.
One Cent a Word
WAN IM 1 1
sons. See The Oregonian man,
W. E. Bates.
FOR R E N T — Furnished cabin.
Has light and water. Tooth
Rock Garage. Cascade Locks.
Inquire Mrs. F. J.
Cascade Licks.
and SEWING . .
Prompt attention given
all work. Mending done
for men.
Opposite Cascade Food
Store in Cascade Locks
A druggist is more than
nel who safeguards the
a merchant. He is a senti-
health of a community.
We recognize this respon-
sibility and accept it. We
are prepared to serve the
two boillc« term ed th e n orthern
i!l»trlct and the so u th ern Ul»t'• et
w ith a nerica of stam pa for each.
Japune*«* colonists In H ratll n->«r
num ber about HO.nun, aee.iril.rig to
an Investigation uinde recently with
the assistan ce of th e b u reau of In
ternntlnnnl research of lla r i i r t
university anil Itailcllffe college
They a re th e re as th e r«-«utt of a
varying stream of em igration which
began about U»)7.
T hese rol»ni»ts own about
01*1 acres. anil th e g re a te r p art of
them a re settled In th e s ta te of
Sao P au l» — wrhere they numtwr
1 i'l.HOO—a n d th e ndjolnlng «tale ..f
Minas O erae s
A f«'W thousand
live In th e n o rth ern p a rt of the
T he first Ja p an e se colony * ;ii
estab lish ed In 1912, In Iguape, Sao
1‘nulo, w here th e Overs«<ia I'.nter-
prise Jo in t Stock com pany of J • m
owna a t p resen t a p la n tatio n of
m ore th a n 1 ."»* acres. T he Im­
m igration began w ith co n tra ct la
borers, needed because th e colToe
Industry w as suffering from a
sh o rtag e of labor. P ractically all
th e Ja p a n e se In thl« region are , n
gnged In ag ricu ltu re.
T h e governm ent su b sid ised To
k<>hnma lluenos A ires line of in.-
O saka Shosen Kul»ha b rin g s the
em igrant to hla now hom e an d l •*
i supervision of th e O v r n c t i coin
pany con tin u es In I'.r.iziL
Trick» of th s T rad «
T h ere Is an unusual kind
• *eum In th e weight» and m easures
! office In t/ondon. It Is full of e v
h lhlts th a t b etray th e trickery of
I m ankind. O ne of th e stran g est 1»
a pint ta n k n rd w hich ap p ears
q u ite genuine Inside and out. hot
| alw ays show s a 10 per cent sh o rt•
age. T he trick Is due not to s
false bottom , hut to a cunning In­
ner lining. T here an* also such
things ns hollowi-d <>ut
filled with cork, ••official* sfarr'.s
forged on hnlf-plnt tum blers, ncal.-e
w eighted w ith grnnlte. and a five
gallon oil measure with a atone
w rapped In flannel wedged Into It»
base.—T it Ulta Magazine.
m in er o p e ra tio n Ut lite h o sp ital.
Mr an d Mr» W a lle t ll.ttc s an d
M i vs ( W i t h ) la n g e w ere guest»
a t th e b une of ih r la lle t ’s |u f -
r u ts . M r. anil M fs t hade-, l .m g r
of F in itio n , S u n d ay ev en in g .
■ 'O 1
11 1
M rs D a lla s M a llo tv is q ic n d
ing a few ila y s w ith her m o th e r in
P o rtla n d th is w rrk
Mr and Mrs. \ I Cook ol
Portland were Sutulay guest» at
I the K J brolliar hotur.
■ o •'
Mr atwl Mrs [aronard Liuilcr
f»atk of tiresham sprnt the wrrk-
nul with Mr an»l Mrv A. J
i (ieitncr.
—o _
Miv W riulielle Grayliral of
Imbler. Oregon, is visiting with
her sister, Mrs I. Strader.
-- o ■■■ ■
John C. Wimdward aiwi win»
i • | . Kei eth ■!!■«• \
sjirnt sexrr.d days rrcrntly al
Cedar s wamp fishing I hey rrj»>rt
a fine time and brought fwck a
nice string of trout.
\ farewell tea was given last
Fhursday at the home of Mrs. F
C. Sundy in honor of Miss Betsy
\nn Highry of Berkley. Calif . and
Mrs. F. If. Saunders, ikiughtrr of
Mr». Sundy. Ihe rooms and tea
table were decorated with gladioli,
\fritan mrrigolds and five finger­
ed ferns, (iue'ts present wrix
Mi s l < - !■ • Mr E J Brodiar
and daughter, Nell Kar. Mrs. A
Wang and daughter, Carrin, Mrs
J. Hu< e and c hilt Iren of Mosier
and Mrs. N. Iblye.
Mrs W. F Newton form Wond-
lantl, Washington, is visiting with
Miss Ilalie Knutson at Cascade
I/« k for two weeks Mi-- knot
s..n p|.in- on returning with Mrx
. , » h u rt vi it m W o o d
- o
of the An­
.>'<■■•1 tw ran «fvlpped with tab« <
drew. m a rk e t, received a v v e rr
of m m lights trbli b a n
i'.f-h across the hand Tuesday
a great d istance a re iisid In |:„
land to w arn pilots to stay clear W h i l e c in tin o meal. I h r k n d e sev ­
of sii srea containing several ered I tendon in his thumb
N eo n L ig h ts Tell F ly e r s of P eril wlrel..*» i. ,
more th an ws» r.-«-t high.
It has
been found th at the n .on w arning
lights serve efficiently In directing
the atten tio n of av iato rs to th e h a /
nrd of th e several tow ers _ __
In s cenimi ioc;ui„n near a lirin-h
( w ith a ■■ i' w to e s ta b lis h in g a d ry
goods M ore here Mr. Wilson for
chan?«L*t,n *
m e rly of I'n n e v ille , now lixes m
j \ \ a l i a W a lla w h ere he w as en-
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wilvm and
Warren ( rooks are in Cascade
Licks looking over the situation
Mgcfl in the banking business. Mr
* r 'k < "if.' from Allur i t ilif.
Th Piedmont section lying along I he two nu n are old friends of
the foothills of the itine m>h, Ostar Hyde, of the M ens Shop
D e a t h R at« L o w e s t
to b . 5 M. ,^
” J T a ^ anÌ
any territory of like slz« |n th e 1' ' “ 1'
United States,
M " r m ' ° f lh * ^
S,' ,rc
g o lden w est
C O F F E E 2 "•
Mr ». S t c w n r t •BI.UING 1 «'
i t* Lot
\\ | ( NKRY I \I >11 S’ Ml K H() s E
You C an Still Get Your Fuhing I <u Lie }{«>
R.E. A N D R E W S &CQ
Merrill’s Pavilion
Atirnisaion: 50 Cent*
I adie» Fi
Week from Saturday Night the
Chamber will »p«»n»nr a dance at
Merrill’» Pavilion.
Wc are equipped to give prompt »if
vice and feel confident that we can
handle the job to your »ati»faction,
whether a butinest card or an illua-
trnted folder on fine enamel »lock.
Letter Head» . . , Cards
Menus . . . Statements
Rill Heads . . . Blotters
Meal Tickets . . . Cirt«^